Orono1 lim es ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1963 voume 25, Number 10 To Présent Race Meet A. J. Tamblyn The Orono comimunity wa- sad- I m -deed tolearof thedeath of A Ana n orse briowl lýong with other equestrian f eats. Tbe committee in charge- are also investigating the possibility o1 incorporatîng an oid-time Fiddlers' contest. A ïpecial draw is to be held on this date for a small Shetland pony. This pony bas already been pur- cýhased and tickets are to be on sale sbortly. A fewi detadis have yet to be an- ranged. A brief discussion f ollow- ed on betting on the races but this was left to tlhe commaittee in. charge. At present no wagering privileges have been arranged. Eloar 10 Leslie HoÛper. The Newcastle Lifons Cl-ub iiwarçl for 'Grade XII Commirercial, by i,' FC. H-oar to Miss Susan Major. 1 The Newcastle Lions Club Aw\and1 for Grade XII Geography, hy Mr., F. Hoar to ilss V,-Ieki Cotter. Thle C. B. Tyrreli Awar-,d for Genieral Proficiency, ~blrhp Leadersbhip and Atbetics was pre- sented by Mrs. E. Tyrrell to Miss Marge ry Tyrreli. The Mrs. R. Chaters Classics A- Ward for Grade XII Latin was, àpre- sented by Mrs. Chater te Mr. Ro- bert Robinson. The Orono Chamber 0f Con- merce are this year to sponsor a race meet and borse show at the l4cail race track on June lSthi. Tbis information was revealed at the reulr onthly meeting on- Mon- d!ay evening at tbe, Ontario Trad'ing J'ost. President L. Aslett outlined the eývents for the late atronand .earIy evening. These include six beats of harness racing, aIpoy race and horse sýbiow f rori O)shawa. The latter bas already been book- ed and will displagy trick riding a- During the Clarke Bigh School fllec Club programn last Thlursdayjl e-vening a period was talion for theý presentation 0f awýardis and d iiplo- mas to studlents of the fol1,rer O- ono Higti Sehool. Thle prlinc1ipal,. Mr. E". G ihnpoB.A>, soi 7,n intodcngte award presen- tations. 1The oaw,ýards presented were asl Bligb-est scholastic standing iii: Grade XTI, Margery Tyrreil. Grade XI Leslie Hopper Gradýce X, Sh-'iaron Tamýblynl Grade , Doug Hamm. The «above awivards were preseiii' The Homenaling Award for dby r.Carlos Tamblyn, a mern Grade X Home Economics by Mrs. ber 0f tbe D!isirici Hligh School Bd N>. lWolf e 10 Miss Troy Taggart. TheN ate Lions Club award The Canadian Club awand for for Gýradie 7X1! English was presei- Grade Xr, Canadian Hisiony, hy Mr. ted by Mr. Frai'ý Hoar to Miss John Ricliard to Mr. Terny Gra- agery ynli an Tbe Newcasile Li*ons Club aar Secondary School Graduation Di- for Gýradeý XI History, by Mr. F (Continued page 2). J. 7tmrblyn at bis home in Bramp- ton rnn Friday, May ard. Hie wasin Hie waý one of e&;bt chil-Irca of Cihe lat, Mný. andi M5s. Clias Albert Tamèilyn. i, -e was born ai the homesttc-I, obtained by bis grand- pare its i)m tir' ýCr'own and resid- ed there t1ilreentyars. Bis mar- riage to 1,:1uraý May Coram in 1905 was blesged with six children, one, of wbhom,-Cbhanles3, died in infancy. Surviving are Janies C. of Orono, Ella (Mrs. J. W. Bowman) Enni- skillen, Myrtie, Toronto;' Ivison J., on the bomestead. Orono; and Franklin G., of Hamilton and 14 gran(rfhiidren. Mrs. Tamblyn predeceased hum in1938. A, year ago bie married Nellie Martin Pettibone who sur- vives, as does one brother Milton and one sister Nellie, (Ml-s. J. D. Brown) both of Orono. Under Mr. Tamblyn's supervis- Ion Cedar Dale Hoîsteins became wldely known. Be was Director of the Holstein Friesian Associationi of Canada for 8 years and was bon- ouired by tbe presentation of a Vet(,ran Breeders, pin. For many years hie was sales agentfor the Hiioîstein breeders tbroughouit.Dur- ham, Northumberland, Peterboro andff Bastings Counties, retiring about a year ago. ln,1939 he w.as aiwardeýd an Agricultural Service Award by the Durhamn CentralAg ricultural Society for meritorious s;ervice to Agriculture. Mr. Tamblyn was a member of Orono United Church, of which, for mnanY Years, he was a valued member of tbe Officiai Board. For weli over fifty years lie was an active member of Orono Band. ,He was a memben of Orono Masonic Lodge No. 325. For tweniy-.eight years lie was a member of fthe Orono School Bioard. 1The funeral service, beld Mon- day, May C I ý )rn Orono United Churcli, bro ught togeiher a large concourse of relatives, neiglibours and friends, evidencing the estéeem they held for th, deceased. It was conducied by Rev. Basil Long as- Baptimal)ervice rl At sisted by Rev. John Kitchen of roo J ite ChueNiagara Falls, who pi pca ()ro o t-nit d C h rch and radiant personality of the de- At the Sunday morning service iMn. and Mrs. Jim Hudson; Nancyceed in -the Oronio United Churcb Rev. Kim Madili, daughter of Mn. and Internent was la Orono Cerne- Basil Long baptiseýd thie following Mrs. Win. Madili;- Karen Amelia t, Wt rnsn:Gat John, Ross, Bryan and Robert byabies: John 'Ediwin Ai'iistrong,'Quantrili, daughter 0f Mr. and Mrs. I Tamblyn ELnd Bruce Bowman, act- ,jon of 1Mn1. and Mus. Charles Arm- Francis Quantrill; Richard Gerald ing as pallbearers. Flower bearers strong; Denise Marie Challice, Rbnosn gM.adMs eesno ebr fteOoo dCaughter of Mn. and Mns. Orville Rbaosno n n r.wr eirmmes0 h rn Chauîc; Kren Lyn EliOt, Robinson, son of Mn. and Mrs. Mahonic Lodge. jaujgbter 0of Mrs. and Mrs. Neil Schoenmalier, son 0f Mn. and M rs. The many beautiful floral trib- EfQlioti,; William Michael Hancock, Klaas àhoenmaker;; Andrea- Jane utes and the memonial-gifts to van- son of Mn. and Mrs. Ron i ancock; Wiliams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, iou charuties testified to the higli LInda Betýh Hudson, daughter of Jack Williamns. esýteen in which the deceased was beld. CêX.i.-ý¶roc C1 AsAu:WP., Id Cv7AA Manager, To, St irling Moss, thie retired un- ,-rownet h-jng of motor raciing, will Introduce the new Moss in 'the 'Player's 200' at Mospont, June 1. The British ace wbo won nost 'big races but no world titbs, WÎIl manage bris own entry lu the "Player's 200", the race lie wOn la 1961. ,A partner la British Racing Part- ners, the firin that owns the car world champion Graham Hill will drive June 1, Moss told the race organizers, the Canadian R.acing Drivers Asociaton, that ho was anxlous to becone a race -team manager7. THis owa racing manager, Ken Grego ry, presently beads British R.acing Pantners. Nover known as a man to do things lu a small way, Stirling bas signed up a nobleman to do big dnIving - Sir John Whtniore. 'Ple car is a Lotus Elan with a GT Coupe body, deaigned and built by 0gbe with an asSist froni Mvosa. Whitmnore, one of England's top Blytali car racers, la being groormed to nove up fo GrandPrix cars5 Moss is now clesigning and build- ing. Be At -Mospo rt "vealways wanted'bo have.a go at race maiiaging,'" Moss ssld. "And ibis is the start. We intend 10 try Nuiburgriiig, then head for Mospornt." In, actual fac , Strling will prOb- ably have two batson during the, "Priayor's 20.With One, he wlll flI-L mt L î U.Ou Fro. Auction Thle Orono Bu-C group hield a financially successful auction on Saturday lasit in the Orono Muni- cipal Building. With Mn. J Reid calling out the bid on everytilng fron "Soup to Nutsý' the group realized a sum of $270.00 Includedlib tis amount is a sum, of $22-00 fron a homebaliing both. mnanage Whitmore, with the otner, Up for sale was live poultry, Grabam.Biil, since Moss holds the baby cribs, comic bookis, cboco- controlling interest in Britisb Rac- laites, toys;, furnitune, electric stove ing Pantnera. and- nany other items. This mer- chandise was donatod to the Hi-Cs T'hus, if the,1600 c.c_ Lotus Elari by local residents supporting the and Lotus 19 both rua the way efforts of ibis teen-age group. Moe's expecis, bis drivots would be In an ondeavour to drun Up on hand to collect büth class a- mnore business for the auction the wards and the Player's Ciip from Hi-Os set-up a public address sys- Imperial Tobacco CoInpaiY, plus ton ion the? front street advertllsing moest of the $10,000 prizo money. their sale at the Municipal Build- l-is father, Alfred Moss, wlll aC- ing. Their continuai ch'atter toueh- company stining to Mosp>ort and ed on ah their articles for sale will report on the race for a new and we beloive some extra ones. magazine, Cars Illusitd Pi The Thprocoeds of the sale will be diroctors of the magazine include usod by the group toic reet their Stirling Moss. And bis cornpany is objective for the Cburcb Building presently building a Formula One Fund, towards the M andM and car and baye plans for sports rac- assistance to the Christi Educa- iag cars. tion Conmittee who recently sent Thle Goodwod Engjiand. crash a group to attend a semixiar ai la 1962 nay have ended Stirling'a Kingston. drivlng days but the Moss narno Tnle leaders, Mr. and Mrs. R. obviously will bo around rach'g for Gi ÇJibart, weêre woll 1^pleaaed witb the a long ine, sale and is reault., John Wesley Berry Suddenly in Bowmanville Mem- orial Hospital on Sunday, May 5, 1963, there passed to rest after a lengthy illness, John Wese-y Berry, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lias Berry, in bis 76th year. torniii Clai9ke Union on May 21, 1887 he recelved bis education at Clarke Union school and bas lived and farmed in and around theire ever since, excepting for 7 years spent at Antioch. Be was a mem-1 ber of Orono United Cburcb, a Past Master of Orono Masonic Lodge No. 325 and a Past Grand of Orono -Oddfeallws Lodge No. 436, liaving ýreceIived bis fifty year jew- el tihis last yiear. He took a great interest in both Lodges. On March 15, 1922, bie was united in marriage to El va Patterson, daughter of b late Mr. and Mrs. Thos., Patterson of Orono, whom he.leaves to mnourn is ioss along witb one son Roy, bis wif e and two granccildren Dawn Marie and John )David. The funeral was Ahèld on Tuesday May 7th at 4 p.m. at tbe Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmianville,' with the Rev. Basil E. Long, pastor of Orono Unitedi Church, officîating at the service. Interment was in the family plot in Bethesda cern- etery. There were many beauitiful floral tributes including one f rom Orono Lodge A.F.&A.M. No. 325; Orono Lodge L.O.O.F. No. 436, Clarke Union friends and neiglibours, Cry- The Durham County Live Stock Judging Comipetition was beld last Saturday, May llth in the New- castie- area. Nineteen seniors, six- teen juniors and nîne novices com- peted. B iglh senior and winner 0f the E. A.. Summers Menorial Trophy for high score in the competition was Paul Taxablyn of Onono. Paul tot- aiied 589 points of a possible 600. Grant Down and Doug Jose weoee second and third seniors respect- ively. First in the Junior Division was Walter Rickard, Bowmanville witlx a score 0f 556.,Second and third in this division.were Fred Taylor and' Terry Malcolm.< Higb Novice and winner 0f the C.N.E. Shield was Wayne Down, R.R. 2, Bowmaaville. Alice Taylor and Frances Rickard were second and tbir d in the no-vice, division. DYonald Welsh was again winner of ilihe coaches tropby. Contestants *wei-e required tet jucige sheep, swine, beef and dairy, caille. A vote of thanks is owedto Lloyd Ayre, Gerald Brown, John Riekard andt the Jose Family for giving of tbglr time, animale and farins for use in 'connection Witb tecompetition. Mr. D. E. Young, Mr. Doug Key Mr. Wm. Broadworth and- Mr. 1A. N. Watson were the officiai judges. sial Dairy, BowmanvilIle. Palîbearers were 3 Masons: O. W. Rolpb, Cordon Power, and Andy McGifl and.3 Oddfellows: Erý. win RaineY, Ulmont Bullock and Fred Yeo. Object To Over-Nite Parking On Mai.n St. Parking on tho main street '-f days and! that ibis would bring Orono was fully discussed at, the some relief. He also said that the Obamrber meeting last Mondaly ev- company had been .bindered in eningarid a recommendationls from)I their financing. R. C. Forrester the Board of Drectors' meeting suggested if the Chamber was ta was endorsed with action to belprotest 0f the service that hey taken. should first contact the local Comn- Thie rmeeting slupported no over- pany Whtch is, to ho done and a ngbit parking on the Main Street request is ta ho made asling one fromi Station'Street to tbe Main and ofý the Company ta speak at the Mill Street intersection It was next meeting. statedi that cars in ibis area are A letter was received from the tak ing Up valuable custOmer Park- Orono Junior Gardeners tbanking ing areas. A motion was passed by tbe Obamber for their donation of W. H. Carman and S. B. Rutiier- $25.00. ford in tbat tbe Orôno Police Trus- tees are to be askeà to bave thbe, A letter from the Canadian necessary by-law pîissed ta pro- Chamiber was received in wbicb hibit ovel-nigbt parking on the they stated that tbey had investi- Main Street. gated the suggested express 2er- Instructions were also given the vice into Orono and that littie hope secretary, Mr. B. Bazelden, to existed of .such a -service beiig write ail merchants to keep their establighed, A survey revealed that vebcls ndthose o0f teir ema- an average of ten items, a ýday ployees off the Main Street. would be brought into Orono by Also bl-ougbit before the mîeeting express and that tbis number did was a proposai to write the Ontario not warrant such a service. "It Telepl1one Commission (or proper woXld be uneconomicai.y' autbority) outlining what m'as A letter f rom the Orono Pair s'dg- termed/as poor teieplioie service gesting a donation of $200.00 for in Orono. Mr. H. Partner stated the Sldhoo! dhildren's parade was ýtat at times i, was almot un- set aside to be brouglht up at the possible to phone in or out of Orono next meeting. Tlhe Cbaxnber don- atid he sugg-ested direct dialing. ated a. 5um of $150.00 iast year. Mr. B. Madili said that they ex- Thebtter noted the suocess Of the pected two mlore long-distatnce lines childreh's parade an~d contests last ta be connected within a inatter of (Continued page .2) Clarke ScIîool- News Thle CMarke Bigli Sebool (2lee Club prosented lýast Thursday even- ing a nost entertaiing prognam Of mus~ic. t~he production was bi1- ed "Breatb of Spring'" and dnew a near capacity audience of sonie three bundred. Featured for the evening was the Sohoel1 Glee Club along with solos by students of the schol, instru- maentais and the "Country For quartette. Many favourite and pop- ular numnbers were, presented by the Glee Club undr the direction of Miss M. Whtaker, B.A., music teacher ai the scbool. Ineluded ln the repetoire for the forty singers I were sucli 8ongs.at "W-tndertbirot" IlWalizing M0tlda", 'H1alls 0f Ivy', "Ci',atchi a Falling Start' and "It's a Grand Nelht for Singing." 1Slïsts taking part la tble musi- cal numbers were Sheila Slatexr sing-#,g 'I Heard a Forest Praying' and also 'Moon River' and 'Come to the Fair,' Douglas liam sad Barry Pedwell also -sang solos with the Glee Club la 'Happy Wanderer' MPi e Country Four of Donrald Staples, Glenn Allia, Mer.rill Brown and Jack Allia provided ftuther enterýainmen.t la close barnmony. The prog-ran was furtlier on- (Continued page 2) Paul Tamblyn Wins J ud g.ingAwcird Awards Presented To Hiugh School, Students 77-7 kg