-~ 't>~4~g~ - 2 -~ OffONO W KLY TIMES, THURSI)AY, MAY 91 19«3 Prf~ioa ~etor.JAPARTMENT FOR RN-, 1 I Ovile hateron > th linÈo f Clarke Township. E. Miller, R.R. Éoth, ,Orono." Untth~ 080ür L%/eDiý%- CETR Phne 5-r2 - Ha* aýéWom11en, w;Î1 be held 1.,te un A. ________________ dy coo.AuitoriUm,,'ia" A. *.McKENZIE, M.DEIcectrial ',Contracthw! I Mp. ay Sho.hAdt7:0.! Phone 186 Res. 147 > Electrie-Ileating jEN REGISTRATION 0F BEGINMES ,The- first part of the, progranA 1 1 FOR RN Rctib h u IAINA. KILPATRICK, R. N. adServicé :ýý;, 3 year old Bungalow for rent. 6 AT ORONO SCHOOL will bea joint-Rctlb h u ;hn "..ad rc. -roms, ail cneineO n pils of Mrs. M. H. Staple:j and Mis- Poe193 r1cnvnincs, Ilno Parente are requested to lb'ing Richard Morton. OFFICE HOUEIS îPON 4 Apply: Mr. A. Arteit, Orono, thi cidebr i 9',t h In theh second part a group of 2 f0l to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m 1 R.R. 1.b- Orono ,Putilic School, on May 1beirswlprfmonaet0 WEDESDYS nd ATUDAY uYflO ul irlO____________________1963, Thursda-y mornlng f"rom ton- 01-ff Instruments and a guest pian- BY 4PPOINTMENT ONLY thirty to eleven-thirty, to register ist, Mr. Fred Graham of New- ____IRADIO- TV REPAIES them for Grade One classes start- castie will play two numbers. .. ~ O 4 Will do part time Radio and TV ing in Soptember. Amsin5c repairs. Ail work guaranteed. Kindly bring your child's Birth AmsoSC DR. R. J-TAGGAR Harry 'Wiersma, phone Orono Certificate--and -(If available) -im-, DEER. J.UTGART Orono EleCtrîC 1649. b-c munination records. At that time, CJOIWNG EVENTS PHN,2 the Health Nurse, Mrs. Kirkpat- Phone 10616, Orono, Ont.PHOE 2 FOR SALE rick and Miss Cain Mnay explain Escorted BUS TRIP, May 17 to CO NT RACTO RS FOR Annual flower and vegetabie procedures or recomnmenci nec- 20 inclusive, to Waslnigton. lu-n FARM and HOUSE plants. for sale.. A niesietr essities for the Fail. a-c cludes ail day tour of Washingtonl ~ u11TM~!f ron our greenhouse. and places of interest. Reserva- '~-~"-aOpen al day n vnna tiolis arrangod, phone Port Hope 9W~ KY LCET, .A ~Free Estimates Phone. 1406, W. J.,Loamýen,,CMN VN 885-2527, Rowo Travel1 AgOncy b9-p APPLIANCE SALES Station St., Oroiio ý Plan -to attend Clarke Hig - EEN Durifsterl- 5611101»r c Prompt and Guaraiteed Repairs. VRITYGRENHUS "Spring Frolic" on, May COMING VN n to ail kinds of lOcrclVRET RERUE 1th. Semi-formral, 8:30-12:30O.,Price TlpTa lib eda In the offices Of Equlpment and Appliaces 3XPAT tdns$.0, Adults -$2.00. A 15-.h oe0 rs m rsrn RR.Wdel.CI Such ai Metors-- Wat er - esters, AND PERENNIALS plece orchestra. a-c tehm fMs m rsrn R. R Wadei Q.T.V.Rados Stves Irns OR ALEon Wednesday afternoon, May 22, C. DEM00Ycommencing at 3 o'ciock, under- o MAIN ST.l ORONO the auspices of Unit 3 U.C.W. An Telepho'oe 138 OOrOo CnCO 2 m Rles 1, QEof wn Ôk o telN'SMA NANCE added attraction willl bç asale or miePhon0 wi k oel S.mîsceflaneous articles and home Phoo 1R8.SERVICE made cooking. JJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W.'Nanininga, Church St., Orono. C aîg adýod ad ui 4y, keep this. date in mint Ue-13-p floors, woodwork. Windows washed and plan to attend.b- Ibmitane______________inside and out. Rugs machine 11U1818W8,Fshampooed in your own borne.,AU Q IIERRIL .BROWUN 0 ei ORiSALE types Vntinblinda -cleaned (JOMING EVE NT *noaneSe'elh Disease-free Strawberry\ and repaired. Don't miss the Carke Glee Club B.S.A. B4S. LS lnt.$.0ahnrd B.4Se.O.LS. ant. $.00a hndrd.Phone Orono 160J ti presentation of "Breath of Sprin".. c' (CMES I ) c-10-cL vc K etsnphn l7,Oon..* Added to the music of the M (Cie)NURSNG loàfçvoice choir will be "The Country Ontari. Land SuIrveyor fi lustrafclu au-l l it.__________P___NRIGH>~our"; dancing 'by the girl's gym. »'f3FR SALE Lyntonhurat ianor Nuralng class; "Trumpet trios and a min- 121 Queffl st IO1W Auto, Package and Cm.ie Three wire eiectric stove, high Horne bas warm, comfortabie ac- lature "State Pair". O fiveOtai oven. Bargain $10.00. Phono Orono commodation forý bed, and up pa. Enjoy ail the colour and music of-. ýHce FIre, Farm, LiUeu8,0 a-p tients. Reasonable rates. tlis Spring extravaganza in the- 628125 ___________________ Phone Orono 1308. 27-p Clarke High Schooi Auditorium,. U FO 5P~J~OR ~ A~7*7 ____________________Thursday, May 9th at 7:30 p.m. aBurglary, Lâa.bilty, Marine,c' ORSAE RGIVE ' Shoati adAtiel'Aay £1Four tbiroe-month oid f emale Scoasu ndPilteAwrs JenII" hoiuwvsg~j wili be presented to those who at-- Ailcoldt and Swclrkees, Wlnd. COII p La U8Ul's eat LFVIity h tended Orono High last year. a-*c E. Martin, phono 1IR5,, Orono. L. i. SKAIrL Boier, eit odEt.' a-p Park 8treet, Oreno,Onai fi ___________________Telephone 160J or 2R15 BASEBALL NOTICE, UNWANTD HAMBr APPOINTMENT ChareredAcc atan Vaishe awy wih SCA-PjAil Junior Girls wiling to play- c'to SACA-PL l ifeet LI o.s bail, ploase register at the Orôno ACA-PnM ntO Y o d1sIELo ris diffe r Schooi Grounds, Thursday. May Mai OruoTIOPORO138 ade H nilton~ fot ri WALTER FRANKII Registration fee $1.00 (bring it à_____ tarda growth ,0f UNWANTED with you) and give to Mrs. Don. P.O. Bo0x M 8WumTY Phono Orono iRlt HAIE. LorBeer Lajb. Ltd., Ste. 5 UEA<OR' Tonnant. Practice 6:30 Thursday. phone,, m-8197i 679 Granvillo St., Vancouver 2, B.C Tkes - Orono Park, Thursdg,-' FIRST ORTGAG LOANSd-11-p Orono District- 7 rooms, bath, nght63.ac O _______________________new oil furnace, newiy decorated. Moneit, M nteth IThis house is clean and In top Moneit, M ntethr>0 0<= o<>>c' Qc=ý«=ýÙshape. One acre lot. Pull price Riehi & Co.______________OILc only 1110.11, $1000 down, $60.00 AUCTION SALE __________________ Eleetric NvOtU'S a month carries. The, undersigned bas rcie n CHR fL'f1UI[ Orono, District - 8 rooms, bath structions from the Executor of the BOX 133 Me -SM î unclag aaeadwr Estate of the late Ellen Lord to soul il8shop. One acre lot. Asking $9000;00 by public auction at ber former CCV A ISWlndmngs, Swtches, Bearingà $2000.00 down. rosidence on Main Street, lffl- Sta fford Brothers Pdau4Brnshes, Electrie Toolaf brook, Saturday, May l8th,. 196S at 185 SlRUcwe St. NorthOsawa 10utd ~ sdS~IIApine ~ c 250acres - 9 room bick bouse, 1 p.m. D.S.T. Antique Furnit ure~, Telephoe: 72875 p ath and oil furnac, 3 la-rge Dishes, Tool, bedding etc. Teehn: 2-87318 rDwxdas St.Eý. WhtbY. ont. Work Guaranteed ba~rns, croek. Asking $18,000.00, -Tormas cash. No reservo. AlU*aalatu of e 9$5,00.0 d<wn. R. J. Payne, Auctione-er 90-0680 c' AI IIforlkIPI45*Acres niostly bush, Ganaraska O411CemetrrMm.ia0. U i~ au runs through. Ideai for cottage or ACINSL Dealers in Al Hefi campsite. Only $3000. terms. RestrdHseicateTa- IN SU RA N CE Domestie & ]FeteiVi Granbit«S~OfR Kendal - 18 acres with Ganar- tors, Truck_ Baler, Hay, Grain, sudMaSis Rherptfl aska, summer cottage., Full price Lumber etc. The property of Lorno aud Cemetery Repair Work only $4000.00. terms. IPerrault, Lot 2,' Concession, 4,. - àeSl1 om os nCarke Township, 1 mile east or & Newcstele 30-06 rull bose. nCrooked Creek store. Slling on $380.00fui prce. Saturday, May 18 at 1 p.m. Il E Pt1I ING OUT- Modern 6 rom bouse in Orono. P. S. Most of the tractor machin- 8EE JIOfhIIDIII5«'s centrai $9000.00. ery*lbas been purchased within the Very last two years. FREDLY(ETT Faliy N wWs SEFPTIC TANKS LIST OR IBUY MULTIPLE LIST- Terms cash. OFIE - MAYCT. T Fa.O ack eidnenalne OFFIE -MAI ST, OONO Our quallty and service beaves WRE WASHIQý STAL8 ING SEiRVICE (MLs) THROUGHJckRî,Atier Phono 12516 lies. U716 nothing te b. deslred OROFC 'Ask the person who bouzht from SDrt Tomp1idmsU OFC AUUTION SALE j ACK REID us, a neighbouY, *Tk$ 0oreltie 1J.d T . Remember the HM C Auction this JACK REID The RU'1'Eg GRANITE. Phone Newtonville 4721 EA.UÀ .M c IL Saturday, May Il at the Armour- Orou's ic ed QMPINYPhone 1407, Orome ios starting at 10:30 a.m.