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Orono Weekly Times, 16 May 1963, p. 3

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ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES, THURSDAXY, MAT leth, 1963 OC O =o = Q< » =o = a=ôc Report From'-Queen 's Park Alex Carruthers, MRP for Dur- centre in the province. 1 assure bain, was the final speaker on the you, Mr. Speaker, t1hat the sugges. budget debate before the Ontario tion 15 flot favourably received in Legisiature adjourned for the Ea- the KawarthaIJakes and the Pine ( ster recess April 3. Hereunder are Ridge -area of my community. Such exeerpts fron the official report of a suggestion would only tend to Mr. CarrutherSW speech: decrease the importance of other tourist areas in the province. Mr. OarrutherS: The success and the progressive policy of this - May I point out that, in Durham f governmerit, Mr. Speaker, can bel county we have many outstanding g!it'tibuted in nosrnali ineasure to aiad varied tourist attractions?,ËFolr trie hon. Prime Minister of tisl the fishing and1 boating enthusiasts rrovince (Mr. Robarts). Leader- we have Lake Scugog, Rice LakeU s-pis the resuitof energ-y, faith [ and Lake Ont ario. AU are 'support- nnrd ability; and the leader of this 1ed ideal park and beach facilities. ~government bas ail these outstand- Darlington Park, bordering on the 3-g characteristics. Recognized for blue waters of Lake Ontario, 'is 'bis no-nonsefise method of govern- now open 12 months of the year f ment, Mr,, Speaker, he basee and bas become both a summer ,uble to reate a business-l-k--atL and winter playground for the res- f -nosphere in this assembly. !dents of Oshawa, Bowmanville Mr. G.' W. Innes (Oxford): He'adtesronigaes 1as not mucil in legfisiation though. Nor does it lack for historic sites. Mr. Carruthers: This,. Mr. 1 arn pleased to Iearn that these 0 Speaker, bas been refleeted in the are to be, further recognzed by0 attitude of the opposition, who the erection of an historic plaque have, appeared to sense the fact at Newtonville to mark the homeU that the hon. Prime Minister's pol. 0f the BaldwIn family - a f amily icy is one f business first, and which played such an -impotant they are to be congratulated on ac- Part during the Baldwin-Lafontalne cepting this fact. And, in doing so administration, in bringing about tbey have expedited the- work 1 f, respoilsible government to this f the session. p province and wo Canada. ' The business-lik e system 0f gov-. Durhamn county is a tourist at- erninent operating in the Legis- traction in- itself witb its variety Jature, Mr. Speaker, is also re- of agricultural and industrijal r fef _flected in the budget itself andin with its great fields of grain, te- the capable manepr it was pres- I Tacco and potatoes; and witb lis enited by the hon. provincial Treas- fine berds of livestock. It is aiso arer (Mr. Allan) . It le indicative cof one or the largest Chitmas tree progress, of consideration for the ,producing areas in the province. 0 taxpayer, an1fsudleiltO would, suggest that considera- G0 la the intereets of the people. tion be given, to recognizing the!o Mr. R. m. Wicher (Bruce):».lue of one of the famous men of Did the hon. member say the con, my riding - Joseph Seriven . . Whog sideration of the taxpayer? dedicated bis 1f e as a lay reader Mr. Carruthers * Yes. It's drlugto 'the welfare 0f bis fellow meng -the consideration of these varicus -and who bas been recognized a- ,estimates that the progressive Iround tbe world, Mr. Speaker, as 'work of this goveruiment is reveal- the author of that great hymn, ed te the people, 0f thé province. 'What a Friend We Have in Jesus'. f Mr. Wbcarher: Effiiency?,an The house in which Joseph Mr.ay, Carrun.The oppfiin;andScriven lived is still standing in o saei aogra.teOportesitinarethe town 0f Port Hope and I belleve b beconratate fo th asistif given proper recognition and aneand coopration they havepulbucity would become a major qrovidedý, àt tmes- ors trcin Mr. hicer: t al ties.Practically every part of this Mr. Carruthers- in revealiflg province bas facilities for year- these facte to tbe people of îte round recreation. The assist anceU province, 1 arn sure Mr. Speaker, provided for winter sports in parkO ,tht te tainng nd xpéiene aeasmakes it possible for our vhich they have ganed ln this young people to enjoy Winteir sports respect will be of immense valu to an ever-in'creasing degree 1 ti-uin in the days ahad.when Ws t hstie9 r they will be able, 1 arn sure, to, Iis thitmeMr Speaker, amore efficient oppo- tb read inW bile record a resolution eCperate asa recently passed by the elementary er ner1ettiM.ono oado or oe n s Swas v tey lnerso ht .sib!board econsrt Hoand s -Slea erîmten 0 ! > epartinent Whereas, winter sports are play- 0f Tavelandp~blCit,bo learn f iiug an iacreasingly important role ibe evelp mnt ad t 0 c 01we do respectfuliy request the Min- ,,j11s industrY inthePrister of Education to consider the nThi sa o-mlihe M.aishlty of declaring a 'stater ThsiSa aern ~ i~mn theMrpaubaie ýSpealoer, whichi is re flected i temîdtem vacation for pbi taë tiat ntaiois osttO ver75 scilools. The latter part of Febru- f at tlatOntrr isles toovee~ary would seem to be tile best trne per cent of het rlt taficen for titis holiday to occur a.nd th tering this'country eaclu year. But sehool days, three or four in nuin- îwas eoneerned bya statemnti ber, lost in this way would con. iwas concerned, by a staternentl ceivably be reeovered f romn the ,the bon. leader of the Opposition Easter recess. {Mr. Winterineyer) made a f ew I eltathsrouinhs -eaysap wen h advcate theconsiderable menit. At the p resent building of a,$25 million ilOtel and time stridents have approximately vre<reation area ln some particular a week's holiday at Easter, but it ,part of this province. I beleve he cornes at a peried wben the winter suggested the Georgiasporyare are just ending and the sum-f An hon. member Tile Fort Wi1- mer orts haentbguoI han' area. rral larea particularly it is î per- Mr. Carritlrs o rmt- iod of niud and slush, a period in jng that area> as a mlajortort (Coninued page 8) ROYAL Bowmanville 623-5589 FRIDàAY AND SATURDAY MAY 17-18 Gigoet COLOK Jackie Gleason - .-Plns Cartoon and Short SUN. MON, TES., WED., MAY 19-22 SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Boy Nihtout COLOR Kim Novak, James Garner, Tony Randal Excellent Holiday Show for the Family g Ô Ô Ô O g BONUS BUY' Yeu Save 9e - Assorted L:pS Y'S RELUSHES 12 oz 2 for 49c BONUS BUY Vou Save 7e - Ifeinz TuoMATO mK'ETCHUP BONUS BUY Von Save 9c - Layer Style PFillsbury OAKE- MIXES 2 for45c 2 for 69c ST>, LAWREINOE OORN OIL BONUS BUV Von Save 10e JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH, BONUS BUY Save 12e -Bny 1, Get 1 Fr Twin Pak MIR LIQ10UID DETERGENT 57C, 128 oz. Size 79C. 24-oz. Sîze 79 o Red Ripe and, Full o',Julee - Good Size Où 0W AT -ERMEmfamL O NS 99c 9J Plorida's Finest - Large poly bag Mlld, Sweet, No. i - Pkg. f 2g 'Celery Hearts 25c Spanish Onions 29c g g 9aney Mclntosh C.A. - Faney Grade 3-b. poly bagg g Appies, 6 qt 79c. Mcintosh Apples 39ce.g 0 _ 0 FRESH BAKED Westo r Sunbeam Reg. 35e FE T R V Fro.St n' Serve Shortcake, 3 le FEATURE - Save lic - Choice Small Whole 20-oz. Tins ý T V-Time CuIverhoue Potatoes 6-$1 gý POPPING Feature 20-oz. Tis o Clark's Beans with Pork 2-41C g COuRÏNT FEATURE - Save Oe - Spaghett 2-b. Cello g Cateli's Macaroflj 2-69C gkg 35( ICE CREAM 2D7.9ccDcçncZ = ODcý; c 0 Try Ham For the Holiday Weekend Burns - Fully Cooked - Short Shank - Sldnlefs No Waste - Shank PortIon Smoked HAMS lb 49c Choice Plump - Grade "fAi TURKEYS brodler size lb 45c Burns Sagar CJured - Wel Streaked Rindless Trend Mild Seasoned- Skinless JBACON lb 59c' Weiners 2 lb 89c FEATUJRE- Save 6ec Foul Wrap 12 inch - 25 ft. roll Stuart Flouse 29CC, 3 onnfon1 FEATURE - Saverie - Hereford 12-oz. Tin Corned Beef 47C I 1f EATURE Save lie Burns 12-oz. Tin AHOsu Spork or Spam 2-89c aRS BEAVER - LUMP Charcoal 5lb 45C* Red & White Large Botttes FEATURE. Save 2c - Uypress Gardens 48-mz. Tin Orange Juice 53c4 FEATURE- Save 8c 0Cash Your 15e Coupon acag Giant Cheer 85C il k 0, 0 fi . ý-oe, ý-loc=:>o OC=>0=0=0< DO=OC=O=oc=::>OC=DO=O=OC ýC=OC=01= 0 Oc=>Oc=>oc=o<--

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