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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TMES, THURSDAV, OCTOBER 31st, 19&3 for P is., soucli ftoki or the graduation of Piat intn LOCAL NEH S ines. Mrs. Harold Hodgson and Mrs. Mr. Terry Graham spent the à, o alnofTrtos!e weekenid with Mr.. andi Mr.., B1Mi Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday EaVntih.i~-tfi.and ail enjoyed dinner at Chateaui Mvr. and Mrs. E., Engiiah, e vthe Lake restaurant, Cobourg. arxdkÊrsta sent, the weekend 'n Mr. and Mrs. Glen Welbb,. Md- Pe-erbo)rough w\,ti rel.ativea. 'and vited bis aunt Mrs. How- Sunciay d.nner guesis witb Mr8. 'trd Walsh-on Tuesday. fteIer Soucili, .Mrs.fil. Balley ana r ncr.LwsCyemi tamily were Mr; and Mrs- . P Mr. adMr. e I rdra Riliaby, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Web- ýf Hampton viste MS. FredI ~te, ancean îavn,~ia~ 'anvblyn on Friday.1 aller,..JandiMrs. andold a,.tn,0f ville and Miss Carol 1_ýttle of scai- NradMs aodSiho, boouh.Niagara Falls vîsited friends inj Masr onieForeser Orono. Mrs. Fred Taiblyn ac-1 0fM.r an m .nn o'reer Ompanied thern homne and spentt a1 had the misfortune to f ail while couple of days in Niagara Falls.1 playllng Saturday last, brealving Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller bis~ rîgbt arnm. :spent a couple of days in Niagara Falls. Mrs. F. Taniblyn returnedt home with theni.1 fteacer atNo. 9 school b:re, i now principal of Burford DistrIct Public School. He is also finishing AD AI O k is B.A. ibis year. Mr.an Ms and one girl.1 The Local Association meeting for Guides and Brownies was held I0I IRAW P9H1 - ai the home 0f Mrs. Kay Lycett, the Mother and Dauglter banquet , was planned for January and the T KEEP0 COST$ 00W# travelling basket is to be sta1rted IýF yoII B DG right away. Necessitw for etn morehelp fo gudeswas discuss- T ed as Mrs. Hamm hlas over thIrly guides and is doing an efficient - ~ job Wýith theni but is handicapped for lack of help. A lunch was served by the host- ess anid the meetng aàdjourned. BUDGET1 A birthdaày party in' bonour'of Mrs., H. Walsh was held last Frî- > day at Lthe hd o0f %Mrs. W. ,S.> Cobble.dick. A number of ladies attended and Mm. George Carson poured tea at a bountiful lunch inc1uding the tradiiional birthday cake and gifts and greetings were tenLdered the happy recipient. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Wmi. Mitchell were Mr. and à- g~*mrs. Colin Taylor of Bo'wmanvilile Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and SERVICE,' 4 family of Oshawa, Mr. S. Kloostra of Peterborough andl Miss Brenda Mitchel0f Keene. EsMr. and Mrs. Robi Black, Mr. Earl Nixon of Orono left Saiurday New Polident Denture Cleanser, cleans False teeth without brushing. Bottie for ....45cý Striped Turkish Towels, size about 19"x36". Regular 50e. This week Special for pair.. 89c Ladies' Coverail Aprons with Bib, assorted patterns and colours. Regular .89c. 'This Week's Sale irice ............... 77c. Special Feature - Suits, Boy's 4-piece Jacket, Trousers, Shirt and Tie., Sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6. Suit priced at .................... .. $9 Men 's Thermal Underwear, Medium weight shirts and drawers, sizes small-, medium or large. Garmet............ ........ $1.98 ïSocks, Chîldren's Bulky Knit fiait Socks, OAùtîn and Stetch Nylon ',white and assorted ca1ors. Sizes 6 to P~2ony air for ...... 59c SOMETI! c-LiG NEW - Tote B- ntal haîîdles, The xery latst............ $2.69 VD 5Sîainpoo,1 7boeCtIeý XIIIFUI011,foi$1.00 Al 'I s ig ?ng d(1( C1î~ - t P1'--i-lpl vh'k ~ ~ o~m fi k; I I Two Characçteristics 0f ,.,, 1 1 A NORTHUMI4BERLAND CALF CLUB COME IN FIRST The Northumberland Senior 4ý1H (~oc s l laof 930« oui of a poýssble 1040 in the Serlpture Reference: Ezck el 2 dweiling in rocks and stream-1s and dairy compietiLiDn in -the 33rd aa. Taken from a sermon preached trees, turned Nis lfe toxwar'd thte ipeî iîoýn at ie 4-Federted Coen. by Rev.,Basil El. Long. Go.He Separaed hm ni- Gelvm le Puerate18. lge God had a message for' the self andi walked accoîrt n'g 10h jý people and He needed a man te i*ghlt in the ways of Goci. Beaue Memibers (f Iheý team were J-iXn speak it so He called Ezekiel. Ez- Abraham stood upon bis fe oeeR etoa 8 î. ekiel's two nolewortlhy qualitles; h-,gher confception of God was re- ndJajjj,)'ck Oliver, PR 1 Campbell- were that he could bend bis kneeveLdt the people. ford, 448 points. and be could stand on h:'s feet. It laa is another example. At isn't bard te find men Witb one of :7a lime whvýen fear gr'ipped the In the beef section Durham 4,H these qualities but It is bard -te hearts of Ns people, and wheflBeef Cattie club came Second find men with both. Many acknlow. nimany countries were rugh'ing into with .a score of 897. ýMembexÉs were leidge God by the sct of worship political alliances, be urged bis Kenny Wilson, Janetville, wbho ob- but they are swept off their feet people 10 trust in Godi Wben, tained 448 points and Grant Yeo, by the pressure of solety.' Thus other men were caught up in tbe RJRc, Orono with 449. they bonour God with their lips, desire te be on the Side of tbe 1 u, uhm - ran cu but net ther action. Others are Strongest, Isaiah uttered the mem- cametenurhain 0e Grain diluib flot swept along in the drift 0f so- orable words, "In quietness and camt'h83nts in the ieldvcrop ci.ety, they bave a mnd 0f ibeir in confidence shaH be your wcom8 petî t , Inuthe fuelam 4oH own, but ihey neyer bend theirlrelgth, in returning and rest Silage Ctorn cloubh cam4sEn knees in humble reverence before, 1shaH ye be saved. " Because 10 age t ota lu0f 87apoinscBnda God. I Isaiah bad the courage and co- Brhayot3ofw75aontis. cr- The Chrisgtians must have both viction te stand upon his feet, he Bra2 dleLnn 3 Brown i cr-2 the qualiies attributed to ezekiel was largely responsible for the ec41'ande cored454Bronrhr-2 because wben God calîs a man or political aff rliluss'vai N e asilae sCre..;on ctcam Dure- womnan these two characteristics hNs people. The Apastde Paul, Mar- lnha ith 810Conts. cm svn are necessary if the cail is te be tin. Luther and a bosl of others of tet dh81 ons answered and obedient service every generationi are oulstanding Durham 4-H Polato club scored iven. Unless we finti ourselves in examples of this sanie quality. 869 for fi.fbb place in the potato the presence of God and feel our- The People of to-day who stand competi!tion. In tracter clubs, selves compelled to bow in rever- upon their f cet are few wben corn- Northummberland came sixth with ence and in humilîty, then we pared te the mulitîude Who Sur- 885 points. Durham 4-H Apple club have mIssed one of the mogl pro- render 1e the pressure 0f Society came thjrd in the fruit division found experiences of our lives. and drift aimlessly along mb owitb 894. Man cannaI see himself in the ntlhingncss. The sensation of proper perspective un t' he has drifiing may be a pleasant one, The event la under the direction bad such an experience. However, but the resuilt is often dangerous. of the extension brancb of the De- God does nât leave a man- upon This is definitely se when we con- partment 0f Agriculture. This year bis kaces - He caîls hlm 1e ac.tion sider the spiritual side of our na- farm youxlg peçple enrolled in - te stand upon bis feet. tures. Gýod did nlot creabe man 1e01,3,000 4-H Agriciltural projects ln God bold Ezekiel not 1e be afraid drief, ,ithout a purpose. througb Ontario, with the top members and to speak Goùd's word Le10 isI life - man was created to love and coniPeting -n teams_ 0f two lu the own people.1 God knows that it la 10 sorve God. Clu'stians are cail- iiiter-elIUW, compétitions. Trophies nol, an easy thing for any ianu or ed 10elie the "Sait of the carth,,". were presented 10 the winning woman, 0f, any, age, 10 go against'10 bave a preserving influence up- teanris at a banquet at the conclu- the Streami. The frowns of socieiy on the wonld. Sion 0f the competibions. can be a frigltening thing.. People 1 We must, be a separate people _______________ neyer do take kindly te individuals not thal we should ceut ourselves cails people of, every age anid ai who thinlk andi live in such a way off f rom society andi become her- eeyrc 0ahml wrns tha tby eelreuke. her i, mls but that we .4hould, stand lof bis dlaim upon their lives. within mo st of us, a desire te be upon our feet and show the xvorld aocepled by society, te be park 0f a more excellent way of lite, The IGod urges, "do not be conforan- a group. We don'lt like 1e be iooked frown of sooiety exerts a Iremen- ed 10 10is world but lic lansform.- upon as different, but in every dous influence upon the lves cd ed by the ren'ewal cf your mind, generation il lias been necessary people 1-day andi in aniy age. Men thal yeu may prove wl-ml is the Ibat, wde-awesks, clear-thinking and women find ihernselves saying ill 0f God, wýhal is good and ao- persons, shoulti stand upon their andi doing what 10e majority do ceptable and perfect." He does not feet and resisi the thoughtless and because they are afraid. Boys and ask or expeci us 10 Stand in our careless drif t of hunianïty.. girls rejectt' the Christian teaching own sirength but strengthelis a-nd 1People of generalions gone by, of home andi church because they encourages US ihat afier the who sioocl__upon iheir feet in oppo- fear the mo-(ýckery 0f the crowd. In humbling experience of bis pres- sillon te the trend of thir day, many instances they become jusi ence we shall'be lifiti 1t0 stand were far oultnumbered in any dur-1 a pale reflection or faint echo ef upon our feet, 1e the Place wbere ection, by the pressure of circum 1the greàt number ( f people who we cmn say with St. Paul, "I Can stances. For instance- Aoraham, inmili %[bout aimlessly ihrough life. do all ihings ihrough hilm Who when men thought of Goti as ýGoi would nlot bave il so. Ha sirengihens me." ILI, OurnewWall'Îpaper is now in stock. Corne in and sec our Sample Book of "Sunworthy" Papers, both pre-pasted and non-p asted. There are rnany attractive designs suitable for any room in the house as well as plain textured patterns to blend w ith niany decors. They are priced frorn 45c. to $1.45 per single roil xo a~' :-kng fhn Ft' ~, hyi~t 'tHxLF P-C&3 Week<r '1' 'calWillardsivoUte (1,1lte SL L, 97 mmý

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