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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Oct 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TKURSDAV, OCTOBER Slst, 1963 ~îrir~mr~ - ~rfbsioeaI Directory OBONO MEDICAL CENTRE Dr. R.A. Hesto. Cook B.D.S. For Appointments Phone 189 OFFICE HOUES M.n~ ta Fr1. 9-12 1:30-5:00 Sat. Mornlng: 9-12 DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phome 106141 Orono, Oui. V. KAY LYCETI, B.A. ~ Eaa'rlsteri- Sliatoro Ix, the 0f fices of c fi R. R. Waddeil Q.C. MAIN ST.. ORONO fi L Telephoue 13S Orono ~UERRLLLDA~ROWNQ a BLA. QLS~ PEOFESB ~ Outarlo Land Surveyor a fi Queen St Box 1Ufl BowmanVlile, Ontarlo Telephoule 623-7251 a ~ L. i. SKAIFE Cbartered Accountant By Appointmeflt Only Main St., Orono Telephofle 138 P.O. Box 203 WII1TBY Phone 663-8197 Monteith, Moriteith Riehi & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 155 SimcoO St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728-7527 Whitby 968-4181 Ajax 942-0390 Ceneral INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCEIT OFFiCE - MAIN S]?., ORONO Phone 12516 ii~es. 20216 JACK ~<dD Orono's Liceused Auctioneer and Valuatuî Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termns and dates Phoîie 5 r 18 Oron~ TEL) Y Auctioneer and Va ua~o Cood-~cts AuctioL Sales cf ail sizes aad at reasonable rates Commumcate with hlm ai Port Perry, Ontarlo Crono E1~ctric PHQN~ 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM ami HOIJSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE 'SALES Prompt and Guarant~ed Repairs to ail kinds of Electricai Equipment and Appilances Snch at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. - Radios - Stoves - Irons ~ I. g g Hamiltons fi ~ hisurance Service ~ ainsurance lu ail Its BraacheBt~I ~Auto, Package axu~ Composite, fi Il cFolic jes, Pire, Farm, LlfeU ~Burglary, LlabiIlty, Marine, o fi Accident and Sickness, Wind. fi Boiler, Fideilty pond, ~to. o fi g ~Sadie HamiIton~ o fi Phone Orono tRiO o FIRST MORTGAOE LOANS g ~ç~oc~oczz.o ocYo~~o~ Box 138 MO. 8-3552 'I Stafford Brothers J Lîm:ted 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby, Ont. Manufacturers o! Cemetery Memorials Dealers h Domestie & Foreiga Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cul ae4 CemeI~I7 R4'VU' W~* Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality aid service leaves nothing to be desired I Ask the person who bought from us, a neighbour, Iriend or relative The RUfl~ GI~AN!T1 COMPANY 18 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE "Largesi Display h Southeri Ontarlo" FOR H PAINTINC - DECORÂTING~ BUILDING - C~UP~O~~t.RDS REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITURE 't Cal I DOUG SIIIPSON Phone 208, Orono o 1-I .-~o -'~'- -'C-*- - - - -~ Orville Chatterton FOR REN1~ - A house for rent~ five rooma. For information phone 281 Orono. a-c APPLICATIONS Applications will be roceived by the undersigned in writing, until 5:00 p.m., Novexnber iSt'h, for tl~e weokly pick-up and removal 0f residential and commercial gar- bage in the Police Village of Or- ono. ~ ~ecretary, Orond~- ?olice Trustees. WAYNE'S MA~1~IW~I SERVli~ Cheserfields and Cli~irs sham- pooed. AIl types of BroacIloom and cazpets cleaned. Phone Orono 255. RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS Will do rart Urne Radio and T.V. repairs. Ail work guaranteed. HARRY WIERSMA, Phone Orono 1649. fi Eleciric Mutors fi Ô Repaired Windings, Switches, Bearings0 fi and Brnshes, Electrlc Toolsfl O and Small Appliance Motors g Work g 8 AI. Heard ~Ph.ae~U~Orono ~ o g Barns and Byam g PLU3~INGandHEATING g g G 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICEÔ c fi B-A FINANCING fi o Low Interest Rates g~hones, À g g Hampton CO. 3-2288 fi lyrone CO. 3-2650 't o moczzix~o -cz~~çcr-:zocU -i ~EPTW TAI~'K~L WRITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tonipkins Phone Newtonvtlle 4721 5 o'clock. Admission $1.fiO for aduits and .50e for eblîdren. a-p CHARTEERD BUS Chartered bus going to Toronto and Santa Clone Parade Saturday, November iOtb. Phone Port Hope 885-2527. Roi~e Travel Agency b-c CHARTERED BUS Chartered Bus going to Winter Fair, Toronto, Saturday, Novem- ber 28. Ehone Port hope 885-2527. Rowe TraVel A~ency c-e CHARTERE» BUS Anyone wisiiîng to spend week- end 0f Nov. 15 to l7th inclusive in Buffalo. Hotel Reservations. Phone Port Hope 885-2527. Ro~Ve Travel Agency b-e NOTICE Dr. A. F. McKenzie wii'l not in t~ie office Novem9oer 2 9 clusive. DIED LAYTON At her late residence, Newcastle, on Tuesday, Octoiber 29th, 1963, Eva Louise Barrett, in her 85th year, wife 0f the late Wm. A. Layton and dear mother 0f Violet (Mrs. Norman Drew) Tor- onto, Irene (Mrs. Roy Bunley, Greta, (Mrs. Russeli Yeo) and Harry, ail of Oshawa. Resting at the Morris Funenal Chapel, Bow- manvîlle. Service in the Chapel on Friday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Or- ono Cemetery. a-c BUVINO OR SELLING REAL ESTATE 1 A.J. McGILL EAL ESTATE BROKER Phone~: Orono 149 I Oshawa ~28-4285 G. IB~. Simpson, Secret~ry, Trustees ~or Police VillSge 0f Orono, Orono, Ontario. Geo. L. T6tten and Asspciates ~imited CONSULTING ENGINEFJIS 41 Ring Stree~ Raui - Cabourg, Ontario AUCTION SALE Furniture (Modem & Antique), bols, wood etc. I have been favoured wîth in- structions from the Executors of bhe Estate 0f the late Dr. Edna Eastcdtt to sdi by Public Auction ~t ber late. premises rn the Village if Millbrodk on Saturday, Nov- ember 2nd at 1 p.m. sharp: Heintzman Piano and bench, El- ectrtc Stove, W~shing machine, ~Frig., Dining nom suite, Bcd room furniture, kitchen furniture, etc. be This is an excellent sale with in- m'any modem and antique articles b-c R. J. Payne, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ~ Hereford cattie, Ferguson Trac-. tom and equipment, 4,000 bales of hay, machinery etc. The property~ 0f John Oudshoorn, Lot 6, Con- ~cession 2, Clarke Township; mile east if Ncwtorviile. Selling ~,vithout reserve on Saturday.. 41-Jovembcr 2, commemcing at 41 p.m. Temms cash. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 50 Head Registered ami Grade Holstein Cattie 2 T actocs Milk tank, tractor m'achinery, furniture etc. j The property 0f Gerrîtt k, lots 27 - 28, Concession 7 Ciarke Township, 3 miles forth of Drono, selling withç'ît lcserve on Saturday, Noveraber 9. Sale to commence promptly at 10 a.m. Terms cash. No reserve. J~ck R~xJ, Auctioneer. Advertise in the Classified MAN WANTED For general Hydro Utility work. be capable lineman and ~~1Should or have a fair 'background 0f el- ectrîc'd experience. Must have chaiuffer's license. Will be expect- ed to resîde in communîty. State IVANTED j WJ( KEY R~G1STRATION wa'ges expected. ~s in the Orono area wish- Apply by leVier to: Orono Hy4ro, Charitable group to opeinte can- ~< to teen at Antique Car Parts Sale, ~ay hocl~ey in the Atom Box 113, Orono, Ant~rio: 1--eeWee; Bantam; Mldget or Ju- J at O*'ono Arena on Noveniber 9th, venue age groups must register DEER HUNTERS 1963 from il :00 a.m. to 5:00 ii~. I~ ~ Muflcipal Building, Friday, For a ~ery few dollars get a Lite Contact Boyd 245J Oro Wood; phonet:~ovel~lbcr lst frosn 8 - 10 p~i J ~nd Accdeîît Insurance Policy to _______________ Tins wiîl be the one and only time ~oVeî yoti w~iîîo away hunting. to register. FRED LYCETT FOR SALE Must have your f ce and birh certificate. General Ixîsurance Slorm Windows: app. 3'23~~" Fee for Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam x 32"; 1 frame 31912" x 32"; ~ and Midget - 54.00 ($3.00 regis. POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO sereens. Phone î~7J. tratioii fee; 51.00 insurance>. a-p Juvenile - $5.00 (53.00 registra- TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE tion and 52.00 insurance.) TENDERS FOR ADDITION TO FOR SALE O.A.A.A. Hockey Committee ______________________ I FIRE HALL - CONTRACT 6861 Sweet Apple Cider; also wanted 'i'sed gallon jars. COMINO EVENT j SEALED Tenders, plainly marked ~s to contents and addressed t~ AIberi Pos, Phone 2237, Orono. Heather Social Club Bazaar, I a-c Saturday, December 7th., in the SG. E. Simpson, Secretary, the I.O.O.F. Communlty Hall. Plan ta lrustees 0f the Police Village 0f FOR RENT attend this Annual Event. b-c Orono, will be receoved until S _______________________ .O'Cloek P.M. I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1968 Five room apariment available COMJNG EVENT Ifor altenations to the existlng now. - 'FLORIDA Tour, 22 days chartered buil ding to the fîre hall locate4 on Phone 13218, Orono. b-p air condîtioned bus, parstç~na1ly ,Main ~treet in Orono. conducted. No nig~ht drtving, ex- I Plans, specifications and tender FOR SALE . cellent accommodations, January .forms m'ay be obtained from thq il to Feîbruary 1. For information Consultant Engineer. Boy's navy blue Blazer size 18, telephone 723-1927 or Bowmanviille A non-refundiaible deposit of 55.00 cost $14.95 last winter, W0~fl1 623-3265 or write Colmer Travel ~nade payable to the Consultant is twice - $7.00. Service PO Box 631, Bowmanviile. ,required. A certifiedi ciieque lot Boy's 2-piece medium grey f-41-c 410% 0f the tender price sha4Il a. suit, size 18, cost $2995, perfect _________________________________ compafly the tender. The success- condition - 512.00. Phone Johnson - Orono 1208. NOTICE ~ul bid wikl ho requtredi ta aupply a 100 per cent Performance Bond. a-p A Bot Turkey Suipper will be ~owest or any tender flot necesu- served at Shîloh Ohurch, Wednes- ,ariîy acceptedi. ÀNU V eIIIu~± UII, 2t~LLiÀi5 tit. C ontraetin~ Electric Ileating and Service PHONE 245 Orone, Ontarjo u~Iding a ouse? or remodelling your preseit w, then "flt3 t FIoy Nicho sou PHONE 2191 0140 'O

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