Curse Éerly cold, ýr a starless, erican-built oung whîte sixty miles ad h4ighw,ýay and Potgie- 'vaal, itheir laVe )rward tVo a played the uichïirdV, 9a ew, the ciienced ,le higla- )h and ching a spot 'een the two venty miles tretchedot hcame. as the ef V the r half -a- ing Vo a re. was talken Vo police in Pietersbtirg and ioroughly, 'but ox- id no fasit. And a and a post-mortemi tnone. of Vihe young j anything stronger cdrink. id Constable C. 3. 'd no reasonl why Ver, Smit was calledl t)ot midnight. This e wost road disas- 'er 50015. non and their wivos wjay home in thoir merican car and at n a few yards of st fatality had (,c- 1collided fread-on ritaining, two Bantu copie hiad died îni- way, morle tisan ,e wïde, was bonei s' at Pue- s away et (head- -ies and -side o! SUGGESTS TRUCE Wfl'H RED CHINIESE - Soviet Premnier Kh1 ushchev, addressing the Eost Germari Commrur>st Porty Congress in East Pei-lin, sijggestý a truce. in his quorrel with Communist Chirna. Al lbut tJ'e hinese clelegotes cheered l'ils tise roaçi. and yet a car ploughed into them from behind, tie overtuirned, kîilinig the driver. Again tisere was abundant prooPf that thie drivr had hadj n othing strong Vo drink anld VhaV the car's headlights were fui] on. IV was at this stage, at the be- ginining o)f last August, tisat Smsjt heard stranige muttorings among tise Bantu in Pie ersburg. The highway, they said, was ctirsed at this spot. Thïs was because a witch duce- tor, an oILd man namied Motauing, ha-d beeni killed on that road, wi.thin a few yards of where the latest crop of fatal accîtients oc- cured. Motaung had been walking back Vo) Pieteusburg oni an ice- coid winter's niglat when a car came up behind hlm and kilied iim nstantiy. The driver had been exonuerat- ed when lhe said that the. old mars had been walPing in the centre o! tise highway, and was practi- cally invisible, being black-skin- ned ai-d dressed ahl ù black. "They sisould have burieci.Mcp- taung's dlolosses," a Bantu detec- ice toid H-ead Constable-, Smith, "IV is the custom among miy people Viat when a witchà doctor dies his dolo-sses must be buried with hlm, otlserwise death will corne Vo anyone who touches ffhons." Dolosses are animnal bones used by a witchl doctor ir. Africa Vo fo.reteil the futtire and withuut tise lho is supposedlty helpless. B~ut what happened tý Mo- taiung's dolosses, theni?" Smit. a-sked. He was oid that, when, the old man was killed lais dolosses were scattered over Vhihghway and no one bothered Vo collect Viemi and to bury tiem with tbh, re- Hlead Constable Smit drove Vo Vise spot heue thse fatahities- had occurri and tuied Vo find whült rernaîned of the- old man'sý dollos- ses, but he found nothing except Vlny pieces ofboe ln Pîetersburg andi Potgieters- rust the ,oad has lu, the pasl few months bo-came known) as "IThe H-ighway of Death." Few dais te drive along it at nîg-lst, Ansd since a man was kiled in .bromd daylight whiie speeding a losag Vhe saine stretch o! road, shme are beeiming afraid of it even in daytimre. The nman's cdeath re-main n expla.ined: in broad dayliit, on a eold but clear day. wthun- limited] vibilîty and ~a early- new,, car, ho Ieft Vthe high.way of higli speedi, over-t[1red a ý1do;en times and was killed. SmîV hunted back .lhruhthe r7ecords and found that the pro- viouis year there had been, only two or three very in ou acci- dents on the entire stretch of road and no fatalities, yot sud- denly, over a eight-.weekç peuîod,. seventeen people wvere killed. Ton cf those. died almost on the identical spot where Motatig wam5 killed, tise others wlthln a' ile. Thse Bantu say that tise acci- dents aie causpd becaus. Mo- taung anse-aras sderilyn vrasth* 'g sQ Gets 51 Years For Insulting Judges Lorenzo Bellanoxra just can't keep lis big mouth shirt. Ho ha- spont the past twen-ty yeausin jail. And ho stili bas thluty-one- and-a-half more years togofo biowing his t'op at judg-es! Lorenzo, forty-Vhree, can't stop însulting judg-es. So they keeip giving hlm iisentences for con- tempt of court. When a judge is inisulted j» Ialy h-e sometimces gives a th-e- year sentence. For Lorenzo, it has been a 'icî-. ous circle. Every imre he gets a new sentence, haj hits the roof. And so he gets a new chmge ,-and another sentence. Lcorenzo wvas originally' broughit into court for "causing a public disturbane-." The latesýt incident began wheni Lorenizo wr-ote a lutter from prison Vo the Italian Administra- tor otf Justice-insulting -hl. Heù was brouaglt Vo court in Trani last May and the jud1ge said: "'Lou)enzo Bellanovai, you arre charged with contempt of court for liavîrs, insulted the 8Ys ir," snapped Lorenzo. I'But I1nmust Say that yo'u, too, are a n-oo blankety-blank Fe trI'ed Vo rush the benIcla but the police stopped hI"Il Tbhe serng was ýposýtponed- q 4 - s atm.. W saflU fl ~ s,. coi~ ugh~against him. A few ~slater, b. wa,;s brmight Vtùýc'reusi aa ia. A doz'en' policemer, were oun hand tû watch him. Whess the Urne loir sentencing came, thie police -formed a prý- tectivPe circit- arounid Lorenzo. The Judge tuclked another e"-igh- teen mnonths on, Vo the tiisrty Years he stili t. o sêrve-aqr thetn tensed him self for. the usual Qxpicoi. Lorenzo caliy looked at th(e iudge-and sat down. JFor the ifirst time i tw 'venty years, ho dfidn't opien hîs is roth. The police think hie must be getting sft Fright Sends Goats Into A Trance A man believes h2 roins fouir o' the world's rarest goats. Thê, goatis suifer from a nervous di,%- ease calied myotonia - anaîamic- tion whîch makes thenia miffen up Iand go into a trance whenever tbey are frightenied. The owner of the anUnals, Den- msBalesb tof BoSiihamn, Teca., Clainis that there are fewer than Iwe!ve aLl êasywhere~, A thunder clap, a loud shout, the laiig Dfa e hc.ýn- these a tr-i'ee,ýô aminute ofcer, When they are startled they roll :over o l itstheii bçeeksýfret îj» th ai,.and lbecoDrfie as stiff as aý bo1t causeýsth~e goats tD t,.. bave lhke thiýs? l i sbelie-ved hat t-he aninaais are unable te. make adeiin When anytbing hap- pons that frightens Ltheisa,.they goP into a il-anco to escape deceing wvhat to do' Bale,57 goats have becûrno such a falnour attraction that viewing theni is a "must" for every, visi- toi to B3onham. One rec-ent visitor was MIV. Eisenhower, the ex- jPresid1ent, of the United St3tes. After inspecting themr he wanit- ed to buy them. Baies explairted about their inabilitlv to make de- cisions - but that only made Eisenhower want them ai] the 'more, and hie offered a fabulous price. But Bales îefused. Humnan beings seem Vto upset the goats Most of al. t is impos- sible, Vo toueh fthen) \without send- ing them into a trance. This mak-es msilking hem awk- ward. The moment Bales touches hier, the onie nervous nanny goat in the four just stiffens up anid flopsi over, legs pointing heaveni- So Bales inilks lier upside- dlow. But the miik is mnostly wasted as the pal]J cannot catch the milk. How Con I? Dy Roberta Lee Q Iwcan 1 soften liquid glule? A. Vin egar w11] soften liquid that has hardened in the bottle. Q, What is a good "homeinade" polish for finoleuln? S A. A i-qxture of equa[ parts of tbick, boiled starch and tbick-, warm a oapsuds rmakes àfine1 polish forlinioleumn-. 1V preserves the finish of -the lin-oleum, and m-akes it uesistant Vo so Ling. Q. flow can 1I dean the smnoked areas On a brick or Stone fire- place?ý A. Ccwer wlth a paste ciade of concentrated ammnonia and pow- dered Let this paste ro- main on -for about two hours, then scuub off with hot water and soap, rinse with eleir water, and let dry. 0f wholesale supply sources tt!e~i tipi opporiunlties Doz&ns o~ ire. ant! hard-to-ftndItenss~ plus un. O. K. £shbee. Box 267. Burk's FilEs. On. EVER HAPP~N TO YOU? By BIoIc, BU2SINESS OPPORTUNrnES Vrocts t flnendsNe iýnvestnsenû, cars vassing o- ipnineneeessýary Writ North Anae'rkan Pashioua Pocks Ltd., 3411e mdusalI Bvd., Dtpt. J-T96, Montreai 39, Que. COIK UOBO ALL rrew T96?I - 21)ù Pages - Just re- icaset! 'The Ga&deb,)ok af Cancadiarsr Coins" plus 2rnt! edition j 1963 "GUi, de. book of, Great B-rittis'sCoinls." Tw-,e 'vaulasie bok nvoluire. Lists tiie pries collectors psy .foril i ns.ow ioq easn become nc uililotrmet! Anthie great money hobhIiy. Pl-evýossy soua aeparately ,,$&00, now a great value f Oi *350 egency Coiri, 7 Rupert, Wiaa. nipeg, Mai tobq, FARM HEUR' WANTrEIS MALE WANTEfr a marrted mxant-, at ( years 01 ae Mvixst bave imilttilig ex- '0ene a enioy working with cuivs. « ad'tY to' bu respoensibie for the feedIng and rrriillting of 80 tern seys. GOOitliving and! workidng corçd!.. tions. Appiy- Stoney Crook lDiiryPua ",.L No. 2, St. Ansont., or pho4.., 'Weiïandiport 396-632?. MM.LE SALES MELP WANU FULL OR PART TIME A-RXý^ounovseihnsg oedo yen' ivisi ta. ftà fbenivehave- an openîürg f . oq y'ý Preattge Amozricary Cnwpeny emec fsg opeiratione. lasCanada s'eqsaires salee staff te ltaivduce eaux r augrasas ors au a basI3. h csunissIora ossary but car an asset. Oui trining 12.ethSroot, Toronto T4, ont. BEACNFIONT MOTEL HXCELLEUT OPPORTIJNITY FOP RETPtEES SARýASOTlA. Siesta Ke, Crescent Bleach., 4 srcnlind fiintspluas à 2-bedr'oosum i, dehasse apartlmest Aa] completely fuarnixbed includlng TV,. orwaer avil? finance. phono S5orasof4I 924-4192> or write P,0-. Box 2406, Ciüe- fend 12, Oii;o. L)VESTOCK Ï"01% ele-Registcred, aPrnig g uein sey coava & helfexs with R.OF. baCklnrg, OnPitîfb.rr'Y Au'hur, R..R. 1 Lîkeside, -Ing. vaccîjnate!, TýB. and blood tested Grades or peurebreds. Haroid i4olliday & So, plion 989-J2,R::3Me. Forest, JERSYS or sle:i hve a select groupi of heavy sprlnglng cowirs registecrea, sount! and! young. We can financo these wlth rno dom- payasent and 36 montbsq to psy, Ross Butier, 742 Pavey St., Woodstock, telephone LE 7-8155. OF iNTEREST TO ALL JUS1 RELEASED! 1963 Tressure-troveo CARNTHA ~ FRANCONIA t ARANI C A RINT HIA ~ PilNEFW UN '03 - The Lido Iook to Rotterdam! Carm riia Tourlst nlght club, enterta1nment . Carmania French & Gernan-speaking stewards Services Calis al Rterdam, starting May 10 10% Reductiàn SPRJNG SAILINGS FROM MONTREAL& QUEBEC CARMANIA Apr, 19, May 31 Cobh, Havre, Southampton I for Rond-Tnp CARI NTH IA Apr. 26*, May 17 Greenoclk, Liverpool in Thrift Season CARMANIA May 10 Havre, Southampton, Rotterdam ~ Pay ater- ee - SAILS APR, 27 FROM QUEBECj Your Travel Agent. ~~z r Corner Bey & Wellingtoîn Sts.aM à Toronto,, Ont. b< M 'wu'L a_ - Mc Tel. M2 2911 ~ i UI \ < L F 1C0 '1 Lz CARINTHIA ~CARMNI.A =~.FPîANflCori1A LOGS WANTED WANTED WMàtt Ash and Hart! MaiS.Log. gaZ1 icamb pries paid. Phone or writ@ e Hafandes Limilod; St, Thomas, Onit*ârl MF, T-0330, MEDICAL GOO0D ADýVICE! EVERY SUFFERERe OF RHEUMjWATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOUJLD TRY DIXONWS REMEDY MUINRO'S DRUG STORE ff5 ELGIN, OTTAWA, $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE ZI.rSB the tonnent of dry eceâ bf:eesant! weeping akin robh Eczemna wifl not disappolat 'o kli»gsealdlng and! buring ce assirilgwprni, pimplfes etfi ootm seýzemna, wil respond readlly to tho$ -' nes, odDorleass olaiment regardleuf 14 V. stubbcôrn opi bopaiesa tbey seen. SentP"0 FPros on Reipi of Pric*e iPRIcE ý 5.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenu, Euet Toronto OPPOTUNIIESFOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .ONCANADA'S LEADING SCIfOOL Greâli Opportunlity Learn Hairdresulng Plemsani dignifiet! profession goo,, wages Thou01sands Of sucressfai Mlarrve] raduatesý Araeléae's Gîeatest Systeas mlrrstrated Catalogue Free Wite or Cal] Marvel Hoirdressing SchouoI 358 Bloor st W~., Toronto Branch es 4 KaSi W Iamilton 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa OLD COINS WANTEO POPE Ial buy your gold, silver. and copper coins, Send your list te: John Pcop. Coins, Box 224, Dayton 1, Ohio PERSONAL BE fixaito wear beautiful prue JewýelrY3, that Royalty would wear witis prlde. Fnnther information write: Ash. te. Interprises. 58 Jones Street Osk. viîle, Onario. BIBLE UNDERSJANOING îS POSSIBLE foi aida ro Bible Study, free Wrîte christadelphians. Br)-,"811., rniod Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE DRUMBO -al1CR house, fui] price $3,000, suit re. tiret! couple, seen by appointmaent. fP. C. Srown, Real Estite Broiter, Orumbe. Phonoe4"3-3216. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS -OKET! "Make Money wiba ap Camera", TIwznty differenti, piravez, methads. Spare, part full time. Cor- ï et -nsrutins $.6.Larry HWhei, cle -int rutigons. columbug 1. Ohale'. 1 EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? sy slak*