-w w-w--w-- -w w -~ OInoxO WIEKLYTIllEs, TRTmSDAY, MAY*9, lm1 KE DAveral of the hlrnite Miss Carol Litte has accepted a Some, of the sixth line neigh- position with the Scarborougli bours atne the funeral o Mr. Board of Education for the comniig John ,raM~blyn on Monday after- year. Our Kendal teachers, Mr. L. noon. Mcf*hon and Miss M. Kent plan We hope to see yoeu ail li Ken- to join the gtaff of the Newcasltle dal this Saturday evening, May Public Sohool in the fall. They il at,7:30 when a Penny and Bake have served -our village andom Sale wiil be held li the Orange mwity well for the past two year. all. The Women's Institute have SUmlNDA'Y, MAY 1L2 CARDS FLOWERS CHOCOLATES- GIFTS Stut ts Pharmacy, Orono of actionlto take tokeep Insured ___ ~ *if you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certifi- cate of Paym-ent, Form 104, wbich your group is required to give you. 0 When you reach your l9th birthday you are no loniger covered by your parents cprtificate. Register separately within thlirty dâas f keep insureti. Form s are available at hospitals, banks and Com- mission offices.- 0 When you marry, the Family preImium must be paiti to cover husbanti, wife andi eligible dcpendants. Tell your group OR, - if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ORO 2195 Yonge St. -HIOSPITAL ONToronto 7 SERVICES Ontario -COMMISSiON r M.VIkYS IEEtF yoÛRit OSPITAL iNSURANCE CRFCATMUE ANDY made, a beautitul butterfly quIlt p '. p ~ I adother articles. Luntch 25c. 'Jrono G.i1ftS 3f t bail T71t, United Church WGMxnsMeta li the Suliday School rmont on Wed- nesday, M4ay lst wlth'the 'presideii Se e -T earr Mrs. W. H. Foster li the chair and e n Mrs. A. Swarbrick-at theý piano.Th oo Miss C. W. Stewart gave the de- ~i ~i votfonal on the topic, *"Ail powerlKendIal Sponsor- Softbtli tem î à given unto Me" as spoken by our *r ~a league with Lord. ing f hree Teams freagte cetl Arrangements were made to ri tec send in our new nissionary ar- The Kendal Athletic Association Newtonville, t icles. Used clothing for the baie-lias entereti three baseball teaxis Millbi'ook, B( is being sent from Mms. W. H. in the Lakeshore Muior Baseiballi Doxi Foster's this moxith.' Children's league beixig i the PeeWee, Ban-- Ail games and men's lothing are badly need- tam and Juvenile divisions. been schedul] ed. M.RyPse smngro the Orono g Mrs. A. Swarbrick read a most Mi.Ry ose smngro interesting account of the Lachine the PeeWee team with Fred Hen. gaim 1in Oro" Chldren's Home li Quebec. Th*s ero and Frank Glmniur, coachi- The followir home lias thirty children well es, The team will practice et the the Orono tea cared for by a Nova Scotia couple. Kendal park every Monday even Most o! them have one parent liv- ig. ay24- (o ing who is, unable to care for the Mr. Jack Neal. is manager Of May 27- Oro chliren gnl.,earn a living at the the 'Kendal Bantiais wth IJave May 29 -Coi samne time s0 the home is a Ha,ýver Foster- and 1Robert Westheiiser May .31- Neý of Hope andi security. carrying the coaching duties. Prac- June 4- Oro Mrs. J. Stapleton told of hearing tice for this teamMwll be held Tues. June 7 New Mrs. Tong in Orono and interesting dayr evenings. Juxie 10 .Oro things she told thein of the work TemngrfrteJvnlsJn 2-M with the deserted orphans of Hong iseJohnaTgerpfor th coacing e June 12 - MOl Kong. ,by oh C ord Langs t P aci orJune 174-On A number of our tobacco farmn s teamGord Wnest. ci eenior June1 OrB are 1putting in a large 1acreage of thi e s fo teedal Ateic s.June 261-Bc baco r th erbecueeir o Asociation were elected at a recent july 5 - port baco igtshae ee et. meeting. Those elected 'to office july 8 - Oror Sunday i s Mother's Day, we'Il aýre as folows: July 10 - cou see you at churcli. President, Roy Poster. July 12 Ne Vice-President, Jack Neal. july 19 -e Secretary-treasurer, Bill Turan- juîy 22 Oro Re-organize Ken-.: sky. uy2Mi 1l P r ~ July 26-Or dial P rk oaru Couroux, John Thompson, Jack Juy 29 O A' reorganiization meeting of the -Neal,' Carl Laxigstaff, Diane Lang- Kendal'Park Board was held re- esadTrs Lnta. cently when a new slate of drsaidThrsaLagtaf cers, and dîrectors 'were elected During the course of the even- andi also application to establlsh ing the Board made application to the park under the, Conmunity. the Council of the Township of Centres Act. Clarke to make application andi to Officers electeti Were; pass the necessary by-law esta- President, Mrs. Dorothy Turan- blishing the park under the Coin- sky; Vice-President, Mr., Dave munity Centres Act. ýUnder this Foeter. Act the Kendal park will be elig- Elected to the Board were: Ed. ible for Provincial grants. ClearaenceSale oComplete stock of plumb- g ing anid heating goods g g as well as pcints and enamels will be sold at f g Discount Prices gR. E. LOGAN, Prop. g Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario August 2 - 16 Te Minor Sixteen ba tered inlxthe bail league4 tration mee Village of li attexidan< presentiflg ) Co 'urtice, Bo dal, Port H( The f ollorw eti in the va PeeWees eowmanvilfi bourg. Bantams Bowmanvil< Mitig9ets - Oshawa andi Juveniles The sched this next wi Mr. Arno] nection of!' pire's Assoc available t< for thoin. Convenorc andi Ryan andi Ted XM Poster, Ken Bowmanvill, tice; Alex 1 Carl of Wh and Jos. Di Receipts ing the eve Enter n ;Le&gue,. > Intemediate Ladiâo n lias been ri*ëf'ê-4n- hsix other teanis. PIe- comîpose of 7 teamws entres of Port Hope.. Courtice, Newcastle, Biwmanville anti Or-, efor the te'ams hava, Led for 7 o'clock and' girls play their KM~ Dno on May 24th. ng is the schedule fur Lain. 4JHEDULE rt Hope vs Orono. rono vs Port Hope. curtice vs Orono. ewtoxnille vs Orong. uno vs Millbrook. Vcastle iOrono. ýno i Bowmanvillie Illbrook in Orono. )rono i Courtice. ýono in Newtonvillt, 3owmaxiville la Oronci 'ono in Newcastle. rt H ope la Orono. ono i Port Hope. mrtice li Orono. rwtonvifle li Oronoc. lwcastle la Orono. rono in Bowmanville. .ilbrook li Orono. rno li Courtice. ýono in Newtonville. Bowmanville i Orca% Orono i Newcastle. ýams Enter' Lakeshore asebaîl teains were e'n- Lakeshore Mixior Bae- on May 3 whýen a regis- eting was held li tte Newcastle. 25 were Le at th e meeting re- Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa,~ owmanville, Orono, KCen pe andi Cobourg. tng teams were eniter-, nrous divisions:* - Kexidal, Blackstack, lPort Hope anid 00- - Port Hope, Cborg- l, Kendal. Ajax, Whitby, Cobouirg, 1Port EHope. - Kendal andi Courice. uûle is to be drawn up rek. id Wade spoke in con- ,a meeting bo!-the lUm- ciation. Uimpires will be )o axiy teams applytngb -s for 1963 are DetIge, froin Cobourg; Hodson Vatýýs, Port Hope; Roy dai; Murray Bates for le; Harry Gay, Cour- Brown anti Mickey Me- .itby; and Don Crstnl )iclison for Ajax. f rom registrations dur- ning amiountedt* to$?!5. A new car for vour family? New Commerce. Loi'. interest rates. Life- ~ appli4nces for your home? Cet whatei,,er insured for vour protection. Conven- VjOv need now-with a Personal Loan jent repayments. See iou;r helpful Sfrom the Canadian Impe,,ial Bank of Commerce branch manager today. Oel6 brnhsoserve you 1 1