ORONO WEEKLY TIMES is Slieed Bacon Nutritious Sliced Liver EXTRX Total of$2 RECÎFIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WiTHl POPULAR BERAN» CIGARETTES (411. of 2W HAllLO sHAMPOO - Reg, or Dry Spec. Size RI~EIV $4)0IN BOýNUS TAPEIS WITH OMO DETERGE-NT Gi!ant Size YO 1 EANUT BUTTER 16 oz. Jar: $2.010 IN BONUS TAPES WITH NK - Fruit, Grape, Orange, Pineapple Erit 48 oz. Tini 'RS - ]Polar Brand Frozeni Pkg. of 4 MEATS - Tablerite Sliced 6 oZ. Pkg. -No. t Grade 3ý lb. Cello Bag lb 79c lb 29c Farmhuouse u oe APPLE PIE"ý WihFriee Book- "Ir. Search of the Castaways"l) Lady Beth CH~ OLTE MAUSHROO M S 10 oz Ln CAKE MIXES 19 oz pkg Beitty CrckrW.Yhie or Dark Chiocolate FROSTING 161--o 24 oz 45c Il lb box 87c -e fo9c 2 for 69C 2 for 69c É)z pkg 39c Florffda Famnous Indiani River G R AP"E F ROUIT Firui - Irported U.S. No. 1 (Grade Green - limporteIj U.S. NO. 1 Gradle L. ttuce head 19Q"c Beair l 23C Ontario Growni Delilous U.S.A. Imported No. 1 Grade Bunchi Mushirooms lb 519c Carrots. 2 for 29c Hosptaility - Thurb., Fri., Sat. Only AàPPLE PIE Ii1 j C othUe ii O~I4LOne no0t winining a gaine yet) they wh corne out victorîous. The score inte Bantain gamne wýas 50-13 for Courtïc with Dominic Gallelo as high soe for Clarke. Iff the Junior gamne Co, '- tice -Won again 49-20, Idso Weirszuo was highI scorer. Congratulationus Courtice butmab next timie we wh do betterl Plans are now udiwyto piig duce the First Clarke Highl Scl Year Book. The committee, under a direction 0fl Mr. Amesbury is dowg its best to giveý the students ama- zine fthat wil 2over ail the 1imports.,nt events in the school year. So,eey student is urged to buyv a magazine t rernemiber those -good oie dy" '62 - '63. Thle Students' Couincil is maikingi ,(ossibjle for, eey student to hv 1-ho :1rig iftbey O dsire30 1ns ave thle schol 1crecSt andmto on thiem anid are being urhae fr'om Tropliy Craift thriough the Su dents' Council. The Council is as selling, School Crests. These t 'wo itemls will be a %vu-t remlemnber ouir high School days a Clarke. Rounid About Us ELECION OVERuthrfoD,% Archibald will be BYDUIA NDP - speaking on fertilizers andnurto Durham riding's -New Democratic in the orchard. Mr. Heexley and Mi Party %vil] select aý candidate later Rultherford will be reporting on n~ this month for> the next federa l- fertilizer triatl resuits. ection. This was dïecie at an executive Wed(., Mar. 13 - BlackstockCon meeting held in Hampton Fiday vMunity Centre - Dr. C. 3M. Swit.zer. "iht.twllehednPotHp Dr Switzer will be discussing Cei SaDy, February 23. in ort cal Weed Control and the anrious Harry Astn, uhams pov23ia.tpes f spray equipment for ms NDHanddAsteonsoke roiyiat l e fficient results in todays srypo meing. h refyatUégram. This schiool wilI start at100 ar.11.with a<-,registration fee of $1,00, whih s uedto pay for sandwi.Vchesq lognt nd co ffee ïfor the no G. F BONYCATLEtur-hi. Thiý imeetinig will conclude at CUSNPC VHEAD 3:30pM.'>1' ený! p-esidient of the PortiHpe1,o genve Cnsrvatve Asci to PC(. prsiet asastudentAt Trin-' îtyý College School frýom ï932 to 19,35. Hie returnied toý Port Hope lasýt May' to, joinI a local law' firmaferbeing with the legal depar-tment of thel Bell Telephone- Companiy of Cainada in Moatreal for a mnmber of years. CATTLEBRE RS-NT The Annual àMeeting (0f thlc as1er Breeders Inlcol-portedfo Dr-a Couty illbe h leld on ThIurs,ý February l4th at 1:30 in the Tw H-all in Orono COBO'-URG A REA iREiSIDENTS Farmer and esidlents living with- in aradusOf two mile of Cobourg are becoming increasinigly alarmled lat the lnmber n0f hunlters trespassîng on teran.On Saturday arlolnd 8 a.m. as nanly -as 12 huniers were -'r conferring in a farmer's field onDungannmoni Hill opposite bis biouise. Oine of thec men was in amyl uni- i'form andc appearied to be giving or- ters and at first it was thoughit that sone minor111 amy, practice was in L5 ges Hwvr later they sat ýtered, somne of them wýýalkiing around 1j in the fencedl in privaite gard(en of a Ilerb ouse beoretakng p heir stations on the býi!. Ahefrwsho bowenthe e nd aweek oldcif di>S,'p-peared o tissae ihin atLe fal, hast year. KEPAHEAI» WITA ~ ~ ~tis onsubjects 0f in]- terst o frrfersinDurham 111Counlty, have b-eenl arranged by the Ontaiîo Deparmentof Agricultu jýre,Bomn Ville. Ail meetings will starit ipriomiptly lby 1:30o..adb hog y33 p.mLi 1 Ti, 7 b, 2- rn ddelw Ha;ill - AIR. D.,A MACARTHUR. ý,Mi-. MacArthurf1o11theO.A.C. vil! dis- cu,ýss varlious phases of farmn credit. A se il viation is etede t farm mnagment associiatjl1ion mem- Tuesi Feb). 19) - OonoOddellows Hall - MR. J. A. DLYPE r Daîrym iple 0f theKAS il ics the sbet"ri Coin iToday Raios. here will be some ds cusono he use of Lthe hamnmermili and other tyesOf machlines in hiand- l.ing ganCorn1 for, feed as well as the actuai preparation 7;f rations. Tuýes, Feb 26 - Newca stleCm mnunity Hall (Lionsý Room--) - Dr. JA Archibald; Mr. P. Heeney; Mr. W. By BSruce '*f lin and Maf -ry Janie Brough Ciarleu- "i's coin club mnet for its irst meeting on Tuesday. Anyone- whIo collects coins, is interested in .hem, or wants' to learn about thiem is weicomie to joîn.ý 10-A and B Dance Club hiad thieir 'irst dancýe since the Holidays on WAedniesday. Corne on al of you who antdance and learn the latesl ;4eps. The oppartunity is hiere so take alvantage of it. Wuediesday afternoon. sa-w our con- O ethockey team Leave for- Black- tLo<1to play 'withi Cartwrighit. TIh:s was oui, second gamie with themi and for the second timne we returned tri. uImpha'nt with 'iSscore of 5-3. cGoals wee Oscored by Arnolcl Wallace, Grnt Williams anid Bil Scott wti woscored by Grant Greenwood. Conratlatonsto Mr'. mcMackini Aind thie bo:ys of the ta forthi -.jpermne s whijjch wýer'e the best any, athietic teami froi Clarke hias shown thus farj. Keep up the good work! On Fia afteýrsho, both boy s' b)asIetball teamis went tLo Courtiece h oping that rmay'be thls time (after EAr 0-7 Pork 1Tenderloin l19 Food Prices Effective Feb. 6, 7, 8, 9. CHEES E WHIZ 16 ozJar 55c MARGARINE 2 bpkgs 45C B for39c each 4o3Ply39e