ORONO WEKLY TMES ~RSAFEBR1UAW 29, 1963 B ankrupt Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Stapleton IlI and family, Newtonville, and Mr. A L N W lContinued prma0~ge 4) -id Mrs. Tracy Ernbly and family L N W qwitch in 1 is thinkiný, on iucîear If Newcastle spent Sunday wtnl Miss Molly Newman Who has -rmclianging his stand f rom re-1 r. ,and IMrs. John Forrester and ?pent several weeks 'n Bowm an- li,'tion, ôf 'uclear armns t c),(cep-1mly ville Memiorial Hospital, with a tance. MIrs. Dorothy Bailey lias, been broken leg Ln back to school "Mr. Pýýarson- s :now charging' _ck- this Week. those Who agreed with what hie A presentàtiQn was held Satur- Mrs. Cliff Cooper is a patient in sa d a 3hrt whiIe ago wvith break lay evening in Newtonville~or teEwmnil'Mm UalHsi i- NIATO and endangering W.and, Mrs. Ted Lane of, Orono Ll. -.-i a'. Th;s lack of iinu recogntion of their recent mar- Mr. John andi Roy Patton att-endî- or firm policy is typical of Mr. *age. P~d the presentation and dance ini Pearson andidhe Lberals.," ___________e Orange Hall ln Pontypool oni Favours Conventional Role7 ported NAXTO but' feit canada HECNew.s should play, a conventional role P/1(l Newcastle Boy iTop Judge Nineteen year-old D ouglas Jose, County. sonof Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jose of He was also a mniber of, the Newcastle, who is attending Mac-j club competitions la 1961, was tUe donald College lu Quebec, was ',Ue Reserve Champion Dairy Show- top competitor f rom that province man lu Durham in 1960 and bis la the.Junior Judging contest held past year.stood first with bis caîf in connection with the selection 'of winning team lu the dairy inter- Ali-Canadian Hoîsteins. and third lu showmansbip. He lias Doug had a score of 136 Out Of been vice-president in bis caîf a possible 140, one of the flighest and was secretary of the Durham s~cores amoug the 644- 4-Hi mcm- County Junior Farmers for two bers wbo took part. He is a mlern- and a baîf years. ber of the South Durham Senior 4-Hl Dairy Caîf Club of whicb the In 19612lie won a gold watch for leader is is brother, Francis Jose being Durham Countys outstand- In 1960 and again la 1962 Doug r g 4-H boy and attended' the 4-H- won the James T. Brown Memor- provincial leadership camp in il Trophy as the top 4-H- member 1961. He bas cornpleted 18 4-H pro- in the dairy caif clubs ia Durham1 jeets altogether. bath iuxu r1ieL-s Enjoy Yardley lii.,uries for your bath-in Lavender, the fragrance of youth. and not a nuclear one since (Cana- Sauray Fbrar 2r, 1 dian àcquistion of iucleýar wea-_ tîfteen members of the Orono Hi-C pons could 1 add uothing _o the ittended -a Hi-C. conférence atl, balance of terror but migit con-lKng Street United Church i 'n Osh-, tribute to the spread of the flue- awa.,,Hi-C. groups were present Isar club. rom Newcastle, Bowmlanville, Plan mae i 195-59by Ue jax, Oshawa, Greenwood, Col- Piefnb ae gvenment envîsag-théumbus and Whitby. The guest Defenter ossberacuisition f nu- speaker for the afternoon session' ed he ossbl acuistin o , u-was Bey. Duncan White frorn Pe- cler ams ut ot ommtrnntsterborougli and following bis ad- sinc tU goerumnt ad aidddress a discussion was held on these pl;ns could be changed in 'What is' the Gospel?", "What different circumstances, the spéak os'h GsplientTe- er said.-agies" ahe Glospe man Hto Ten- Mr. Brewin also said that Can- agr"ad"oa iCbl adians -were pikers in their con- ne aternohnve asnde w ita in tributions to underdeveloped na- Ti feno ne ihasn tions and 'could do much more song and supper was served ili the Centennial Hall auditorium. The tbah they were doing. evening was spent in 1pîaying Creative M1inority garnes and dancing when over :150 He termied the NDP a creativetengrinH-'oushog- rninority and denied the party was ouenaers nhi-C roup sbtr oug self -rigbteouis and superior. kot teahoshw r estery got toe "Give us your f aith and we wilî ._uowheac fun ote and -iharpdip wini. Noting worthiwhuiie was ever 'ntefnad elwhp Hie said hie beletved in an effec- The theme of our regular meet- tive two-party systern, but not ing was the Mission of the Church two artis 0fthe ame md. when we tried by means of litera- ," ,There should be a right and a tue, films, discussion and a quiz left wing and if any countr'y eeds to learn mnore about the action a democratic left à is Canada. ')f the M and M fund both at home T he Liberals once campaigned un- and abroad. We were pleased ý to der the slogan King or chaos and have Mr. and Mrs. F. Jose and w hat did we get? we got tIiem botli members from the Newcastle Hi- Mr. Erewin concluded bis 40- 0 as Qur special guests and also minue adres wit an aa fol tohave members of Orono congre- support for bis party as 4 party of gation meet with us. Those zaking principle and not expediency. part in the devotonal serivce were Lyna BEailey, Lynda Pears, Diane Gilbart and Susan Gilbart. Robert U X! ee i g Robi nson, president of our group U.C *W . M e ting acted as chairman for the even- . Continued frorn page 4) ing and also helped lead part, 0f them to attend.. our singsong. The singing 'always < rs. Long announced a niew set an enjoyable part of. our gpt-to- of Barclay books had been placed gether was given -a real lift when in the library for aayone desiring we had Mrs. Everett Brown, play the se o the. .for, us, teach us a new liyrn and A hyma, "Guide Me Oh Thou keep us in time and in tune. We great Jehovali," was sung and the1 really appreciated having her offering received and dedicated by with us and hope she can'come Mrs. Long.gan A piano solo by Donald MeKen- aga 1e inmhw wr Fl eie was mUch enjoyed. . Teflssonwr Fi The devotional message was House" on the Fred Victor Mis- given by Mrs. Drurnmond.. SUe sioli showing action of the M and cpened with prayer and a bymn. M at borne and "Land of the Mor- Mrs. Bllings read tUe soripture niný Calrn" on Korea showing the selected f rom the last chapter of M an d M action abroad. A quiz loshua the verse, "choose you this on Korea between the girls and day wbor YO 1U will serve and as the boys presented a lot of inter- for me and my bouse wie will esting facts and figures and we serve the Lord." A song, "Whon stili have doubts as to who had do you choose," was sung and a the most correct answers- poem "Gct bessthîsboue," After the quz we liad another' was read by Mrs. Drurnmoiid. ~rousing singsong including a f ew A vca ~oO y Ms.R.Chap- songs with "Sound Effets" and man "I arn a stranger bere," was then rer. bnns eesevd mucli appreciated. Program f )r March lofli meetingl A discussion panel consistiflg of will be convened by Shiela Slater Mrs.: D. Staples, Mrs. A. Mitchell, Arnold Wallace, Lynda Pears and Mrs. K. Lycètt and Mrs. J. Shet- and lier comnWlttee which includes ier on "Cboosiflg this day whom Wayne Miller. Our group bas aise you will serve," It %vas very well been invited t? Wlitby, on March presented and provided mucli ood' 24tbI for ierSna vnn ne fo®r thouglit.f ting when they hlope to bave a A trio, 1"Wbat wlli you, do with special speaker f rom Toc Alpha Jesus," was given by' Mrs. R. Neep this date in mmid and lots Chapmnan, Mrs. C. Miller and Mrs. hope the exarns are over, by then 1A. A. Drummond. so that we eau ail go- 10 Wliitby The' devotioiial wras brought to Hi-C. a. close by singing the bymn, Take the name of Jesus with yOu. by the president. Refreshmelts' Mrs. Porter expressed appreci8-- were served by Unit 6. Mr$., C. tion to ail wlio had assisted ln the Miller conducted an interestiflg excellent prograrn. contest and Unit 5 had a very suc- The meeting closed witU prayer cessful home-made bake sale. LAVENDeR TALC POWDER $1 .00 and STUTT'S Pharmacy t- - DAISY ÇARTER BEVLT White emhroideLred Bk-oadcloth iinwalst, sizes 26, 28 and 30. Prlced at ............ $2.00 PULL-'ON SARONG 1Wh ite nylon and rayon power net elastieý G('irdle with tummy.eontrolllng front, panels, crossover style, made of brocaded cotton and rayon. Plush-Uined high wvaist collar. Waist sizes 24 to 32. Priced at.........$5.00 SARONG GIRDLE WITH ZIPPER S White Lez'îo ;èýiin Ela4tie wth crossover front haneïs of Brocaded Cotton and Rayon. -lgh.waisted top, side zipper. Cho:ce of two lengths. Walst sizes 26 to 84. -Price .... $10-00 DAISY BRA- Plain and embroidered Cotton Broadcloth wlth under arm elastic for- glov-, 1Itfiz; ses. Bust sizes 3z to 38. Priced......$2.50 te -$9.00 DAISY CONTOUR BRA- .Young, naturally rounded Unes in this dainty Daisy-Freýsji conitouir Bra o0f fine Cotton Broadcloth. Stitched underbust and embroidered upper- bus t, Hined ýwith one-quarter îlncb foamn rubber for a firm uplift. Sizes 32 te 36. Priced at ...............................................$".0 NU-BACK, FRONT-LACED and SIDE HOOK CORSET The Corset that gives you the support you needl plus the lornfort you want. Nude Cotton Couitil. Waist sizes 28 f0 36 Front-laced Corset........... Side-hookked Girdle................. $.00 (4ET INTO THE SPRING FASHION TEMPO WITH A SMOOTH FOUINDATION - A PRETTY BRA DAISY PANTIE GIRDLE "Daisy Fresh"l regular pull-on Pantie Girdie of Nylon power net for a long, slim line Satin Lastex front panel for tummy flattening. One inch wide walst and leg band. Perfert-un- der to-day's fashlons. 4 detachable garters. Sizes medium and large. Medium length Girdie........5.00 Long length Girdie .................. 7.0Y Daisy regular Girdie of Nylon power net in sizes M, L and XL. Priced at .... $5.00 GQTJ*IC BANDEAU BRA Gothie rBreathing waist" Bandeau Brat wvith Cordtex inserts in midrlff band and lui derbtust. Pre-ghrunk cotton Broadcýloth. Jllas- tic-reinforced straps. Froni AA cup to D euip Sizes 32to t1'2. Priced at.........17 GOTILIC LONGCLINE BRA- Longline Bra in -Cotton Broadcloth with deep double dlapbi'agm- band. Cordtex lniserts, in underbust. Baud C cap. Sizes 36 0 44 27 Frida eveing aifd l'S.Mr. Douglas Lycýett will make a Leslie Boyd who were recently personal appearance on Channel inarried. il tLelevision this Saturday even- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Tracy of n.He, will appear on Dance Par- Omnenee are occupying an apart- ty which starts at 8:30. Mr. Lycett ment in Mrs. Waddell's Apart- \ill be introducing his new songs. ,nent'Building. Puncih 'n Grow -Plant, Starter Kit, Tomato, Parsley,, Pansy, Balsam., Aster, etc..box 49c. S.piùg is juist around the corner. We have a full range of Sel Briggs Vegetable and. Flower Seeds. ýSpon!ges, new super soft for kitchen, bathroom cars etc. 4 Irge size about 472ýx6* 'inches. Cello pack. Special feature pkg ......... 19e Special 5- string Brooms, dlean sweep, selected quality. Regular 98c. This week special 88c. Dust Mops, Clean Master, assorted colors. Regular $1.89. This week Special ......$1.47 Coffee Mugs, Heat ýProof, white or. green. Regular 25e. Thisweek 19eor 4for 75c. Something New - Party Pack for TV Snacks, etc. Package contains 4 Plastic Plates, 4 cupis 4 Knives, 4 Forks, 4 Spoons. Package reg- ular 98c. Our low price pkg ............ 77c- Ladies' Genuine Leather Cushion Sole Slipper3, Sizes small, medium, large or extra large. In -plastic container. Pair for .......... 97c. Beautify vour home with 12 artificial Roses and 2 Ferns. Your choice of colors. Pkg. 69c. AK"'MSTRON."G ýj LAVENDIR SOAP Box of three $ 1.75