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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Oct 1963, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIAMS, THÜUSDAY, OCTOBER Srd, 1063 - ~ .~ 00 0 "WHO AM De" Tal>en frem a sermon preached show other men how to find out who by Rev. Basil E. Long they realiy are. 7T-dýay 1 ask the question, "Who Paul was a very religious man amn 1"" A television play centered wh tuge okowhis tre arîd La man who had suffered îdenîuy. It wasn't until that gieat fr.iamnesin for 1 hree yenrs and experience on the Damascus. rond as suddenly brought back to that' he began to recognize that hirci.LHe, asks himseif, "What identuty. Paul withdrew' to think - Iv doing i those three yenrs? and to settie in his own mmnd what Eo'dc I renct to life? Whnt kind God had in store for hlmr. of 1, person was I? Who eise was r vced 'n my life? " Then litile by JTesus told the story of the Iii- e the startling facts unfold. 'Loving Father," - we cail it the ---ougaI <I wpfp,.a.vfr henewspaper relates the ne- eonaf a wonn who needed p. cniatric belp. Lier hugband and fa ý,y grow angryý and resentful to rc er wben she indicates ber d~~rto seek help. She stands fir--.linber decision. After re- "Cexn help sbe says, "I'm getting .sger and more confident - I'm geI, g to know myseif for the firsi tre. Peter Gordon White, in one of hýs sermons, nsked, 'Have you ,-ier heard anyone say, "I'm not myeelf today?" Then be asks the qutstion, "Well, if you are not yourself, who are you?" You may answer, "Let the dreamers and the eccentries be concerned Witb that I'm a practicai, down-to-eartb, b-usy person with a 1f e to live and a iob f0 do. I kno>w who I arn. 1 kncw. my name, profession, stature ,> ioks." he boy who went away frorn home,] his father and ail the things thati were good for hlm. In place of that, he chose the thmngs that dragged hlm down and wasted his 1f e. We love the story because eventually, "rwhen he came to blmseif" he returned to bis ioving father who was waiting, filled witb happiness ai bis lost son's returri. An impo'rt- nnit phrase in the story is "'when he carne to himnself". He hadn't been himself. Hie began to dis- cover who he really was - he found th at out in relationshlp to bis father. We can only knOW Who we are through our relationship with God, our Father. We can go through 1f e Jost, fnot knowlng who we are, flot living Up to the potential of our 1f e becnuse we don't have the right relationshiP witli God. We cannot have a meaningful rein- A&,h! but that's on the outside.,D tionship with God without a right yo'o really know who you are on -the relationship with men. ' j, any one of you? I doubt it When watcbing the endless flow ;Wa,." or "Who" is it thai knows of humanity on n busy city street, ~yuare flot yourseif? What is the one is fnscinated witb the vnriety nrnehuman capacity (perhaps of personalities and expressions, hï is the irnagery of God) that can ench one distinct from the other- Xnow about itself, that it ls flot a unique personaiity. The strange îtself? Our Olde Testament tells us truth is that although they may that we are made in the image of nover have been seen before. and Goi." We are distinct from every May never be seen again, each oCher thing in God's creation be- one is a part of the others lite, ,case in sorne marveilous way, W2 because each one is part 0f God. ,ca-n stand off to the side of self m -7 "Who arnI?" I nsk this serious- ~and look at self and sny, "We are iy, "Who arn I?" I don't know. Oh, not ourselves." This makes mari I know my name is Basil Long, I ,unique. Why? Is il because he is a rahe nteUipdCuc madein te -mageof od? hatI arn rather large of stature. That is this "subjeedt" that can look onl is just the outside. When I was a itefas an ",'Objeect?" 'boy I thought I knew myseif but 1 Sreiy the -purposeo0f 1f e is to found eut l in ter years that' I rawwho we reaily are and until didn't. There is more to me than w do we are lost. We oftcn asIc 1 reaiized. There is a real me on 'ýXh. .fh nlriqA ifteinside that God wants to bring 1f , what is the use of it ail? The genierations corne and go, con- ditions change, 1fe goes on and onl. Is there nny reai purpose in it? This'is n ýdeep subjeet, but in a generni way, h con ho said that1 thi, purpose of 1f e is to know who we are, because it invoive s rnany tbazsgs. Reaily, that is wby Jesus came, that is why the Christian Chn:rch exists. Until we find oui vjb<ý we are, we are iost. A f ew insights into the early, quiet years of Jesus seem to in- ,dicate that Jesus wa:s seeking to discover whoLie really was. This seekiag continued tbrough H115 temptations and subsequent ex- I)eTriences with people. There carne ,the time when Jesus began to re- axize that LiHe was renliy the "Son cf God" in a spociai sense and the "_ýeufring Servant" spoken of by the prophet in the Old Testament. Lie began to realize that Lie wns toi ROuYAL into rnaturity. So, in a sense, I don't know wbo I arn - I con oniy know it as I allow GodI to show me and to iead me. Each day that I waik cloâe1y with God, Lie shows me sometbing more about myseif. Tbe dloser I live with Lim, tbe more Lie shows me and uniess I lot God show me who I arn, I arn lost. I arn not my true self. In our Scripture lesson to-day we rend of Jesus being confrontod by the crowds. Some of the people said, "Lie is besîde hinseif." They meant Lie was a little out of 1115 mind. They said that because tbey dldn't see the real Jesus or His true Self, Lie wns concerned with the multitude. Josus came to know wbo Lie really was. In being show us that oniy as we submit our lives to God, and only as we are cioseiy associnted with the n.eods of humanity, -can we know wbo we are. Bowmanville 623-5589 TIIURS., FR1., SAT.- OCTOBER 3 -5 B ob Hope - Anita Ekberg ALSO The o and the Pirates Exellent Al-coler Entertaimnint Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Fr1. & Sat., 7 p.m. Last complete, 8:45 SUN., MON,, TUES., WED. -0OCT. 6- 9 WETSIDE S T0 RY Aduit Entertaiment g g g Il o g Il T cmpting - Flav ourful - Nutritions Ontario 1Vinest - Fnney -Mlnâtosh APPLES 6 qt Snowv Bail Np. 1 CAULIFLOWER Ontario No. 1 6 quart Blue GRAPES 3 Qt. box Seleeted - Hnnd-packed 69e Brussel Sprouts Mild, well eured No. 1 Small 33c Yello:w Onions basket Bradford Marsh No. 1 99c CELERY 29c 10 lbs. Jumbo Stalk 2 for 29c IL' Be'st Bay! - You Save 12s! - 4c off pack - Salad Dressing Miracle Whip 32 z6C Best Buy! - You Save 6e! - Coloured Margarine 1 lb. packages Good LU ck 2for »51c J3est Buy! - You Save 6c! Tomato, Vegetable, Chieken Noodie Liwpton Soups 3for35 Best Buy! - ou Save 9û! - B~oston Brown 20 oz. 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