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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1963, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIM1ES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1963 .,reaching, tell me the things I rest, becauseours woud realy be what we say wnlen we are conent- J esus A sks A. Q uestion shinuld flot do1 and the thing.s 1 a Rdefn elwsi.e ihtèevtl usin,ý ,should do. Just tell meho to: Do m ean what we say at we have to become involved, &s d Taken from a sermon preached a3sembling of yourseives tugether I!ive." Do they really mean what Baptism? We are asked, "Do you the mn n y the' pool. Jesus wa-o' by Je. aIl E. Long. a h ut m o o e i. f w h y s y M any don't really want prom ise, as God shall give you ging to do som ething for h m 3 sti SipueReferenice - St. John 5: 1-91I cake thai seriously, we Will want to to know how to live. They have ai- Grace, to, bring up ibis chuld in the u any effort on his part. iau m a n , W ill y o u b e m a d e w o e " b o n d t g t e n C r s i n f l r e a d y d e id e d a n d n o th i g c a n k n o w edg e a n d lo v e o f G o d , to th e e g n b y a s k n o w n e When Jesus asked the crippled lowship. If we corne because of happen for them. If they do ýmeanj endi that, in ail things, he may1 cured and it was no foolish questhc I. bc eiw' sayýing, 'Do Y(ru reaiiy duty alone, or to, enjoy a f ew re- t then they need Christ. It is an grow Up into UnÉon with Christ?" Hope miglit have died or lie migl mean what you say?" For thirty- ligious exercises, it WI be barren impossible and torturmng ideai to There must be neariy two hundred hiave been content to remain ai eight years ýthis man had been and frustrating. Duty is a burden, ty to iive the Christian iife witlmouî chiidren in Orono, as yet flot in1 invailjd. There are invalids fo waitCing, and1 hoping to be made and enjoyment is nodt onougli. This Christ. IudyScol roeprnshvewo.ivlds sntupe whol ony t exp rie ce sappo >int-Ilmay be why some people do not Everywhere peo ple p a that made ths prom ise. If we mn ( o tn e a e 6 ment when lie was unaibie to g-et;appear among us too often and their commun'ity WVildl be a wonc1er- int t(,puj]be-aseli ws rip ankiy ý,sty, "1 don't enijoy the ser- fui, worth-while piace in which to pied and ia'd ino one to heip him. jrin, or 'T don't like the sinjg'ing. live. Do they reaiiy mean it? WeAil,o There are dee'p, eterniai trut ,'tfi say -wec cme to gaýL1ilî i liere is a test. Do they mean what We recommend beMew the surftace of this story j ation and strength, do we reaily they pray to the extent that thiey that we otten mriss. Jsshao mean it?-Because it is onîy pos 2,o out to chaqnge the communitya o the riple, ut he s way s ibie When we are in a proper ai- in a good way or do they leave it1l . clnded in the New Testament with titude and response and have pre- all to God? If we mean what weG ead eciPared ourseives. say, we want it to ho done through loter taon cf sin or- 1-Most people om ocuc oLsIfw o' e hatesyAMMLaOF&ib oter tori e ofeachigns, [i A may como to know, to love and t okfoanwr to porsonal andi we want it to be done at someono / lmm 9 serve the RIisen Lord. conimunity prohlems.1 To be con- el Kingdom onse, hy wtl ie.iwy edeia a a a nyb We earpeole ay,"Weaccpt frnted wththe presoence of Ged.-'"h igý3 oe h ilb lwy eembea a taybn We har eepl sa, "W aceptto f001 the sirongili and Jnspirat1onji done," do we do al wo can to gB M t thcs ofth O er o n the Divi e-j wiich cores wih Christ'an felo - ring in God's Kingdom, to, do H-is- Deominations rorn $5o te $10,0()o Ment wy oterabutth Dvi-ship; to recoivo instruction and te 1Wifl or do we oxpoct God to do it Average yield 5.03% to maturityg ct f Christ, the Resurroction, His 1ioQpe for answors in our spiritual hby Himself and through others? g N!73'rIiG 4isen Presence and His Holy Spir- 1 questioning, are ail relasons Whyi Whon we john the ceh weae cn ctii - LI. I U U I IJI it. We acept that Jesus was ai we got hrhuu e sraioakd D o romise ake!o' a hgood mane and Ris ehin i nth that those Who core with no con- diligent use of lthe Means of Grace g hghesttho worl it a s evorand o w(n. sc oGus need, will probehy fel it a and in al things bo seelu earnestly o Whyine ot H ea i i ha and go onr loss of lime. the peace and the weifare of theG lin g ouhe st e aching l, eansnove We musi al identify ourslv s churcli of Cd?" W e ans wýer,, "Ig ,wer te that is quite simple. No w)ive crippled eisnc o e in cietdo. our e mbes'i vwsIfwe a i BELL, COU1NLOCK & COMPANY mmd e teooWelt e s ofh hecrippled ematnco e ive o." Do we manwht o ay ono an lve ut te tachig 0 ~wa oranother. Sometimes ans- did, tiis church would be overfiow-gLiie Jesus withoUt Jesus. That is Wiere ýwers te our Probîeis are before us ing. Tosrie olnthi i 4Kn tetWs a geaipar 0flIe Crisiam Woidand we havent eyes te see. Too tue people. Study greups wouldb OOT makle their mistako. They try to loften we put our trust in thùg uahiin;tewekIu d bean g be Christian, by doing tue things can neyer bring lasting hapies igTrnOR;Hedeetd icoy e Oph N TOir -2 they think Jesus taught, on theoîr People say, "Nye pmmite s-ihgegheavy-eade wouldbe indingelphn Epr 423 owin power, but te ive up te, the __________thethe__________________fndin ideais of Jesus is absoluiely im-, 'possible withou't Jesus Himself. If Jesus was only a great man, then hie is just a Good Exampie, He ie no great powver. Ho lived and diod and His teaching is impossible. His teching o)nlY beSores -possible in ,the conviction that Ho is not dead., 7Ic-day ini our Communion Service ,Wve are reminded of His deaili, but beyond that the promise of Ris P£isen, Life. Jesus Christ is present ýo helP each person carry out His teahings, andI that is where vIct- oryr lies. Jesus. aske'd tue crIpple, "Wili .you be made whoie? Do you really Inean what you say?" That îs the ~question before us toda~y because .unléss we relate ourselves to these things, _God carumot speak to us. We are missing wlmat, the Scripture is, tryi g 1 reveal. Jyngesus is asking ,IL9 continually, ',Do you mean wliat ,you Say?" Our presence at churcli thiS mOrning, suggests that wo want to be madle whole. PeîÉhaps we are at; churcli because wo want to be eade uwhole PhYsically or ment-____________________________ ahiiY, but sureiy we are hore bo- cause we want te be madle spiritu- jaly ,whole. Unless tbis is tue reason churli worslip can lie frustrating. Jesus said, "I came flot te cali thea ighteous but sUrers te repent- anime." Jesus'. message is flot t thie satisfiod. Hf anyone can say, I arn satigfied with rny ife and mny re- ligion, I have developed spirituaiîy and don't have to be concerned any mnore," thon Jesus lias ne message for you excepi that you had btter look again and see if it is really true, because Jesus came te help those who needed help, ihose who did have a sir- ggle with life. Ris mesage is net t thie satisfiecl, but Y U C N ~ R te those who long for a greater com rn, pltoaess and an abundance in ither own lives and in tue hf e ef the frommu'ity. St. Paul said, "Forsake net tue F3 / rASYTO BUY SIMPLE TO CASH GOOâD TO KEFP You can buy Canada Savings Bonds You can cash Canada Savi ngs You get interest on Canada Savinçisn mim oll""Illi illwi lille liw! low 1 soligwooýen wi

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