ORONO WEEKLY TLME8 LOCAL NEWS ~ On Friday evening of last week Hlancock trýavelled to Millbrook where' thley thlor-ough-ly enjoyed n evening GRAHA S E S 0 SER ICE 0f bowling. About twelve meniebers of the class were presýent with a num- R.R.. 2 - NORTHI ORONO f ber of adults. The evening was a Tefîephoneas: Garage »0 R 7 - Residene il PR 13 joyot occasion for al. The Ontario District of the Amier- o(NAL) 24 HOU~R TOWING SERVICE (NAL) ican Antique Car Association hield a dance in the Town Hall, Orono, last i Saturiday evening. Atteudance at the Tires - Batteries - A,.ccessorie-s dlance was exceptionally good with ancing being crowded at titmis. Both MAJO ANDMINO REP IRSround and s3quare dancing was fea- TUNE-JP ured for die evening. ON N E 0F C The Vestry Meeting f St. Saviour's, ON ANY MKE O CARChur-ch, Orono was held Monday ev- ening, January 28th. Ail reports were Sa good financial standing. After the *SPECIAL FOR FEBRUARY and MARCH business meeting a social chat over FREE WET WASI .. a cup of tea and a delicious lunch With eery -was enjoyed by those presiett. POIL CHANGE and GREA SE JOB Mnr.aEmm Lunn fell Iast Saturday Mrs OrieChapman returned to ber home on Sunday after visiting hier niece Mrs. Roy' Cornish, Mr. Cornish and son, -Port Peri-y. 1Have you ever been to a Dessert Tea? A numnber of the Churcli Units have had various projects ini the past. Fashioni Shows, Selling Easter Eggs, Making quilts and doils, but a new Venture is being tried by one of the groups ini diefrmo a Valentine Tea. Each mnember of the group is mnaie- ing some special dessert nd yoCu my select your choice froi a Buf- fet Table. THURSDA1Y, JANUARY 31st, 1963 Orono Hydro Commni.ý,sion Views Manager'9 s Statement local hydro system. The chairman of the Board, H. M. Mereer, also asked that the manager prepare a detaileCi budget of work for the comîng year in capital expexi- ditures. PLAN TALKS ON NEW'CASTLE'S PAST AND) FUTURE The Newcastle Chamber of Coma- merce at ts January meeting in the Queen's Hotel decided t» hold two meetings when the subject of Village planning would1 be discussed by cen- petent speakers giving mnembers of the Chamnber and othexr interested citizens an insight into the steps nec- 1Tlie. Orono Hydro Conüfnission met1 on Monday evening in the Hydro of- fice~ when' they received the mana- ger's report of the past year and con- siderations for the future. The, report revealed that a gross surplus of $4200. inçluding deprecia- lion existed through the operation of' the systeni during 1963. The net sur- plus (iess depreeliation ) amounits to around $2200&0. The increase in rates in June were estimiated to increase revenue during this period by $1000.00 or two thou- sound dollars if the increase had been over a twelve month period. Mr. Dent also ponted out that thie jaumber of kilowatt hours registered to~ the whole system wvere accounted for in the revenue within 3 percent of the total. This lie reports, proves that metering and billing functions were good and that the system losses were negligable. The weakness in the systemi seemns, dlaims the report, to bc in the faêt that froin a possible use of the de- miand only 51.5 percent is sold. This happens as a result froni peak de- mands which happen on Mondaya and Thursday mornings between Il- 80 and 12 noon. This happens, con- tinues the report, when water-heaters and dryers are mostly used duling the period of the noon mneal hour. The peaks in load are very narrow in tïime and is a factor which is affect- ing small communities at the noon period. 'Il t -a N ISBETT'S Sheil Service Cen-tre Licensed Mechanic 24 HIOIR EMERGENCY TOWING SERVICE Reasonable rates on Repairs to ail makes of Cars, Trucks and Farm Machinery WELDING A SPECIALTY PHIONE NEWCASTLE 3896 7-First Shieli Station North of 401 and South of Orono on Highiway 115 and 35 ORONO Sc, to $ SOR Ladies' Seamless Nylons, first quality, season- able shades. Sizes 9 to Il. Get the wear of three pair. a stocking for................ $1.09 For- the long evenirtgs, Jig Saw Puzzles, new pie- tures, scenery. Approx 600 pierce picture, .12x18'l Thiis is a buyer's spIecial .........59C. African Violets, large assortment of colour. Ea. 39c. SOMETHJNG NEW! Miniature Hot Houses containing seeds for Geraniuins, Cactus, Impatiens, Peanuts, CoQeus and Sensitive with-full instructions~ ho-w to grow. Each for .................... 49c. 1lanters Conitaining IHyacinth s and Paper Whites competewit po,4erthandbulb. A1.11rea-dy just aWaer Complete for only . ...... 39e.! Amaylls ulb wih ot ndsou. ,Witlh properl car shuldblom rom5 t 6weeks. Each . i DishClohs,13 nchs suar, 1oriecnib Weave Spelabnie of 6 for........ ........ 63c. Sompf4hing0 New - Peter ýponds Chiocolate Bars 10c. Valentine Cards for e-vei--,yoýne, Cut-Ou~t Bos prîcedj at' ........... 25c.and 49c. Don't forget your Valentine Sweethearts Feb. l4th pvist us icyoou can spen a de- In furthering the report and the I lght mutie gettin ecpes nd e-problem of the peak loaid Mr. Dent ligtfu ti-j getin reip ad .i-stted that we e only selling haîf1 desadas ieigomePit f what we were actually paying for' ings y a ocalartît. tif thie load was on a more even keel throughout the day and night. The At a meeting of thLle ScottCommait- loeal Coýmmissioin must pay for its tee, held in the Oro-cno Municipal hydro at. the peak dlemandi during BuligWednesday ni-fht, MNr. Les. the month but selîs hydro on a vo- Aset ws lete pesdet.lume basis. The manager poinl-ted out! that thousand of dollars couIld be Mi% . W. Rickaby, Toro,,nto ls visi- saved if some of this highi peak could Mr.be eliminated. Ten or twenty dryer Îing with h iis sister Mrs. Hebei, Souch lt operating during- the peak pe riod and( Mr. and Mrs. Car Bllings. could make a treendmous dlifference Mrs. J. F. Stevenson is visiting lier Sae h aigr Fon r. ad M-Sý . Se-veiso, in -Ia his estimates for 1963 the gross Detroit. suriplus is expectedi to amounit to a sum 0of $5,000. This with $2500 in hord9 wol llow for a capitol ex-. GOLD SEAL CONGOLEUM CongoIeum enables you to instail a bright nwmodemr floor in such a short time ami for just a few dollams Youli1 find the very paýttern that yiu've lieen looking for and you'll love the glWMng 2Congoleuim coours tilat freshen up any room. We h~ave it ini three widfts. Prioe - 6 ft width - per running foot 69c- 9 ft. width - pe running foot .... $1.03 12 ft. widttU - per nning foot t $1.65 H'igher priced Wallpoapers in assorted patterns jnd colIours at clearance prices. Ea lot ensist of fron 1I 4t ~r, 1 ois or natural groýund[. Regu'lar $1.25 per yd îf)r only 49eý WVine-cGloured Drapery with a goild threa4. 'ideail for cuishiîons. Regular $2.95 per yard SALE PRICE, per yard ...........95e. Armstronges Store Operi Monday penditure 0f $7,100 taking into ac- count an estimated loss on the sale of the bonds. However the report pointed out that a new policy of the Commission having to pay 1n1 advance the monthly power bill an additional $20000 would be needed this year thus reduclng monies for capitoîs works to a sumn of $5100.00 It was also estimated that a t least $10,00û would be needed this year f or capital works such as new construc- tion, and expansion of service. The manager stated that hie would be lokIýng into a ýsystem 0of coiitrol- ling thé short peak demand per i which he f elt was caused by dryers. The report also touched on the in- otallation of wafer into Orono this yecar with the possibility of the Comn- mission becom)ing a Publie Utiiity. looking after both hydro and water. This. he srd v Icd also pose pro,- bilnis ila setting up. A motion was passed by the Comi- mission to the affect that a survey be made of the dryers in the Village anid during what, peiods they were generally used and if tLhere would be any objection to controlling 'the use to certain periods in order that more cnmycould (!bý e reaiz-ed in the O MobliPstora Rev S. E. Long SýUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 CJHURciH SERVICES Orono -- 11:00 an Leskard- 1:45 p.mi. SUNDAY SCHÜOOl Orono - 10:00 am. Leskard - 1:45 p.m.I Kirby - 2:00 p.iu essary for, planning in the Village. The first of these talks on "e castie Yesterday" wili bc given a the Februray annual mneeting by Mt. James P. Lovekin of Toronto 'who iua prepared a history of the early day,: in Durham County. Anyone interestedý are cordially invited to these met mngs. The miembers discussed the eipt2,4 stores on the Main street and it waý suggested the former Helen's Gn.i- place for the Pulic Utilities Oft-Ice- ceteria property would~ make a good, It was thouglit it could be purehased for a reasonable price and have tha Utilities Offices downstaîrs and reni,, the upstairs apartment. It would bï) In a convenient place next to the, bank anci opposite the Post Office, But it was said thie P.U.C. were nû4- interested. It was stated the Holuben, ko property la going to be renovateýi this year. s- N N N N ne KInd to Bleaehed And Theited Hair C E RadHudnu CLE RSH"gEAN "*m S HAMPOO $ 1.69 value for $149 79c value for '6C STUTT'S PHARMACY 01RONO, OINTIAEBIOPHONE 16M, Open AHt Day N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N N N N N N k -~ N ~ N 'N s, N N N s, N z N N N N N N -4 I N N N r N N N N N N s 'N N N N N i N