ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES THURSDAY, FEBRUABV 14th, 1963' ucw Uriits . UNIT 2, U.C.W. Unit 2 lield the February meet- jir- at the horne of Mrs. A. Liinn, oxn Tuesday, 5th. The meeting opened with prayer by the leader, Mrs. M. Tamblyn, -J need Th-ee every hour," -Was sung and ail repeated the Lord's !'rayer. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved and roll eall answered with a verse of scripture by 19 present. The annual meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. will be held in Trinîty Church, Bowmanville, Tuesday, 12th morning, afternoofl, and 'evening 'sessions. Mrs. Long reminded tlie group of the general meeting and bake sale after by Unt 6. She then took the devotional, reading f rom Galations 5, verses 20-24 and a very interesting1 por- tion from Christian Mýornes maga- zine followed with prayer. Mrs. TFamblyn read from the stucly book "Asia's Rim" and explained some of the conditions of living in China and Hlong Kong. A vote of thanks was extended by Mrs. Long to M'rs. LunÏn and the~ meeting closed with the bene- 1 av. March 5th at the home 0i 'YIr s.McLaren. Mrs. Aslett will leal with the Missionary Study ,o91k comnrenting on Hong Kong and Mrs. N.'Kennedy will be in ,charge of the devotional. 11 -pThe meeting closed wih the ilzah Benedik%-ýgn ançi a plea- ,ant time was spent vhile ail en-i joyed lunch. U.C.W. UNIT 1 IUnit No. 1 U.C.W. met on Tues. day evening, February 5th at 'he home of Mrs. C. Miller. Kay Chapman,ý unit leader, o- pened the meeting with hymn 'Breathe on me breath of G3od". The scripture lesson was frpra John 1 verses 1 - 5 and Colossians 1, verses 15 - 17 was read by Mary F05. Marjorie Best road a very in- spiring message for our medita- tion, tle theme being "God the Ureator." jMary Miller lead in prayer fol- NEW FORMAÀT (Continued f rom page 1) able to make the change over and still catch the mail on Thursday. Wewill have to i ait and see. The quality of' paper and ink has also been changed. diction. "HONESTrY" Refreshments were served by the hostess and a social time en- (Continued from page 1) joyed. ways room for more. Registration Uc ROUF 3 > s from 2 p.m. until 1. p.rn. The fee is only 25c. and the conference Mrs. Tyrreil opened the meet- programi includes a speaker,, dis- ing with a cali to worship followed J <ussions, games, supper and dan- by the singlng ýof a hymn. Mrs. ,-,ng, so plan to attend. Armstrong read from the Book of May 3rd is the date for the Con- M£ark and then gave the devotional * erenlce 0on Christian Vocations at message and prayer. Hymn 376 Queen's Univ "-sity and some was sung. young people have expressed thie The minutes viere read and the dsr oatn fi osntc4 treasurers -report given. Roll cal lict with Higli Sehool exams. You sh oed iften embrs resùt.must be at least 16 and in grades showd fitee memerspresnt. The Orono charge is limited ' n Sixty-one calis had been made XI *XII since the last meeting. Collection Conference so if you think yoLi was taken. would be interested in attending Mrs. Logan reported that the please get in toudl ivith Mrs. Rt. Afghan was finished, and thanked Che number they may send Lo the the'ladies who lad helped with it. {iilbart for further details. It vias immediately purchased by We hope to have visitors vith us one of Vhe members present. f rom Newicastle H.-C and perflaps Mrs. Woodyard agreed to act as Whitby at our next meeting on -treasurer for the group. Arrange- February 24th so be prepareld o ments viere made for some of the help vihen a member of -the com- ladies to attend the Presbyterial mittee in charge calîs you. at Trinity Church in BowrnVville We, enjoyed havîng nevi ircends on Tuesday. Mrs. Tyrrell reported at our meetings and really hope that Mrs. Tamblyn lad asked for they vvll join us agaî ,n. suggestions, for programs at the ___________ general meetings. LVE NRAE It vins deýcided to try starting LVE NRAE the group meetings at 2 p.M. in- (Contnued 'rom -page 1) stead of 2W nd forests, said tle Ganaraskal Mrs. Drumimond conducted the autîcority lad done more propor- Bible Study f romn 'The Word and tionately , for this area than any The Way", chapter two to the cndlother authority in Ontario. ofsection four. The meeting closed "'This board eau be prouid of witl benedictiofi and the serving vihat it las adhieved on such'a of tea. limited ýbudget," lie said. ,'"The U.C.., UIT 4nember municipalities can expect u..W, NI ~even greater accompîîshments Miss Ama Cutteil kindly offer- and an excellent retumn for their ed hier h7om~e for, the February dollar with the increased budget." meeting and there viere 15 mem- Mr. Barnes said the area vias bespresent. fortunate for liaving the "Ganar- bDeieigbeers 1Mv. ska Rcpîirt" jprepared hlere by A. McLaren .giving the cail to vior- H. Richardson. This vias an ex- slip. The DevotionàIl'w as in , esve and comprehensive study chare ofM Iýbinonwho ad ade on conservation in -tle Gan- chrg 0 rs Rbnolvh a arnska River region. givèn much tirne and thougît i "Mr. Rieliardson's report." lie preparîng such a thougîful and ad"vsaopebyrnyu- inspiring message on "Faith" ai,-a . -edb mn sb m-wiro sfrttedcinr sequent authorities and has been us frst he dctioaryargely responsible for their for- meanitgof the word: "Faith is a mto. belief in something wilthouV proof." The report was prepared for the, She. pointed out, hovi each one of government of Ontario and coin- nus lives by f aith from day o day ocleted in 1947. in our acceptatîce 10f the laWs of na aisans nature, our f aith in our fellovi-man The. authority bought 308 acres and in1 God the Creator., Mrs. A. of land f or ref orestation in 1962. Mitchell read the Scriptures and This brings the total acreage of ail sang -Faith of our Fathers." 1'land under agreement vith the Mrs. Kathy Armstron~g contiim- ninister of lands and forests to ued with the second chapter of 8,045 acres. the Study Book, "The Word and A total of 343,000 trees viere the 1Way," and dealt with sections pîanted, consisting of 284,000re two, hree and four of sain.xe A pines, 53,000 wihite pnes and 6,000 lengthy discussion fOllowed this scotch, pines. study and mlany differenit phases Seven ponds were constructed Vo were deaît vilth. increase water supply for added The Mission Study Book wa il ire safety. The authority novi las troduced by Mrs. Porter and hs 19 man-made viater reservoirs be- study wilîl cover the trou bled spots sides the natural viater supplies. 'On Asias Rir." Two dams were also built. Business w.as brought up and A forestry camp vins built by denît vith. the departmenlt 0f reformn institu- TeValeftine Dessert Tea on tions to accommodate 4 boys from .February 16th from 2 p.m. until the Ontario Training School in 4 p.m. vias annou.nced. This is be- Bowmanville. The forest viorkshop îng undertaken by Unit 1. near Millbrook yull be a training The general meeting of the U .- centre vihere the boys willi under- C.W. s to be held in the Sunday take projects that viould be too Se-hool auditorium on the evening costly by hired labor. o0f February 21st. A. S. L. Barnes, chef director The March meeting is o be hield I 0f the conservation autho rities ,on the regular meeting nigît Tues- brandi of the departmneit of lands Orono Bible Study Group Christianity is the Way of lifeindividualism. Where the desire is Christ and ourselves. Titis m"s ~vhose, beginning and progress is to be a Christian separate from nfot contaun a feelingthat we-ha sustained by Love, the love of Cod -ther people, the Christian. concept no value in the eyes of God, andý, ni Christ. It is th~e nature of true 15S faulty. and es cottrary to the i tt takes us back to the fact thie: 'ove to spend itself, to increase %iention 0of Jesus Christ. He. start- Christianity involves thegop tnýl envelope, and to release f romy ed His Church with a group - not not any particular group, but arv hie oosrm f self. For this one -- and His et-nt love enfolded îumber of more than one, where.ý- ____________________them ail. This group representel we ail play our own part. No inY Iowe by beatifu poe eninly a f ew 0f thernany different jlividual can have the whole eLc tlwed 'The Liti Tings". Hynni kinds of people, butwas indicative Truthi, but in compatible_ par tici- tled"TheLitle Ting". Hmn f the intention that we inust pation, the* truth is arrived at 't" 'Work for the night is.coming." identif y ourselves with others In. the benefit of aUl. This is not c was sung. Stella Carson very cap- order to make up the whole of say that we could not bc a Christ ibly took the Study book after God's family. This Love is infinit- ian outside 0f a group, but or~ which a very interestîng ciscus- ely more than our modern con- turning to Christ our natural ir 3ion ffollowed eoncerning "Dual- ception ùf love often is. It involves clination is, to find others to share- sin", "Monism". a state of active concerfi for oth- this wonderful blessing with. Thni Ten members answered the roi]l'ers -- near and f ar -- and is -alloving concern for our brother ie cal]. . warm, palpitating influence wNhich the lif e-blood1 of the Christian, and Plans were discussed for Our assures us that we are shielded if a kind act is done for a brother, Valenitine Dessert Tea on Febru- front the horrors of the outer dxrÈ- through love, then Christ is pres,ý ary 16th in the Sunday School au- ness - the awful state of God-less- ent, and three constitutes a group.- ditoriurn. ness; bleak, dry, and cold.' Spirit to spirit, and Yheart iii- May Chapman then showed pic- heart -- that is fellowàhip. W turcs on Soviet Russia which were We spoke of Our awareness of rnight admire a person, andnt very interesting and colourful. being God's childreri. Somte people follow hlm,1 and so it seerns toli The meetng closed wlth the Miz- think that God is our Father only, in Christianity. There are mnauy- pah Benediction afterwhich the when something happens in our Who admire Christ and even many1 hostess and Mary Tamblyn served ives to open our. eyes to lirn. Who follow Hlm, but our own cor a dainty lunch. )thers think that He is Our Father eT o f"olodg ol a wheter e aknowedg Hi orfar short of the, Redeerning fellow- U.C.W. UNIT 6 not. Some say that being close to Jesus Christ would make God ship. A group without this re- The February meeting of' Unit more real to us. We1 are childrefl deeming fellowship is a mechard. 6 was held at Joanne Hutton's 0On of Gode not by birthi, but we be- cal thing, because the cohesiva February 5th. lorne so through the gift of God. substance of loving concern is mîcsj Betty Chatterton opened the n John 1: 12 we read "But as singe and At will sooner or late.ý meeting and Joanne Hutton and many as received Himn (Christ) to rust and fali apart. "Together, at_ Eilen Sephns ondctedthehemgav hepowe (o th riht>My Narne." are the key words tw, Eil en tep ens con uced he em aveliepo er (ortherig t)the great promise which makes- tudy period., Joanne and Eleen o0 become the sons of Gode ven conversion, or the "turning t)' had met ýwith Mr. Long and h8.d o themn that believe on his namie.-sc oigad eial tt mnany interesting points to discuss We become "sons"~ in a uniqueScitisrnfrne toru The main topie beiag the good ense of adoption tjirotigh love - sàcey" because it Is not p1us and evil 'in everything that God ejhich means that we are gathered sible to be converted to a solitarl created. During the discussion -nto the family circle When' we Crsin Elleen wrote down any question --rn to Gode realizing our incomf- Crsin that the memibers felt they would- pleteness without Christ. This in- Great darnage may be doneci like Mr Long to answer at our volves our willingness to do His those Who believe they are of Vc iiext meeting. ~vinl. "What does it mean to you fellowship, but Who, if they wouldý,^ Marie West opened the Devo- to accept Christ?" One thought it bie truly honest with thenusel-vesî tiona I with the scripture reading> involved the realization of un- would admit that they have o £ýrom Isaiah 6, 1-8. Jeanne Staplesworthiness and need for ones self "turned to" Christ in aIl areas d)f led in singing a hymil. A prayeir and also a greater concern for their lifk If we do this, could wîe was read by Anne West. others. The consideration of the be guîlty of the same crime as Am.- Betty Chatterton announced the ýnighty universe would lead us to anias, Who quietly kept back prt. Igeneral meeting on February 21 a feeling of the majesty of its Cre- of his possessions and offeredth and asked those Who could go to ator. Our feeling of insignificance rest to ,God, while giving the ic help with the lunch. Ivould lead us to Christ, and in pression that it was the vihole Anyone Who can supply enter- Christ- we could feel dloser to the thing. God knovis what goes joc, tainment for the general meetings - z7ather; our smallness wouild flot and vie only f001 ourselves whule es asked to contact the president. matter then, because vie would be we miss so very mucli of thefu- Unit 6 is responsible for the God-directed. ness vie could have. Lioies n hechrc drig he "What does conversion miean?" It is what other people feel innsý month of Februaryr. Does it mean a turning aviay f rom as dedîcated Christians, that uiiV Collection vins taken and a de- our old self ifn order to be more draw themn to Christ, and our sta.- ligthful lunch served by our ho§t- like Christ? Does it mean a feeling tion in thîs 11f e has absolutely no- ess. of hurnbleneFss vhen we realize bearing on our effectiveness. COME ONE TO'T"E lSth ANNUAL SHOW2 Orono Figure Skatipçg Clubý "Rh ythm on Ice": February 239,8 pen. Corne Ail 78 CLUB MEMBERs AND FEATURING CLUB PRO -- SYLVIA CAPPLER BRERETON ABELE MYLES - DOUG LYCETT CAROLYN JONES AND GUEST SKATERS. FROM PORT HOPE ADULTS: 50c. DAINCMTG SOIAS TRIOS CBILDREN: 25c.