ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUÉSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1963 MOr(LSTEi'rN 511W LIGHT HORSES Alex Carruthers Special - Lady Linda Luke, E. Burton, Fat Holmes lst, Steve Tozek Farm; 2nd, Jlolm W~'Qhi"dfro Pge ) C~R!AG HRSE fDriver: R. Saddler, Vernonl f~D. Best Parade turnout urider sadlj Ryken Farm;, 3rd, Andrew Sutcxh Brent, G. Hill, R. Saddler. Anne Mitchell, D. Brent .Acl am Fiyor Gel ig, 3 yrs.: Heber Filly or Gelding, 1 yr. not a PONIES, son, L. Atchison, W. Charlton. f Dowfl. pony: B. Lawson. S ngle Pony in harness under 12%z LIGHT HORSE S¶'AKE - Sponsiored- PERCHERON F'lly or ýGeldn"- 2 yrs.: B. Law- iands: C. Vernon, R. Cochranle, G. by Mr. M. J. Tamnblyn, Orono: Best, ERHRNs"ý,. Anne Mitchell. H-11, G. Hil. Lgh-t Horse on halter: Ralph Sad-, HUGE ENTRY ,.4T FETERBORO soe§dCare re V. CookC S'ngle Horse in ha'ness o'ver, Best Pony under saddie under' dier, Ivan Cochrane, Ivan Coch- C1MINHPHUTI sonCI&re Trit, . Cokson C. hands: R. Saddler, R. Saddler. 12Y2 hands, boy or girl 12 yrs. or rang', (lare Vernon, David Brent, Tpént.S;ngle FHor3e in harness under1 under: L. Atch'son, D. Brent, Carol Ray Cchrane, Claire Vernon, C. ~O Mar ~d Fal C ro, Prc1ý. haýdf3:R. Saddler, B. Lawsofl. I o,ekin,' L. Atchison, G. Hill, J..McYenze, Anne Mitchell, Garnet PoDrtoyV.Doora . e in harness: IR. Sad- rè. Coc'irane. Ho1l&"-n F'eld'wr-ýýn G. E. Nelson Fo iuf193 >,T n, ,Cok <der fG,rs t-he largest i'nmber of en- so, P. 193: . LrAt 't-'lie. Best pony under saddle over 1212 I res he has ever reeeived for the SOfl, P Moun~~ 2~* hi. ýids, boy or girl 15 yrs. or under: ýTOBACCO - 1-~ta nar hruosî Fiily or Gcld-ng, 2 yrs.: V. Cook- ROADSTER HORSES G. _H' S.:JaeVn J.Mki ,l~:îSow wheoýiwl be heip son, P. Mounjoy. Mare anid Foal. Joe Guest, Gar- -Sam 0f PoniesVuncDerlJ. 'Ge' Van aHlor, a, r-'j Ptebrugho Fîay Ocde Filly or Ge ýd.ng 3 yrs.: V. CDok-net Cochrane. 1nd2R.Cohan,1.Bi, G PlaVacke am, H. MorAf'rý - er a gh onal sean wit on son. .Foal of 1963: G. Cochrane, J laike r1H reisesl.ih w 0olt, one yr.: P. mo>untjoy,, V. Guesi. C. .tters: J. Mikula, Geo. 'Van1 Blac'k and Whte Days in ail count. Coohson, C. Trent, FIlly or Gelding, 1 yr. not pony- S'ng-le Pony in harness over 12'?ý Da i, Andy Sutch, Jake 'Vaià Dan, G ver 1300 of the top ca'tle from .--,--nzie J. Gest. ands: C. Vernlon, G. Hll, Ivan H. M1oore. C. ..snzCoehrJ.euest. EaddCen, 1 -Ontar 1o DiatÉict Yeld ar- S.ngîe Horse in harness ove, TCochra n.sdndler. b 'ai: J. Mikula, Geo. Van Dam,I are entered for this show and the YeldMareor Gehi'ng-: V. Mar k, 151% hands: Ivan Cc 'h- ui-, vnTýnaiPne n an-s ov0r Anciy Sutch, David Sxtch, H. Moore . -t:n wl eke.T4 V. Mark, L, Bennett, C, Buckley. -riae J. Guest, D. B en'. 12',, hands: R. Saddler, R. Coch- ., B3 st Stick Leaf: J. Mikula, Andre . 'cond Càam'pions3h*p Show r , ,C. Vernon, G. Hill. Mre and Foal: L. Benne.t,A. 3ge Horse in Harnes uni ýr jPla ï-ke, H. Moore, L)v-i ..... A,. exceed in Ynir'nb"rs laist Hikon ucly hns Ia ýcrn. vn Mare aid Foal: G. HUIlD. J an Dam. year's exhibit of 206 he'ad shown Hkon, C Ackle i R il?, hnd's Li i CcranoY T-' -n , G.HUIl, G.HUIl, R. Cocra E l1 stern Ontario Tobacco King j~Aitos nett, .C, Buckley. Pa:'- Ho .ýses in Harnees: Ivan Sý.DEHRE Colt, oie yer.: A. 'Eckson, C. C-'-'h'ane, I'van Cah,-ane, Garniet 'LDEH SE Buckey. io"ran. Ie,t Sa die Horse Engl;ish saddle Filly or Geldincg 2 v ,s.: L. Ben- S ý-,le speed clas3, 2 half mie \ ie M'>chell, D. Brent, L. Atchi- neft, A. Hickson. d 'ec W. Reid, Ivan Cochrane, c>, M F:_ nt. C' McKenzie. RLjlly or Gelding, 3 yrs.: C. Buck- G. Cochrane, 'L. Cochrane, G. B-'tSa ldi' H3 se, Western sad- ley, C, Buckley. Cochrane. h-': Skp11 Ambrose, W. Charlton, 19,C-l1934: J. Mikula, R.R.1, Kna 'l bacco Queen for D)urham- The Judge will be Win. K. Hep- ';L ',m; lnd&Rnfrx OU ui Wnssor, CoYnn., one 0îf the tie- 1933-1964: lst, Miss Judy Tozek itop Hostein judges of the continéWt :1111,C. iinue Stank.rwýcz; 3rd, Iwho has judged at the recent U.S M rs. Jim Frew. National Hostein Shoyw %t Waterloo, T. ' Tieing Cham'pionship:1 Iowa. HISTORY r------- - - - -:jj--à-1-v I OWR-RIE PEU 4HSK FRWQ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... .......D I LE E ONRO OEL IIIMR I Chvrolt's pac-savng Cevr lethsaddDEEmRCSLW SBELA PC!! EBO .... . ..".cab model.an .....new.. S.ep.an.Kig.Mod Sruged U8 Tit.a .....eV R ls o tsowadCn j mdel ar no mae ~I r olln t ieyo h newCheoet Dipae-selewsac-land n Chave i 4"hav-uteirwrvrov a ded en E80c901,ha da nd6Van5ingMGM suspenion, tese ne Diesel engine (195-gross Chevies are outstanding I Shp) to give you full ent-i for multi-stop operations! I gine efficiency at all I oads an d speeds. r - - ----- I u uaT A TILT CAB TO GIVE Ih MI CHEVROLET'SI f flWIOER CHOICE 0FALE IMli I YOU A WIDER CHOIIICE PROVEN RELIABILITYI i.[lN SIZES IN CHEVROLET 60, O I DI F WIIEELBASES 16U 0 FEATURES! 80 AND M80 SERIES 1 For 1964, Chevrolet has added a new\ Built in with aIl these engineer- IWITH INCREASED LOAO-CAPACITY I 175" wheeîbase chassis to broaden igipoeet are Chev- IThe new 18,500 lb. and 23,000 lb.I its uine of T60 Tilt Cab models. This roletsjob-proved reliability fea- I rear axies for the Series 60 and 80 moder cab design becomes more tures, încluding Variable-Rate I respectively and the new 34,000 popular each yea r because of its spe- Front Suspension, Independent 1 lb admBogie forth SeriesI cial advantages: big CA dimensions Front Suspension on lighter IM80 widen Chevrolet's range ofI on short wheelbases, outstanding en- models, work-tested engines, I Iextra-heavy-duty power train gine accessibility and more efficient and extra-rugged chassis com- Soptions. ,- - - - weight distribution. ponerits.I MORE TRUCK... .64 CHLET TUCKS MORE TauOKS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET TRUCK DEALER TODAY! &lýiý BE SURE TO SEE BONANZA ON THE CBC-TV NETWORK EACH SUNDAY. CH-ECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING FOR CHANNEL AND lIME. BO W MANVILL" Phone 728-6206 e 8 IV