BLADE ROAST .... LB. 5e BLADE ROAST . LB. 55c CASH SAVER! --Vou Save 6c! - Fancy Quallty - M.Ned. Small 15 oz. Ti4 Green Giant Pe;as 3 for 53 CASH SAVER! - You Save 9c! - ]Bofton Brown -2 O ûn. Tins York Peanut Butter 'dai Sunspun - ½'j Gallon ICE CREAM 89c Golden Hour Assorted 1 -lb xo CHOCOLATES 89C Godn Hour Lb. Celi4 POPPING CORN 19C Featuire! - Free Plastic Toy i - Instan.t Chocolate TWVIINK 1 lb bag 59c Feature! Y fou Save le - Deluxe DUNCANIUNES CAKE MIX 39c Feature! - You Save 6c - Chicken - Bec! - Turkey Biîrds Eye Dinners 59c Featuire! - You Save 22e - 12e off Paek MAPLE LEAF - 21 oz. Plastie Liquid Detergent 69c BLADE ROAST . ... LB. 55e- Valentine Feature! BU Y 2 PAIRS AIND GET 1 PAIR FREE! Reg. 79e Value - Pull Fashlined Ail 3 Pair SUPREME Feature! - Yotu Save 5e! PINEAPPLE-GRAPERUIT 48 oz. Tis 2 tor Stokleys Ping, 73c Von Save le! SoIId White Meat - GDLD SIEAL Tuna Fi-sh 7 oz in 39e Feature! - Stuffed- Manzanilla Loose Pack - Save 4c! - & oz. Save 6c - 16 oz. Aylmer Olives 33c 59c BLADE RO AST -..- LB. 55C BLADE ROAST .... LB. 55e BLADE ROAST .. LB. 55e BLADE ROAST. Report From OttawaI 30 Janluary, 1963 consent to suspend are contair I', would be difficuit to imagine a, a Standing Order of the T4u mor dngros reednt tan the Com-mons which provides tha one suggested to Parliament last each session of Parliament the week when- Mr. Diefenbaker asked ernment wiIl introduce six Si unanimous consent of ail memibers1 Motions. The Supply Mo1ýtion isç; togv p their right to debate fiveý quest by the government for t mo-re Supply Motions. A Supply Mo- proval of certain estimates dE tien is the method by which the mem- in the motion an-d consent tG ýrs of the opposition parties air the spending of the mioney set out J grievances of the people. The Prime Estimates. A diligent Parlia Minister also asked «Ihe opposition wvill, on each Supply Motion, eýxa to pnrove the entire Six Billion the Estimiates and enciuire as tL On rmo ned ' In 1'rndPerr use 0if ized to vý it in ti(ns wîtl Lhu p- Plt at a re sft P o Che rqett iament re , n amine shah irs o hew f atos aLuli tblerkwas ;authlor- vrite the U7nion Sebeeol se(.- -nthe Tewnsbiliip Sec- 20, 22, 21 and 25 and refer ublie Sehls Act llin wbic riens may)be issoved. A thatteyas meet wltb a 'e 0fý Counc'h'Vas pooe t he Tonsipo!Dar-lltgton iagree tecarry eut shrilar spending estimates for, 196263 wt the 'onl is to be spent. Mr. J. L. Woweryýi was appointed speed which would gIve members a 1FvbigUeol cýhance to do little more than appîy1 Only one of the necessar-y six -u-Vù-l l Isete1en.teol ai rubber stanip. 1ply Motions has been mioved by the ipiatfrti oiin governmnent. Even a hasty examin-Coni approved thie agreement, Thsstrlngsgesinwihcto would take two or- thlree mionths. ý - on motion 0f Chater andl Foster, be- wn,ýs rejected by the Liberal and N.D. Bowý% are aIl the Estimates for .1962-63ten the Township of Clarke and P. parties, should cause us to reflecttobexmndborMac 1t"tePîeVilgofrnoCpeso o7n the growth of our parliamentary ob .,tiindbfr ac 1t lVlagofOn.Cpesf in.stitution which developed from a i Al ibis tics in witb "Interim Sup- he agremn r epovddt primitive counceil of nobles and whieh ply". This device is used by t h cnend býas served as a mnodel for many i House of Comimons to give the gov- A grant of! $25.00wa passed for thie c(untries. errnment money with wbichi to carry Orone Horticultural Society. The decisive struggle in ',le evo- Ion fromi the start of the financial in connection with the request of the lutien ef parliament was foughit 300 year(prl1t)utl1h etmte rono Police Trustees for the Town years ago between the parliamiýenta ry for that year have been examined, 'b )f e! Carke to establishi a Town- leýaders in England and Charles 1. amiended and passed by thie House . ý ibrar it w;as resolvedl on mio- Money was the w-eapon that parlia- 11n other words, the Bouse of Com"- ut'ionf Stonie and Poster that council m-ent used to impose its will on the mnons gives the governmient an ad- take nojý action at this timie to estab- ing. Whllen RKing Charles failed to vance, on faith, we might say, tocr ha nmunicipal Library in Orono. mnake ends meet lie summ-oned Par- ry it over until the House hias had ai liament to vote hlm morei oney.i chance to examine the plans a>'nd CoIuncil recessed to meet again on1 When Parliamient refused to dosorjet on which the govcrnmen Thursday evening. unýtil the King considered certain roposes to spend the year's supply. ____ - _gievances o! the people the Ring dis- 'TIese advanccs are called 'nei fPraet nlJigteMm~ selved Parliament in a rage. Spi7 rDrafee-l strongly ta the King Charles then lost control of Becafise the present governmient Housiý-e of Commnons, wViibs b things and eventually, still refusing lhas not submnitted its 1962-63 spendingcduty o' safegiiardingl the taxpjayer's to: accept the control o! Parliament, Estimates to Parliament th'le govern-0money, would flot be justîfied in ai- be' was behieaded. The form o! tyran- ment lias had to ask for, "Interimi lowing- the governiment another ad- ny practiced by is successor Oliver Supîy" ,agan ndagi. us b-vance when that adv,,ance would bring Cromwell was no more acceptable te fore Christmas it asked for moIne th e total amnount Of money ad1vanced the English and in 1660 tbey decided fo'h ot !Jaurta sfrfouexand purposes toeeven- toD restore the monarcby, and at the tenl-twvelths of the 1962-63 total. This tw-lelÏttis of the entire total for the ,samni time tbey ins'ured that Parlia- was granted by a výery reluctant fica ear ending Ma.rcb 31, 1963. metary evermen was restored Bouse o! Con-mmons. itzseemns incredible that the gevern- Since that tîme tbree centuries ago The talk on Par1l aiient 1ii now ment, wbicb directs the order in the powver of Parliament and particu- revolves around tweiems arising *vý hchbe business o! the Bouise will lariy the Bouse of Commions bias cx- eut o! the government's present pos- onidrd:asp. td'tsl 1it panded. 'me fundamental basis o! ition: Firstly is il net straneiattecerner wbiere there simiply is not parliamentary supremacy la the con- tegvrnbtbsues heeaî- og iessortbe Busderte on-h trio." 0fthe Bouise of Commnons over ation of spending estiiates t e te 1 nil uiesta udrtecn taxation and spending. With financial very end o! the year when the plans îutn and tbie Rules o! Parliament control Parliament is supreme. It is nd prejeets alread-y bave been com- n tb oe ftatfnnilbsn said that without it the House o! Cern- pleted, or are about te be completed? es ý's is net donc the goverrnment wxill nis would mnerely be a debating so- Secondly, how is the geveriinment go- b ave te bring on a ewection. ciety. ing tçp get mioney te pay its buils foir Russell C. Honey, The Rules Mr. Diefenbaker asked its eleventh xnonth. Many Members, M.P. - Durha.. Port Hope Meets With H.S. Board Members "The cost to the town of Port Hope now back to five." for high school education was $10,0lO0 The Reeve suggested the Board *n 1950, but since the town-i entered the consider a staggered shift system at Durhami County District Higb Sebool the schools to reduce the number of Area the following ye-ar the cost hras teachers and thereby reduce salary steadily climbed to $217,000 ini 19632", costs. Be also suggested they look said Reeve R. C. Everson as councýil inte the possibility of purchasîng ,vas about to hear a report f romi three some buses of their own, to see if it memibers of the High Sehool Board. would save mroney in transportation Dr. R. P. Richardson, W. C. Reyes costs. and Dr. J. T. McilCreeryv presented a1 "We are trying to operate with an report on Higb Sebool 'Board opera- austerity programn," said Reeve Ev- tin to oncil. erson, "but with expenditures rising "There is notbing on the floard's with the boards and commissions it budget that shoulcln't be there," said becornes impossible to reduce tax Dr. McCreery. rates." Reeve Everson said Port Hope was 'W prcaetefc htýon aigthe largest share of the "eapeit h atta on Roard's expenses -- 30.15 peri cent. Dril Mc an cnm problem,'" said He said Bowmanville was second 'D.MCreery, "and we are worried with 22.34 per cent and Darlington about the saine thlng." third with 19,.43'.*,Be assured council that costs should Mlllbroo)k was reported the lowest decrease somewhat in the next few contributor, paying only 1.9 per cent lyears, as it is assumed that there is of the total, yet Reeve Everson said sufficienlt ho accommodation now