ORONO E~KLY rIMES, THURSDAY, ORONO WEEKLY TIMES' Authorized as Second Clams Mai], Post Office Departmùen, WILLIAM J. RIDDELL The Village of Orono and community lost, in the death olf Mr. W. J. Riddell, on Tuesday, September lth, one of its most respected and best kncwn, citizens. Mr. Riddell, durlng his lifetimre in Orono, played a most active part in the Àffairs of bis community, giving of his timne, bis leadership qualities -and experience to promnote Orono and the affairs 0fd the community. In this he gave yeoman service. Mr. Riddell's special hobby was that of Oddfellowship, In this Order he worked diligently both'in the Orono Lodge and in the Grand Lodge of Ontario. He Was the first to re- ceive a special award instituted by Grand Lodge for out- età.nding service. The construction of the Community Centre vwes an achievement sought by Mr. Riddefl with a successful conclusion. His sincere dedication was very evdent la bis work with the church where he was treasurer for many years. He also àave attentive service through the Orono Police Truetees imd the 0oxçno Hydro Sytemr as well as with the Durbami Central Agiultural Society, His retirement from the barbering business la Orono was by no mneans a retiremnent from community service. This latter conitinued up to and including the day prior to bis lospitalization where he was assisting at the OronoFair. Few will attain the recognition as attested to Bill Riddell. But few will give a service to bis fellowmen as bas this mnan, loved and cherished by everyone. The commurnity gained much by knowing Bill Riddell. Showmanship was the key to suc- the judges approval as the best ia cess for Frances Rickard of New- sbowmanship at the Orono Fair. castie. Miss Riekard the daughter Miss Rickard won the Lunn award of Mr. and Mrs. Jo)hn flickard is and was also top showman ia the Èh«vwn with ber grandfatber, Mr. 4-H girls division on the first day Frank Rickard followng receiving of the fair. INot Just Good Goverument But Better IN DIYRHAM VOTE IA1RO'nL D AHSTON X'-ý'v Veteran Overseas World War 11, Radar Eng- ineer. *Graduate Business Administration 1946. Administrative Municipal experence as well -as Council. lie offers Medicare NOT Semicare. Lower Auto Insurance Rates. *Better Communities for Better Living. Labour Laws not Labour Lows. 1Farms Not Fields. Lower Property Taxes An Open Door to Education. TIIS TIME ON SEPT. 25th, VOTE FORA PROGRAM NOT A PICTURE DURHAM BIDINO NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY LOCAIL NEWS Miss Elva Reid left thîs week for~ England. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyil attended tLhe reception in Adelaide House, OsIh- ýawa, on Tuesday, Septernber l17th forFrances Jones the Liberal can- didate la the comning Provincial El- ection. Mrs. WiterMeyei', Mrs. Shnaver, Mrs. Davidson retoeived with Ms.Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeVaillant, Scarboro, visited on Sunday with ber mother, Mrs. j-. F. Stevenson. FAII GATE RECEIPTS UP OVER LAST VEAR. The latest figures presented on the gate receipts at the,,Orono Fair now shows that the total bas paSS- ed that of 196~2 by some $9.0. Last week it was repoxied la the Tines that receipts, were' down some $90. but on re-checking the figures it la now reported that receipts had ia- creased slightly over that of last year. NEWCA$TLE LADIES '$OwTJ3A1L - JRAMFýIINS The Newcastle Ladies Softball team won the local championship by defeating Buopanville last Fr1- day nlght in Bewmanville. This game was the seventh game of the, seven 'game series. Prior to this game the series was lied at three games apiece ail having close ecores. The seventh and final game saw a score of 5 to 2 la favour of the Newcastle Ladies. Better -bail by Newcsatle gave thb&m the win back- ed by the pitching of Vera Wright. Newcastle.held the championship in 19611 while Bowmnanville held it in 1962. P,-RES TON ANTI-FREEZE CASH AND CARRY BJY NOW 1Be Prepared $2.69 $21o69aie EXPERT REPAIRS- To all iakes of TV, Radios and Electrical Appliances 30 Ft. TV TOWER (Complete) Installed1 with Aerial for .-- $59.50 FOR A BETTER DEAL ON Admirai a ad PhIlco TV SEE US FIRST LUNN ,HARDWARE Phone 1661 Orono, OntarÎ 10 1Improvement in your livîng standard -more and better goods and serv- ices for you because your Govern- ment guaran tees aid to enterprises contributing ta Ontario's growth.. 2300, 000 new lobs by -1967-your Conservative ',Govern'ments'lrade Crusade (buy Canadian) aims to create new manufacturing and job opportuniti.es in the Province. 3Improved agricultural researcl-eo- ordination of al research by the Ontario Agricultural 'Research la- stitute makes new techniques and opportunities available. 4 Advance1 rond subsidy payment- Ontario's counties, townships, ciies and Villages receive advance pay- ment to assist roadbuilding, provide employment. 5Fair wagcs for Government work* - your Government set widespread minimum wage standards by includ- ing a wage clause i ail public works Primie Minister Joba Robans 6Farm management assistance-for farmiers, a program. that helps im- prove your business and marketing procedures wilI be expanded. Aid for, export manufaçturers-trad- 7 ng groups arc formed and a co-or- S dinated effort promnotes business. Meansý more prosperity for Ontario. 8l Brighter future for your children- .Ppartnership, of your Governmnt 0 and industry in the Ontario mRe. search Foundation ia ensuring-a solid future. JExpansion of vocational schools- 9in 1962, 217 vocational school pro- jects were completed or under con- struction. 1OMedical and Dental Student Aid- your Government gives bursaries of 10$1,000 a year to students who agree to serve in areas in the Province § where they're nceded most. Vigorous Ieadership-good govern- '1ment leadership gets things done for the people. John. Robarts' adminis- tration is for you. Vote Progressive C onservative- in Ontarjo TAM E-Et AEXGa aUTHERS Ur0Fp THE MANV MM RE1-A SO0NS 'ýWHy wY Good Government ý-ideserves YOUR Supprt,