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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1963, p. 2

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______________________________ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES, THUBRSDAY, JUE 2Ith, 1963 ORONO WEEKLY' TIMES The government of Canadna lasti Monday, survved its 4a>tes-,t vote cyf non-confidence and well it shouid bave for the counitry is not ready nor receiptive for another federal elec- tion. The non-confidence Motion wýas presented In view of the recent budget. The opposition certainly has every right and duty to delve ýinto any phase of any legislation being instituted by the goverment. So often, however, as in hs, past eae more time is spent on matters of lesser account. The main debate seemed to icentre aro'und whietlier the finance min- itrhad used piroper procedure rather than What effect the budget was to have on the economy of the nation as a wvhole. Where 15 the coicern on the fact where advice was received? the main point o! interest should surely be the effeet of the budget on our economy. We do fail to ýsee the budget as a budget to encourage growth of industry and building. It is in these two facets that the governiment is lookinl and must look to talke up the siack in'employment. Nu other two phases can change this aspect more than industry and the building trade, 11 InduÊtry to expand must purchase buildings and mach- inery and both these items are now taxed il percent. Home building is another area înwhich the tax nGow applies., The big question is, 0f.-course, will tIis tax eut the need- ed expan'sion for more jobs? Thtis however is onily me phase o! a budget a bud- get whidh must be balanced. How long can Canada survive elipping badkwards in her finanicial undertakings? There is little doubt, tIis must stop. To cail a hait means one of two things or a combintatton . . . clip expenditures or collent more taxes. The eleven percent on building and maclinery will eertainly do the latter of the tWQ. Yery lîttie haq1çen, h9ard of the Gl"ssco report since ili was filld last yeur. Surely some phases o the report can trim 6our cos and should recéivre greater consideration by the government because economy is the Ideal mneans of attempting to balance the budget. .Let is be thât those we have elected to office either in the government or in the ,Opposition use, their -ime to dce- bate those issues'that have real value to Canadans. P(o1W cal banterîng atad manoeveningshouid now 1e set aside in lieu pf a strong parliarnent. Public Cao Defeat TB These lis a motto:' "God grant me the serenity- to acceýpt the thîngs Y cannt change, the courage to change the things I can and tihe wisdom to know the dfference." This mdtto ijs applicable to the problem Of tuberculosis in Our cora- munities. It Îs a problem that ean be defeated and is being defeated, but fthc efforts of the considerate are being hampered- by the f ew misguided individuais who f ail tO be tested. Whle they -orry over cancer and lieart trouble they fail to account to tuherculosis houg Itt is indisputably true' that -ore can be done to p revent and cure TE than eiher of these others. Thiat the course o tuberculosis can ýbe e!! ected is proved: Thé death rate in Ontario in 1900 was 160 per 100,000, now it is less than 3. T6 those ,who are afraîd, ybu bave more to fear by not being tested. Early discovery means ear- ly recovery and alm'ost certain re- covery whèn the disease is tuber- *culosis. Thapt improvement is being ham- pedisalswo proved. One third of those eligible do flot, bother to at- -tend tuberculosis surveys. Many people over 40 years o age have neyer been x-rayed. The result is a sustained incidence of the dis- ease. More Ontario people are go- ing to sanatoria now than 10 years ago., Trhe answe is not contained in !.aéilties. The number of diagnostic centres in the province has expand- ed yearly. Physicians have chest lt-ray-facilities. The govenment hms Installed machines in 137 o! our bospita1s. Referred chinies operaîte free o! charge to the patients in 250 centr es in Ontario. Industrial'and community serveys provide free chest x-rays and tuberculin tests to plant and community popula- tions. Special consideration is pro- vided for industries with an occu- pational hazard, sudh as mines and foundries, and fnis service includes chest x-rays. Yet ituberculosis remains th'e Only (3heyrolet oi ci!killer among communcable.- distinctive person diseases tne-luding influenza and flair, with a new S J1% of those wlho- die are diagnos- distinctive trim)1 e'd shortly before, or afiter death. Chevy I-ýloade( 1haddition, 0f the victms of the Cov Ilvi qui&Ik Cisease who enter sanatoria everypcorngCe year, 70%have moderately or far pchorice hatCheco * adance disase.frora 4 exciting m 'T'he answer is contained in, the Chevrolet! Sec yc cjtitude of the public. The(re is to be another free elinie DE SURE TO SEE BONANZ A ONT HE CBC-TV N «oepprtunity for ail citizens 0f titis -411 oy Al f us should ,affirm, y To Make Vocational Survey Nithin less than a year of thE opening of the new million dollarý vjocational wing of the Port Hope Hligh 'School, the Durham County district hlgh sehool board bas, be- gun a survey o! future vocationall needs.'1 Projeoted toxtls for 1968-64 n dicate an enrolment 0f over 30W in Grade 9 and 10 vocational cliass-e- A thre-e-member committee has Capacity is 500. been appointed consisting o! W. Tranmer and Dr. R. F. Rchardson Board- secrelary-treasurer W. r, o! Port Hope and W. J. Brown of Reynolds said that it is too early- ,Darlington. They will meet after to assess the impact of thenew v/0- next Septemiber when enrolment eational training plan but Îthe- figures are complete for the new board wants to be prepared for th& schooi year. future.. IMnPORTANT NOTICE o o G IF ýYOU KNOW YOU'RE'A POSITIVE G REACTOR TO THE TUBERCULIN TEST g YOU SHOULD ATTEND THE CLINIC FOR. A CH E ST X-RtA Y ONLY g 0 CONSULT lVOUR LOCAL PAPER FOR THE CHEST'X-RAY IN YOUR COMMIJNITY gN NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS ANqD IIEA.'-LT] A$SOÇIATION C o osc Corvair Monza Club Coupe. Corvette Sting itay Sport Coupe, Clhovy II Nova 4-JJoor Sedan, Cuevrolet Impala Super Sport ConvertibWe name to go buy., CHEVROLEI ifers you such a wide choice of quality-built cars.. each with its, own, ality and excxitemient! This year, Chevrolet's fuil-size luxury boasts new < Super Sport* version (floor s9hift, bucket seats, convenient centre console, that's guaranteed to keep your spiritssoarinig! Then there's the thrifty -d with purse-pleasing features and priced'to please! And the jaunty ken your pulse with excitement ! Add the potent- vrolet Corvette 'tinig Ray -and you've got a nd to noue in any car league! So take your pick E. mE vays to go. There's just one name to go buy: rur local.authorized Chevrolet dealer. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE *Option,1l t extra cool NETWORK EACH SUNDAY. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING FOR CHANNEL AND TIME. W9 N I C H O LSePhone 728-6206

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