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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY lith, 1963 TS P'rofetsieiaI Direct.ry ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE A. F. MeKEN*ZIE, M.D PIJYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 186 Res. 147 MARIAN A. KILPATEICK, B. N. Phone 193 OFFICE HOUES 1%-00 to 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:001P.m WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART 'VETERINARY SURGEON phone 10616 Orono, ont.1 W., KAY LYCETT, B.A..J i the Of fices Of g R. E. Waddeli Q.C. g MAIN ST., ORONO g ITelephonie 138 Orono NERRILL D. BROWN PROFE SSIONAL IENINEIC Ontario Land Siirveyoi 1121 Queen S O a Bowm-anville, Ontario Telephofle 623.7251 LJ. SK AIFE Chartered Accouintant, By Appointmeflt Oniy Main St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 208 WIHTBY Plonme66-8197 Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Simfeoe St. North, Oshawa i Teiephone: 728-7527 Wbtby 668-4131 Ajax1 942-MO9 INSURANCE Ceneral & Life FRED LYCETI OFFICE - MAIN ST., OR'ONO phono 12516 Res. 1171ry JACK REID orono's Licensed Auctine~rand Valu-atuîi ,Spec ialize in Farn anld Furniture Sales Cuutme for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oront) T ED J ACKO Auction,,eer and Valuatorý C~dcsAuctlon sales of ail sizeS ai at esnabie rates ComImuicate with hlm at port PeMryOntario iOrille Chatterton Electrical Coetracting j Electrie HIleating Iand Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM andl HOTISE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairs te ail kinds of Electricai Equipment and Appiances Such at Metors Water Heaters T.V. - Radios Stoves - Irons Hamiltons g Ins.urance Service 0 gInsurance i ail ihiBranchesý 0Au, Package and Com 1 posà> L olileles, Pire, 'Farm, Lifeij ug gBurgiary, Liability, Marine,Q Accident and Sickness, Wind.g Boiler, Fidchity Bond, Etc. 0 ýo Phono Orono IR16 oFIRST MORTOE LOANS 1BOX 133 Mo. 8-M552 Stafford Brothers 318 Dundas St. E. Wltby, Ont. Manufactiirers of Cemetery Memorials Dealersi Dlýome.stie t'Foreign GraWites ani Marbles - Inscriptions Cnl and Cemetery Repair Work Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service beaves nothmng to ho deslred Ask the persan who bonght 'from us, a neighbalir, friend or relative The R[IMER GRANITI COMPA"NY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dispiay in Souitheru h FORo PAINTING - DEGOPRAT NG fi BUILING- UPBO.êRDS o REPAIR AND FINISH 0 h FURNITURE iDOUG SIMIPSON0 Phonoe2M, Orono FOR RENT Two bedroarm Cottage for rent on Kosb Lake. Hydro. Phone Orono 1308. 20-d-p FOR SALE Brand new last year, Case Baler, 200, power take off. Also 25 acres Of Timothy and Alfaîf a hay stand- ing lu tbe field. Raymond MacDonald, Phone Or- ana 12-r-2. p-c RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS Wiil do part time Radio 'and T.V. repairs. AIl work guaranteed. HIARRY WIElISMA, Phone Orono 1649. NURSING HOME Lyntonhurst Manor Nursing ,'Homnelbas warm corofortable ac- commodation fer bed and up pa- lients. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 1308. 27-p WAYNE'S MAINTENANCE SERVICE Cleaning--hardwood and tule floors, woodwork. Windows washecl inside and out. Rugs machine sbarnpooed in your own borne. AUl types of venetian biinds cieaned and repaired. Phono Orono 255 ota Repaired o ocWindigs, Switches, Beairings0 ad Brnshes, Eiectric ToolSg oand Small Appiance Motors g Work Guarantoed 0 0 nAI. Ileard Phone: 1176, Orono oc=>o~cZZ5oG=OcO2Z& Barnes and Byamg 0 PLUMBING and HEATING c Sales and Service k p0 0J24 HOUE -BUEÎNER SERVIOEj3 B-A FINANCINO o Low Interest Rates g ,ampton CO. 3-2288 Tyrone CO. 3-2650 PUMî,,PING OUT' SEPT1C TANKS IVITE WAS-HINn STABLES Bert TompkIns Phono Newtonville 4721 WANTED A Baby's Highb Chair wanted. Phone 5R19, Orono. a-c WANTED Carpenter work wanted. Smaii or large jobs. Free estimates. Phone Orono 22116, after 6 p.rn. b-p FOR SALE Top soil, sand, gravel and build-' ing stone. Easy access. Phone Wm. Reid, 11918, Orono. b-p APPLICATIONS Applications, sealed and proper- ly marked, will be received by the undersigned, up to and including July l9tb, for the position of Li-t brarian of the Orona Public Lib- rary. Applicants shauld be willlng to attend four-day course during August. Yearly remuneration $400.00, expenses of course ta be paid by the Baard. FuËther in- formation from the undersigned. Mrs. S. J. Norton,. Secretary-treasurer, Orana Public Library Board. AUCTION SALE Tractor, haler, thresbing ma- chine, hoîstein catie, f eed, furai- ture ýetc, the prcperty 0f Raymond MacDonald, Lot 30-31, Concession S, Clarke Township, 1 mile noiith! of Lezlcard. Seliing Saturday, July 2tb at 1 p.m. Termns cash. No reserve. Jack'Reid, Auctioneer. ATITON SAlE ADOPTED BUT NOT ADAPTED by E. F. Youngmnian We hear a lot about "balance of nature", and waender if the unusu- aliy large number of graund hogg, rabbits and field mice in the Dur- j h an Forest area is a direct re- suit of the decirnatian of the red fox due Vo ra bies. Ralbbits are notoriously "Iscary"p b ut recently, a small snow shae Two tractors,1 chain saw, caatcamne right up to anc of aur help. equipmenit, furuiture, ail paintings,ý ers, and when picked up showed no electrical appliances. dishes etc. sign of fear. 'he property of Kenneth, C. Toms,, Lot 0; on.3, ava Tws, 'Theman toak it about tweaty 1 mile sautb of Millbroak, selllngyadawyadpacdlluog Friday evening, Juiy 12, commene- grýass. thon returnied ta, his-job of ing at 6:30 p.m. cutting 'scrub' trees, only ta have Terms cash, noreserve. Ithe little jigger follow hlm. After JackRei, Autioeersurne moments of tbis strange at- JaackenRenedan pn ilin anear WALER FRANK REALTOR O:ono - 110 acres. 9 room bouse,' ing $20,000.00; $6000.00 down. Millbrook - 3 bedroonhorne. 3/ acres. Asking $3000.00; $70000 down. 30 acres, large streamn near New- tonvi'lie. $350000; $1500.00 down. Newtopv'Ille - 4 roorn bouse. Ask- ing $390000. Terms. $500.00 down and $50.ûü month buys restaurant on Highway 115 just soutb of Orono. Full price $3500.00. Orono - 117 acres..8 roorn modemn home. Ail conveniences, larg e barn creek, pond. Asking $20,000.0o;, $4000.00 down. Tyrone - 125 acres. 12 room brick house, 2 baths and funaice. Large barn, creek. 40 acres oats planted. Asking $37000.00. Terms. Orono - 50 acres. 6 roorn bouse. Ail conveniences. Small barn, creek, tractar an d oquipment. Ask- ing $1700O.0Q; $2000.00 down. A.J. McGILL Phono 1407, Orono Local Représentative BuiliHaeuse? or rernodelling your preselit one, then contact Flyd N icholso091 PHONIýE 2191 ORONO biy vehicle, aut of h'arm's way;, took il home' thet evening ta, show the folks, thon released -it lu a patcb0f woods. The littie fellow appeared quite healtby, with ne evideuce of injury or rabies - just took a fancy ta R?,y, opted the man; bowvever, ibis 15 ualt usually the case, especially at this tirne of year. CMany peaple finci fawns, coans, rabbits and even arnaîl bears lu the woads and adopt them lu the mis- taken belief that tbey havc been abancloned by theïr mothers. and if unrnolested th'ey wauld soon ho reuniited with oue or 'the other parent. In 99 % 0f cases ibiýs is not truc, It is always pleasant Vo be able ta see wild animais lu their natural enviranment, and this is w'bere they sbauld stay. WMen yau remove thern frorn it, ta, a~n enclosure at your borne, you are p1acing thern in a setting lu wbich tbey are aliens, under con- ditions which ronder survival di!- ficult no matter bow rnuch tender lovIng care you lavisb upon tbem. Even if they reach rnaturity their inqtinctive desire ta, again dwell iu a wild state rendors tbern rnost in tractable, lu fact in rnany in- stances they inflict injury ou those who have been caring for tbem. We strangly urge you ta, enjoy Otario's wdlhf e but by aIl means leave it lu ils wild state. S EN14D YOURt NEWS i I TO THE TIMES ..... ... . .. BIRTH SBob and Maureen Johnson are h'appy bo announce tihe arrivai of a 'boy, Davîd Robert, on July 6th, a brother for CI-ive and'Caroline. Thanks to Dr. Mikios and staff, WANTED0f Bowmanville Memorial Hospital WANTEDand to everyone who sent cards. A good homne for a Collle Dog, 112 years oid. Unable to keep it in BIRTH town. Phone 16111, Orono, after 5:30 CHAPMAN-Don and June (nee pm., Miss Audrey Cox. a-pJ Heron) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on Fniday, July th, 1963, at Oliveden (Can- NOTICE adian Red Cross) Hospital, Burn- A year old dog, black wit h tan aB ksEnld.a legs, has strayed to, the home of U. M. Bullock. Owner please cali DIED for same or phone 11712, Orono. a- COOPER-At ber late residence in apOrono on Saturday, July 6th, 1963 ________________________Leta Annie Brysan, beloved wif e of Charles Cooper. Age 72 years. NOTICEj Rested at the Barlow Funeral Anyone wshing to go by, bus ta Home, Park Street, Orono until the Senior Citizens annual District Tue-sday morning, July 9th. Thetn Mcnie at Cabourg, Wednesclay, to the Orono United Churcli for June l7th. Please contact Mrs. A. iservice at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Bowen, telephone 13210, Orono, ori Cemetery. Mrs. H. Farrow, telephane 1748. Fare $1.25 per person. a-c IN MEMORIAM GAY-In loving memory of aur dear father, John Gay, Who passed LOSTaw ay at Bowrnanville an Saturday, In Orono Park last Sunday even-Jne2d,16,adordr ing, black waîîet wth red ulning mother, Martha Gay who passed containîng small sum af! money away in Clarke on Sunday, March and personal papers. Wouid the lst, 1942. findere please contact Arnâ1 d Wai- Ever remernhered and sadiy lace Jr. Phone 1207. Reward. Oroilo missed by the family. o..p 1* 1

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