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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1963, p. 8

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THURSDAV, FEBRUAKV 701, 1963 FAMACCot NT BOOK DIED UAUBF To A;tIES -rNIOLSON-At the Bomnii ~Imral Hospital on" ud)Ileb ~~e~rçlig To~ Fam EoflOies -uar r, 163, Lavina Jane Nichl-- BzaÎeh Ona~o~ epatn3ntofAg n belovýed-. wif e of J. ET Nicholsonl, rtcuurO a harpPe I id a com- Tesk r ad dear mother of Floyd, ete~ ~çQuntbooç ae Jauar'S roflo. Age 70 years. r ýot ,eful farrm tool. - Rested. at the Barlwhu)ra W~~~~~~~~ 1hteo amoprtrcnŽoe Park S. Orono for service ]eerileis earnings for the past onWodnsday, FebruS.ry 6th, 1963 at year tI ea asesS is pertifg 2pmn. Intermient Orono Cemetery. sebiveflOntsan4 ares. And Ibe eau van cange inmanalgemient ha hldimpiTrove bhis f arm incom-e. CARL) 01F THANKS Tho ecesa information for this Atthis ýtimo may -,I sy a big tbank ycýar-çfld assessmnent mýaY b1 i mn o t 1ai my friends, relatives, formO1ý. A ewar rscnremlember eahe ebekah IjLodge, Beehive Re- evey dtat 0fther bsinss per- bkah Lod,ýgs, Past Grads Club eVo. i oni Man maintain adaerfiof Dedey ey. Long a-fd United stteens.But ?more amlnd ore -CurhSession and the Unitedi ChurCh m-ers prefer thle use of somne type of Women for cards, flowers, gifts, visý formi-ai account book. I bs and enquiries. Special tihanks to Last year, almost ftfteen thousand Dr.M ni, my nurses Mrs. Far- ~afIoperators used *the -OtaYiO row and Mrs-. Aldread, the biospital F-rm Aecount ,Book, fo,. this purpose staff and myv good nieighibours for Thle records in this- book can be read-1 their cr and Éindness- "Iy stumxparized for income tax pur- Tbanks everyone pbses and arec îassified to stmiplify Irenie Murray. thieir analysis for f arm-n mana.gemenlt use. CARD 0F THANKS The Ontario Farmi Account Book I would like to thank my f riends :s again available to Ontario farmners and neighbours for- the cards, flowers PBepresentatives or can be obtained and fruit sent to me during mry stay at, the offices of the local Agricultural in the hospital. Alse to those Wvho b.y mail f rom the Information Branch, visited mie. Onaro Department of Agriculture, Isabelle Challice Parliamient Buildings, Toronto, Ont, a-c Tree Windbreaks Fo r Utility And' Appearancei Frýequjently during, the past six w-ýeeks we bave heard people remiark ,m the extreme- cold, adding that it wýouldn't bo so bad wthout tche winid. Others have e-,xpressedl thankfulness hç,at the slovw fal bas not been great, De FOR,',RENT Asvnroomied bouseinrn, nertePublic Schiool. Poo1261,0rnoa- APARMEN TOLET Modem oe or to bedroomni apart- -net, U batand lbalth. Best locatdion n01r110. Phoo 11 21, Orono. JOSEPH,- HDDINK ExetRepair and Tuning Reed, Ppp and Eloctroflie Organs and Pianos please conitact Mr. D. HlamIn, Telephonle 22213, Orono.- p-51 SAjW S SARPENED Saws shar-pened on our maodelm mjachinery. Frank Crowe, 1u2 Elg-in Street, Lola's Beauty e hueppeI -Park Street, Orono, Onltarlo TELEPHONE 1607 BY APPOINTM.ENT Tobacco Vair. OUO RN (Oontinued from page 1) OOUK1e" li 61 shouild do seon-a limlited Seul o therwise the ahmot ontinuai high w.inds would have drîfted the snow on Yellow Gold is a high yîeflding var- mnany rural roads to the point of -iM- iety, producing desirable qluaýlitY passability. when carefuily mianaged. Further in- v-estigat,*ins are being condlucted on This bas been uniquestionably eue 'Lopping, spacing- and fertilization be- c-f the coldest, wind4iest winters of;ffore this variety is recomimended for ,ecent years. g .eneral use. Yelew Gold is the mosi tolerantl variety to black rootrot on t he' n'rihed lis" anýd is onlv roc- Fambuildings are especîally yul- -nerabi<e to suebl extreme1ýs in weatber býeing usually situated in such a way that they receive the full force of wýind blown ra'n or snow. Thiere hlave b-een numerous instanlc- es this winter of water bowls and pipes in barns freezïng tIo the point of býreakîng and lanes rendered impas- sab)le by drifting- snow. Such situations can bc alleviated -,f not avoided by properly placed windbreaks and shelter beits. Perhaps now, wben there are obvi- ous indications of the need for such porotection, would be a good time te consicler the establishment of a wind- break on y6ur farm. You eau, avail yourseif of the as- sistance offered by the extension ser- vice of tbe Departmnent which pro- viddes you witb the free advice of a professional forester. Hec wili advise you on the best placemient of the trees, the spocies most suitable for the site and the pro- tection' required and m1any other re- lated matters. Incid-entally, now tee) is the urnie te orlder tesfor spring pantig.ou -may pický up the order forms at the Departmient 0f Landls a-nd Forests, Goyernnent Buildiin,OawodRd., Lindsay, Or - Wite tthJe District For- ester at the samie aîddreuss and tbey will ho maile te you. Andý value, b'y tlic eil plabnniedwid stry in the -ally directed 1trees wbich t volume of the shortest .nent projects ýs which re- ssed grovth3. ose devote ai ýhat, we migbit by inhibit- eutby Ed ryperegrin- reveals. ýen we-p ommn-ended for farmns seriously af- fccted with this disease. Growers wvishing to test Yellow Gold should lim--it their acrecage of this variety until ftboir information is availablc. Jamnaica Wratpper generally pro- duces fairly heavy boclied leaf under normal growing conditions but spong- os more easily than Hicks Broadleaf, Whi te Gold or Delcrest. This variety shjouid be grown only on mredium to lighit souls and mnoderately fertilized -co prevent reddening. Severa.1 other varieties and strains, including Bell 15, are undler test at the Experimental Farm. Bell 15 showed no significant difference in Iyield and quality thani eitber Hicks Broadleaf or White Gold in the 1L962 -test. Until new varies have been properly evaluated, tobacco growers are advised to grow Canada Certified seed of recomm-endod varieties that have been tested a-nd approvedl by the Canada Depar-tnent of Agricýulture. b)ut we're just pikers compared te Japan where they do the exact Op- posite, mand mako it pay well. The Japanese achieve the epitomne 0fniaýtujrization in the subtie art of bonsia. A bonsiai is a dwý,arfod treo SOe perfectly controlled thait 1,may grow just two :feet in three undred - years. Atheugh they are grown i shalQwearhenpots, they are flotý po-ttedl plants but real trees. It is cia'imed that a bonsia often roursfifty yars 0f daýily wav--tering anid timmiýng e eahpefetin adthat ,;ich workdevios-ptec and h 1eips to sothe the nerves. But it pay of beaus thoee record of ind1iv1idual, c7oice trees seiling 'or01 seven thousand dollars each. The Japanese dlaim that they have been doing thîs type of ùtree culture for the past eight hundred yeaïrs, or since the first bonsai, naturally dwarfed by poor soilý 0on windy cliff s, were dis- covered. Apparently, pines are the species1 favoured by the bonsai fanciers, rioosyprue roots and ex.,traneous wno sta-rt their trees fr-om seeds, thoen brnce, bsides, pinching off shoots to limîtgrwh and haive te regidly control wtrn n etlzg A grdeer n Tkyois ,supposedC toý have lmtdaa k pi în L, i throe ada haîf inc2hos 0f growth in tbirty yer.Thats tor)slow for- me!i There m-ay he good nmoniey init, buItl'Il stick te rwngtonfas;t and olin .th0em1 early. Small Profits anqic returus." Pérhafs, as the article suggests, c* culturing- troc,ýs in this mianner dees IlPerhaps, as the article isuggests, L we can't help tbinking sucb achieve- gments reflect ne consideration what-, ,ever for the relief of the canine pop- FriayNigbt February 8 6:30 - BroombaIl Hjg~h School Girls vs. Orono Married Wonien 7:320- Exhibition Midg-' et Hockey Orono VS. Rowmanville Training Sehool 8:30 - Midget Hockey Bowmanville VS. Newcastle Saturay at 6:00 Midget Hockey Zion vs. Orono CaJIyourI licensed Plumrbing & Mechanical Co'ntract'or whs, selis, instali, and 8uarantecs I CARMAN PLUMBINO & HEATING Phone 14-3 Orono IWill takýe care of childrenl dlay or week. Phono 1527, Oro0no. Building a HousC? or remnodellmg y, our presenit one, then contact F ydNicholsoc j PHONE 2191 ORONO PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TAINKS WHITE WASHING STABLES bert Tosupkine g Eletrîc otorsBarnes and Byaini Repaired NGgand 11EATING OSwitches, b aiD sad P S l s nd S rg Brushies, Electrie Toolq and Smal NSEV? g Appliance Motord gORBU Work GuaranteedJ8B-A FINA-NCING iLw ntretRates rn i AI. Heard ýIPh: ntest Phono î»s p~<»<> ji ~ Hampton CO. 3-22M8 phou: 1116, ropoTyrane CO 3-2650> by t1 on for hed a "du, aift.Rao able Iprates. Phono Oe ronlo138 - I SER~~CE LICENSED FUBR i.allNour licensed Plumbing & MechanicaZ Contractor who seils, instalis and guarantees M-tnteith, Monteith R iehli & C o. 1 Sinicoe St. North, Oshawea Telephonie: 728-75*27 668-4131 92-089i) WLER FRilANKx l77 C1urb t. Bowmanvlle 125 AceLksoefi'mear Nw N a -o wth husoiad barn, three r~as, oo aea.$1,00.,terms ~a 10 roxe -8,oom clapboard -;me n H~gway o. 2. Only $6900,. -01fstleE tate sale - 2-Storey -seini gocd condition. Asking ton wvith streams7. Priced as 10w as $~2.50.00 per acre. We have three good pasture farms with creeks. Available for immnediate Possession. Newtonville on Highway No. 2. 4- 1 bedroomi brick bouse, bath and ol furnae, nial bar, 5 acres f land. Only$200.00down. LIST OR BUY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (MLSi THROUGH OURÏ OFFICE A. J. McGILL Phionie 10, Oronio Local ïRepresentative tOrville Chattertont IElectrical Contracting I Electric Heating and Service A PhII(ne 1031 Orono, Ontario StaIfo-ed Brothers Limnited 'JFOR 11l.anfcues o nt PAINTING -DECORATING Mnfcueso gBUILDING CUPBOARDS Cemetery Memorials REPAIR AND FINISH Deaiers in FURNITUREg Doetc&Frinrate CaM annd -marbles -Inscriptions Ou DONG si lPSON ad Phiono 208, Orono c______________ ~ OronoELJectric CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds f Electrical Equipment and Appliances Suci at Metors- Water Heaterg T.V. Ra'Jios Stoves Irins t ~o~o-o~ ~o~ooc~ cz. Insurance naliService aAuto, Package and Compositea SPolictes, Fire, Farm, Life, uglay Àby M arie ~ Acidntand Sickn,1ess', Wlind. g Boiler, Fidellty Bond, Etc. j Sadie Hamilton FMRT MORTGAGE LOANS OROO EDICAlL CENTRE ,A. F. McKeiENZIEý M.D PiUYSICÉAN 1a31(1sUR3GEON Phon 186 Res. 147 Phione 193 oFFICE fHOUES 2:00 !- 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pm JWIEDNESDAYS <and 5ATURDAYS BY APPOIN',TMENT ONLY DR. R.' J. TAGGART VErE17tWýRY SURGEON LUGAL Lawrence C.. lasso, I.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5503 SW. KAY LYCETT, a Barrister - Solicîtor 0 lxi ý h Offices of 0 R. R. WdelQC MAIN ST., ORONO O Telephoixe 138 Oronoo RMERRILL D. BROWN gPROFESSIONAL )ENGINEEU o <Civïil) g Ontario Land Surveor 9121 Queeon St 'Bax 1659 g BowmanviOtarlo g Telephone 623-s251 L J. SKAIFE Chartered Accoiantn Bly Appoiuintment Olliy main St., Oronio. Telephoine 128 P.O. Box 2M8 WHITBY Phono 668-8197 INSURANCE General & Li(e FI SEE FD LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ET,, ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK EREID Auctoner aind Vluto Sp-ciailize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit mfe for termns and dates TLED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Coiducts Auction Sales cf *at ieus and at reasonable rates Communicate with him et Pur, Perry, Ontario monuments and Our quality and service leavez nothing to be desired Ask th-e person wilo bought f rom un a nelghbour, friend or relativa The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73'Ontarto Street POWI' HOPE "Larlest Osplay in~ South.rn oreno, CWý 1 Phorïe 1MM ýli Box 133 ý MO. 8-3552 Phone NewtonvUle 4721 Phone Orono 1RIO 1 Phone 5 r 18

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