-T- u-.,.-7'a T oR.ONO- WEEKLY TIMES, TlIURSDAY, OM7JR 24tb, 1063, Report1From Ottaw 16 Oct4mber, 1963 ports and seilcoastsr of Canada. TIxeGovenmet ioi< afne In biS report 1mr.' Justice No -1rS ha-nd at Iweek ini passing legx. aacr bc ths su to tethe 1 a 't laton to pi-ovide for the piacing tht 'e emcrt processes %Yf thxe Maritime Transporbatioawitn erta n mrtm trans- Uni,:ons of Cannada under the m-an-i1 tto uý ?aebecn avoid- ýgemei,,ai-d control f a Boaid ioude -,J d ié tac ejudice of TruStLees.. 'Thisé action, 4.ývhich te eil e',l rghts of sea- fas recommended in the Norris ,e and t-x national andi iub;c Report into the disruption of o~eet f Canada. ý,-ipping on the St. Lawrence Sea. -,aýy, was taken only after ail at- IThe Report recommended that temipts to obuain a priv'ate ar*iznitei n ;ur h ,a- .ne-ent between the Maritime trime transpprtaton unions in Can- &Uoshad been exhi'usted. adm be, put 'undler tLrusteeshp. The The industriai enquh1ry conduct Govermient's action was sup- ~dby Mr. Justice Norris was ap. - Qoî'Jed by o he f-~ n ~bomed. n te l7h dy 0fJî, directly invoielvedand by the Can. 4962. At that time it w-as ixidcateil ad.an Labour Cin.-,,ress. The 5U Uxtwthin the sh1'ppng ndxxstc' dominated 'ýby Hal Biankas wasithu -1 aaaan emnergeflcy si uatiol -I '"-On to wiqtIhOld jýupport oï 1hd develoed that endangered thie legisiation. Spokesmen for al 4'rigation arnd shipping on the St parties in the House of Commons ~Làwenc Seaay ixlxa cuse endorsed the government legis- tý thî lation. quent thrat t me coLUy o Oanada, the internati onal rela tions f Canada, and peace, order cnd good govermoment on tbe lit, >4ewrence Seaway, and ini the U.c.w. (Continued fnom page 1) cent twonty-fifth wedcing ane - versary. Tise President mentioned 'f ili ,-trips and films bemng presented in Westmount Chunch, Oshawa, Oct. 21 àt 7:30 p.m. She feit iA ad- visable fr someono to' attend 9,s tLey couid be used ai, future- Arrýangemients are boing made te spoýnsoir a Turkey Dinner on - Wodnesday,, Oct. 30th at ' p.m., served h-T the chui'ch audiionium. Mrs. Dr-umnmond in a very en', thusiastîc inanner atressed the 'ý!mportance of Chitian Steward- sh:p and stated in lier commients fapoet once said; :GI-ve' to the yorîd the besi you have, and the pbet will conse back to you. *-Donot be decueived; -God is flot mnocked, for wha-tever a man sOWS, that he will aise reap."1 Gai- atians 6: 1. Mrs. Drum-mond dsrbtd amphlets to overyono préesont )eeping the true mneaning of Chris- tian Stewandshïip prominont in thir minds. Mms. C. Metlaren,' a represent- itive f nom the Christian Education departmnent, inquired for assist- ants no-eded in thse var,'ous' or- ganizations requiring leadership. A delight.ful solo '-I wlked to- day wsero Josus Walkod" wasi renidered by Miss Sadien of Boyw- manville,, accompaniod by Mrs. A. Colo a the piano. Mrs. m. staples introduced, the guest speaker 0f the evening, Mrs. R. Stevens of Bowmanvillo. Mrs. Stevens took us on an im- aginary trip to. the Congo wrhere her,,daughter Muriel je working as a dodicated Missionary. Every- One Was deeplyý interostoci , in the many activities and kind: acte ad- minietered tey this gfirl to t ho many people in need. A superb piano duet was piayed in an efficient manner by' twoex- cellent musiclans at the keyboard, Mrs. A. Cole and Mns. K. Billet ai,'3owmanville. Mrs. Cole gave à short biog- rapiy of. "Franz Schsuber", cein- poere oe the slection they had cisosen to play, entitled "Rosmond Overture.", Mrs. Irwin on bohalf of Orono callyour Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Con tract or who selis, installs and guarantees c A RmAN PLUMBING IIEATING Phone 143 Oro In introducng the legisiat'on Labeur Minister Allan MacEachen stated that the governm ent agreed tisai a pr-vate arrangement, ~Whereby union organizilteons ,themselves would establisis con- trois over thoir own mombers and institutions, would be a desirabie and proferable way. te proceed, provideld that this> would, end what b2 det-cribed as, "'hsruptb'on of .sehipping and restore dlean and democratic uniontem where th,,s is lacking in the water transpor- tation industry,"' Mn. MacEachen told thbe Houseý that the governmnent had explored "ex haustively and continuousiy' the poss]lbili'ty of an effective, a!- '.ernative, while at the samne time proceeding with the 'taský ofpro- Dr.. Novatny <Contsnued f rom page 1!) change in our livés. lHUmn" fihave an animal instincet id for ýéars hum-ans, like anfimais, wonked daylight hours and slept durling the ntight. Elec'tricity and tele- Vsion hais changedtisaCw àr-ei , r9w faced witlx a changlng en- Vtronmient. The brdin, ho saîd, can only r~elax wlxen a person sleeps. He also noted the m<>nôt- ony of production Une' work and thse chiang.,e this has brougisi. The speaker was intnoduced by Mn. R., D. Morton and thanked, by Don and Jean Stapies, pres1dents of the Couples Club. A short ýde- votional perlod was held and Dick, Morton and Don Staples sang a U.C.W. expressed our gratitude and appreciation to our Bowan-n ville guests for the excellent ta]- ent displayed that evenng, and incý,ludîed any others wvho assisted wth the program. The meeting was brought te a close/, by singing-g Jesus Shahl Reign" '-and repeatîng the Bene- Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. paring the ttu.teeship leg-isatiosi. Stating that the leg,'slation \vas directed to the ,maintenance ql dleani and democratic unioniSmi~'* j the Labour Minister Said, "A la, bDeuruno in Canada, whether 1t 1.s national or international, is freeý to pursue ai legal acts in cari- duc-ting its business in Canada. It is mry ýprofouind hope thati through ;,his legisiation we shall see a re-ý ,turn te the, democratic, free and. contrutiv -uionem that le es- I sentitltô hewell-being of labour, n Canada." TC Te legisiationplaces the man-, x-e-ment a'nd control of thje five Canadian. maritime transportation unions in a trusteealhip of three menijbers. The authority of the 'rustees w.'1, be the authority that sa norimally9,ve'sted. in the offi-Cers Of thýese trade unions. by their constitutio0ns mad by-lasws. The Drovsois o' the legislation pro- vide that it will be of a temporaryý claaracter. Mr. Mac Eachen sug- i'ast ed it gt be f:ve 'yeaî's o- 'aore thle struggie betweon 'Hal Banks ai- b hs benchmen and the bona f'cdc labour movemeût 'i Canada would end. Theo M'n'stçr 5aid the legîslatien providos- tlfat the trusteeship can be ended be- f ore the expiry date if the struýggle la. resolved in faveur of dlean Canadian unienismn befofe the ex- pir tion of the five year peried. 5 BRIGYADES FIGHT FIRE IN HEART 0F LINDSAY Men from five district ftre brig-_ ades foungbt througgh the night to conitrýol a blaze ýthat threatened Lindlsay's business section and drove 20 apartmýent dwellers te thèe Street. Es .timates of damnage ta Weido-x Thèflxsgutt er thxe offices of Builling 1: à nged'as high as $500,000 the Watchmann.4Warder weekly nevospap.er office, whose ptrbhiýshér, piDkson Melville, discolvered the I ire at 10:80 p.m. duet. Following thse guest speaker, Rev. B. Long, pnovide d the group wth a condu4cçl tnxr 0f the new ChristIan Edvcation Building.. The meeti.ng - onçluled with shiffle- board and a lunch of pumipkin pie and coffee. Orono Pastoral Minister Rev B. -E, Long. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27th Church Servicew, Kirby - 9:45 a.m. Orono -'11:00 a.m, Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Sunday School Orono - 10:00 a.m Kinby - 11:00 a.m. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. There iýs something &f intejrest Auto Show forý the whole family at the sh(xv you c'an ligten to the rui Plans are now cm Ieefo r fewri 14t arnn ~ Port Hape-Cobourg's F;trst Autogaseyu' ontevono Show te be held in the Agricultur- w'.vach colour TV 5hown pubiicýly al Bu.id*ngin Port Hope on Fri- for the frst t-me in the d strr t lay and Saturday. ý The Sp6rts Car Club and the p ýpn 1 Here you wiil be able to see al iar Ramrods w.11 have cars o-« the new model. carsuander one rof display and be on hand toexl n the popular priced range from the activities of their club.'R smal , compacts to the glam1orous Ifneshmenýts will be taken care of 'big jobs.' Some deaiers arebring- by the Port Hope Lions Club.' îng irr Super Deluxe .mnadels spec- . Thjs show is sponsored hy th~e !aiiS -ton the ,show and they wilI deaiers cf the district and theire also be showing their truck Le is no admission charge. FOR'SALE g M M c GMIDGEjT OSNOW TIRES 3 TOPS RADIO -2 HEATERS g Must stl before Sat. Oct. 26 Low Mileage, Excellent Condition $1 ,650.OO willfinance PHONE FREDDY 290 ORONO g g NEW DUTOH OVEN RESTAURANT 0= = 0= = = = =9 0 0 0j IT'S WHITE GLOVE CLELJI Tron lireman CUSTOM Mark It firing revolutionizes oil heating. There's no soot or smoke with re- suliing fuel waste. The flame starts deéan and stays clean. Unequalled indoor comfort due to-short, fre- quent, thermnostat controlled firing periods. The CUSTOM Mark Il furnace je years ahead in oil heating. Sec for vourseif. -e o e o e o e e e e o e e NIord'$fth. nw ItOU FIRIMN OUL FUINACE a A n, il iRame that icean. *, No soot from yout' chimney or in, your homne. a Owners report they save one gaîlon Of oi out of three. * Eimination ef sot and carbon moans trouble-fiee opera. lion. 1 *Provides its own combustion air flow -no chimney draft needed. *Thermostnt-con- trolled hcat îs even and steady. Ask for déemonstrcation and free surv.y >~Orono Fu el & Luwber LtdL PIIONE 14816, ORONO, ONTARIO LATO IN W NEW BONE CONDUCTION EYE:GLASS IIEARING AID! AN- EXCITING, DEVELOPMENT I-4 THE FIELD 0F HEARING AIDS! duçtIon Eyeglass is far trimmer, slimmr Bcuetono vkn"Bn.o >:«k_ in its Ino.bnlk" design . . . and with far gr 'ateî' power-packed hearing ability. This nexv headliner is no larg'er than air conduc..ûîii glasses. Instead of that heavy look as- -soiated wth oIC tashioned bone-conduction units,, "Viking" gives yon a now dimension ot beauty and functionalism. The fronts are also supplled wltlx thls attractive aid. FuR AN APPOINTMENT ... PHONE 725-7373 COLLECT TODAY! EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL CENTRE EATON'S OPTICAL DEPARTMVENT FOR COMPLETE OPTICAL SERVICES .. . USING PREMIUM QUAITY "ýCORRECTED" LENSES ONLY *WIDE SELECTION 0F OPTICAL FRAMES!* PROMIPT REPAIR SERVICE! FOR AN EARY APPOINTMENT -... PHONE 7257373 COLLECT TODAY! r.ATONS HEARINQ iANmD OUPTICAI CENTRE * EVES EXAMINED! Beeause the ilew ',,Viking" Sone-Con * OPTICAL PUESCRIPTIONS FILLED! Oshawa Store 114urs: 9:30 to 6 p.m. Mondayto Saturday Open Friday Night Until 9 p.m.