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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1963, p. 1

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VOLUME 25, NUMIBER 30 eokly Tre ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES, !UHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ý12th, 1963 Orono Bsoy Killed, In Highway 115 AccIdent A tragie accident Tuesday night threugb the guard rails and down iclaîmed the lif e of nineteen-yaar- a îwenby-foot embankment The, car .oid William Arthur Allen, Oreno He is a total wreck. The truck was; was travelling home from work 3topped by the guard railing. myhen the acedent occurred on Righwny 115 south ef the third Mr. .Allen is survived by his wife, b;nc corner off Clarke and north ef Connie, formerly Oonnie Suteliffe, tibe railway overpnss. The -fatal and an infant dnughter Trudy. He -cident occurred areund elaven- was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Éty y.Allen., Mr. Allen was employed at the Mr. Allen was travelling norlh Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co'., whcn bis car, in wbtIcb he wns the Bo-,mannville and was reburning pculy passenger, came into collision from bis werk-ai the lime of th1e -with a tanker truck driven by Re- accident. lert MeMurchi 'e, Downsviaw. Me The funeral service will be held !Murchie aescapcd ifjury. Fridny aftern .oon from tihe Lang The impact drove the Allen car IChapel. O.W. R o lp h ReÉ>«cei v e s V, eteW«%rPaqn sJubieeMrda Shown above is the preseýntjton herd at the-reçent Orono Fair. The ono branch to Mr. Beatty of Rtoh- 'iÈ the Canadian Imperial Bank ci "'-esentation is bAing made by Mr. mond Hill, owner of the award- ziDmmerce 'Trophy for the b;ist beef R iy Dickson. manager of the Or. w!in"ing herd of Angus cattie. Over one hundred and twenty- vins responded to by R. W. Bro. H live Masons, including twenty Duvali, District Deputy Grand 2JIi i tiz eils 10 a e r P r je t le re Grand Lodge Officers, from manyMastler, of Ontario D1strýct. In h s V ~ ~ U I ~ points in Ontario as well as many remarks he congratulated R. -v local bretibren were present at a Bro. 0. W. Rolph on his Mason.c YeI W.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~ii IBo .W opo hrdyvle0 hsmeig~ rn:gFiaPioneer Villagelho g T w si reception and presentiation for R. achievemnents and spoke of the Shpemer 31 inth evening-, September l2th, 1963. together many friends who are Oddfellow's Communý'y Hall Tueday eveingi in the coqnfl year debentures. rooMsonic Lodge No. 325, A.F. stiparated by reason of distance. Cabh Srsipo ~&..were hosts for the occasion V., W. Bro. R. Logan proposed a After a Wshort business session, Camb ters 0f thil esToni 0f Thbe rstees nalo fetoil wo[1d 91te a the. head table was the toast to the visitors which was re- The Orono Senior Citizens met on laepthe counetig reuetheiricraethmnueos o hj giiet 0 hoour R.W. Bo. . W Isondd t by ro.Rov J.Kithenplans were discussed for a tripto Sep tbrtmeti n1 olen The e heAdtralopeete -e R olph W. ro. A. J. BM oGîi, W .r- and edW. Br . R o v.Jroug h i n e il a e n a or n o l n w h rn o P l c T u on chargifg for the w a ter syst e m1 W.pfi ateP roA.J ono L. or-àdWgeo . Rbrugh inerVlagjerToot. tees to further discuss water for'and -a plan of credit for 1the wete? I Mrs. Bowen then iftroduced ber Orono and fireprotection for the mains in the sub.ýdîv1sa1on. The Or- ci1armian, and the -4ollowing diý- R. Wï. Bro. . MW. Rolpa was ntodued erono Police Trustees stated tha.t ngihdbetie:presented with the Veteran's Jub- guest, Mrs.1 Marie Gartshore of entire 'Township. eyhdard Ubitf l V. W.h-- Beroe. uheV W leMdl yR .Bo.HbvîNewcastle who showed -pictures, Mýr. W. Pope, Township auditor te a led umte h BrWoBo . uhvn . C. D.D.G.M y . . ntro. HDuric, a-0 h o adtkn nbrtpwas present an~d submnitted a bliel charge plan te the Council along Bro. R. Logan, V. W. r.C dOtroDsrcas These pictures were splendid and Onl aspecsffornncn thepo.wih ter prpoaina in teaySW>l Billings, R. W. B,,. W. Carnegie, sisted 1)y R. W. Bro. W. Carnegie, 1ictoa.Ms athr ec-psdwtrsseM.PP e .W.Bro. C. MeFaul, D.D GJM., P. TiDD.G.M. of Ontarlo Distiof !eductoa.divGrthriesi oe wtrsstm r Pp e o ane wat ed s ihe Ub. Prince Edward District, R. W., Bro. V. W. Bro. W. Hiwke presented R., 1 h6 Coo o clpedcid- menthed tht ye rusees oetdviin a she hs ped H. Duvail, D.D.G.M., Ontario Dis. W. B1ro. 0. W. on i ;,.ian bon- ren in Oshawa. Sak th tiry ea1 rpymu icilws trit, ro.Rev J Kiche, W Br. uray R4phwlh 0 __________________ 1__plan throtigh the Ontario Water iRe- The Clerl, H. E. Milîsori pointaM R'e-19 ' rshi- sources and repay the capitol -de<bt b 1the use of th1e Municipal Loan posorcýÜg, Bo. Rev. B. LOng, Orno MNa,,onic Lodge. W. Bro. 0 RW.Rooru, Bro.my R. ,W. Bro. W.Rop spoke on his tfiity years in a twenty year period. This 11e Fund if it - woul'd app]y. TheTr- -W. F. Rickard, R. W. Bro. Do- j i ainr and mentined. the H auih;i Louge stated, would ejiminate inte1rest in !ees stated that they ha4 nia4e con- libieW. ro G.CoterV.Wor j z i g,,ht ndhe hippy a- Hete1Rbkh1og h] t e amount 0f some ,ý$83,000. This t-act wfth OWERC in this niatter but litie W.Br. G CUW. vBro. 1 '" Het ;r. lito s ad ithat im. i, e etigofeaî LodS eis nplan would hoYwever increase the that at the present lime Provincial ~~Br3- H.aWallce, I early epaymet bysme $14oo Legisiation was nol .conîpletedi Eimunson, and Bro. S. 0. martin.Miij.lcngt "ewrepd the regular meeting nighl Tuesday, In Ibis the Reeve 0f the Township Ibis Fund. A banquet precéded 'lie regular 7e 'ie guest of honour and th1e September ltb at the I.O.O.F. stabed that it was the decision of The Trustees stated they wera meeting. VW. Bro. J. _Rickaby pro.-ev Ml wllong 5e remembered Ul.teOooPlc rses h ne oglaogwtih the water jio)sed a,' toast to GrandLog whicb . 1h3dstrict by thiose present.th-Oo Plc Tuse.Teeart g ln w Trustees hlformed counceil that theyj program an.d asked counicil to give There was a good turn out with wishe1 to continue as they had the necessary third reading 10 11e joli caîl showing lwo officers ah. proposdt onita frpy Agreement By-law. This was donee ~~ ~' <~~~i~tk, ~ment over the lhirty years tbrough and st o epeetdb11 ~ I" YOWRC. Thbey contended that the OWRC along wîtb other needed - ste Alce ooy, obl GrndWater Resources plan was more formation from the Township offoce ~~sde wth iserLavrn Br-feixihie than local debentures and, A proposed agreement betwcaS rab a Vce r d nsing . Lodgein even though they now signed for a the Police Village and the Township 30 year period teyco, da nla- was submitted by tlc clerk. This ntswere rend hy Sse er date change the period te any agreenlent will provide fire protec- -e Allen, Recording Seeretary, numiber of yenrs.tinfrhewoeT nsiby- ~îe wer 11 oîsiandng c-Aise threugh OWRC they could1quipment stntýioned in Orono. The pay nny ndditiennl amount they'proposed agreemniit was turned o- could afferd nny given year which ver te the tire commiinittee off Deug .-t Lavern' Barrabaîl repot wouid reduce both captiel ad fu- Simpson and Roht. Chater who ara 2, for the Visiting Cc ructtee, Sis- turc intcrest which would have in te seek legal advise. No signing of ......... r Betty Major had cnrried out effeot the same resuît as twentyithe agreement bas yet been done. The Rt. Wer. Bro. O. W. Rolph who ih 'le1,1 Medal and an Honourary hasi bean awarded the Vetrani's McImbersh-ip last Thursdny evenïing. h.work during July and Augus t îhe absence of Sister Barrabal U' wns repertcd that there hnd bben 38 cards sent out- along Witlî3 N Î h raa F et v Sister Allen reported forerbciL i, IC. & T. Committee that one jf Ir ' x v u pair of crutches had* bcen -donated ýI z ro o N u f e andi Would be avalaeble bo anyone There are n variety, of playý Biý, Play and aise beautiful pot- Sre c care a ay îm Ientered in this yenr's Oreno Drama'terYstBio maden by hie IHarland- Among the commnunicatIons rend [Festival of One Act Plysan[esi rdl.Thewl bgvn was n ivitaionfora cnrload et sbeuîd make the evenings off Sezp1- te the Best Actress (donated by the s sters te attend n mneeting at Port tenibcr 26th, 27th and 28th interest- Heather Rebeknh LoclgeY - Bast Pcrry on Tuasday, September 17th îng and excitîng aI the Orono Town Acter (denatcd by the Oddfellow'% te Wvitness tbc Pxchange of regalin Hall. Thay wili ha prasented as Lodge) - Hast Director (donated frem bbc ' InStnlling Tenm off last follows b he b Hampton Women's Institute) year from )Oshlawa te the Insi- The Oshawa Little Theatre in Best et (lonated by the Reécrea- latien T Ofm this yaar. Siste'- "The Stronger" by August Strind- tien Commssion - and n new Grace Love Of Maybella Lodga, berg. awnrd cnlled the Special Adjudi- Port Perry is the new D)istricb IHenry St. High School, W hitby ln cator's Award (donnted by 11eý Daputy Prasident off Dstrict No. x 'Hello Out There' by William Ke ndal Women' s Instîlute). Greetings wera rend from fIstcSaroyan. To add te the attraction of our Matilda McDonald, Presidett The! Bewmanville Drama Work- Festival Ibis yenr there will ha aa tha Rebakab semî fr1inW3-64 shop i" The Sandbox" by Edward worksbop held from 9:30 a.m. - Fier Mollo being "Speak, d anj Abea.A 32 noon and from 1:ý30 p.m. - 4 Serve T-gether". Pie-Ax Players in "A Good p.m. on Saturday 28th Septemfber Orders were renewed for ter WomR-n" by Arnold Bennaet,. in the Town Hall. The Workshop Pnbleid Papers and 10 Rebeknh The New Play Workshep in will be conducted by Mr. James Oecals were, distributed. 1 Married iin Spita off TbemiselX'05' Dean, wall known diractor, design The Sacretary wns instructed to by Francis Parkbill. er and ajudicater, and wîll ha on eder Christmas Remindar Greer. Ajax Drama Workshop ini "A ,the subjact "Soma oc1f the Probleana n'g Calendars 10 be sent bo eacl-' Minus" by Frances Parkhill. Bacdkstage." ,.am3nbEýr at the Christmas Seàsoi, Orono Hi-Ci in "S orry Wroflg1 Do try and come 10 the Drama Business en concluded, lodgs ,Nulfber" by Lucille Fletcher. 1Fsia n h okhp o' was losdla form* afler whIch a AgainŽ-ere will ýbethe Chamber gain n lot off know ,ledge on 111e soc-ial limie was enjCoyed. 0f Commnerce award given 10, the theatre and be enterbaoine7d as well. 77 --Z,

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