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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1963, p. 1

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Orono NOLUME. 25 , NUMEER 37 ORONO WEEKLY TIME, THURSDAY, OUTOBER *st4 1963 Error Ion Land, escription Halloween Novel Junior Garde± Holds Up Sidýewalk Construction TheJunior Gardeners held their Thie ronio Police Trustees oni The Trustees requested the re-, The reguilar meet1ng of Heather monthly meeting on October 24tb 1 Monay venngreceived a letter turn of a docuiment to Wa[er Re- Rcr!ýekah Lol p N. 334 was held nf the Armouries. The room wasIC fo Mrn K. Lyrutt on behaif of sources by the Towniiship office. Tue;3 lay, 22nbr d, at the 1. decorateid with Hailowe'en novel- 2Vf. Luxton, ýCobbledick St.,'- hich r. Stmson repo-rted that theî e O02 a tics and Bonnie Barlow made a e lethlat was conarationin u very attractive centre piece froni intomed the Trustees' dra 0n f hligu .n 3iaal ol upi eoae ihla ti-ug the Limitation Act thatithe return of the document unt;l IL, Vr-bal ol upi. eoae ihlae T . ad Mis. Luxton owned thelsuch time as the water projct G-and, pres, d-'cg and Sister Betty and beriîes especially for the oc, Fa p2r, perty east of their nonne to the 'was ether aiecepted ci-turncl, Ncvjmla lVee Grand assisting casion. the I hedge, and old fence line. The, down for assistance from the, Mun- ~ ~ A h etn pndwt the ha Trustees going by an oflc niî plan icpal Development and Loan ilodge opened in form with all Junior Gardeners',Pîayer after A g( {rawn up a few years a,",) ad Funi, The Trusees f ei that thisthe new officers iln hi e hc r.Fibohr h ie n considered that the road allo'w,ý- proposed water plan should'be Put Ispective chairs. sflmg ter e of hex P ae refwithth e ai the an-,ce boundairy Elne iva. ý îe tn bfore the Municipal Board as igo h ryrwt h ado ot tac w t he hed_ e. 1fLehlett"r soon as possible and thus request- The minutes-,-0f the previous the children. baseý to th2 Ti uVeýes -esltdwhen they ed the retum 0of the document, meeting were read by Recording Mmbr eethnakdt nhad consîdered pr4a~ga sdw The chairman stated that a spec- Secretary, Sister Mae Allen and troduce any guests they ha comI base along 11 e west ide - Div- iali session of the Legisature was approved by the Noble Grand. brought with them. Dents Cobble. bnp ision Street v icui w(uld have beîng held on Tuesday to set UP Sister Betty Newman, Vice dick introduced Cathy and Ailan morr meat-nt, the removal of the hied'ge the Municipal Development andi ar prt ard li. siewak bingbult wst oanFun Ait fr Otano. isoGrand gaveia full report of the ac- Wlker and Margaret Taggn.pr the siewalk loca uition eaiud thait tor ny benefit tivity of .thle Visiti igcommittee Margaret Mitchell, introduced her of the hedge's present lgaanio. during thet pastintwo weeks. tsister, Barbara. Heather MoGilI the lt appears that the survey the from Winters Work that ail speed was graeted as a new member. unde Trastees had' condjuctecl is cor'- was necessary 10 get theý project Two carloads of Sisters attended that rect but an error in discriptiofl cleared.atPrHoeGnr- oî a wstanaidhr g mcany years ago is now showing Further to the Mun'C.pal Devel- asiia Lodge on Thursday, Octobar were 17 mem-bers preisent. eletic up. Action, the letter stated, would opment and Loan Fund the Trust- '17th. r.Fijaohrtendmn ixt be considered ifthe Luxton prop- ces having, made application are r.Fdmte thn eo-fiu erty was devaluated by goling awaitin-g offbial forma from the, Tw o carloads of Sisters alsoi at- sbraited how to make a., hi stmas were lie dwttesieakpoet DeametfMucipali Affairs tended 'the regular meeting > f door decora-tion' with colourad Th Th Trst-eeý are -10 seek a VOs. to make the applications. 03wnaaNo 3, Oehawa, and again 3tring, buttons and tops off cans. tha ýfl sltini ordier tbat their The secretary was instruceted te Witnessed the Installation 0f offic- The fLnsbed prodluct was a group iag. pians ma be carried out and that write another ltter to th ers by Sster Graee Love, D srict of be-ls attractively, decorated. plasl ohcate myb settled sa'Cis- LVa.'tm-eft of Highwauys re entranc-! Deputy President and sta& ff fhis gave the children ideas, for Oft ttori ly. Ia the discussion the 'es mb Orono.ýThe !Department la Mafayhell e Lod)(ga, ort Pe rry. has cirandîd state that the hedge the year1 stated that they ware Under new business it was mov- repli seýýuld bcecut back a certain dis- compleling plans and would meat ec and seconsled that there ha a A meeting was called for Thurs- tcï,pelrom Cobedick Sreetositbtelrete.i Agst hi azaar and lte date, to be the day, Octoiber 24th, when a Con--the comleel boced nyi>sSbî .meeting was neyver arranged or firsi Snturday in Dacember which venor for each booth wili be nam- Th vwfor traffic driving n1rdt on held. alonDcMe,7th,ýdanpiisda aaerae.ae D.v-s7ion Street. Mr. H. M. Mercer reported thiaîflsnDebr:th.i n pbihd talte ae ap Aletter of re.signation was re- the insalation of ire catch has ,The Coavenor, Sistar Hatîhe Wii- Business1 being concîuded, a so- had cc;,ý-d ndjjLcetedby<th Tus-in onChrdhSteetv;ýrebengson, made, the, request that ahl cial hour was spent in the ban- ka1' tee, ron r.C. Graham who completed. Mr. Sinîps or id l mmespeaetk o f the quet hall with' a 'deliclious lunch'Cîaa bsstated thiat he wilI retire frorn had been approached with COU-1 date and it would be much appre-, being servad by the committcee ~ aecollection in Orono as of cern 0f i-),nieing ail tha water now ciated if eac(h menvber Woild ln charge. Daebe st . The Trustees did on Somerv,%ille Street and, running make a donatuIn to each hooth. 10 that 110w in use. The present Chrù h -dprovided an. excellent ;serl- ber, he saidi, feared iihere would'.0M elc. Te Tustasare to adver- be fýlooding, of a prino their tie or applications te rencler tIbs gre.R orse said Pie ,_ei rn projeet was not' changing theTe Gont Ra Eglcegtatir.g that crease the amount of water com kte a eevdfe h ore0 ae o ol Nal to haat rnOernf drieag Aro- Ulice; noting was t edonc Iis year tata nmer0fdringeprhà k ai ,a, widening of Main Street at lte îng from Churcit Street.I 4th M ýin and MIII intersectiont. This There was criticismn on the fact At the Orono Hydrec meeting on of $4500.00 for a new truck similaf Sch. projeet was shelved as it was con- lemos had not yet been corrected Monday evening the Commission,. truck will now continue in sern B. a red it would affect a well jtist and that ime was running Out 10 on a split vote, approved ,the pur- vice for a nun)ber of years. Mr. Cal< m, st of the road. have them compieted., chase of a 1955 Hydre, trucl< Mercer fait the 1955 trucki was too 'Cald A report was recaývEd, from the A speci al meeting of tA ,Trust- equippad wjith boom, winch, dig, big for Orono and t hat it was nec bled firm of 'Marshall, Mackln-ý, Mon- ces as paned for November 4 ger and small lift. The cost of tha essary to ave a smaller ser- ett; agha Limted conL'l;,' olto 1 ofthe x'eeon tothe iregoîng 1t - have, thrae trucks" The Mns jers which bas been 1submtd1 to ft obextenion i-ito the tre Te mngr E et Ib Wte Rsorcs.This r-eport ýhall are to aoea nlcbr Ta mngr .Dnhdother commissioners said irýat tbe ci aeds to ta peorposad aIl sy aceptcd or rejected. Mr. R. viewed te truck and stated irat aI rwudb taserdt r te wther trg tndiephtr'e ireCuni sa it was well worir the money and thladr wuckd ha tra erd teMn fo 10,0 glln. it odffi- 10 ha present. Approval of Coun-1that the eqmipment couîd ha put tiruck would ha disposed of. avei acýtions 0f the previous plan te cil will ha sought the folowtg t10 u or orknthe lchasysofthe. The issuing of debentures was Tl estimated price includin'g the tank'day la order lb-at work may sta k avorng teurchaimsnan discussed and thase ara to be was is set, at $19403696. TItis report on te building, as soon as pos-,truc eeMsr.Sxpo n ae r is fJilay 94 a is to ha an a.ddendum 10 ihe orig- â1ble. The Enginaar's report has! Forrester wiho fait fi was more 1 Further arrangements ara 10 ba nhal report and submitad 10 lbe estimated the cost of the project1 reasonabla 10 'pay $1000.00. for emae Muicpa Bar.at a possible $71500-00- work truck than sped a minimum Ln L)Ub east -0f Port Hope after the front 1irs I8 tire burst. The dr'iver, Gerard Sul- Injures livan. of Toronto, suffered mi leg injuries. Eighteen persons were injured Those in hospital included Dor- and Vive were retained in hospital 1thy Dawson, Kingston and Mrs. Thursday when a Colonial Coachi Rena MeAllister, Frankford, Ont. OrnoLibrciry Sgelis 18#%0 Books Anoar lo0f books changehtading Mrs. N. Fee han books. Loueks î15 nexi a inaneon ltaeex- banda g olu bLaskard. Sona- Aiso ,shown fs Mrs. R. J. Taggart trame left. hoaare ýMrs. S. J. Norton (right) assisting IMrs. Norton. Mrs. A. ties 'At :ners Meeting ii irg rùves Way aulty plascer-hoard is claimed cause of a ceiiing collapsing in neaw Christian Educalion build- ood portion oftheit ceilin-g in of lte Orono Uniitad Churci large basement room droppad th f loor or hung loose. The ement -portion of the building not been in use as il was not ipleted jat the lime of the mis, 1whtch was discovered. Friday rniag when workmen were re- ting, for wo.rk. is reporltad that ltae bonding of plaster-bcard di-d not hold up- ýr the wei-ght wilt te rasuit a centre section eof the ceit- dropped out or bung loosa. T'ha ,rie heatifig wires lanlte ceîIr were aise damageýd. Ligt ures were not Itarmed as iray -e not aiffected. he misbap will -furirer delay completion of the new build- The manufacturer of ira sterýboard is to bear ire cost th damage. The entire ceiling Sbean taken off and will ho lacad. Chitmas sýhow. 'be chi-idran, iran put on te >en bag Hallowe'en masks ltey 1made and'panaded. in front of Art Ciass. Mr. and Mrs. Ric- )y and Major Bannatt of ire s -acted as judges and chose. st Prize: Sue AsîctI; 2nd prize: s AsIett; 3rd Prize: Margaret ïeaawl.e Mr. and Mrs. Biil. sware juidging te bird. feeders ,y nwarded przas te: Tovelty Feeder-ist Prize: Birl lweli; _2nd Prize: Donna Chat- 3rd, Prize: Laurie Schmid; Pnize lied: Sue Asîcit, Julhie iid and Doratta Challice. lerd Feeder-Isi Priza: Bill îdWail; 2nd Prize: Carol An Iwell; 3rd Prize: Dennis Cob- dick; 4th Prisa tied: Chnis As- UniDae Challice, Donna Ghalilce Ph prizes were awarded hy s. FaiÉbrotha-r. 'der an-d doughiuts servttd by s. Jorgansen, Mrs. Sichmild and s. Asîcît eîded a very happy aning. 7h Junior Gardenens Craed ssaid nnd Goci Save tha Queen ssung. is Limiled Montreal to Toron- bus swervad off Highway 401 dplun-ged into a gulley a mile, Tha Orono Public Lihrary Book Sala lasI Friday and Saturday creaalad considarable intereat and met wiir a succass beyond expec- talions. Close 10 1800 bocîts of the 3000 wcrc sold realizing hà sum of $, 183.00 for lte Oro.o Publie Li- h ary. Tite sale openad Friday aftar- noon wit-h customers waiiing for the, door 10 open. At limes close 10 fifty pensons wara purchasing the books wbicit were nssembled on alaven long tables. The major- ity of booles were sold for 10e and 15c wlR a very few havin-g a price tag 0f 25C. Net oniy those f rom the Orono area were inter- ested in the sale 'but purchasers were preseai f rom Oshawa tol Port Hope. Many spent hours go-ý ing over te book<s and carried oui armfulls. There was possibly a greaIer inleras't showa in nýon- fiction books tainfiction. rTe subjeci mat- ira of hooks was ifa awide range ,dealing wiir many subjecîts. Soe fiction was raasonably naw whiia non fiction books datad bnck te, as aariy as 1880. One of the waightiasl early Fri- day was the purchase of a com- plete 30 volume Enctyclopedia, datad 1902, ihy Mr. Don Bucklay of Laskard. The ramaining books ware don- atad to ltae -Orono Scouts wbo since Saturdiay have bean npproacbed, to seli theni as a single lot. rTe $183.00 'will ha used by 'the IBoard te funther irair work of reopening a new publie library in Orono.

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