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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1963, p. 2

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ORONOWEEKLY TIIV Authorlzed as Second lass mail. Post Office Depat Established In 1938 by R. A. Ferrestg Rqv C. Forrester - Editor and Manag The people cf Canada have spoken once ri more decisively than last June, but still net giving a clear majority. In general the urban vote ha rnarked preference for the Lberals, whila the rur. favoured the Conservatives. This bas aiseý showxi local Durbarn contest Where Mr. Honey pickedi .ority alengi the lakefront or. the urban areas. Mi the Conservative candidate outdistanced the Libi date in the nortb and farming areas. This later are ever been tradionally conservative anid held true Durhamn rid.ng is changng in context f rom cemmunity te an urban centre and it is quite app Ihls recent election that the balance of power is1 urban area. Growth li tee urban centres has far rural -o-)ulation If party allegiances are expected te refle, upnity, then Canadastili exists as a dlvided countr ties baye apparently gainied their support fror groups as seen in tee support of Social Credit tee Liberal lni urban centres, the Conservatives ln -and the great faÉrming arÉea of the three western Much bhas been said, and printed on miner: ment in respect of it being unworkable. It ne dot problems but these should net be overwhielminig.1 question teat thee Liberalo should form the nextg Or at leaSt be given the opportUnity. The Conserva aud according te tee statutes form the next gover ORONO WEEKLY T121MS, THURSDAV, APRIL lith,. 1963 it ceuld be possible that an attebpt could be made. This how- IES ever wguld mean the support of both the Social Credit and ýrtment Ottawatixe-, NDP mnembers. This is highly unlikely or may neyer, be erMinority. goveranent should not be unwerkable. Wbich ~er party which forms the minority governinent could very %vell gain recognition by advancing positive legislation with ýdeci- sive action. Legislation can be presented to thebouse and If iore a ltilepresented in the best interest of, the nation should gain the orea litiesupport of parliament. The job te be done is for Canada not gany party party m anoevering., No party wîll Want, on the hand, te force is shown a another election for at the present'turne the, voter is net In a al vote hias mâood for or ready to givea decisiveaanswer. i up in the up hiis :'-n)i- Int the 25th parlianient, Mr. 'Thompson, leader cf the Ir, Fickard,' Social Crédit group, displayed the best. reasoning la tLee )eral candi- mnatter of operating a minority government cf any of the es, bas how- opposition leaders. His dlaim waS to give the goverament an' opportunity te brrng forth suitable legislation. In abiding by his decisIon his party gave their support te the Conservative La farming governinenit giving thein Uic opportunity to bring forh sound aÉent'alter and decisive legislation. Thi wa no alliance but a inatter held in theeof using common sense logic. After ail the voters had sup. passed the ported the Conservative, party and they should have been given an opportunity to operate and bring forth their plan. When Mr. Thiompson saw that the Conservative Were unde- ,ct atinalcisive in- thear legislation he withdrew bis support. The Social ct naionalCredit leader is again claiming te foliew the same pattern. ry, Au a. n specific lni Quebec, rural areas provinces. ity govern. abt creates L1ere is tho government tives couid aiment and With geod leadership and witli positive legisiation and pelicy grouped with some commen sense directed li the best Interest of Canada, minority geverniit can work. It c ouid be even better than a large majority. Under the present sys- tem the mnembet-s will be aidful o! tii voter. Lecaily we would like to congratulate Mr. Honey on bis re-election. Aiso -to the other candidate§, whel offered their services te thus riding and to the coýntry we must pay a vote of thanks. Ail conducted theinselves admirally besides glving hours upon heurs of their turne during the past two months. Model Jl1lustrated: Super 88 HolidaySedan Try Oldsmobile soon ... experience the thriII of conimanding the car that translates your slightest whim into, instant action! Yet ... for ail its glamour, luxury, trend- setting styling, and breath-taking performance ... Olds is stili pricecl within-easy reachl See your Olds Dealer soon, and step up to Oldemobile! lt's the easy siep Up to the Iuxury class! A GENERAL MOTflRS VALUE STEP UP TO< OLDS AND sTrEP OUT IN STrYLE -roOAYI IUTu iII - Visit your local' autborized quality Oldsmobîle'deaiel- 0-963-O BOWMNVILZ0Y W. N IC H OLSPhone 728-62061 Local News Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Wayne and Mrs. Pred !ramblyx accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Home of Whitby to Waterloo. to visit Larry Miller who is et- - tending College there. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoidge frotu Willowdale visited his aunt Mr.Ovi Fred Tamblyn on Tuesday. TheZion - Bowmanville ]3antam -eries [s no~w over, going thr" gaines as did our séries wîthi- BOWmanville won the first gar.to1- 4-3; Zion the second 5-3, and thein Zion won the third gaine - to 1, giving them. the Championship, o The Zioni goal keeper was the here of the third gaine which wa; like the third. game of the fihst series, an all out effort by both teains. Congratulations "Champs." Mr. Jack Moffat and Mr. Robt. Black and a number of the Oroao boys of the Bantain Hockey club attendedail the gaines 0f the Zion- B owmnanvilie play-offmels Drama Plays In Bowmanville. Bewmanville Draina Worksho-, Box 160, Bowmanville, Ontario, April 5, 1963 Orono Weekly Turnes, Orono, Ont. Gentlemen: On Tbursday and Friday even- ings, April 25 and 26, the Bowman- ville Dramia Worksbop yill present its second programme of the sea- son in the Bowmanville Town Hfall a t 8:15 p.m. Three oue-act plays %vill be perfommed by different casts working under tLhree:directý tor in a Loving C up" is a pfe ,a i itL ngnish farce by Philip Johhlson, d (irected by Anten Fe-' ster». The Sandbox" by the yourig American pliaywrigiit Edward AI- hmec represents: the, first attempt 1bY tee Workshop to explore the area cf "experimental" theatre. This play is a symnbolic work lu whichtee characters represent the PlaYwrights'ideas. Jean Darcb wil direct. The thîrd play will be the well- known and always successful Eld& Cadogan's play "The Other Haif". Miss Cadogan is one of Canada'e foremost playwrights and ber naine practically guarantees a de- lightful vignette.'la charge -ôf this backwoods comedy is Ede Coie. Tickets for, the, evenings -.ire ',5:z and are available vfrom any off the club members ornt C " Oce again the ticket is aise the pro- gramme. M. Samuel, NEW SPRAYING TRUCK HELPS OIL HOPE TOWNSHIP ROADS lWith the dry dusty -weather ap- proaching, the council of Hp heard prices 'or calcium treat- 1ment te prevent dust on igravel The~s calcium in bags, as was once used bY_ the townshiu, i-osts $53.30 per ton, and has te be band. led by township workmen at *their storage barni and spread, on the roads by them, resulting i ad- ditionai cost. Liquid calcium, costing $350.40 per ton on a dry weight basis, was said net euly to represent ri saving te the township ln tee pur- Chase price, but also in the appli- cation, for it is delivered in a sprayer truck that applies 1tot the roads at tbat ponce. Liquid calciumy has been used On township roads for thee ,ast two years, but the cempany remp- resentative lnformed council teat a new application method lias greatly speeded Up the operation. The truck used here ýn'the :oast had a man at the rear te contre] the flow of the material as ffig- nalled froin the driver, and the truck bad to proceed fflowly as tee flow was by gravity. The new spraying truck bas the' f 10w ceutrols i the cab for the. driver te operate, as indicated by the Roads Superintendent Who will ride with hlm, and the flow of material is controlled -by a :oump operating in proportion te'thee speed of thevehicle. This enables the spraying te be' camied on up te 50 miles' per heur. -77

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