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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Aug 1963, p. 1

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%V1OLUiME 25, NUMIBER 25 R )OWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUOUST Sth, 1963 ottgeOwners Are At The Assess;ors Mercy! Cottjage ow>%,ners and thein wives1 the United Counties. o huband.3 are included in the I Cottage assessment bas jumped coeslistinh the United Counties, in recent years. In Cartwri.ght evnif their wintec cesidence is Township which includes the Sciu- te~cian five miles f nom their gog area and Alnwick Township s erc muniicipality. bocdering on Rice Lake, cottage as- sessment s ioven 30 percent of V cioria County Assessor E. F. total township assesment. ~alsaid Monday he was leaving snbpensons off votens' lisis, but Some cottagers association in Fit -,barough Couniy Assessor J. arcas oiber than the United Colin- A. Gaiynor is including them. tics have con and elected candi- dates in municipal elections be- Mr, Hall interprets an 1962 a- cause of diffenences with township ro d.ment to the Assessment Acticouncils. as 9dcpciving a non-owner of votel ~±leor she doca not ceside withini! A ceduction in the number of V 'E mil es 0ýf the munlýcipality. eligible votera cottages can have Mcï. Gaynor states that a letter W0u1d have a serioua effeci in uýn-ummr f nom the Ontario de- future cleciiona. paremnent of municipal affairs saidi Assessmeni must1 beovr$0 th t suclD pensons as wives, or bus- to qualify.ý $0 bausownerswere 10 be included Y othe ltsts. Cottagers associations have aak- Nochumenand and Durham as- cd the municipal aff airs depart- ý,E sC Gamet Sicld supports Mc. ment that the amcndment be in- Ciync nd la inluding both bus- tecpreted to cetain the voting. b~.dand wif e on votens' lists in rigbis 0f husbancl and wif e. Local Cdmmittee Announce New Courses Ina Recreation Tocourses in recceation are of~ tedat the Fredecated Colleges, Gntp,;bythe Community Pro- gramm es Branich, Ontario Dept. ot dccation begiim-ning in September n 963.ea Firn For Alil At Oromo -Street Fair Hope To ga inBa Hiope Township Council recently passed a motion to adv ise the De -_______________ partment of' Lands and FocrestsI C' * l i Barlow, A. - Eng. Comp Cc.; Eng. that they intended to enact some S aviour s iveues itCc focm of restriction to prevent deer Barcabail, ýD. - Eng. Comp. Cr,; hunting in, the township as they did Ë.~ * < ng. Lit. Cr.; Bot. III; Zoo. 111; last year. LIIV rc i Iller Geog. III. An exception to_ this by-law will :,7 17 iBacrabail, W. - Geog. Cr. be the public forest areas to th e A vey pleasant eveing, was en- Clarke, B. - Hist. Cr.;'Alg, Cr.; north which are govecned by the ' i-le mmZoo. ~ *Cr.; Physics Cr.; Lat. A. Cr. jColwell, Dth- Eng. Compf Cr. department or the Ganaraska Con- servation Authority. r Deputy-Reeve George Finnie andE Connè-i1loc Weston Banister both0 commented that although it wa'sn't 'specified ini last year's by-law, thýý1j ban on shooting was intehded prIm- arllyfor the heavily populated ag- t ricultural areas in the southeco and central part of the township,d whece there is a danger. to the saf e- t ty of persons and livestock and a possibility of shots damagiing buld- ings andi equipment. Last year shooting by anyone was absolutely prohibited in the township for the ficst 15 days of Novemnber, pceventing farmners fcom legally shooting pests. on their own faimis. E xpe rimental P, Viewed By ,Tc th ex gr pl ýwese twvo courses are a t'whs oxin Wdnydy ftr dLmacourse i recreation for CCljgWdediy'fy-9 st d ts ith Grýade '12 standing noon aand evening the MainSre w isb ',0 towork tas recraesiOft 0 Oono bl e tra.nsfoynnied mie a liymanagers or, programmne an area foc- the annual Street 1Fa ir qt -ciQr;and a one yean course unde the sponsorslp Of the On.no, re uniersty cadaaes pas orf Commerce. The even- i e, prfsso f ecreation as a ing s being plannied to hc a kala event for ail mremjberTs Of the fa.- ordegcee) Who wish t enter l g - îr ,ectori or assistant dicector. Job lThe entertainmnent f eatuces wnil ai _._rtunities increase eacb year in centre alounid pgames of chance, a,.h t e grwin field 0f e rt ion. onster bingo, fish Pond and a C m-e varied opotuiis r e eIyGoR.ound. Dancing on the th c'aindirectors, arena managersManSre Ilb aotrbgi pormsupervisors, area direct- Mfin 0ftree ight and toper-g>t rtaining centre officers and fomr wf roieth ut yoob lus.for both round and square dancing Cd *Fc furthc.r information as to A spet-Clal'dlaW fbas been arrang- tition fees, curriculum etc., con- ed with th e winnec obtaining fiftY a tatthe Carke ToxInship Recce- percent <4! the) net sale Of tickets. L gnnComimittee. (Continued on page 3) Carol Nàxonbpwin n e r ASw immnninglG ala Thanks to the Orono Merchants 7. 1 lcngtb back stroke- Bob Coo- #eswivmming Galaat the Ocono per mai as a zsuocess in is lst ycac. 8. 1 leng'tb back troke - Ronda The lîfeguards did not earn vecy Tennant. muh oney but ibcy wee ex- 9. 1 length fcec tle o op trcey pleased thait everyone had er. sucb a good time. 10. 1 îength free style - Shelley Anong the fifty etrants the're Llercer. iva<s a numiher of excellent s 11-il lengths breasi stroke - Clive (,,,7s adthje ifeguards hope that Jon n tIs annual eveni will induce ithem 12. 2 !en-tsbes trk ao tbeýomne even better bswimmestrokNixan. *The Or-ono Merchants gcnecousl 1. lengihs, back siroke- Glen donated beaii-fl prizes wihGay w,,ie rpescnited by Ab Wcst, pres- 142 lengths back strok[e - Carol1 dent 0f the Oronio Park Board aniNixn Audcey Co0- 15- lengths free style - Clivýe - Johnson. *Three cildren tPid foc te W1n- 16M. z -regt.hs free style-Jnc of 0fth(, most events; Bob )COoov Ruterford eCaco)l Nixon aond H.ans Bosgraaf' 17. 3 lengtbs breast-stroke- Hans The1cse tLhrcýe were then judgcýd foc Bosgcaaf. the best-dîive by Mr, Gilbart, Mr. DyesatICnneTycl1 arl18.'3 lengths back stroke -Han.s Nxnwas declared winnec and B.gaf awar-ided a_ beautiful camera wiib, 19. 3 lengths free. style. - Hans- Bos- coniplete flash outfit andfilm. graaf. The life-uacds appreciate evecy- 20. Underwater Sý*im - Steve West one's support and already are plan- 21. Underwater 'Swimil - Carolinej ,n igec and better Gala for Johnsn rce'tt summier. 22. Underwvate' Swim - Arnold Following is the list Of winners: Wall'ace. 1. Walk - Mark Carmnan 23. Neat Dive -G(ord nent. 2. Walk- Bonnie Partnec 24. Neat Dive- Carol Nixon. 3. 1 Breadth - Mark Carman I 25. Marred nihf - - Bob Jôhlnsonv 4. 1 Breadth - onnie Partnel' 26.- Married women- Marg Mercer 5. 1 length breasi stroke Bob 27. Obstacle Ratee Valerie Mer- Cooper. cr 6. 1 lengthbrbeast stroke .. Ronda12, Squaslron RâFtce -. Male Life- Tennant. gulards t On view on Tbucrsday evening on the farm of Mr. Roy Foster was an xperimental plot of tobaceco. AN scg.e gathering of district Tobacco crowecs were prese&it to view 'Che plot andI hear speakers on the rowing of tobacco. A vaciety 0f types 0of tobacco are, Jeing grcovn on the tbree, quarter acre plot, with each row eceivin,- different types of fer- tilizer or spray. Researchers speaking to the gcowers said tisat defective plants are being, deli'beï-ateIy pco>duc'ed beyi ea-vy spraying with diffecet bhemicals in order to determin, the exact causes 0f the defects. In bis way they can then determine vhat to eliminate f rom the souls or1 ehemiecals, in use in the production oftbco Presenit to speýak to the growers and to answer any questions were L.S. Vickecy, supecintendent f the tobacco experimental farm at DeIlb.and' research officer J. M. Elliott, both of the Fedecal De- >artment of Agriculture, M., C. Watson, G. E. McCann and Non- mýan Sheidow. Scene 0f Fatal Accident Sbowni above is a picture of the, the top right hand corner is the cýà. Inset at the lower lefi hand cars following the fatal accident car driven by Mcl[. Patton andI inj corner is the Nocm Andrews cars last Thursday when Mr. John Pat- 1 fr-ont of it the Graba--m car whicb The accident occucredl south cf Or'- ton of Orono Iôst his 1f e. Shown ai 1 came Io cestai a nt the Patton ont>)n on Hlighway 115, iou's and friends, when they jour- Bo. Cc,.; Zo. c;Ge o. Cr.; necyed to the country home of Mrs.Bo.O;Zo.C; egCr Prust andl Lynu foc a pienie supper Cotter. V. - Eng. Comp. Cc.; Eng. on the lawn. Lit. Cr.; Bot. Cr.; Zoo. Cr.; Geog. After the young folks haci en- Fls .-In.II..C.;Eg joyed their swim, and gaines bad Fls .-Eg ap r;Eg bele plyed evry oe sat ommLit. I; Bot. 1; Zoo. 1; Lat A. 1; Lat. oa een playde vertabl e st o C . I; Fr. A. I; Fr. C. ; M usic 1, to awel laen abl . Gibson, D. - Hlist. Cc.; Alg. Cc.; Social chat was enjoyed until Geom. Cc.; Physics Cr.; Chem. Cr. dusk xhen Mrs. Prust sliowed P1c'.- G c.r tures of some previous g atherings Gibson, G.- Eng. Lit. Cc.; Geog.- and their trip to Epngland'last yeac Cr. which were very interesting. Two Gibson, W.- Eng. Comp. Cc, Iuciky prizes were dcawn foc and* Mrs. Trebly, a visitor fcom Toc- Zoo Cc En.Li. l Bt C. onto, was the lucky lady and Jo hn Zo r Robinson for the gents. Greenwo'od, G. - Enk. Comp Cc.* Mc. Dewdney on behaif of ail Eng. Lit. C.; Alg. Il;, Geom. II; presnt haned he hstesesandTcig. C.; Physies III; Cbem. II; ail ageed a god te tie shad Geog. Cc. all gree a god iýmewas ad. Henderson,, T. - Eng. Comp. Cc.;, Eng. Lit. I; Hist.' In; Bot. DIt; Zoo. II; Lai. A.,1III; Lat. C. 111; 'lotA t K ndal Fr. A. Cc.; Fr. C. Cc.; Geog. fI lot A t end ng G. - Eng. Comp ï1i; EgLt.Cc.; Alg. IHl; Geoi-n, LI; )bacco G row ers Trig. il; Physica 1: eCbem. 1; Fr, A. MI; Fr. C. Or.; Geog. II. They spoke extensively on the Hýolmes, R. - Eng. GÔýmp. Cr.;ý development of new types of to- Eng. Lit. Cc.; Geog. III.- bacco intended botb to meet the Major, S. - Eng. Comp. ýIII; Eng. demands of the tobacco companies Lit. III; I-Et. Cr.; Alg. Cr.; Trig.- for different grades of tobacco Cr.; Zoo. M,; Bot. Cr,; F r. C, Cr.; and to be adaptable to local gcow- Fr. A. 1,11. ing conditions in the varlous ta- Meccer, S. - E ng. Comp. or.; bacco producing areas. E'ng. Lit. ù; Hist. Cr.; Alg. Or.; They also described progres in ot 11; Zoo.,I;- Fr. A. . ; Fr. 1 C.c. e,,-pe,,lments to discover the causes j upy .- eg r 0f grey tobacco and possible meth- MrhC eg c odsj of nrevenioin. Rickard, W.- Physies Cr. Methods of applying new sucker Robinson, R.. n- n. Comp.-ti; control oils, said to be Up to 80 Eng. Lit. 11.1; Bot. I; Zoo. 1; Lat,. per cent effecvtive ifapplied prop- A. Cr.; Lat. C. MH; r. 'rC.;Fr erly, wece explained. C. Cc.; Geogg. Cr. Tamblyn, J. - Eng. Lit. Cc.; ng. Norman Sheidow said the oils Comp. Cc.; Alg. 11; Geomr. in; must corne in contact witb sucker Tcig. Cc.; Bot. 11; Zoo. Cc.; Fr. A. shoots befoce they reach a lengthi Cr.; Fr. C. Cc. of two inches to be effeçtive, and Tamblyn, R. - Eng, Lit. Crc . Alg. care must be taken to prevent 1; Geom. I; Fr. A. -0,r,; Fr. C. HII; splashing, or drlpping the oil On Physics I; Cbem. IH leaves as it could burn holes in Tucansky, D. - Eng. CoMp.,LIl; them. Eng. Lit. Cc.; Bot. II;' Zoo. i; He said if the oils are appli,,, Client. Cc.; Fr. A. Cr.; Fr. C. III; to the plant in the proper 'manner IGeog. Cc.; ~Music Cr. they con down the stem and kili Tyccell, M. - Eng. Comip. Cr.; the suckers without toucbing the Eng. iàt. 'Cc.; Bot. IH; Zoo.,fi; leaves. The oul is not absorbed bv Cbem. II; Lat. A. 11; Lat. C. MI; the plant, so should flot effeet Fr. A. II; Fr. C. III. the leaves themselves in any way. Westheuser, J. - Bot. E, G 77

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