i~rÏ.~ Im How often we have thouglît someone cold, indifferent, snobbish, L;ntil we know hm better. When we go beyond a few formai remarks o sometfling more personai, he re- sponds in the same way and talks iu the warmest, animated manner. We don't know a person until we have made an attempt o make hlma friend; nor do we know God until we want o make Hily a Friiend, to trust Min, o' follow We beleéve lu 'Cod, not because we have proved Him. Rather we try to prove Hlm hecause we be- lieve lu Hlm. As we try o prove God, God reveals lilmself. There îs oniy one' pathWay o certalnty and that lies through a venture of faith - "'betting your 1f e there is a Go>d." The Bible says, "No one bas seen- God."' He is an invisible God yet HI ev"i limself. God re- veais Hiîmself through Nature. One ,Of the strong 'arguments.for the ex- ,istence of G-od is the Coesmoicogicea] argument. Leonard Griffithi, nin ter of 2h f, City Temple, Londojn, in bis boolk "Barriers to Christian Belief"l, Points, out that we have noV our. ~gxwn William Paiey's illustration about a man, CcossiYg -a field. He SLe B.Ejon by When thetwo -words -God and sztrikes his foýot agalnst a Ston~e and .o relnke Ogetlher tle 'r" tinic t ntay have been there for- dcýtheinostipItaTtrI ever. Then lie finds a watch and hie týansip ïnlife.ever. Its parts have been franied On_ Fr1É Tiée wrters of Scripture do 'Ilt nd put together for a purpose. id the Or urgile the existence of (lad. Tbe They are adjuste~d to produce me, tour of thi seek to iýeveaI God, teo affri that tion and regulated to point to the in the ait you can knowv God, and indeed, h o0f the day. He Concludes that te th off that you MUST know God. Those the watch must have had an in- Bunting, Who wvorship here this morning in- telligent maker and designer. shed whe, diate by their preesence their be- Frm hianlg Paley argued ief in God. Like the writers of that everyt'hing', in the natural Mr. But istence of God'- we seek o know world - the stars in their courses, chose Or Scripture we do net argue the ex- the regilarity of 'the seasons, the was bece hm, but do we realize that to know symetry of the humnan body - sug- called Oiî Cdis meai? We MUST gs ups n eiu ward f ro knod imp er t? ec et upseadd >sg.Edward kno Hi i wearetoexprieCe The late Principal, R. C. Walace tiiere we IIFE 0fQueen's University, Kingston, they clea To know God means far more spent a lif etime surveying naturalteou' than giving intellectual assenit. It i hstory through the geological orges stheyi nmeans f ar more than absent-innd and the process of evolution. Be- ete e4y rbyrnng off a statement of ing a great acientist he- was a The fi Vat,~I believe in God the Father humble man. Speahiflg tO a gruup in 1922. ÀAlighty, Maker of heaver and lof scientists, stucents and friends were prv earth; and in Jesus Christ Ris only 1 lhe said, "as a scientist, 1 have not Son our Lord." This may be only I ieen able td convince mygeli that îintellectual belief. What I arn talk- the nîaipveiiôüaoiadp -oboth o Afterii ing about In this relationshipbe- living things and inanimate nature piièd int< tween "God and Yeu" is to can have cerne of tself or through1 the plant KNOW GoDd, net just to knOwv the imperzonal workings of evol- 1 beds. 'Th #-MOUT God. Belief includes at- utionary iaws aione. I feel that wide an( titudes of trust ani love and loy- there is a Mind beyond the visibyle late No% aity.. processes, a Fountainhead of ail are sowîl 2 -Wbtn Paul defines his deePest the Love, Beauty, Goodness and of an inc assurance lie does ut say, "I Truth which we as human beings rye stra know what 1 have believed." He se iniperfectly reflect, a Pow er overI the says, "I lcnow ,Whoni1 have be- that gives us freedom 0f choice against lievedY " hen the moÂ- rnpoirant and an eternal hope. We eau nthat parent t: question when linking "G4id 'and1 power,, God".1 He goes on to say, surroun# Toul' is noV "Is Ilhere a God?"' but - No one who truly, loves nature 1 When ratiier, 1"What is 'God tlike?" We can lie satisfled that this life Is ail. odte are here today because we UeievejV'or in 'the contemplation of th machine in C.0d, but it may be that wei suliet cr the stormn, the mineralis ' bavent a very clesX i4ea « what In the trock o< - the brîltiance of the1 The ~O'd i$ likO. It WÎItl iiâkê tue «?êPRt' bi.tterfly, the mind Is caugit, Up chenical est dï tee 441 inëf Itlriftg and 'i into a relationship that is beyond or by wc burl pYâgtess in liféeaccording as the world 0f passing things. We Before wýê know what (lad is like. reach out it the eternai." Here God made us to seek Hlm. Aug' again we see the indication and machine ugtine said, 4Thoui hast made us the affirmation of someone else a focl for Thyseif and our hearts are rest- who says, 'God, is a God whore- off the-,i les$ untril they rest in Thee." This veals Rimself." wl o is the 'highest in living when we ing., dm4 Gdod in such a way that our Now 0f course God dosntre-1'h1y hearts, iour spirits rest in Hlm. So veal Rimiself ta people 'who *cu- Te God is a Ferson to be ki'iwfl. But not or' wiii noV see. But whereverltemin we shalh neyer knoYW Hilm as a we have "eyes to see and ears Vo, i cratE Person until we trust Hlm, foliow hear and heurts to, respond," God moist m Hlm -and try to make Hlm our reveals Himseif. Science searches Ifu Friend. out the methods of Creatioli. Wr fu do ian injustice to trutn if we Say a great- deal- more about Our home that scientists are trying o prove town, Orono. the Bible is wrong or the Christian Crln ouo f aith a mistake. Scientists have every right'o search out the ýmeth- ods of creation and add o the truth an -eternal word - a revelation of we aiready know. But Christians Gdwihsek oec n fu have every right to hold that "al fri n a raohrW r things are God's Creation." Sel- fxi n a raohrw r needy and oppressed. One thing 1s ence has iu no way proved that sure, God br ings Ris strength and this is not so. deliverance to the needy and op- ý Let- us' further affirm that God1 pressed. That -is the Gospel of Je- didn't just create away back "in su Christ. the .béeinning" God is stili creat- ing Wihou reuzngwe ry o'God reveals Himself Vo, individu- imit "ithaut rwhihis îimess"I o aIs. Elijah was depressed thinking God is creating God and throur'h himself to be the last of the pro- Ris creation He reveals Himself. phets. God revealed HimseIf o God reveais Hîmseif through hist- Elijah who found new hope and ,ry and through the events whlch reaiized that he wasn't alone. Ez- Scorne Vo people and individuals. ekiel didn't need Vo discover what 1We learu about the wanderings o 1f was in the wheel which he saw ii i the HéRe eoie We dbîat a- the vision. HIe recognized God in 1bout the -miracles and miss the the revelation of' the message g reater truth wih eIdit iwhich came o him. "Son of man,' When Moses which is ehindeý' stand uponi thy feet because 1, have *confronted hy the Red Sea andi (Continved 'page 6) *were led through to safety, ha iad God revealed? Not that God *can stoD the' course of the sun or *hemovement of the water, but that God is one who delivers the *needy, cares for the oppressed i - anda brings release o captive IG(f A o e souis. Then the teaching becomnesIV [D IWi ~- I Oshawa and District Crippled Children's Centre Baloor St. ]East, Oshawa For Chfiren of Pre-Sebool and Sehool Age Enrolment Now Open for thse Fail Terra .1 CertMfed Tea.chers and Physlo and OCcupational TheraPiot For Registratit n sd Inorinatton Oshawa. - 728-7525 Bowmanulle - 623-213 Newcastle -3m5 or Write 387 Simcoe Mt, Soutb, Osbawra new summer face! nwfiitB amoIwt«**wa1. VM"wIIt crown Arnhmsidlug. Pl"" *"« iUv k lIi _"B ola *# 0U t y* .~r ' j Pbie ~Orono, Ontario iday, Tune 218t, Grade5 rono Public School took a àe Orono Forestry. We Ieft, ternoon and, walked over rce. rhen our guide, Mr. took us into the paolving re we saw somne sIldes. rono for the foresitry site ,ause there was a ridge co4F )k iRidge. that ran east- Yin York County to Prince County. On this ridge are fine pine forests. Tjen ýred away the trees but vas un .suitable for farming. replaritedl the ilge again. rst work was begun hiere, That year 200,000 trees n ucdNow the oupts.t is viewirig the slides we al 'a truck and went. around itation, looking at the seed .e seed beds are 44 inches id the seeds are 6own in Yvesnber. When the séeds l they cover tiem -with 1/8 Look your ove- eh, sand, and rye muicli or r.tti m.II' aw. Then they put shades ern which act as sh-ields **$eoy witi, our wind and sun just as the trees wouid Iln their natural wlde geioctio#n of the SUNTA N LOTION STUTT'S PHARMACY ORONO, ONT. PHONE 16U, GOLD c RO0WKu ALUMINUM SIDING Another DAYMOND product for modern living MEDALLIQN 0.1* !C;>n LUINMSING Iceps homo$ cooler l o>m.r ýW0rÈner in «!ntbr h o cdds EIRA moai e*tt4 olt>. and ita colours, in gieaminq white and pahtels, remain frosh for year&s und yeats. Mode fromn Alcan çalumintom ln 8" "nd 10" horizontal aFnd IV' Y*rticat sidlngz. GIVE YOUR HOME LONG LIFE BEAUTYý ............... ........................I MIFUil YOUPR/NDSI AND AIL RELATNS W! &/Y! PRME ADWVCEI Hss FAT SERVICE, DE>tlgned tg meet O-roD~T 1IXa<ting C.H.M.LC. : hathan,,0 stondords. IMEDALLION Gol : ICrown Aluminum iuvn jSidlng carrta.a ~0 yeor wften : ADh1Ce* 7- 777 1FOR VACATION FUN FILMS VACATION NEEDS INSECT REPELLANTS t he Seedlings are 2 years rare transplanted bya ecalied a planter. plants are weeded by a al weed spray called varsol, iorkers themselves. ,e the trees are pulled a ecalled a lifter, digs down ot under the trees and cuts bottom 0of the roots, so Vhey be'broken off during Pull. ship the trees b 'y tYL'ng n bundles of 25 and paci<ed ts, cartons or baleýs with îoss aroun-d the roots. id our tour very interesting formative as we ail leamned