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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1963, p. 6

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j -~ ~ ~ (ORONO WEEKLY TES, TJBgffDAY, TJNIE57th, 196à stems on a slat, -and immiediately GLADIOU-qOouditio i i 5 tbap,. H e;ith br R ebekah Lodge Care Of Cut Flowers plce in a container o)f wa+er fovinear to1 quartGf water over .ruesday, June 25th at the I.0-0. Who attended Rebeikah Asseibly By Mrs. Thog Faixrbrother as you gather the loer.(C ut when the, f rst floret opffl F. nal pit six thirty a Pot Luck Sessions held June 17 - 18 - 19 in .using,ýa,, sharp. knife. Stand in cool Supper preceeded the closing meet- the Royal York Hlotel, were then Yurovlbloantlêgr >?'tw pilthf1Weraedairoauilledd) r, of H vatherReeh Lodge N") asked to g-ive their reports. iden-are the resttlt of'tendèet-aré, îr-fuil bI>m for Èhaw epurposeà 334, Atter a delicious meal wa, en- Sister Allen repoirted' on the d Wây fl ot 'enijoy the .ir 1 , 1h:yîà they ý,'wy-7:be cut ,v'a1 days ~LL LJ~9LUILl2ts.~' iloswitb a little>imore attéhltion, ahead and stored ' a cool, clark, 6f sugar, 1 teas sait, toa quart of oydby aIl, the meetng was cali- s. i9n itýNs s'intej~~ restiig 1rsi ed n te Lodgec room ait eight 'p.m. reportf especial'ly to th-e Pasi ob1 n have themn stay fre5hl ngj'dr corner of, the basemyent. Don't packwtethnnwtrupo /Sc ~ ~r Aic Hoey NoleGrad ~ifs~-wio.err s îan'iar witli For special ocsio or ele, Lo any in one container, they ses piwn ~'h.SstrLaverne Bar- the proceedings. . h hsetr teto il b brise easily ~n also require jPTN1,Odi4ni bp ra 11, Vice Grand, assisting frami .er imma Lu-nureported. oin ost rewarding. aeriation but nlot draffts. Taili juie h e ',ýat.on. ti, li sssio - adtaa bottins mk xeln otiesfrsugar to 1 pint of water, then cold ~'o~evcng ss~îns aoutmake ~ cntaiersforwater 1/3 of stem, ELer liboey , NJie Grand, wel-'fthe very impressive Memiorai Ser - Foesso always .be eut storing. After your arrangements coc the SIsi.r Cbazid Br'others vice on Monday Niglit then des-ý near sundown, for at that time are made remember flot ta placel, POPPY-Burn stem ends. Con- an~sad owÏidci se ppecal cbed the Degree wh'ch wse-1th e plant has stored a good supply them near heat, sunlight or drafts.! dit!i1qn in 1 handful of rock saIt tu, edi ýie suppo. ,oi lier Oidcers and m id in~ the Canadian, Roora, fsgrcnetthsosoldb 2 quarts of water. the, b ï. oli cail ishowed Tuesday evening. moisI, Sa watering should have Soebom.euiecniin Ibrr 0f r iesen. Sstr Gady Ga~bytenere ben oneeary i th mrning. ing which means standing flowers ROSE Dip stems in boiling three o1 absen. 1 > Sster Gadys Gasby terdred ben dine2arinchesheomaiverynbot waterf vunthot water.ntConditionond inon2inb2sp. o! fplain ~ eres were re,%d anda p- a hearty vote of thanks t0aIliese Us ting sh nifeor pial the water cools, some respond to sait b1cato ae.Rpa pr ed noe a count w&s aex- rwo Sisters Who had represented, flower ctigser odnr tl xrsi h o ae, the 1ilng ar clip t efr ehen. a~ i~and passed for payment . Iliealtýher Rabekah Ladge at the Scs. scissorsý bruise the stems) cut the changeet cool heo water , hand store.dp a efesen sions and Who had brougb such NPRG -anmr tei A ul rpotwa gve b inter ir ting and clear reporte. flot winning the game, turned in Hardening means. standing in 2 ta 4 inch #. Condition ini 3 tbsp. Barraball, Vice Grand, of hier act- First nominations were held unI- gamenine pa. h coe0 te ld waîer over night. A must for of sait ta 1 pint of water Ihen cool ivt.der -the Order of New Business. gamne ended 16-6 for the Seniors,. flower shows, iext day make a water 1/3 up stems. Sister Mae Ailen and Sioter Mil- Birtbday Greetings were extend- ,,'rhe Junior girls, alîhoUgli prac- fresh slanîed cut and arrange. water, plunge in cold water. dred Piainey had atftended the Dis- ed to Sister Hlilda Wood and Siter tising for the pasI' monîli, are not-1, WE PA-Dpsesiho triect Meeting at Port Perry. Sister Maude Cooper. entered In any league and thus are Special (Jare SWEer odTiPEA- ip8sdem's i otl ASTEItS-Dip stems in boilin"~wtr odto n8dos0 l Rainey gave a goodreport of this The Warden then escorÎteci Sister :pEE WEEB1L~ cohol ta 1 p'nI water. EE BALLwater. Condition in 1 tablespoon i meeting. Sister Flossle Bail, 1m- Gris MeMackin toi the centre of the Th edaPe'W Bsblofpinslt2tbepossur', WATER LILY-Drop a litIle inediate Past District Deputy Pres- floor ihere Sister Betty Major, on clbsoelh ayStra f quart of waîer. Change to cool melted parafin wax in the centre !dentinstalled the new District behalf o! the Lodge, presented heerrubnon aIthe Orono ark hey wîe. f -om nkepitopen. Condition Dèputy President, Sister Grace with a sma i tanc l wshed lier tr rn 12e droPrkwenwte.lo lop lohol10 pnt\vaer Mayell Ldge Pot err. ad r fam.ily, bappiness in their tepaedag ewihhe.rona CORNFLOWERS-Place in wat- Arrange in shallow water. Atthis meeting it was lecided, by new home in Oshawa. theeir K en locl I fuder 1/3 up the stems. IRIS-ýConddtion in 3 draps ail thie Represenltives to hold a coic-unteeai uch 0 epritt ur fwtr biei usto an AserS s- ter Allen andI Sister iLun with tbe score being decidely in COSMOS-Conditiononfiteapptercool water. rto.Wte _9ion and School of instruction, ear- thanked the Lodge for sending favour o! the visitors. poon sugar to 1 pinto! water. liDe olPHNIM-otero i Iy in November at Port Perry. Ibeni to the AssemiblyantI for pur- The Orono Pee Wees are playing DEoî alchol t-o 1ndt water 1 chasing the tickets for the banquet 1only exhib lion games Ibis yearl DAHLIA-Burn the cut o! the tbsp.ofachlt1 i wer Sister Allin reported for the C. ýP. wlich was held on Wednesday andI are not entered in any league. Stein, condition' in ice water. (5 then coltI waîer 1/3 up stems. àT. Oommittee andI Sister Emmna avaning at the close of the Rebekafi ORONO ,SCHÔOL tablespoons 'of alcohol ta 2 quarts CHRYSANTHEMUMS - Ham-, !ce watar may be used). Arrange mersteam ends 2 ta nce at Lunn raporteci for fhe Benevoleint Assembiy Sessions. NEAR BLANKETED . wte. Iipinbolîng atr or ande Comte.Business being concluded, Lodge baltenrono Public Sehool' SofI-eods hnondinin1,d% Sister Emma Lunn, Scbolar a nd closed after wbich >a social hour i eam travelled <y Newcastle in 1oft»I enf o di tion iii 10 d watra ýàterEVERGAEEN8-0Êtedreentativo!wailsPo! clovesh1y 2easuaon gof water Silon -MOnday, afternoon whlere hy esooilceieto1qart, of NOTE-AI flowers should be SisterMa Alen Rereent~tve asspet.were defeated 15 to 1,byýtbe New- Wter. stoein freeli cool water atr h cbaslite ~ic Sole team.fE12,orNs-Lyfa.n dwtrabove treatments,, and changecl te 11A ÏV~. NIêw Fi'nnnmpntFir1rehwt dly DURHAM COUNTY MASSTB SIUR VELY June il te July 1,Inclusive CHECK BELOW FOR YOUÙRAREA (cntnuýf om1page î) 'urono Fire Depi. cause<e for ye t~ o.'sa afi The Orono Fire Department bas to feel and a deep longlng to know eneuP1e wtnwfi ig. God,and B-is mwill, learned some- 1n qimn vibarvc h tbing cf the boiness o! GotI as GocI foretvart o! Ibis week. The new revealed, Bimself to, h4m. Goci con-' equIpment is foamn equpment tinues 10 reveal Himself - Be, is-, which is used for gas, cil and allier GotI of revelation. such fires, Suçb equipment produces ',a fo)am by ilidng, under, Pressure, fodam ahd w4ter to smoother gas Goc's greatest revelation came and Kcil fires. Water wben used on hi the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, snob fires cnly assists te apread1 We try to limiît thiings there. We the fire ratber than toamrother.,, can accept Jesus Christ as -One AIl fire departinents In the coun- wbo came Int this world as Got's tY now have been equipped witb I Son andI say Be gave us the best Ibisà equlpment and large supplies Word by whicb to ive, the best Of foam are te be set up at centralJ Example tid fail to realize that Be Places tbrougbout the county. Bach gave up Himself and that Ble con- departnient wiil alsoc maintl a 1 Mmues te give blmself. Bis comIng suPPlY Of foani 'at theïr halls for 4,, ,n+ ot o+hinz fhat haimnet ln use.'1 the past; it gees on happending. Jesus promised' that wherever there were those with eyes t se andI ears tb bear and hearts, 10 re- ceive, Be would f111 tbem wth Blis Boly Spirit - be would reveal more and more of Hirniseif and Life -toi theni Il was true o! the man *orn blind whom Jesus healad. For forty years ha had no sight, then ha met Jesus. Jesus' healing power oper- atecl uponhis 1 fe. He began Vo see. The ïinIeresîing thng is Iis:- when tbey asked, "Who did itY' fe said "a man callled Jesus. " They askad Fair Dates' IN DSRC Below are listed the dates of Faîl Fairs, 1963. RI s suggested tbey le clipped andI kept for fur- ther reference. Barrie."*-------------Sept. 26-28 Beaverton-----------..Sept. 12-24 Blaceksitock----------.Aug. 23, 24 Fenelkon FaIls-----------...Aug. 24 Lindsay------------...sept. 17-21 Markham-------------..Ont. 3--e Oakwood ...........Sept.16, 17. nimagl, a m aÂIn at,, anai ne sati, - k 1t.t........ . - ', was at prophet." Then aflar ha had ORONO--------...5 6 talked 10 Jesus ha said, "Why tbis et5,67 is the act o! GotI" and ha called Oshawa-------------..Sept. 23-.25 Jesus "'Lord." Hara was GotI re-ý vealing Himself in an individual. 1Psitei'bor ...------Aug. 7-10 ( Port Perry-------.Aug. 3i, sept.2 Sunderlad..... God- kaeps on revealing Hlmn- lnd-----Sept. 10, il self L- one way or anothêr. Ha bas Sutton1 West......... .Aug.' 8-10 promtased the Porvrof Tis , r Sprilu. and 'wh1i ýýeer,th-ere-are paeo - pie to racciveIthe Holy Spirit, the-, %vl!l ie 'guided in the ways o! truth, .lIow îi i with "GotI andI You?"Y Hava you Üseen God's -ravalation in your life and around you? Hava. you tried laý put yo-ursal! in the \Vay o! the Holy Spirit so haýt Got's greateirervelation cani comea to you? This is ot a mle that we can brush as-,ide lightIy andI say, "O! course I belive in Go-)d,'but someînie i thefuture, l'hI hinkj more dfntl about it." The'j znost imor-tant, thIng bhat you canj do right nocw is ta seek God's furth- Cr revelation - tu seek aright ra- laîionsçhip 'buýetean "You andI Toronto ONE .... AîIg. 16.--Sept. 2 Toronto R;F ........v 152 Uxýbridga ......... ...... Oct. 4, 5 Woodbridg-e--------.Oc't. 11, 12, 14 l'n. PIOwiag Maftch ..Oct. 8-121 SPORT BRIE FS (Prom page 3) ter hitîer and piceked up a Sound thre-bagger, The Orono boys on Tuasday nIght clef eatetl a Newcastle t.eam by a score o! 13 te 6- Do)ug Powell was on the mound for Orono. CxIRLS SOFTBALL - Tha Orono Junior andI Senior girls bail leai playedc an esjhibi- lion gamie ut 'the Park on Mondây eývening. Thie Junior g'il, altho(ugh 1inding ga&mes bard Vo coma by. JANET VILLE I.O.O.F. HALL PONTYPOOL UNITED OHURCH CA VAN COM3UNITY HALL BETIIANY TOWNSHIPHAIL KENDAL SUNDAY SCIHOOL BOOM TYRONE COMMUNITY -HALL ORONO IO0I.COMMJNITY NEWCASTLE COMMUNITIY HAlLL T.B. TEST ]READING AND ONLY HOURS X-RAY ONLIT WEDNESDAYMONDAY JULY 2 - 5 p.m. JULY 8 IVEDNESDAY JULY THURSDAY JULY 4 THURSDAY JULY 4 FRIDAY JULY 5 FRIDAY JULY 5 MONDAY eULy 8 TU ESDAY JULY 9 7- 10 p.m. 2 - 5 p.m. 7 0P.m. 2-5p.m. l - 10 pm 2 - 5 p.m. 7 -10 p.m. 2 - 5 p.m. 7-. 10 pa. MONDAY JTJLY 8 TUESDAY JULY 9 TUESDAY JULY 9 WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAI! JULY 10 THURSDAY - JULY il FRIDAY JULY 12 REMEMBE R...... THE HEAF TUBERCULIN TEST 1$ USILESS UNLESS YOU'RETURN TO, HAVE IT READ!, Brought te you under the Ausptees cf The NORTHUM~BERLAND - DUJRHAM TUBERCJULOSIS HEALTH ASSOCIATION Please Clip'This Out For Future Reference 'I vý --u Lný- ý uvv ri -ui,,. rll.,j xlwy !

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