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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Oct 1963, p. 6

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OROê W~I~X TMI~THUKSDAY, OC7IOBR 24th, 1963 .solbreak ap ont' talc gIotird. "RIEMEMBERING' TO REWE shoufld cultivate the groiuîd &0 1'I~A4KFUL" Our lives so that there cari be an~ (Cointinued fri'1n iiPagc 3) abundanice i thm of spiritual e4fe's labo-urs. Let as take heed, tfflngs, and that through us, this lest we take themu for granted, and abundance may be shared with we 'forget to give thanks to God, phm who .!. eventually the source of uwight L. Moody said o! sowing, ,%l these things. "We must sow, if we expect to True thanklulness wil lead to reap." Many have said, "God bas ~qo stwadshp.Jesus tellis the neyer done anything for me. HOW ptory of the rich farmer whose ýs it that 'He blessesqtber people jbarns were full and he had such b~ut lie doesan't bless me?'" WeùI, pn %bundancýýe he built storehous- ýwe shouldn't expeet to reap if we es. He ýs)ajd toimnselif, ",AUl this ion't saw. That is why Jesus s iic T imp going to lay these camne - to lead alilm'en into that things aside and eat, drink ami be sxïperience where they start to gnerry. "But", said Jesus, "that Cultivate the ground of their lives piigbt his soul was required o!f So that Go)d coud sow the goodi hli Thefl hvbre were- the- things ýeed, in terJv.Mûçody Went he cgunted bis own, and laid up o n to Say, "Not only do we need eor himseif? He forgot to be thank- to sow if we expect to reap, but we lui and share his hf e with other q%&so eýpect to reap in kind." If people. In forgetting te be thank- fve sow oats, we expect to reap 1ui, he did not learn how to be a oats. If we spend our lives sowing iwood steward. He didn't realize eo material things, we don't need that iX God had abundantly blessecl ,'o expeet to reap the spiritual. if hlm, then he ought to, abundantly we sow to the spirit, we will reap bles7 other people. How easy it t the spirit. le th ilolget! jI seenis to me there is another Fanner and 1-wasnp 'upla alike 1Tvemhl th about seed'ng. ,ave been bles led bv, the yeaLry I Jnes3 we fi the ground with yielding of Iýonderful crops. Weigood seed, then it wilh be covered need to have this broader outiok j with wild seed. Nature abhors a on 1le. Many pcoffl? can giv' t c Y .Jryqu hreik up grourid ,hanh'rs: to Gpd, when they are liv- 1 Iat is gr<ýwingý wild grass,. and ing in a n albundLince. How easy it you put ne seed in it, some of the i to give hip service, but how ývihd grass will grow, but usualIy ,muchmore difficult to give thanks ixlot of weeds corne with it, and to God in the bard experiences of ïou 'have-, worse harvest than you ýif e. Paul said in our New Testa- had at first. Translate this intG ment lesson, "In everything give Iýermtis o! the spirit. Jesus told of ithanks, for this is the wîal1 of God 4he devil beîng cast out of a cer- ~~~n~I ChitJsstncrigyu ain bouse (ife). He said the 4This is the kind of true ýthankful_ bouse (hife) Was left emrpty, but it pneýse that leads to spiritual devel- ïwasn't long until the devil. re- çpment. When we ican give thanAks turned and brought more with hlm fto Ood for ail the experiences o! and the last state Was worse than je - the easy, the beautiful and 4tbe !irst. Christ seeks to lead us ithe bard, there is a continual into that way o! living wbere we igrowth. We. who see and feel e"ecognize our lives as the see& ehese 'things need to realizç, when qrund o! »the spirit. Then in righl Wie çonsider Thanksgiving and 1elationsip tf God, that gr ound Jiarves time, that wc , are invilved ý1ecomes fertile andthe abundani in the spiritual seediiig and barv- çrop is experienced. ~8t. There is another truth about Jesus sald, "The sower went ;ediii. "If we mniss the ttne of put to sow. Some seed feli on good >sedlng, we need not expect a groun4d and sonie 2) poor ground." >wýonderfu1 1harvest." If we sow Oniy a smiail perceutage broughit1 the seed in mktawitr it will not -Prth a great Ébundance. Jesua tike1y bring forth a crop in suju, W'anted us te realize that we ,mer. If we sow the seed in the dry GOLD CROWN ALUMINUM SIDIN( UAnother DAYMOND product for modern ling MEDALLION Oc Crown ALUMINUM $IDING keeps homes co:Ir ini aumir warmer i winter. It adds EXTRA rosi estat* velue end <aJours.ini glouminq white and pastels, remous freili for y.c end yeart. Mode from Alcan oluminum in 8" and 10" horizonv acnd 12" vertical sidingi. ~GIVE YOUR HOME LONG LIFE BEAUl ...................................... NO PAINTING NEEDED SDesgned ta meet \Exactmfl9 C.M.C. standards. MEDALLION Gold Crown Aluminum i 5,ding carries a 10 year wrtten isuarantee., CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON" THE DAYMOND CO. LTD. ONP.l.62 Chatham,,Ont. Gentlemen: I amn UV 4ed Mec i1 Gola Cr05,0AIuen deg rs M.0 yor bookit ' sUp l caret LviOg.,' NAME ADORE$$ SCITY ~I*Itov-' RADW ORONO, ONTARIO i 0'urtmer, we necd flot expeet a àa&W.There ïs a better time to osow, and the gaine is true of, the isii.Thih* o! thô young liVes among us. This ls the time to be sowng the good seed o!f God. We, Who are older wûil tind in our own Qives that there are Urnmes when îwe are mor e open and close to, (God when He can sow the good peed of the spirit. If we let those 4rmes. pass we -may. miqs the ex- perience. 12I amn always concerned with that passage '£rom"the' 014 Testa- jient'whïch enys o! f God, -My iSpirit 'shtallflot always strive iwith -meen." It seeme to me, that we cau. then, perhaps we,,become the bard ground on whiceh nothing can ,rcw. May these things be a part e0f our thinking on this beautiful ;I'hanksgiving Sumday. We have every reaso,'n to ibe thankfui for 1the abundance of things which we 0 ave enjoyed. We have reason to >e thankfUl for the hard ex-vperi- mnces o! life which we have corne hrough, beciause wherever we will i n the extremities of life, God jraws near to us and points out îsome new truths of lilfe. Then our >haracter is being developed, our 1 îpiri.tual growth is assured, we know God in a greater senfse, and F ve see men more as brothers. 1 lMay we be like, those people, who 1 -aving received tUic good,,V hings of life, .thank God for them, and go lu i the power of God, girving i.hanlcs for everything. Sefacan Now In Ope ration 1A new semi-automnatic machine, which segregates letters f rom 1bulky- items and then -faces. the -letters and cancels the. stanmps,i. now in operation at 'the Winnipeg tPostal Terminal, it was annount- Eed todlay by thé Hori. Azellus Denis, Postmaster General: Nick-ý named SEFACAN (Segregâtor, P.*Acer, Ckbiceller) this revolution. ary piece of aqpipxien is ti first of its kind i North Amnerica anid one of the first foýur to) go into operation in thp_ ý,WMd. Tilg only other insalletions are beipýg op- >erated by the -General Post Office of i~rBrt~Y Prelîminary development on1 SEFACAN was don.e in Great, Britain. 'The Enginee ring Branch of the Canada Posti Office then arranged for, Iniodifications to make the equipmnent -compatible with the characteristies of the Canadian mail îztream. These modifications have been impIe-ý mented in the installation at Win- nipeg. The resu],4 has been des- crlbed as thie most effective mna- chine developed to date for the prel.ninary segregation of mail in letter form from câther items, of ~ NDERBODY Texas.CORROSION n TexceUnde Sra-y Is Inexpensiveo A ltill year oZ.eçurity wli ost aboutathird of the t]0 eo!to an oid.fashiotied asphaltie treatm'èhX. Tthii small cash outiay wiII repayyen rnany. Urnes, over;t i gr4-ater 'safety, peace of mind, ljonger vehic1e life and fuller price.protection when frade-in Urne u cornes aroirnd. [c 0 ERNEST L. BOWEN' GARAGE a 0 rno Ont. Ph one211 mail and the cancellation of stamps on this letter form mail. nO M.Denis noâted that SEFACAN is l f TC 9'4F S~I nthe experimental stage.A 1.J' I V Lh O period ce observation and cahicu- lation will precede any decisidn te PORT HOPE C OBOURG in stail similar -machines elsewhere iCanada. SEFACAN begins by F R Tg i segrating items of mail o! 1/4o F R& g aninch or less in thickness (let-0 parcels. It then separates the letters into longs,,shorts and over- ý A U T ;Zzes, arranges themn with. the s5amp sides ail in one directiong (facing) and t1ien separates four- & ccnt-stamped local letters f rom O C O ioým 5 à-2 Nw letters bearing stamps o! othergAGIUTRLPR D.,OTHPIO ý01& ~denorninations. 1't then canceis the ARCLUA AKBD. OTHP ef FORD -FAJLAJNE FAICON * dfferences in the marking of four- E E. CEV. - NICHE - O ~BIL ryY other stamps. This enables SEFA- OKW.N-10 50SUE CAN te differentiate between most g LEAEI ARK - AB B ,local and out-of-town mail, and 1964 S E AU~STIN -1 TRUCKSRA LE te separate the letters aceordingly.g Mr. Denis noted that letters bear- S O T A L I ing four cents [n postage but us-gS O TS C R LU lng conibinations o! 1, '2 and 3 l v L cent stamps are separately chan- RA MODIS nelled for sorting te final destin- atins.IiiCOLOUR TV - FIRST PUBLIC SHOWINGg in * The designed processing rate o 0 Sec Yoursclf On TV ieethis new equiipment is expected. te ERTEHAMN R reach 80,000 leters per heur and HA H AMN RA the total cost o! the instý,llation ta LIONS CLUB REFRESHMENT BOOTH Geneal sid NFri., Oct. 25th 2 te -10 pm- - . Sat. Noon te 6 p.n- that SEFACAN -will eliminate0 muchof te drdger andbore- domfroonthis apet f hepostal FREE ADMISSION worker's job. Most important,ý he g eà I addci, SEFACAN represents an- LOTS OF FREE SUPERVISED PARKING other step towards increasing the t cfficiency o! the, postal service in PHONE 143 Uic interest o! he public.

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