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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1963, p. 2

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ORONO WEMEKLY TIMES, THURSi)AY, OCTB ER aist, 196à OR ONO WEEKLY TIMES Estblihedin 1938 by R. A. Forrester R.oy C.- Forrester -,-Editüic and Man.ag-er. HUI'TING. REGULATIONS COULD BE TOUGH "You just stand there, lookîng cute: And when something moves,, you shoo>t." These lines from Tom Lehrer's sEùtiricaliy humorous song 'for bunters, says The Prince Rupert News, can ,"'be applied serlously to a large numiber of gun4otin.g city types who invade the British Colunmb'a wilderness each autunin adblaze away indiscriminately." The B.C. paper continues: Each ye'ar during the huntin1g season an unnecessary tolli-in buman lives is taken by trigger-happy bunters. As well, tbey show a blatant disregard for our wildlif e by ieaiv- animails and birds wounded through pot shots. SIgnificant numbers of geese and ducks, deer and big game animais, are left'lo die in what is nothirig but an a.ppaiing waste. Many of these 'bunters like to call.,themselves sports- trnen, but they make a farceof the name. In a day when there is no need for slaughter of our Wldlif e for subsistence, every bunter who goes out for bis bag in the namne of sport and pleasure sbould be concerned with makîng bis ~shots good and makin'g good use of his catch. Our lawg are dir- ected to this end. Himting should not be considered a right but a privil- ege. Ib bas been a privilege ever since man developed. the weapons that give hiam unlimited advantage by which he bhas also comipietely oblterated several species of brds and animais from the face of the earth. I-t is a privilege wbicb sbould be used with the utmost discretion. If it were exer- cised witb discretion by ail there woul be a lot less wastefui killing and property damage. 1The Ontario government has f inally beeded tbe tol of 11e and property taken by hunters. Lands and Forests Minister Roberts bas announced that bis department is preparing new regulations under the Game and Fish Act that will mean more unifonm testing o! hunting qualifica-. tions, wit'h the tests conducted by department staff througb- out the province. Tests wïll include wvritten exazminations for new applicants for buntîng licences. Mr. Roberts said the pencing changes were part of a safety program launched in 1959. That program has'bad ,only limited success. The departanent bas plenty of time between now and the next buntîng season to draw up regulations wbich will meet present-day bunting conditions- LET THE SEPARATIST BUILD Somie weeks ago a group of University Professors came fortb witb a proposai that French.be a language in wbicb some subjec'ts in Higb Schooi would be taugbt ratber than using English. They feit that such a move would strengtben ithe bonds of confederatiion. First oYff we ,might s?.y tha.t sucb a proposai is a long way off. NoWhere in Canada could there be found a suf- ficient number of teachers to carry out such a proposai even if ýit wa.s logical. Secondly a child would bave ta start at a pre-scbool age to learn botb languages in order that they ýJouid be fluent in bath to, understand and to express tbem- selves. The thougbt that such, a move wouid strenglhen the bocnds of confederabion is off, the beani. VWhy wouidl one reasan that speaking two languages is going ta correct a situation that bas littie to do with language or culture? The separati.st movemen!t in Quebec is a revoit for a' better standard of ivirg and the fact that otber sectors of Canada cao speak two languages will. have littie bearing on raising snch staldards.. The separatist possIbly looks at Ontario and says, "Why can't we have tbe same." There is no doubt that tbey can but it is something that takes more initiative, more resourcefuiness than it does languauge of culture. The separatists daiîm that if they don't get what they, want they will seceed from Canada. Where would this leave tbem?: Hardiy in a better position' because tbey would have then cut any ties that couid bave been of benefit to themn. Tbey wauld become an outsider to Canada and after al the Province of Ontario wlith its population and purchasing power can be a great boom for Quebac. The separatist can only find bis place tbrougb co-operation and witb aggressive action and thought. Let the separatist build rather than pull the rest off Canada dawn ta its leve l. NJeWCASTLE BUSINESS building, makes a reai cantribu- SEC17ION RECEIVES itian ta the main street improve-! FAC3ELIFTING iments and does away witb another -the King street business section of the village eyesores. In the vIlage of Newcastle bas jin- dergan- a virtUal revalutian dur- Another improvemnent ta ' the ing the pa.it flew mon'bs. The" village business section is tbeý changes started> with dedication opening af the vacant store rec-1 of thc fine ncw Cenataph on bbc ently purchased by Wm. Storks at grounds off bbc Commiunty Hall: Ithe corner of Mili and igstes thr'a the. x higý o où.,CJî bad a new formnerly ocGcupied by Jh eti sidewalk constructed on the soutb wbîch naw bouses Garrad's Vani- sidc of the strect from- Miii tole ty Store and Grill. Beavqr streets.__________________ More rece tiy the Department 0f Higbways bas impraoved this ' section off the vllage with aneow! pavement constructed fropm s'dc-. walk ta sidewîlaik. 'Me village can ttank Aiex Carruthers, Member off bihe Provincial Lecg-Islalure for Durham, for havng thS worlr campicted ths year. The DeýparL- ment, bad cancelcd plans te do tbïs work this yeai-, but Mir. Car- rutbhers* uscd bts influnce with thc Minister of Higiays and wasi chile ta get bthe cpartmcnt ta re-1 cconsd*,er is ag.n-1 l dCýsior and ha-jet:,e woi'k co upleted evern tua d, i tv ,ai ,toc ite o b lphii in i:s c~ ri o iially. Ao e y-xo ci -,ïisnesE s h P i, i- J - - the Haluýbenko fý trh-- d' i' been em yfor y, hr ras beentaken ovri by E. R. La ekin (the xvestl side) o--,-d. 1-Tlbno. Evert i' usfor m og .this ou i ing îioaffices anud apartmcnts. Thc lavcly ncw front on this t ainenance SERVICE Windows Washcd, Storms put on .Eavesirough clcaîied ont Chesterfields & Chaiirs Clean ed Rugs Machine Shaînpoacd in 4 oui- o m io-e Ail Types a of v n1Binds eleane --r of' a wvan cd Iîîterl o-Painting Contact: WAYNE KENNEDY Phone Orono 25,5 LOCAL NEWS Activrity opcned on the Main - L Street Wcdnesday hnwarkmen h e M ta W o k crécted scafalding for wor'k an the M tl W r roof of the Mc bcIz~ock. A new FURNACES roof is benig laid witb or pro- and gressiog rapidiy. EAR Around three hundred and f ftyREA S attended the turkey supper at the Orana Uolted Cburch, sponored VENTILATING by the Unitcd Churcb Worncn, on FANS Wednesdlay evening.ad Mis. ýDr. John Brack and son Ted off Oshawa, Mrs. Marjorie Smith OD of Torontoanad Mr. and Mrs. Vic-EA SRO H tor Wilson off Part Hope vs,'tcd on VETOG Sunday wiîib Mrs. W. Cobbledick. and Mr. O. ,LuxtaD n a at cnt in FLASHINGS the Ba wmanv;lle c lmri HoIs- pital. Mrs. Ray Coroisbi, Port Perry,- Mrs. A. WIl1bur,,and daughter J., E. (J ack) G A R t<DEN Sharon, Oshawa visited with Mrs. ORONO PHONE 194M1 O. Chapman during. the weekend. FEDERAL GOVEàRN1MENT us FOR YOUR 1, application for bonus must be made by 1îsd~ iualles 'ýccdued for a fUrther 4% tax in thbc Spring o! 1964 '0OR FURTHER INFORIMATION SEE X-cLAREN OR~~~~~ Ni FULA L1E1IIE ~HONE 14816 ORONO, ONT. Clarke Hi*gh Enters x l Q *.Rex lA I Last . ~edythegrl'vle C baIl Le,.i v~re host to vubon pl]ayers. Tile Clai-ke,, girls had aAI vlYsuce ý- 'ljgpa~willitheQ seiors wiiii itl thiree games by 15-8; 14-12 antd 15-3. 3Extra Vitamins whIen you buy the Speclal Coibitat on Packa~ge jThe Juniors were also sucecessftui f lwilnning thie iast two gaines w1th U 18 EXTRA Tablets with 72 . ... Ail for $4.98 cores 0f 13-11 and 13-11 and losing YOU SAVE $1.49 *.efirst anc b)y 15-9. Mada te irspiye i A9 36 EXTRA Tablets with 144 .... Ail for $79 jax. The Seniors made a good at- O AE$.89 ,:enîipt but wan only the last -gaine YUSAE$28 ThJuiorsagain won twa out 72 EXTRA Tablets with 288 ... Ail for $13.98 ofe theed0f the in strong near YOU SAVE $4.98 ý1i ed o te game. We iost theQ rbgaine by 15-2. But won the uo lu3st two with 14-11 and 15-12. Q Q H ~ ~ D J D 5 ~ A burnament was held at Ajax fr.JU.JA BS UItPKNi II'I... Tuesday afternoon with Clarke,Q Piclrering, a.ie - Ajax campeting.o ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168J The seniors played both schools t first. The ir first gxame was against Ftckering. This was a win for Clarkçe two ont 0f three gaines:-->c=o= O O=<:o=oc>co= COCZO=:O:O (1) 14-6 Pic,_kering; (2) 15-4 Clarke 0 (à3) 15-O Clarke.Q The Seniors then played Ajax, o2 5 A the scores were: 11-6 Ajax; 15-9Q Carke; 13-11 Ajax. 1 o The Juniors then played andQ "CAIjIFORNIA" T U came very close ta victory against FBURo OtoFBUAY2t Ajax. They lost the first game byQFBUAY5htFBR RY 9h 15-5andwonther seond13-1 O Travel DeLuxe Air-Condltloned Motor Coach. No night drti'- Q but werer put do)wn again in the Q mg. tirird with a score of 15-il. 0 This dent did flot discourage, Q lcludes Chicago, St. Louis, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Los the juniors as they wenb on too Angeles, Sani Francisco and many other tours. f ight against Pîickerinýg. The scoresQ Reservations arngd wvere: Pickevripg 1_#3ý then Clarke Orngd cieback Ii up 10n 8 ancfthe P PHONE PORT FHOPE 885e527, gaine of tbe day ended in 15-9 for Pickeringë . 3 w um wat The girls regrebd hiriss ~ Y .zr v s~~ but decided tbeywould make theirQ comneback in basketball which be- gis ýbefoXe .CIristnas holidays. ___________________________ The night af eéiwtches, gobi.ns and tricks taire place, Clarke is holding their H-aliawe'en dance,o 'Under the Vax î)oIr's Moon". T i wiil be a co turn e pa.rty s pansored by the Students' Coun- f TNHl *1 ORONO, ONT. ,PHONE 14816 $500000

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