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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1963, p. 5

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OltONO0 MEDICAL CENTRE A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PffIsicIAýN and suRGEON phone 186 Res. 147 MAINA. IKILATRICK, R. Ny. Pho>ne 198 OFFICE Inouas S2-M t. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 P.m WEDNESDAY" and SATURDAYS BY APPOINTMENlT ONLY DR .J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phono 10616 oreno, Ont. IW-. KÀY LYCETT, B.A. in the 0f fices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO SERRILL D. BROWN f PROFESSIONAL CNGINEER Q o (Civil) Ontario Land Surveyef i121, Queen st Box 165Sý Bownmnvuil, OntarioQ relephone 628-7251 L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accrnmtaut By Appointment Only >Mai st, Orono Telephone 188 P-0. Bôx 208 WH1By Phone 668-8197 Montoith,- Monteith Riehi & Co. CHARTERED ACEOUNTANTS 135 Slmicoe St. North, Oshawa' I Tepone: 728-752 Witby Ajax 668-4181 942-0600 General lINSURANCE SE£ FRED LYCETT 4»TICE - MAIN sIX, ORONO Plono 12516 Res. 11716 JACK IREID Oreno's Licensed Auct&oneer and Valuatorî Specialize lit Farm and Furniture Sales -Consuit me for ternis and dates Phône 5 r 18 Orone TED JACKSO-' .Auctioneer and Valuator cu'udwcts Auction sales o! ail aises anti at reasonable rates1 communiente wlth hlm ai port P«17, ontarlo Orville Chatterton, IElectrical Contracting' Elect rie, Heating and Service PHONE 245 Orono, Ontario J t Orono Electricv ýl HONE 1291 CONTRACTORS FOR FPARM maw, BOUSE,_ WIRING Free Estimaes APPLIANCE SALES Prompt andi Guarnteed Repairs to ail kinds W f lectricai Equlpment andi Appliances Sueh at Metors- Water Heaters TV. - Radios - Stoves- Irons laiditonsà SInsurance Service i1nsurahc ncOlaaUIt llsranche*Q QAuto, Package andti aste oPollies, -Pire, Farm, LUfe I OBurglary, liabilty, gie .çceidect and Sickness, Wincl. 9o61eér, 1delity Bond,' Etc. OSadati amiIton- Q Phone Orono MIO1 QFM7ST MORTGAGE LOANS SBOX 133 Mo. 8-85521 Staf lord Brothers, Limiieti 318 Dundas St. E. Wliitby, Ont. Manufacturera of Cemetery Memonials Deaiers in Domestie & Foreign Granites anti Marbles - Inscriptions Cut maimtrJ suLt iWeâ* Mgonuments anda Fanily IMemorias Our qiaUty andi service leaves nothing to be tieslreti Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, frienti or relative The RIJTTUR GRANITE COMP-ANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE' "Largest Display la Southeru Ontarlo"l U FOR PAINTING -DECORATINGI, BUILDING -CLJPBOARPSg oÔ REPAIR AND FINISH Q Cali DONUG SIMSON Phone 209, Orono Onie Experienced for book.4e ing,. correspondence, somiecashe inventory control etc. One for pay roll, typing, fil and general office work. Apply: CurvPly Wood Produ, E. Samuel, Orono 150. NOTICE Parents are hereby notified'Il children trespassing on Agriculti al Society property at the Oro Fair Grounds will be prosecut and charged for, damnages will bif-led to the Parents. Akso note tl the Agricultural Society will in way be held responejible tor ae dents to ebidren playing oýnt Pr'operty." Directors, DYuham Central Agricultui Socie WORKSHOP, Date: Septemiber 28, 1968 Timne: 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon 1:30 p.m. -- 4 p.m. Place: Orono Town Hall1, Orono Admission. 50e per session. Free to al members of groups participating in the Orono Dram a Festival. Conducted by: Mr. Jim Dean - well known director, designer and adjudicator. Subject: "Some Problems o! the Bacitestage." b-c WAYNE'S MAINýTENANCE SERVICE Rugs Machine Shampooed 9c. a square foot. Ail typés of Venetian Blinds clenned and repaired. Interior Painting Basernents and Garages Cleaned Reuno>val of unwanted items Tule Floors Refinished Contact Wayne Kennedy, Phone Orono 255. tf Will do part time Radio and T.V. re pairI. kil work guaranteed. HIARRY iVIE1SMA, PhLone Orono 1649. NURSING HOME Lyntonhurst M anor Nursing Home has warm comfortable ac- commrodation for bed and Up pa- tients. Reasonable rates. Phone Orono 1308. 27-p 'EIe.tricmotors g Repaired oWindings, Swltches, BeOarngs0 and Brnshes, Eleetrie T0olso oand SmaII Appliance Motors Q Work urt f o 0 SAI. Hearusd « to =:o=>c::o = c:o= o=> CBarnes and Byam SPLUMBLNG and BEATINGQ 024 HOUE BURNER SERVIEo 0 B-A FINANCING 0oPbones: H ampton C0. 8-2288 0 Tyrone CO. 3-2650 Q PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS IWITE WASHINQ STABLES Bert Tompkius Phone NewtonvHle 4721 li Reser-ve Wednesday, October 10 fra Turkey Dinner at Orono un- led Church conimeneing at 5 p.r. Aduits $1.50; Children 12 a -I inder $75c; (Children under 6 yeiný WATKINS PRODUOTS 50c).1 Spcnsored hy Orono U. C. W. eep- W. T. COX and POE6326 Ling NOTICE CHARTERED BUSES Kelly Kirby Kindergarten Piano lots Classes for young chiidren wiU1 a-c To Boston, Mass. Thlanksgivîng start on Tjhursday, September j8 weekend, October lltJh te 14th, ho- IA. simple and attractive aipproach. tel andi tour to Cape Codi arranged,' to the study of musqe. Anyone in.- Phone 885-2527. Rowe Travel terested phone Jeanne Staples, tat Agency, Port Hope. 34r10. tur- Anyone wishIng to go to Maple 34-s. M. H. Staples will comi- ,ooLeaf Gardens for "Massed Bands nmence lier piano tenching the last Ited Royal Highland Black Watch", week in September. be Massed pipers andi dancers, Tues -________________ that day, September 17th. Tickets avai. NOTICE ino able. Plxtne 885-2M27, Port Hope. Dr. A. F. McKenzie wiil not ha Chartered Bue going to "Algon- in his office next Monday and tequin Park and Santa's Village,. Tuesday, S4epteiber 28rd and 24tL. Stmdlay, Septeftber 22nd for cav-,al- cade of color. a-c irai For, reserv'ations phione 885-2527, Por Hoe.bc NOTICE Attention 'Egg Producers-Take ailvantage of the new égg prices which means more moeney to you. Ship your eggs to Emmi Brothers located in Ashburn. Higtest prices being paid for fresh, lingradeti eggs. Speclal prices on a 1000 dozen lots. High prices on smaller lots. For information phone colleet: Brooklin 655-3452. Free, pickup. 32..c-dc NOTICE 1 arn not responsIble for 'any dcbts ineurreti by my wife, Doris Reynolds. Signed by Ovid Reynolds September Si-t, 1%,3.c- HELP WANTED Waitresses andi kitchen help wan- ted at Fireside Bar-B-Q, Highway Apply at the Fi-eside. a-c Kirby Than'k Off rîng Servïce will be held Sunday, September 29th at 7:30 p.flL Rev. R. C. White of Newtonviie will1 be the guest speaker. Speciald nusic. Everyone welcomne. b-c CARD 0F TIIANKS The famialy o! the late W. J, Riddefl wish to express theira- ipreciatIon to, everyone for the, acte Of kîineaés and messages o sYmpathy durng the recent i bereavemtient o! a husbandan f aller. Mrs. W. J. Riddeill nd Eileen, (Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Peterboroughi) CARD 0F THANKS We wish to thanik relatives, frientis and neigibbours for thir many acts- o! kindness and: expre,. dsons of sympathy during the sati rbereavement of a loving father. Beverley and Ronnie West, CARD 0F THANKS HLP WANTEDI would like to thank alm Energetie Young /men interested'nei!ghbours, relatives, friendsad in Plumbing and Heating. lodges and churcli grou ps wlio Apply iii person to H1arvey Part-1 visited me or sent cards. 'flowere,. ner. a-c or other tokens oft kindness whilc- Partner Plumbing and Heating. I -,as in Bowmanvinll, andi Oshawa-1 FURNITUREý SALE Ernest J. Harxn The property of Roger Sioen. sellin'g Saturciay, September 21,at CARD 0F THANKS i,çenLal Saletocommjence prompt- ly at 1:30 p.m. Eilectrical appliances, kitchen ibedroom, li-ing, room furniture. Dishes, glassware, cooking utensis etc. Terms cash. No reserve, Jack Reid, Auctioneer FEEDER SALE Durham Farmers Annual Fail Sale. Seiling Monday September 30 at the Durham County Sales Arena, Orono. Sale to commence promptly at 1:30 p.m. Year olds, two year olds, stock calves, feeder cows, holetein heifers. Ail cattie' gradeci ard sold in suitabie lots by the pound. P.S. This is the sale where buyer and seller meet each year. Plani to attend this important auction. For furthee parliculars phone. Or- ono 5 R 18. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, Auc'tioneer WINTON-I 'wish to tllank most gratefully the many kind people of Orono and Bowmianviile who *made my moüther's Illness andi passîng so mnuch easier for us ail. I especially thank Dr. McKenzie and the staff o! Bownianville hoe-- pital for their wonderful care andi kindness eXtending unuch beyond duty alone. 1 amn grateful to Mr. Lonýg for the spiritual com!fort and cheer lie 100k to ny mother andi to the Salvation. Army for their visits and floiwers. 1 'will remnember with affection the many kinid people, eepecially the young people, Who took the time and thouglit with their visiýta and gifts to make my mother's lays much brigliter. I and my family deeply appreci- ate the lovely floral tributes andi cards of sympathy from our neigh- bours and friends, the United Ohurch andi Heather 1-ebekali Lotige. We shall always remember andi be so grateful. a-p AIJOTION SAE Joan Couvier. The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions from Mrs. DIED Frances M. Stacey, Newtonville, ALLEN-Sudidenly by accident on to seil by Public Auction on Satur- Highway 115, Tuesday, epten'ber day, September 28th, 1963 at 1 p.m-. a7th, 1963, Williami Arthur Allen, at her rfflidence on No. 2 Higlway, beloveti husband o! Connie Suteliffe Newtonville. Househoid effeets andi andi dea r father of Trudy anti dear a large -quantity of antique fuirn- son of Mr. anti Mrs. Vance Allen. ture andi dîshes, Age 19 years. Terms cash. L. Clydestiale Aile- Resting at the Barlow Funeral tioneer. b.-c Home, Park St., Orono untll Fni- day morning, September 20th, then to Lang Memiorial Chapei for ser- Ilvice at 2 p.m. Interment Orono Iii - , ~. WCernetery. DIEU CATHCART-At the'Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, Monday, Scep- teniher 16th, 1963 Allen Cathcart, beloveti husbanti of the late Mary Ami McKelvey, dear father of Garland Cathcart. Age 97 years. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Park St., Orono, Ontario for service at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sep- teýmber 19th. 1963. Interment Orono Cemeterýr. i~ ~ liligaHouse? or remodelling your present one, then contact Foy d Nifch bo1s0 lson PHIONE 2191, ORONO0 ety. 1 1

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