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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1963, p. 1

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Weely imes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAV, OCTOBER 24th, 1963 Durhm Mdicl T Gie 2 P. C .ITheme,0f 'Autumn Predom- mnates At U. C.W., Meeting The. Durham Counfty, Co-opera- t-vo Medicai Services at their an- mc a meeting passed a motion au- thorizung a 20 perceut reduction on premium for 1964. This reduc- tion will be effective on iu Hospi- al Doctor Services and Major M'fedicai contract for ibose who were members during 1964. The reduction will amount iu V'- ta! Vo $750000. Eaoh famlly poiicy mWil1 be reduced from $960 Vo $12. 0 for 1964. The crediV is up by 100 percent of that give n lu1M6 wheu hs reduction was 10 per- cent of Vile premium raie. This auhÉzato came ai the arnual meeting cf the Co-opera- ive wbiceh wa s held in Coidsprings on Tuesday, Ociober 22nd. Oue hundred ýand sixty4ive were in at- tendance for Vile banquet and he annual, meeting. Th'e guesi speak- er was Vilhe Rsv. E. C. Kelloway of Triiy Uni ted Churcil in Co- bourg. Rev. Kelloway- spoke on "Mhat Pries Civ'lizaion". Delightfui, musical and comedy entertainment was pro'vided by th.E.Jackson family. IV was reporied ai hs meeting 9an auincrease nlu membershi P hiad deveàoped during tue year when about 100 neav. nembtrs joined he Co-op. li, hs In Hospital plan along with about 25 percent efthiis group Vaking the Ex-,tendc-ei Medical coverage. Ail members 0f hs Co-op noav ]lave Vthe "lu Hospital Docior Services with 25 'percent ilaving Orono HI-Cs E Off icers Fo also the Extendcd Medcal Plan. 1Net sa vno-s fo r the Cooperaive N aig C m lto before pitronage returns whclhW'lîm A ta le are passc logi peiu e Work is nearin'g compietion on dutosamounted to $al58.40. ', 1iy ti esi 0 nthe reconstruction of 'Churcil St. Total earned premiums for the acceden., the d- i o f W'lh'ani eouth ln the Village of Orono. The Co-o'p during the year end'ed Au- Arthwur "iýen c cri- on Tues- projeot has been he widening of gust 31st amounted ùo $48,947.25. .S iy, Septeinber 17 1963. the road and the elimination of he TLX:s .*s an lucrease of over $10,000f Bora,'at Bowuiaanvîlle on Dec. the deep ditches which have prov- on business' of 1962. Total cost of g7, -1943 Vthe deceased was the eid- ýýd a hazard Vo m'otorists duringl ams amounied Vo $&2,922.*16 est son of gr. and Mrs. Vance AI- the winter mouihs. which ils an increase of some $9000 leu and attended .Schoois at Anti- The earth in Vthe Street has been, over 1962. ach, Orono, Leskard and Thc gompleVtely rsmoved àud truc'ked Fiarned income fromn Major Me- Marsh. %~way. This earth has been replac- dical amountedo $7,626.15, costs Ou October Stll, 1962 he.was ed with sau'dy gravel Vo form the for ibis plan wers ,$1,225.95. Sur- married Vo Coflule L. Suteliffe OE Iyase for tue new road. The road gicai income $37,474.64, boSts $28,- Leskard. Wil now be from Sidewalk Vo s&de- 324.77. Extended Mediical income LefV to mouru, hics loss, besides Iwalk. These walks are Vo act as aniolnted Vo.,$4,936.46 w ith coste his wife an'd baby *daughter Trudy the curbs for hs road. The sireet aV $4,172.44. The gross income oni arehis parents, Vance and Jean >ias yet to receve a coating of Major Medical rests ýat 83%, Sur- Allen, Vwo sisters Madelon (Mrs. P-rushed,,sVOne. This work 18 Vo be giclai 24% and Exten'ded Medical WmI. Madfili) of Orono, Linda compieted hip montil. 14%. Mrs. Ben Madili Jr.)c0f Kingston Earth from the excavation of The ros incme or 163 as nd one brother Terry, aV home. he road has been placed ai Vthe up sme 400000 ver1962wit, a The deceased lived lu Orono V .South of the Cemetery. IVt i heze Vtotai 0f $16,015.09. and was an employee of the Good- that the Trustes expeot 1Vthe well cooeaiyear Tire and Rubiler Co. of ÇIddnsflrs îd~ai.usi;oj e Duham Couty Bowmanviiie and was also. an eill bedvipda1 hsVl ive od bonds in the amouut of ardent hunter and fisherman. location for the pump house. $106,505.00. With an existiug 'ban The funeral service, wheh was* Peetl okisbig are andt ofith ch in bank V h s tofal ;ield fro m .ýthe Lang Memoriai put in the contruton of two Asgst 0fthresC-e ativ97,'as.1 f Chaipel, Orono, on Friday, Sept. cernen't catch' basins at the south Augsi3lt esedat$9,84.6. 20, was conductsd by Rev. . ed of Churcli Street. These basins Five directors were rstirlng this Long Q ong.thseMr. . tear re to collect hs water on eiheri year. Vhe~eMrs.R. Stwart Intermeut was in Orono Ceme-,sd0fVssrtwhcwilhu and Mr. Harry L. Wade were noV ey.sd ftesre hc iltè eligibie for re-elcdtion and were y enter a Storm sewer running Voi rspacd y . . atenan eR The m'any, iovely floral okens .thè west. The forepart of ibis weçk, Ar-cher, botu of hs Cobourg area.,wr vdnc fteesen f the cement foundat'ons were pour- Mr. Laiwreuce Staples, Mrs. A.whcBi wahedb hsre- ed for ýthis work. The basrirs are of Chaier and Mvr. Bey. Gray were Vvs red adfio-o~es volume 0f water that exists on ibis retufle Vooffce.The paIlbearers, ,close friends of he deceased, Were, Laurie re. Buckley, Gary Thompson,' Donald cnieabess r ar h N i u'ckley, kav'r'e, Thom~pson, BoYb There wIl be no deep ditches on leet e wSmith and Tommiy Simpsonl. 1te ,itreet. Surfcewateris sxpec- otreet where shallow ditch-like iu- r Corning Yer Tinder ýDry Grass dents wili emae Ttirty young peo ple of Orono leaving hs Church ai seight o'- and ths surrounding district met d eock. en Suuday, October 20th and eh- Patty Par tuer volunteered Vo ected a new Hi-C executive. Thffee 1k aftez he nursery schedule capable people are 'as follows; and Výhs phoning &f menilbers wlien Presldenit- Grant Yeo their ýSun<hiy approaches. Seveinai Co-Pres. - Mary Lynn Bailey 'm!ore 0f Vtle boys proiied fheir Secretary Anue Gllbank help as assistant usilers for Sun- Treasurs'r 'Cathie Wilson ' dy CbuV<4i service. VÉTh treas- Corrsponding Secreathy - Jïm- urer's report r'evealed a bajnk Mny Wilson balance of over fi've hwmdred dol- Mýienbership Convenor - IibaMlarse Aivo hundred of, whivh ws ~taplton.plan Vo put o good use in furràgil- A hear-ty slnrg song openedi hserrg a room iu ths uew Christian ineeting. Education Building. (')Ur devotions hs year will be The main Portion of thseaven- 1taken from various books for our ing ook hs farm of a panel dis- -me-w Hi-C LAbrary, whi'eh wiùl ils cssion. The topic was Missionar- set up lu the uýew Mhristian ffldu- les - Yes or No". on tueafflrm- 'cafiol, Building. IVte il opedi tuat aive side wers Caile Wilson, ibese devotionale will be more Howard Stapleton aud Sharon AI- Ymeanilngful througil their simple lin. Tile negative stand was aken Ranguage and close relaionsthip by' Ron Beet, Ivfary Lynu Baihey tec everyday living. and Jim Wilson. The points 0f veiw Put fortu, both by the panel Hardly lied ths execu ive re- and Vilemeinlbers in general, cer- -ovrd from the initial shock <ce taily eîirred up hs timid and ~jsrnew positions, Vlan thelir manifested themselves iu quick 'dtties began! Howard Stapldllon, retorte on Vths part of ths o>utgoin'g. Mmesi CoDnvenor, ol 12 Rev. Long kindly eunmÇdup hs ifore inembership cardeà. Jim Wi- discssion _sad led us lu ciosing çï0i gasasl<sd Vo write a letter prayer. 'Vcptn hs klnd invitation ex- teuded1 by Kediron and 'Colunmbius The girls served refresilmexits 11-C's o attend a dance ths Frî- andt hs memberm dispsrsed -nmid day evening sponsored by hs 'two joyous plans for our next meeting. chu'rhee. Several car loads plan Hopiing you can join us theu. to attend thile dance in Solina, The Orono Hi-C. $6Million Prison Annoàunced For Warkworth A new $6 million medium-secur- ty prison is o be buili in Wark- worth shortly, accordiug Vo -a re- lease from Vthe Canadian Peneten- tiary Service diated Saturday. The penetsntiary, Vo hous4617 inmates, wili ils bulit on hs farm of Owen C.Clarke, located _about fouir mniles east of, Wark worth. Con- struction is Vo begin very shortly. The nc-w institution, Vo be one cf hs miost modem 0 f is kiud vilbs made upof a compiex 0f 90 buildings, grouped o providis wvork, living and commuuity cen- errs, a reception arnd ireaiment area, and administration services. ~euiyis o be achievedi by hs design of hs buildings and a 16 foot higil perime er feuce that will be floodli at nigili. Cost of construction is estimated ai $6 million, and a staff of about 200 will include custodial person- nel, clerical personnel, executives, medical dociors, dental officers, psychiatrists, psycilologists and 3ocial workers. The institution ýwiIl have an aunual payroli of aibout $1,000,000. The institution is part of a Ca- nadifau Peultentiary Service de- 4velopmeuit program designed o proriàe 'he cotftry with special- ýzed training institutions for those -,sentenced o impiIisoinment. Spreads Fire Orono, like many areae 0f Vile province,: has witnessed a pro- !longedi rainless period with the recuit that grass and bush fire hazard ilas increased. The Orono Pire ~Devartment was called into action Monday afternoon wheu a grass fire raged out «f control on hs prope.rty of mVr.î dIýa. e ,A ribstrong in hs northx 0f -he Village. Upon arrivai of the Department ths fire was heading for a row of beailtiful spruce but was stopped short 0f hs trees. No real damage was dons. The fire spi'ead from a smaii fire lu which odds and ends were being burned. T O TTrýited Church Wo- mie i eld Octoýber meeting lini very atractively d'ecorated au-J LS. 'eYi ro jertaining to the therne of '%Atumn'. An arrange- ment nt gor'geous, roses enhanced the se'tting. The President, Mrs. Long, com- menced the meeting by reading an appropriate "'Autumn Prayer". Foilowing Vhis a hymn waýs sung, "Day is Dyinig in the West." Mrs. N. Bairstow gave the de- voitional basing her remarks on- the theme of "Thaaiksgiving" and commenced by singing a favourite hynin "Bringing in the Sheaves". Mrs. V'agg read . he scripture sel- eoted ýfrom Matthew thirteenth chapter, verses 1-18, Mrs. Bair- slow in her meditation made spec- il ýreference Vo the beauty we have around us during this Aut- umn season, and stated only Goct cau cause a seed to grow and biossom, we see the hand' of God at work in nature, sureiy we, do iLve in a wonderful land. She remarked.we 'have no racial disrimnatonor earlthquaçeés Vto cope with li1ke they, have, in other countries, but stressed we should be character building. setting ex- amples for our youth and vividiy expressed the importance,'-0f Christian Education. Mrs. Bair- stow closed these beneficial ýre- marks with prayer and singing of a hymn '.iWe Plough the, Fields, and Scatter the Gooci Seed, on the Land." Mrs. Long conduc'ted Vthe neces- sary business, minutes were wgad by Mrs. Carson and approved4. Mrs. Long expressed ipprecia- t'ien to the U.C.W. for the siver ýdisil presented to ber and R~ev Long on the acca4ton 0f their,,,re- (Continued page, 4) 3000 Books For- Sale- This Friday- And Satu.r. The Orono Public Library Boardi in reorganiziiig and revamping hs '>rono Library have removed weii over 3,000 books from Vths sheives of hseibrry. These books are Vo jôon -sale this Weelc- ecnd eving everyone au opperAVun- ity Vo make purchases. Many of -hs books are in ex- ïnellent shape and will afford liours 0f pleasant reading. The books wiil be on display ln hs Orono Municipal B uilding on Fni- day afternoon âud evening, 25 sud 86:30 -8:00 and also on Saturd4ay iorniing, 9-12. This wlhl1 be the unly opportunîty Vo view the seiso- ti'on asf thogeibooke;noV eold wîll, be shipped for scrap pyaper. Memnibers 0f hs Board will ba present duriug hsesale and à modeet change will be made for he 'book<s. The books represent ail classes In ftion and non-ficton. Orono Couples Club HearsTalkI,, On Psycl'ologyBy Dr. Novatny Dr, M. Novatuxy 0f the Ontario ers. ,future. Education, lie said, is Vo- Training 'School In, Bowmanvilie, I With the changes we are wit- day 'more important han, most spoke to the Orono Couples Club nessi'ng,,flot oniy i farmling but people like Vo believe. Saturday evening on psychoiogy. in -ail industr'ies ail. work haàbits, The speaker said it ws rather The meeting~ was heid in the new we are en>ounterîng new difficul-,frard to t'alk ini generai termus 0on Christian Education Building of ties,, stated the speaker. There le education and how one could heip. the Orono United Church. -a change 1rom the simple Work He did, however, state that par- ~Dr. Novatny, a psychologist, out- where -muscles doministed and ents ýcan help a great deai by psy-ý lined .psychology for thegroup, ex. wherië reading and wrIting were chological 'tricks. Here lie sug- plaining VtiaV it wu s a relatively noV ±ecessary. To-day Nvth more gested'that parents ask their child.. young profession concerned With and more machines, training and ren Vo read Vto tliem or check the Vthe study 0f the mid. The field is education is a necessity in order "grocery bill. Have Vthe child. make dIvided into many areas and the Vilat they miay be operated. fuse of whiat Èie iearns in school, spekercitd culd voatinaiand Looking Into the future tlielie said. ciinical psychology as a f ew ex- speaker suggesVed that Vimes are amples. continua'ily chan'ging and that Dr., Novatny expla'iued the use The speaker referred Vo the1 some day we would see the elini- 0 dctoa scooy s present day problemns wlere whole ination of the assem(biyliue hich> sess Vthe inteilectual capacity 0f a. familles are upset. "There is ai- lis used today. The cost 0f labour, child from hree ygars of age Vo ways a cause," he said. Here hl he said,, w!llI force thismove. Dr,.Iaduithood., Special aptitude tests referred to thle concern on educa- Novatny rèferred Vo a m.anufact- can aJ.so determine whether a tion anid thai Vhis importance is uring factory ini the United Stiates child is mechani1cally, theoretic- on the line. Many parents have a.nd a similar one in Russia where aily or artistically inclined. The.se becdmie, frustrated over hià mat- light bulbs are produced and pack- cau be a greathelp in m~aking er thus âffecting he whole film- aged without ibeing ouched by he' best use of a person's' capa- iiy. human hands. This is an all-auto- b ilities. Dr. Novatny took his audience maiic proce'ss where he raw ma- The speaker said Vto forget the back Vwenty-five years when lie terial is poured ln at one snd Teenage and Higil Schooi strata said one farmer produced enough. with hs bulb's ejecting at the, other . . . hs is overdone Vo the detri- f ood for 8 Vo 10 familles. The same ail packaged, never being ouched ment of he children.- The home farmer oday is providin'g food for by human hiandis. can be more cruel by being in- 20 to 25 families. Machines are Dr. Nova ny then stated that consistant. By ail susaus be con- taking over witu the resqult thatle hildren muet be as welieducated sistant, lie saîd. more food produdts are being pro- las possible so that hey can ake Dr. Noyatny 'also spoke of tue duced by a iesseer number of farm-1 their place in he soclety of he (Continued. on page 4) Oron VOLUME 25, NUMBER 36 ýqww m'O ýw 1

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