~ '~4 (. OONO *EEIKLY TIMES' TJiUUSDIAY, OCTOBER sit, 36 Wardenship Bid, Season Returns 1,it sUre of year for rumors a- bo( t who will seek the wardenship ,of-Che United Counties for 1964. . Seo far only one reeve has an- nounced bis intentions ta seek the office which heads the 42-memnber o'ni.The couneil is cornposed of four reeves and ceputy reeves rclCobourg, Port Hope, Bow-1 mranville and Camlybellford; a irEeýe and deputy reeve fra m1 Bit glton village and the four reeves from the. village of, Col- 1one, Hastings, Mllbrook and Neuýcastle; the reeves and deputy xeeves fromn the townships of Emg-,hton, Darlington, CartwrIght, 1 C. an, Carke, Cramahe, Haldi- m'd, Hamilton, Hope, Manvers, Fcýy and Seymour and the reeves o' f Alnwick and South Mona- Ll, eai rthe two counties ai- lernate in the election of warden. This year, the warden, cornes fram Durhamn County and is Reeve H. -1. Walkey of Newrtonville in Clank Tpw~ .Reeve W'alkey waste 'cr~reeeleeci dta the officeun aposed since 1945. He suceed ed Reeve Geraqd Philp of Cram- aine Township in Northumberlanld. The first re eve ta thraw is bat ýrn'the ring ie Reeve W. I. Thomias ce Cobourg,, who announced his in- teeMtio a eek the office Wednes- day. Reeve Thomas said: "I will seek the nomination providing the people of Cobourg beliieve I served thmwell on the town council and re-eleot me for anoither year. Ii,,nk'it is ttme that Cobourg had a~ chance at the wardenship." Another reeve from Northum- 'beriand rumored ta be strong ini the nrunning is Reeve Douglas Me- Masýýter of Murray Town-ship. Whncontacted i e said: '"I realIY' tdt not 1know as. yet. It will alitde prend on whether I am re-elected ta the Murray Townshlp wardenship in 1961 but feated by Reeve Gerald Crâtmahe Township. counil."' was de- Philp of Another reeve rumored ta be seekintg the office is Reeve Rab- ert Carlaw 0f ,Brightoni Towniship, wlho W',s also nomin'ated- in 1961 but defeated by Ree've Philp. Reeve Carlaw, was not available for comment. Counties, council still. has one more meeting in mid-November, before disbanding for the year. It is at this'meeting where friend- ships are renewed which de ter- !mine the future of any candidate. Each year the countiîes couimcl grows more in importance as theý economny 0f the two counties in- creases. In 1962 the total assess- ment of the two counities reacbed $1, 223,6 26. This was divideld asi fllows: the four towns, $34,827,961 the, five villages, $5,888,733 and the townships, $4,506,W.2. POST OFF ICE AN N OUNCES' DETAILS 0F NEW CANADA GEESE STA1VP Détails of a new 15 cent regular issue stamp were annoumeed today py the Hon. Azellus. Denis, Post- master Géneral. The stamp is ta »be placed on sale across the coun- try on October 3th. The new stamP shows four Can- zoda Geese in flight anci will bel prinited in blUe. The drawing of ,the foyur geese le the woi 0f An- gus Shortt, noted ornithological 'art-, ist fromn Winnipeg. The laLYOut Of the àbamp, is the wox'k 0f Paul Arthur,0f Ottawa. In addition ta the four geese, thie words "Canada, -postes, post- aze ýad ýh&,cnminatio6n appeoar at the wer edg~e of th estamip. g-announcementMr, Dens iornd otlith"the 7 cent air mail àtamp showing a single goose had been very popular with philatglists and the public for many years. Since this stamp is becing replaced early in the new year, it was felt that the Canada Goose should be ýkept on at least i ne of the regul'ar stamps. bath because of its popularity as a stamp sUfbjoct and because it is, the only water- eoxl Which bears 'the naine of Canada. iThe new stamp is 0f the large ýize, in a vertical format.' The 115 gent denominiation is used most erequently for ýair mail letters overselas and for parcel post.' ROYAL Bowmanville 623-5589 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1-2 Duel or the Titanms GORDON SCOTT and STEVE REEVES Also e ,ân ,, MOD TAYLOR and FESS PARKERt SUN.- MON. - TUES. - WED - NOV 3 to 6». T he UgmýIy American w Color MARLON BRANDO and PAT HiNGLE Aduit Entertaininent g g g fi o g g g ,gest Parade of Values in the History of RED & WHITE C7) Ch'ie Plump Grade "A" o 0g o'hickenslb -34c, g Tender Boneless- Cube Style Stewing Beef lb 49-cg gLean, Meaty f Pork Hocks lb ,29c fFresh BEEF Fresh sllced1 0Kidneys lb 35c Pork Liver lb 29c Best Buy!- Save le il-o. Boules H !einz 'Ketchup O est Buy! - Save 9c! - Fancy Quallty 28-oz. Tins A4ùImer Pumpkin GSave 17c! Facy Cream Style 1,5oz. Tins 0'Libby's Corn 15 oz. Tins 1Save 3e! H miut's ý'ýTom--ato Sauce Save e!-Evaporated Milk ->ali tns Carnation 4 for, 59c Best Buy! Van Camp - Save 3s Beans 20 oz tin 19c Savle 6c! -MiIk Powder' Instant 3 lb pkg 73c BEST BUY! AlIen's Vltaminized, save 26e 48 oz. Apple Juice 31c, Best Buy! Save 6c Shirriff "Good Morning" 24 S. Marmalade 51c Best »uy! - Aylnier Soup - $ave 3ce W oz. Tmw Tomato Soup Ilc fJae of 24 $5.40 2 for 45c~ Case of :24 -$44 2 for,37ci Case of 24 - $4.00 Case of 24- $4.24 3for 53C 7 V2 oz. Tins 3 for 29e) Save 8e! Peanut Butter Weston or Sunbeam Cpcoanut Macaroons Fresh Dally! - Supreme Donuts Cadbury's - Save 6s on this New~ Drik. - Special Choco lb tii 16 . JarI 39c 29c~ vChocolate ,n59c, Best Buy! Aylmer or Wagstaffe Strawberry .(with pectin) Save 8c! Jam 24 oz jar 49c Save 6c! - Layer Style Cake Mixes Pillsbury pkg 37c Full of Juice - Florida - good size GxRAPEFýR UIT 5 for 39c Corniesh's Red and White lo ORONO -I1 ONTARIO 1, Save 5e! - Oreen Giant Med. Srnall F-ancy Pe'as 44A W. FRANK S-rp;js sgg ton ad REAL ESTATE~ LIMITED Orono Weekly Times ']177 (Jhureh St. PH#YE 9r1 ORONO o O Bowmanvllle «3-339