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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1963, p. 5

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.TT~~Xr ur NeW 'Wallpaper is now on dis- r~ play. AMso npew hcooks you can choose fronm. Abeautiful range Of economically prîced Wallpapers, style'd to the minute with the I,4T latest ini the home -furihn field. As'you leaf over these superli colle-tions of waJý,l- papers, the way to modern elegance will lie Ashown yu L Here is decoration whihas hbeen stie t bing nw 1luxury anemndurlýiiing beaty e-er. w~llitcovers, decoration to rovde racousyet relaxed living. For 'Ïoviier roo,-ms we inmite yvou ùo finid your eules fr om ter~y~t1 e A Priced fom69C. to $L"i75 a sngeroil. A Ilpapers prliiced per ýingleroll, ap- proxamatly 6 sqartfeet ald pcae E in1doublerolisfr your onvene na at Iess than HA11LF PIE O'RONO< WEEKLY TIMES TWSAJRYR t~ 91 O rorno Teams El Millbrook-Ci Thlic past week lias agaîni been a4ý b-Usy one for, the local horckey players ln eamis. On Saturday tLwo Orono teams were entered -in Lournamnents aIt M7illbr-ook aniid Cannington. in Millbrook the Orono Midget! team enterýed in a tournament in which ther-e were six entries. These w'ere f rom Orono11, Little Britain, MilroWoodcvilleý, Canninglton and Keene. The Millbrook entry Look the, tournament. TlheOrn boys first mlet millbrook un ,ec eeaîeu ý-a scorejof 3-1.. Tie lite Orûioogol as by Arnold "ý' alace. Ini tie second gamie hc asto decide the eliiniation champ. Ion Orono was defeated by Little Britainby aso0f 6-1. Linthis ,gamie FrsrWallace sordOrono's bite, aly. Also 0on Saturday ithe 0Or1ooPee. Wees saw action at a toumnamlent lil in Cannington. The local boys wn their. fir-st gamne againist Ltl rtanby a sco-re 0f(6-2. Steven Ws cletdfour counts w ýith Eric D~ vaîliad1Doug Taylor crn.0 Iim inatedIn annington Me--ts Other t. Lit 11be' second lgalme'if LIbe tourna- nient Oronio fa ced a te-am f(rom J ad te sec(ond On a pass rromn Biain MUoffat. Jimmiy Partner, who was ofle ifthe hardest workers on the Oronio ~acounted a goal for bis tLeami mates thirough shieer determination. David Manning scored the oither Or- onro goal, also unassisted. MýOTHIER SWEEPS BEST ,SLUUiifViU. 711 titis înley were routea The Skating Club Mothers dlawned by a 12-0 score and ltits were ,elimrin- skates Friday night and 'Look up ated (rom thCe rest 0if the tourniament. ,-heir, brjoomjjs to contest a broomnbal] FRIDV A ORNO INKgame witb thre girls of grades seven Fridy niht bs ben b Ck-id eighit of the Orono Public School. Ever-Y lgl îg mbeuiore familiar witb the luse of ey, niigbit at Illc Ornoo rink duinlg the the b room proved to the miother-s' ad- wînter- sealson. 1 lasIt Friday wvas no atgeaLhey outscored the girls excetio oter han or he irs a . The goals were by June Kram-fer, ime '~s ntî~ ~e g ilsdislaye aua Hazelden and Dorothy Ten-1 thei ablit or nablit 10play The gamie proved a crowd pleaseri XTOMSMEET~<oiswins either sent the bail for £a;', joiney clown the ice or were a BWA NVI LilE c umpl eLc issand everyonie had 10 cucik. ThePrt'gme'fIheevriig aw1ct lr wIl be at the rink rhe OrmooAtms(oys under , lf n iiL; Fridaiy nîght vwhen they. ,)ulayliýdost10a Bwavlesquad. 2 ea g o0f girls (rom the Clarke The visitor.s ere Le icorvith R.ý , cHis igt oal. thr owmnvll :ONBANTAMS A cors erebyG. AMcKinley and B. MISO;ï CLU lli-esIogers was certainlly thde he Zion Bantams iinvaded ti 'heOr- itar0fAie g)e no Arena again on Fvidjay eveninig Orn soe fu gaswith Randy mid with their finle pattern of play, Tennnt akig tolioe unassisted lefeated the Orono Bantams by ai er tLhan Oron, b las domninated the leagLie during the year- and emiploy an excellent pilay,, pattern for Ibeir victories. B. Foster, a playver fromn Kendal, scored' two of ie Orono goals With single coner oing 10 Bob Best, Doug -Moffat and Neil Allun. Assists were credited ito Hane Mecer, Van Dam and Foster. Sa'turday niighit in Newc-astle the Orono Bantams played a gamie with an Oshawa team- resulting in a total of 22 goals being scored, 15 for, Osh- awa and 7 for Orono. Or(iogol were by B. Foster 2, John Hooey, R Poster, Dougz Moffat, Neil Allun and Peýrault. This gamie was an xib- tion gamle and ice tim-ie is paid ý'or by 10e boys who hiave beeni playig Siich' p'an1esiii "L4e-cutleonp cm dynights. HI-C NEWVS A very' successfl skating- party was held on Saturday evening at tLheý Orono Arena withi forty youn g people and a grey haired counsellor. compet- ing un Ice, Olympics. It -was a good nigbit forý skating and the ice was hard in spite of the diamp miserable dayv. Members 0)f the Orono HI 'C- and their friends for-med teams and oomnpeted in sucli evens a: relay ra-ce with large po-I tatos n sall Pplates, rliga tire thle lenigtb0of the rink -- sounds eay ut just try\ it -,ob)stacle races ar (n boxes, bse baskets and chairs. One ev7ent wblicbl bad jSomle uinex.pected resulîs was he race un whicbi the boy puisbed a chair ars the rink wbile bis fair young partnieri tried 10 stay sea1ed on tHe chair. Needless to say tbere were a fe uipsets. The grouip had thle rink -,ime f rom 9 :30 until 10:30 and they tLhen gathered at the cburch -ifor lbotch- -olate lalid sandwichles prýepared by Jean Tamiblyn and ber .comnmittee. This was tbe first outldoor atvt beld by the group but miore are( plani- nied for the future.J At the executive meetinig bleld Wed- niesday plans wvere miade for mieetings p 10 the ende of March. The F<"ebru. -1 ary 101h meeting, this S *1a,% wîll be in charge of Robe-rt R1obýinson; Pebruary 21h Ross Tamblýyn ill be1 )t uin charge0f progranm whenwe ihope to hav"e visiîlng HII C mlemlbers (r",omI Whlitby and Newcas3tle; March 101h] Sýhielai Siatter will conivene and Mar-ch 241h will be looked after by Dane lRogerson. (tr r UI> tti(on te the bidigfund and various projeets are pl1anned f jor die vear. A niews bulletin is 10 be set il memibers within a -weelcý Wlith d oil f foricmigevns Th Oon H bvebeninvited to ateda Va1lntne 1 l'ncila]oeroP Fil, C Ibis tuda, ebruary 9tb an , Orono Pastoral Rev B. E. Long SUN-DAY, FE1U01lUh OHURCH SERVICE S Orono - 11:00 a.m. Leskard -- 1:45 p.m. Tç!rhv -- r:0 m- SUNDAY SOHOOL0r Orono- 10:00 a.m. Lesikard .- 1:45 p.m. IKirby - 2:00ù p.m. N IBE 1T'S bellServi»ce Centre Licensed Mechanie 24 IIGUR EMERGENCY TOWI-NG SERVICE Reasoniahie rates on Repairs to ail makes of Cars, Trucks and Farm Machiuery WELDI'NG A SPECIALTY PHONE NEWCASTLE 3S96 First Sheli Station Nortlh of 401 and South of Orono on Ilighway 115 and 35 ORO0NO 5 c to $1 STORE ANOTHER SHIPMENT 0F Fali and Winter Bulbs for Indoor Planting. Be- gonias, Glaxinias, Callas and Amarylis. Your choice Each....... .............. 39 .. Ladies' Nyloni Hose, Walki*ng Shoeer, fui'fash- ioned, ssanad, szes 9! 2 to Il. Pair...3âc. or 3 pair for . $1.00 Mý/en's VWool Gloves-,, colours navy or grey, siýze-s small,mein or large. Regular prie7c for 53c. "Strietchlee" Head Bands, 100'Yý Stretch Nylon, Economy pack pr-iced at........... .. . .3for 89c. Ladlies' Fashion SIppr for h-o'me ,Or travel. St.Yled forfor or.Wa"shable. Smaill, mediumi or are Priced per pair............. 57C. Speciai Candy Tr "-eat -BordeUau Chcolatie Nut Rolîs. Price per pound ........ . .....39C Plastic Dust Panis, color-sMtte green and Snaod.Regflar "39e. This w.eek special 23C. ComibinatLien Drain Bofardd Dish Rack in colour-ls (of1white oryu1-1-1Coplet e for, .. ..S1.467 SEEJNG IS B EJIGFah ighllus two standard Diamiond S Btere.Comnpare this price Com-plete for the '1ow priée of .............. 49C. NEWý w L A p E R - . the have, rSaple b o sotI e vle Cu t m z d r p r Y oii can buy the mi by he ardor avethe nide p. A goslection to 0choose from. rirf ~1O~04 - OpnAil Day WedneUc Arm trn s 8tore Open t RED ECO;R A TING ýRUARY 7th, 1963 TIJURSDAY, F Mrs. John Armsýtrong bas reéturned m"' wni berq911, yoar andl fornier- LOCAL NEWS (rom the Bowmranville Memiorial Hos Iy lived it Orono. Interment wtill hei pital.th a. hpl rno ody Conigratulations to Mr. and Mrs. i Mr% Jim Rickaby is a patient in February 11th at 2:00 o'cock Chairles Bruce on the birth of a son. ,ý,e Oshawa Gexieral Hospital where Mrs. A. Saunders has miovçil intoilhe is having antr operation on his eyev HOPE TO CONTINUE Mr. Allison Cowan's apartmnent on Miss Sally Staples passed her Con- ROAD PAVINI RORA Pr-St. L ervatory of Music exami-inationi Hope Township counceil seemedFý Mrs. MU. H. Staples and Mrs. Chias. grd ,wthbnus a omn definiteîy in favouir of carrying ont Wood spent the weekend at the hone vle their paving programn for the'year on of Mr. and Mrs. A. Strike, Eowman- Recently rs.Kennedy, better the Cranberry Road. ApIYoximiately ville. kInown as "Lola" spent thiree days in one mile will -ne paved from the north Tornoto attendfing the Clairol Insti- eid of theý bridge over 401 1Higblway Mr.andMrs Jak Rckay, tritte of Hair Colorîng. This trip was t. Higha.y .106. oni1o and Miss Audrey Billings, Osh. miade e-.xpressly to gain more know- For a number of yeajrs a programi -~waspet te weked wth r. nd edge and to keep on top of the iev- of extendting the pavîng on the Lake- Mrs. carl Billings. ~ tecnfiques in hair coloring. WTileishore road has been follow,ýed, but 4i the Clairol Sebiool, Lola tried andicouncillors feit the traf fie beyond the THE, WEATHER VS. THE O.C.C. ~cesul passed n exam-ination, point where the paving leaves off3 at Last Saturday wýas 10o have been vchwlgive bier an added Certifi- the east sde of Wesleyville would be what we boped would be, an enjoy. 'ae to eredit. lighter than to the east wheer th'L'l able evening of tobogganing- etc. As for smethîng new and a visit to ai road hias been paved. They propose tl tirned out, the weatber won that The t renid these days seemis to be continuing the' hard sur-face tbrougbi round. So let's try again this week, niace sc as the Clairol linstitute Wes>,leville and on to the west by Saturdlay, February 9th. lsto eep Lola on the very latestoiig S~earrangements as lbefor7e. in Platinumi toinng anid hair coloringe Road Superintendent -Russell Baker. Meet i the United Churcbi at 8 p. m. Wrdwa eceivect on Wednesa ometdi ia a series of oilings and( bring y-our toboggani.-of the deatb of Elizabethi Margaret floe by tarring and stone chlp.. ______________________ Gaba, eloed auhte - the ping prodluced as goodl a surface as scoe o 135. hisclu. nuph snialaI M.and Mrs. joseph Campbell., dipang -s --s --s --s --s '-5 '-5 --5 -5 '-5 5-s -s-s -5-' --5' .5 --s --s --s --s --s -5 -s- --s --5 --s t- --s --s -s .5 -'-5/ iý

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