"KLY TIMES ail, Post 0Office Department, Ottawa 938 by K. A, Forrester - Editor and Manager Probing eNational Fanm Radio Forum states *al thousand young fanm people, higli abers and Junior Farmers it was (le- i f cancer opportunities and financial roung people who may qualif y for col- iis is so and not only in rural areas or tend thein education beyond the secon- ipart o! our educational system in d assistance through this media. Yet ividual and information will have to bc This responslbility the student bas to A student lnterested in the printing trade, for instance, should first make a study of this industry to determine the branch iii wlich lie or she may like to follow. The trade varies from pressmen, to make-up. linotype operators, photo engraving, binding etc. There are also many different divisions of printing fromn letterpress to off- ~set, lithographing, witli each requiring special trades for thieir oper- ation. This is true of. al formis of industry and it is also true that we k.now so littie of the opportunities that are available within each of those industries. A study of the syllabus of any university or of trades courses seems a good starting point, whether or not one wisbies to continue on to university and we must face the fact that the great majority will not proceed any furtiier than higli school. We have bkeen amazed to Icarnlof -the careers open to graduat- ing students f rom colleges such as O.À.C. and in the agricultural field. The business world also holds many opportunîties front business administration1, to accounting, financing and scores and scores of others...... With the miany changes in the world today and wîth the host of technical advances, opportunities are opening at an ever increasing rate and of course to keep pace with the new opportunities one miust probe to a greater extent than was necessary some twenty years ago. Probing for this information could prove most interesting and rewarding. Positive Policies Needed Indecision on the part o! the Government has brought Canadians toD face a federal election nu April 81,h. Much has been said and wvritten during the past week on eývents at Capital Hli with -little.re- g-ret to the dissolution of Parliament, Tuesday. Atogat the timie, defenice was miuch to the front it has a-il resulted from lack o! definite policies in defenice and trade and, _possibly ini other branches. The policy to please evron a"s failedt. In dlefence Canadla must consider the role she has to play in th-je pr)ioteuctioii o! Northi America and isolation1 froi thé Un1itedl States 15 impossible. This doecs not zuean that Canýada woCuld, lose her sovereîgn rghts but w-ould act as a partner with a commi-on cause. ln trade the ,Fon. G: Hees and his departýment have been most energ-etic and hiave gained miuch- for Canada in this field. This however, has been done under what mnust be adverse condlitionis With our present trade policies. Great Britaîn endeavoured to open the door for a new era in trade with Canada i1958 but this was quickly shelved by the government only to criticize and lament when Great Britain looked elsewhere for trading agreemients. The "oni again", "off ag-aini,' "too late again" policy will flot accomplishi anything for .Canada. What Canadians wilI now look for are positive policies frorn' ail four parties. Slogans an-d visions -have long passed the board as lias double-talk. Ail parties should accept this responsibility wVhich al 'have lacked in the past. Policies on defence , trade and growth should be stated clearly i order that the voters imay decide their wisdom. Conferences on flaga an ard anthemas, bicu!Luraiism and visions of Canadian greatniess can well watt until our tundamental naiýtional probJlems have been. faced bravely and solutionrý proposed with OY L Bowm anville FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Il 121 KID G Al.dLLAHI'A D Elvai, Presley, Gig Young,, Joan Blackmian STJNDAY to~ WEDNFÈSDAY, FEBRTJARY 10 - 14 The Manchuriai Candidate Frank- Sinatra, Laurence Harvey, Janet Lelgli Aduit Entertaiienit ORO0NO WEEKiLY TIES ThfSAFEBRUAI.Y 7th. L6 Letter to the Eclto like taking a breather. spienci so much tmeiiding a ochool ltr Your editorial remindcd me O!fUIl bus. This achool la doing a Vcry finet The Editor, story in the old Public S(ho l ede job acording to Inspectors' eports. I v i Orn ekl ie.entitled "You Paid Too Mucli For The Clarke chool dd fot cot any- _ ~ U ii f OrnoWekyTies - îs thing like what you rported in your c e i n o DAa Sir: ou paper prior to the Officiai opcning A fw yarsagoUicBoard was adIwudlk ogv o oefg Dli writing this letter 1 trust yo u havng al diffcult tîmie arriving at a udres ýon this eto wieek. III V V I ,g ow not thikmentoocticae ut a decision as to where thle next school You referred to Victoria Colunty as m e s i r n onewhobastakn a ucivepar i eshod e bit eueCourtice, hà.ving only two achools and, as a Ofirecingayeuini the bsnsaDusraimNwat Millbr'ook and Orono wcre result, have a more faVOUrable teach- The regular monthly meeting o!, o! Sconary ductioi inUicDur ai al wanting one. Ybu wcre one o! a er pupil ration with respect to cost. Uhc directorate o! the Orono andDit County Higli School District, I feel comimittee o! three, appointcd by in- 1oeeyuddfo a ntîg itCei no a edo a Dïi tha ceta~ fata houd b meitine tccstd ctizns o sc wat .555tabout tic cost of transportation andl22nd ini the Co-op Building, Oronoý, here Cat v, %e omltted in your cdi- ance could be given Io getting a you did flot say whetlier the parents with Mr. Chias. Gilkes prcsiding. tonaýl last weck entitled "71 0 MANY school for Clarke. Several trips werc and students werc happy with having Treasurer-Manager Mr. A. Louckjýs SCHOOLS?' ' ' sa made to Mvillbrook and a similar only two schools.Uifat reported the assets were i exces- off Firstly, 1 wish t a h odrcoinittee thiere was assured by you , if one were to examineth am $23,O000 There are 145 members aiqà what promted you to pose this ques9- that they wýould have Uic support of more carefully one woukt !ind tliat 41brrowcrs at.pen. tion at this time. I feel that the Dist- the Clarke Representatives o! the1 Victoia outybs4n1 toseoos rict Board bas gone through a very 1 }oard to vot"e ijo a ýschoo1 àli Mi not by popular vote, but because Uic Mr. W. Farrow neported for the dificltpeiodtrin t deid o bookifthy ould support a vote for tLwo large centres whcre the ochools Credit Çom^mttec that Uinee loanN Uic most suitable accommodation a school in Clarke. The Clarke site arc îocatcd bad a large niajority o! were appnoved ini December. Plans, that it has been necessary to provide *lhen wýas just to the iorth o! Orono, representatives on the School Board, were made for the anatial meeting o,,n for the large increase in the number 'ic scool3 ere not built in the s a result, mAny students ride as February 25. o! students during Uic past ten years. order we had hoped for but eventu- m'uch as forty miles on a school bus[_________________ The taxpayers have faced this in- ally Millbrook and( Courtice did get îeeyday. In addition to this, thieyvrsaiacr. crease in taxes very bravely, to say a schlool and because the Clarke site ca ae yopr netaCriua rsthati hat Ihae tte h the lcast, and 1 am sure thc Board \vis not acceptable for a school in ;activities and social funictions of the i nfins oalcnend Memnbers have donc their utmbst to Clarhe, thJýpresent site was finally school. i nfins oalpnend sec that their tax dollars have been agrced upon. Il, is easy for anyone to bc wise Yours ,tnuly, ýspent a-s wiscly as possible. With the The Millbnook school, although iiter the event but aftcr an examina- C. Tamblyn, completion of Uic Clarke Higli School smnal i size, dos ake it possible tion o! the facts I f ulIy believe that Clarke Representative and the ncw vocational wing at Por't foi, stucients ini that area to get a high time will prove thle placing o! High Durhami County District HLgh Hope I believe cveryonc must feel Séhool education without having to SchiooLs3 througottisDsrc t eSholB1d YouIImake mthe Wisesc2.choiece whichever Chevrolet you choose!o These four different cars are alike in one very im- Chevrolet with ils Jet-smioothi ride, Iuxury and styling. portant way. Eaeh is a Chevrolet. That means any one Chievy Il with its parkable size, sparkling perform.- wll give you more for yourmoney in p)erformance, ance and outstanding fuel economy. Corvair with beauty and eomfort. . plus far greater m orth at rear engine manoeuvrability and the instincts of a trade-in time. However, each of these fine sports car. And the new Corvette Sting Ray, cars lias its own 'way of being distinctive, - North America's nost exeiting car. So, too, because each is tailored to the interest M M 7 wh1ichevýer your choice, you can be sure it'& of a certain kind of buyer. There's our big Keeps 6oing Greaf a %wise one. W hitewal tirsuotio,2 e extra cati. h) of(oTTO), '6jUd Uflevy il N o' o 40Stioi on , (Jhev olet~impu A GENEIZAL MOTORS VALUM c.cvete Stiug Ray Sport Coi enudC'r'vair Monz Clb Coupf!e. be sure to see BonanZa on the CBC-TV network ea-cb udy Check your local listing for channel and tirne. .- o BO WmINYJLLE ROYW NIHOLS PHONE 728-62a6 4 ~4 i s