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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1963, p. 1

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VOLME2A ORONO WEEKLY TIMEs, THURSDAY, APRIL llth, 1963 a am 11 @u u aI ip Orono Jjibrary n Existance Over 60 Years After somne sixty years a new and space for the -library., Il is 'era is being foyrmulated for the, estimated that some four iundred Orono Llbrary. Prucedures are books were then in the Library. now underway to establish the Or- Following a fire in the building onu Library -as a Police Village the library moved to the store o! Public Library rather than to me- Mm. George Long and, Mr. Tom main as the presçnt Associate Li- Smith. These lwo gentlemen look- brary. ed after the library., As a Public Library a municipal grant !rom the Police Village The library was then moyed) to vwill support the library and ail Mr. John Gilfillan's Drug store residents within the Village %viîî which was -located in the same automatically lie Ymembers. Thèse place as the preseni Siutt's Phar- outside o! the Village may be macy. The books were kepi, under members on paying a liominal the counter alung the south oide inembership *.ce. o! the store. Mr. Gilfillan was in The firsi Library hp Orono was, charge o! the books whule. they:e it is bel ieved, started over sixty maîned in, lis store. years ago. It had uts beginning in With the biuldiug o! the Orono Mr. Sam Cuitell's priniing office Pire Hall the library ý was then which ai ihai time wvas locaied iu moved tu, the upsiairs room which the upper story o! a two-siory was douated for ibis purpose by building. This building siood where the Orono Police Trustees. Here the Orono 5c to $1.00 store :îow the menibei'5 o! the Library B3oard stands. Entrance, to the print shop took tumus in acting as librarians was !rom the north side o! the as they also do ioday. building. Mr. Cuiteli acied as i- -Iu 1953 'the Library moved mbt brarian donaiing boili bis time its preseut location nexito the Red and White Store. This location be- ing ai Street level made il mnore accessable. Presenily there exisis somewhere beiween tbre 1 e and four thousand books. Duriug the past history o! tche Orono Library many willing tvork- ers have spent boums upon bours in pmoviding ibis service lu those lu the area. Mrs. E,. Hamm :îoted that she has been a member for some fifty-!our years. Membership in the Library in thepaife yea-s lias run from 50 10, 75. Funds have been i4ncreas- ingly di!ficult 10 come by and leg- islative granis under the Associate Lîbrary are flot' as grea 't as those under a Public Library. Operaiing cosis and the increase lu tLhe cost o! books have placed financial di!- ficulties before the Board. It is expected that the :îecessarv by-law and arrangements should lie completed ,vithin the ïnext six wee ks for the- establishment o! a Public LibrarT ;n Orono. been approached tu aee what can depariments o! the Ontario Cov- be done in ibis particular matter. ernment concerned wvith this mat- The Ontario Federation o! Agricul- ter and it is hoped more informa- ture have been iittempting to cur- tion will be forthcomiug. taau the expansion o! vertical in- Plans were compleied for the tegration. -Amendments to 'the Rural Redevelopment meeting te Farmi Produc.s, Marketing, Act be held'on April 25 in the Agriul- have been, sought to rectify this ture Office. situat'tn but considerable opposi-. A report o! the Sping Rally for tion bas been met. Zone 5, held ai Lindsay, was giveix The1 Directors Were Informed by Eric Fallis., Leslie Pritchard that the Consumers' Gas Company spoke briefly as '0 occurances st the Annual C.I.A. Insurance meet- will be carrying on investigations this summer to compile informa- ing held in Toronto. 'The resolutions. tion on existing bore holes ln the' as deali with ai the O.P.A. mem- county which are over 200 feet bers' meeting were given by Bruce dee.nn nnrs ar beràÉ asediTaylor. 10 co-operate, wiih ibis research projeci. Il should nlt e :ecessary, ai the preseul urne, 10 sign any agreemeut. if auy lease agreement is made ai any time landowners are advised 10 obtain advice !rum their organization or s5olicitorbe fore sîgniug. Iu November, 1962, ai the An- nual O.F.A. meeting a i-esolutiuu was passed asking thnt the raies for huuting lie set higher tu com- Basebail lu The Air No sooner lias the ice melted when thoughts turn to summer se- tivities. The anual meeting of the Lakeshore Minor 3aseball Assoc- iation is to be held in Newcastle on April l9th at 8 pan. The meet- ing will be, held in the, Elmhurst, Hotel and interested parties are (Continued page 63) 1 Hioney eEeceICoupIeslIub Jo '.namber PCK ur- Increoses Majlority Preseot Yarieiy Nighti Chose 0f -Indus. Land A number froin Orono attended ______________ Liberal lncutnbent Russeil C. Millbrook 110; 260; 35; L. "Çornz A Poppin" last %Wek,.i The Orono Chamber of Com- Foney edged PC candidate Garnet Newcastle -.339; 266; 36; 2. Bowmamville. Ph enterta.inmrent the eftertaa¶nment the Orono gru merce on Monday evening t Rckard in Durham Riding' -von- Bowmanville - 1,744; 1,512; 371; was provicled by the Jack and Jili laid plans to again. preseiit a Var- their regular monthly meeting q>- test that saw the urban area pitted 27. Club. On Saturdaty a goody iy num- ietY Night ini Orono. Watch for proved a resolution authorizing the igaist he ura. Prt ope- 2268 1.83;314 ber from the Orono Couples Club further partculars with the -liglit treasurer to' borrwUto$0. Boea Pr Hope lay 8.e daepoils (5)- 76; 1;7 were in attendance and f ollowing being booked for late Vlay. for the purchase of.-land for indwj- oey ,61 Plotslafor er, aare- ;1132Vrialpurpose. Mr. W. Carm. pîoe To8n618pvote ofre ricar- 2 speaking for the Industrial coei- 3ffl$ for,a 560 mA in to win. - Clark e Township Resuits M ore C ours%.J ot K ey in ttprogfsthae to ae otai y- , gThe foflowing are the unofficial &lin<» rgrthssprade t.dte oionba A total of 85.4 per cent o! the el- results as tabulated after. Monday To É ucaton, icurne Spea er ben ta e an .purhae opion hae Igible voters cast their balQt . April 8th. C. Couuts, C. Crandall, to uc ton pe k r be aeady lxx May.wllhv 18,32outo!21884 H Hneyan R ftckrdPublic School Trustees 'rom He stressed that new programs The loan o! $8500.00 will have bo Rickard swept the northern rural POl" C C H R York, Durham, Ontario and North- lo! teaching, adapted to the modern be backed by Individual notes, la area, winningin Cartwright, Man- L il 1 -119 119 -umberland Counties met 'Saturday îtimes, will have tu be Instituted this amount. It: is expected thât vers and Cavan Townships as -weUl 2 31 5 60 85 for their Spring conference at B3ay- and a "repacldng of the old and members of the, Chamber, and Da- as In, Milbrook. 3.- 7 0 82 D2 view Heights Public School in Bay wodrn out prugramns o! 50 years trse iieswl aktebn 4. 5 1 56 77 'Rldges. ago will flot be suifficient." IThretd it esw hickheare 1*. Û.beral Honey took, the urban 5. A-L 6 0 83 66 - hethry ace hhar W areas along the Lake OÙntar;o M-Z 13 4 92 79 The 75 trusteeà discussed the Hesdthtacrno ashtctdest!Hgwa15atti watrfrnt.6. 1 4 5 poicis o th vaiou bordsiiiteaching machine and the :ewest north of the Village Is to be an- A surprse tally was registered 7. 3 0 28 23 the province, methods o! programed learninig at nexed into the Police Village et 10 1 8 55 Gustattb i s or her diposal 'and. these< new Orono in order that the iiecessarw I Conservative Rickard's flarl.' 8. 1 3 Î58us peaker a teconference cdevices hudb us tteisrvcsmye1 ington Township which lie los. y 9. AiC6. 122 93 ,was John R~. McCarthy, sýuperin- ues.sol b uedoteisrvcs ayb taken to the area. -)L13 ïotes. p-Z#13 1,101 9 tendcent o! c.urriculum and fulxt t In. order to annec this area intô the Honey widened slightly the :nar- Total 11Ù 14 880 ?42 books for- the Ontario Departmeflt "In a similar category are -.o be Village two-thir(ls o! thoge ei- gin by which he de!eated Tory - _ -- !f:lducat!on-. placed team-tea<hhingand ýell- das ents nOrnoappsearing on mute vision astruction. If these devices ls eie seset:olmS Ivr. McCarthy told the group leare to be used then they ougte sign a petition being in favour o! iOua O urw~r ~ ma ea ~sincton gtwee -or.iethfe move, Petition forms were ofstu ro e m d aItnctlqriculum bwee cuse contribute to the overali objective gvnott h ebr nMn of tuy i(luricilun ecai,*Io! the educational program. day ven ingt ho ar toncrcMo AIlalT C ut for too long we have beleved dtive o! ourr tocicuât Toapgoerswoaae itthtbyitoutono e Included in the overaîl abjec- the petitions within 'the Village. course ! studowe coud impr ve o u dctoilprograniObtaining the necessary rumber the school erogram." are nut Justhehefact ese mc-o! signatures ,application for au- whohav grwn obaco re o H sad iis s nt s, ad ~lu es are capable o! teaching, but niexation o! this area will bcetinade - ~ask the Supremne Court o! Ontarioolit was at this point that mnuch o develupmnent o'rtcl hnig o the Cuunty's Council. tu order the Ontario Flue.Cured tecnuinocr ~ h rs the ability to work, and a sense of Thirteen members were presoit Tobacco Marketing Board to pe-te'ud tpln !hw :-vlues and good attitudes. at the meeting on Monday which mnit the sale o!ftheir tobacco this prvemn aeplc.H adetht"u ahine can was held at Otto's Restaurant. year through their auiction-s. It is pl, iLroice:ewcure o anything abou,,t hese valuable 1'South of Orono. Sestimated thatPotabesumodlgf $75ee c000d woa taco rn en ine-5, o! study are produiced by cnrricu- anSeia, hrceisis hy Pral îodihsWr osd p e dnwr wros n t a l w d o I l m c m i t e a e u oru - m s e l a n d o th er h u- e red fo r li g tiig th e O ro n u C h ' m aundtions. Theis nstandinýg teachers, einspectors, e -ansber o! Commerce sign at the, il be sold through the utin. . nciisiue ersnaieth h dahl y nmaniytato a oe independent g-rowers are 1lirguiestead ohr rw improve oui- euctlionl t . Mr. L. Aslett, president o! the thiat this tobacco is deterioatin nfon te1atso h ine adAw utIceaeteaoutCabrLrpre n, omt 1 storage du to he warmer weathî-'_- raid. ! onten2t in 'Île rra i'tesinng coerighep- dîdate Dr Percy ast ~~ e vvrOflg icai.caeoaMryQ~;n.B As d o t e u o u ar t c d t . eting , ystem ue less they have I and ý- then bring o t a Est f topis c n u m t e is p l-0 a e cd that ie had urcha ed ,h ward.s ýhe Lberals acr th eeng ne rwn -bt - hihaedsge ohl îv He said tuai niany othý'îe things Merry-G,ý-o.Ruund and ,vouid oper- hethe board. No date has as yet been thosse ai-as and objectives.p country, qoney's *,ider nrargmn set for 'tie hearing. He added that the results o!f we accepted as fact 25 yEaLrs oýgo ate it himself having already a can e exlaied b *te elcreae tese îsesson aresetout n ahave become lhalf-truthrs today and good number-o! bookings for the su!!ered by the .1IDP candidate A number o! growers in Nor- pamphlet called a course o! td.ur children must be 'able to a- summer. TheMerry-Go-Rou'nd was Mrs. Eileen Coutts and also itpat, thumberland are a!fected by this Te emidefo te tcîer dapt themnselves to the facso t.prhased by Mr. Fud~o h more *neoffle voied. ban, in the province who have not Sat morrow even if they contradiet the Roseneath. Agricultural Society SocàiéreitcadidteY1 ra-,at hee dscssonsknw ltte acts o! the preseni day. and hie is preseatly putting ;i into SocialfCredit cndidate )rau- __aor___________of__theat thes icsinskn w tie At the conclusion o! Mr. Me- shape 1-or the use this summer. doal aougf oi gteig r1ti50!te hnig hc e Carthy's speech a period o! ques- O oin'4~vy :ate total o! 150 votes, showed slight owtrsuîîed in the production o! the iiew toso i pehhle lryadAiu c~e u !$5 strength tn the urban areas, Sb G course.h pec epe 1rf adAturML'arhasri f$5 Hepce p 8vtsiome of lus points. was granted to thé. Orono Junior HepckdU 3 oesilor "The curriculum o! one class, Gardeners. Hope, 27 in Eowmanville ,n 31 1 iId -O Be grade and in the saine echool can, In IJarlington Township. A srprseinicelanousiihw-compared to another o! the namne Total votes for each ca dîate Asupiemclano 0hw and- must be, radically different, were - Honey 8,618; k7ickard er was given for'MissJaqeie vethuhhewoecerpo 8,08; outs 1898 Crndal ï8. Burord Tusda'evnin, a t e es to be , following the Srne A breakdown ýpf area totals> r.re honme o! Miss Roma Glanville cus !suy as !ollows. 'nhe order -ýs: ,Ion ey, when thirty,,guests were present to cori ffernetu h wrd! i Rickard, Coutts, Crandail (Lib., shower the bride-to-be. with many iferencses iltheccur hefad PCrwih N Twnd ship). 2ve;ype4ent;.because o! the varying abilitiesLo! 9 arw1 gh Twnh. - 263h41; living-room wstseul h ecIrterproaiis Concern was expressed, ai the, pensate farmiers for lusses. Receni- ManersTowshi 33; 54;decorated 'with daffodils and an'd, particularly because o! the *pi meeting o! the Durham ly a dîgto met with ',he Min- f2 «* !). - ~ 4 spring flowers and Jacqueline %vas methode they use. i Counîy Federation o! Agriculture, ister o! Agriculture, Hon. Wm. H1ope Township-70;1691 presented With a pretty corsage o! The abilities, interests, and with regard to the report' that Stewart, to discusse'thc ^natter o!f 7051;1;bronze and yellow chrysanthe. needs of the pupils un ted- frn farmers in )Durham County would compensatirno for far lussu- ~lremums as she received her gifis ln classrooms should, lie said, -51- ibis year receive nu acreage îor fered as a resuli o! careles iunt- Cl8rk Township - 88 0; 842; an arbour o! naink bells. fluence trernendously the 'program, canning corn from ai least one ing actions. R not only causes live- 1.10; 14. Miss Burford is the sisier o! Mrs. used in the isucino h u company. Since ibis is not in the stock lusses but property damage Darlingion Township - 1,597; (Conîinued on page 8) plîs." sueto fth u best interest o! the farmer theOn also, occurs. The Minisier promised 1,484; 71, L51. tar o Reerotannearîy meeting-- o- --uevar9i'11 et i ý a m 1 1

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