<OLUME 25, NUIMBER 4 UronD weokly ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THURSDAY, MAR1,CH 28, 1963 Looking For Exhibits 0f Antique Machineryl At the March meeting of the Ag- -'ýcutUral Society plains were made -ýor new features at the 1963 fair. "The dates are to be Sept. 5, 6 and Mr. Geo. Carson, the new fair manager reported that the Promo. tiort and Publicity committees had ,net and discussed the program lor abigger and better fair. Mr. Lawrence Hooey bas off ered to sponsor a Fat Caif Show and Auc. tion. This wili be open to anyone ,who bas a membership in the fair, ,the caif not to weigh more than 850 ubs. These calves wiii be jud- ged on Friday afternoon and auc- tioned Friday evening before thç Tobacco Show. There wiii be no entry fees and rio deductions froni prize money. Rebe kahs Celebrate, l5th Birthday The regular meeting of Heather Rebekah Lodge 334 was beld on March 26th in the I.O.O.F. Hall with Sister Alice Hooey, Noble Grand, presiding and Sister Lav- erne Barrabaîl, Vice Grand assist- ing. Lodge was'opened in form after which ail visitlng sisters were wel- comed. District Deputy President Sister Flossie Ball, Oshawa, was intro- duced by Sister Giadys Gamsby and was given a warm welcome by all present. 'Ganaraska Levy To ISocial Credit To Contest Stland ïDepite Po .Duden d TeGatnaraska Region Conser- vation Authority recently turned, Four1 candidates bave now enter- down a request from Port Hope',s HORTICULTURAL CONVENTION ed the political race in Durhaxn Reeve R. C. Everson, for a re- ducton n te lvy îposd -pon Mrs. Fairbrotber, as official d e,- County. Ail four parties are re-. dut nthe lev ipoed POl gate Of the Orono MorticuatUi presented with three men and one theton.Society, attended the Ontario qor lady. The tOwn bas annually contri- ticultural Society's annuai meeting The latest entry into the race is buted $14100 to the Authority noo-ia n Toronto on Marcb 21 and 'Und. Mr. Wilber Crandail wbo repre.. "Gentiemans Agreement" basls Also attending from Orono -vere sentis the Social Credit party. since the formation of the Autho-r-1 Mr. John Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. ',ý. Crandall is a resident of ity, but this year's levy is $2890.65ý C. W. )ýilling-s and Mrs. E. Co"- Pt Hope and is the bead of the on a calculated basis. ivier. The convention was heid 'n Commnercal Department at the the King Edward Hotel. Over 6300 Port Hope High Scbool. Hl. G. Hooke, Field Conservation delegates from throughout the Pro- The other contestants are Mrs. Office-r for the Authority, said ail vince attended tbe dinner at which Coutts 0f Hampton' for-the New except-one conservation authority the Rev. Waîte of London was the Democratic Party, Mr. R. C. Hon- in Northern Ontario now calculate guest speaker. ey of Port Hope for the Liberals their animal levies on a population anfd Mr. Garnet Rickard of Bow- a nd or assessment basis, and. the Exhibits from, the Orono Junior manvilie for the ConservatiVe Ganaraska Autbority has adopted Gardeners Club were, in competi- Party. a basis of 50 per cent of each. tion in the scrapbook section. Awards went other than to Orono son placing second. Juilie Schmid, "We feel it is siightly unjust that in the competition. Previous toý1he also of the Orono club, won tiret Port HoPe's Ievy is more than Provincial competition tbree mem- prize in the Junior Scrapbook div- In he astthefar bardbas Rol cil f te ofiers showed double, while others re1ain _'on- ,bers of the Orono Junior Garden- ision. The District competition In- brought a parade of antique cars one officer absent.1 stant or. only rise slightly," said ers had won prizes in tlie 9s cue an areaof- five countiès. rno the exhibition which bas created Ssiter Laverne Barrabail gave aRfeeve Everson. Scrapbook competition. Ini the Sent- The Provincial winners were 'chos- a great interest in the community. lengthy report of ber activity as j nesanaî h At o'iv1o lin cmd00k en from the winner-s In the sixteea This year they bope ýto sponsor aîConvenor of the Visiting Com- ,, first prize with Carol Marie Gib- distrts mIlar show of antique farm ma- mittee. ort a~s a littie more inoney, ____ chinery and would be glad to The occasion being the sixteenth hie said, "and mre would be happy ,tear from anyone having such birthday of Heather Lodge, ;ýev- to give 50 per cent more as 'he-r mzachinry i their ,possession. 1 rlbrha reigwere readj. budget w,0t up 630 per cent, but :tP op se \X ideni ng LV ain St. paradeseems unjust to double it." e-gain this year witb bands, horses Browning, Ajax, District Deputyll Reeve Everson said everyone I and clowns adding to the fun. & Presîdent of District, also re- 1tM I te tI t r e to 'iny was happy witb the Aiithority',-, -Tu ofWarcopettio i ' o b getSfrPaSst Presidet ho work witb the forest' and -0arks The Orono Police Trustees equipping their department 1s with featured with entries of a tenman Oshawa, Ps rsdn h a but the only direct benefit zo ',-he held their regular monthly mneeting such equipment and the Counties team from surrounding commun- unable to attend on account of 311 I town seems to be flood control. .,Mndyevnng hemin 1 are stting Up foam banks through- ities. To date Kirby holds the ness. l-dyenigThman-1 championship for the area and. The District meeting is to bc Chairman Deibert 0Olani sald the teins of business ,vas a further dis- out the area. welcomes ail contenders to "Meet held in Oshawa, April 10th. Sister levies, were considered for ao3(m-ecuss of the water system ïor Or-, BETTER USE FACTOR themn at the Fair." Betty Major îs, the representative time before. arriving at the -lew OflO-tc along with a County pooa Tis year two field. crop compe- and Sister Irene Murray will act figures, for widening MVain Street at the In the Orono Hlydro 'meeting titions will be held, one in oats and as representative in place of Sis-1 "We dîd make some aïdjustme-nts Mill Street tescin whichfollowed, the accounts were the other in grain corn. The rz ter Maude Cooper who is unable te, reduce the levy to Port Hope as In thelatter R. C. Forrester re- passed for payment. The manager moeyistobe$2. $0. $5. $0 to attend. The new representatives caiculated by the newý systemi," ported that hie had met ,vitlh Mr. E. Dent, reported that the use fac- and $5. and the winners must ex- for 1963-64 termi are Sister Emma1 said the chaîrman, "A niumber ,.,f John Stone wbo reported that the tror f hydre during the months of ýiibit an 8" sheaf of )ats at the Lunil and Sister M4ae Aluin. ithe oth&r communities aye -aaingp outT- oa-omisn adpo-Ueebe ad.Tnur had im- far o uaif frth piz mne. Sister Emma Lunný will attend more thlan their calculated share 1 posed widerting the co-uflty road to poved over thie yearly average of The poultry building is to be the Rebekah AssemblY in June asto redue e cotoPrtop. the wetctti ai-adMii1962. It was reported at 58 and 66 'mloved froni its present location Scholar and Sister Maude Cooper Port Hope's calculated levy by Street intersection. This would'ý percent comipared to the 50,%lev- aindý enclosed and fitted, with new as Representative., In the event the niew systeni would be $3,809.56, bring soutb-bound traffic onto) the el during- lasýt year. This is how- Batmcae.that Sster Maude Cooper is un- but the other cormnnities )ivc as- west lane in the business section eýver, true of the winter mionths. Il A new feature of the 4-H Club (Continued page 8) sumed some of this total îeaving rather than taking a sw,,ing to h appears that during the summgr exibtswil c TbacoClba levy of $2,809.65.1 east at the intersection, He also mronth-s the average drops'below exhbit wil b a obaco lubReeve Everson said he hoped reportedi that the Stop sign id the fifty percent. ,vith Mr. John Ingratta in charge.grmapcilso 0fTVan the matter could be settled ai-fo ecagdfo t rsn The Amateur Show will not be radio entertainers will be at the ably' at the meeting, rather than itiOit. <IUARANTEE HEATING COSTS held this year bu~t will in all likeli- Fair Friday and Saturday in the having to make an appeal. TeTute gre otewd Haigdrn1hewnei a nood e spnsord n 964.person of the "Si McClory" Field Officer Hooke told Rteeve enîng of the road along witha rolsaelvl u h osmto To add vaiety to he Fair po. show.Everson that as far as be knew na curb and stormi sewer d.owýn the am hsgv ete s atr appeals against a levy on such a west side of the road. They also M~r. Dent also outlined a plan a A calculated basis had ever been recommended that a roll curb be of guaranteeing electrical costs "' tgranted, aind if the town appeals to installed on the east sidle of the for, home heating. «Uder such a Io b à rtW o r n e w te Otari Muicial oard't oadso tat he tonewal Wo]scheme the cost 0f heating a home runs the risk of the Board ruling be protected from being under- which meets the Three Star requ- rt ~ ~ r k that the leviesl.e paid exactly as mind.oieTrsesgaeterlations could b: guaraiteed and O ro no C hu rc h C entre whichwould cost the toWn about approval for the purchase of foamn be made uýp to the user bythAs $1,000 more. fire-fighting equipmei-it to be, pur- sociation and the, electrical con- Prelimînary work bas been un- from the south-east corner of the Elmore Scott said, "Rather than cbased for the Orono îire depart- tractor. dewy at the, Orono United present church and will bouse the indicating that Port Hope is n-ow ment. Tl-ey also gave authority for Church this week in preparation Sunday School rooms. It isa two- paying_ more than, their share -of the purchase of 15 gallons of foam Further discussion of this plan lor the commencement of the con- story structure with roonis both the Authority levies, the new fig- This equipment wouldbe used for is to be held when the Orono HYdro atruction of the new Christian Ed. in the basement and on the first ures couid be an indication that oul or gas fires. The foam mixes Commissioners ineet with repre- ucation>Building at the Church. floor. Port Hope hasn't been paying its with water to.form a blanke t over sentatives of the Ontarioo HYdrc Work is expected to start on Contracts have been let for the share in the past." any oil fire and thus prevents it this coming Monday.evening. They ýthe $80,000.00 extension to the pre- many phases, of the building and The Authority voted unanimous- f rom spreading through the use of wili also discuss plans of financing sent cburch. Mr. W. P. Irwin wil be the build- ly- to retain the levy figures as just plain water. capitol expenditu-res necessa.ry dur The new addition will runý south er on the job. originally agreed to for 1763. IAil municipalities in the area are ing the year. Trhe Orono Eantamas shown above, witb the entry from Zion. The thir-1i Shown above are (batck -w have- this year seen plenty of hoc-an final game of this series w'lBill Planche, Neil AIlun, rc ey cin They are currently stil]I J e ld ] n Bowmanville this Sat- Mercer, (lien Haase, HoaeBSt, paigin the league playdowns urday evening at nine o'clock. i Tanager, Camero Praut Du Moffat, Garyý Van am Bob .ot otr Cecil Kennedy, and and Brian Poster. (Front 'row) J Moffat, 'coach. Missing -roint ohSatr, John Hooey,ý, Reid Fos- the picture a).e( C'ive .Johnson, and tcer, Richard BIack, Ri-'ck Neal, Bert Black, assistant manager,