OROO WM~L TIESTHUBPSDAY, OCTOBER Slst, 1963 - s'y f Fodprices ýýre Effective Oct.'30, Slst& Nov. Ist & 2nd. We Ree,rNi'ethe Eght to Limit quanýtities. f rcs1ir~ t ocra] INCEI) BEEF G EiN GANT CUORNý MARGAINL GOOD LUC'._K Heinz lSPAGHETTI 1 ta~e or JunÙor Hleiniz Baby Food Pink or White Reg. Size DOVE SOAF 15 oz. Tins 2 for 31fc 5oz. Tins 3for 34c, f or 3 9é Hair Dressing RESDAN. 6 oz bottle $1.11I -ý D = oco<Z Oo:o= o Il 2cofWie iIc ik eIoAu wnF 2o ohftWitPiLkac, Pik, Yeliow, qua Twof M 0SCOTTIE TISSUE 2 for 45g __________________ Cnt Rite 100 ft. ro Sct wxpae "' 'W a x Pape r 2-,53 0 Pink, Yellow, Aqua, Liiac 4 roll PI gSCOTT FAMILY TISSUE 39 OScott Confidets .-'7c off SANITARY. NAPKINS, 12 for 44I 0 0 O I<cO Oc= Oc:O= =OG- A T OTAL 0F IN BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $10,00 IN BONUS TAPES DU MAUAIEE CIGARETTES RECEIVE $6 0(1 IN BONUS TAPES MIE, LIQUID DETEItGENT SCOTT COLOUMED TOWELS RECEIVE $4.001 IN BONUS TAPES JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH tu. Of 200 224-oz. Size Twin Pack 64 oz. Size RECEIVE $2.001 IN BONUS TAPES SCOTT FAMILY NAPKINS P'kg. of 60 CHERRY HXLL OU> CHEESE 12-oz. eut FRASERVALE STRAIVBERRIES Frozen 15-oz. pkg SLICEI) COOKED HAM Tablerite 6 oz. Pkg. ONTARIO GARROTS U.S. No. 1 Grade 3 lb celle Tablerite WEI NERS 1b43c lb pkg45c 15 o..Tins 2or 31c il oz, Bottie 2for 45cé 21b 531C MansFrozen FRENCH FRIELS 'Hospitaity Apple Pie Dempster Twist Egg Roil-s Dempster Orange Square Sumbeam Cocoanut Macaroons Christ ies Sociables ALL NEW TOYS & GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS IN THE NEW IGA CHRISTM,,AS SUPLEMENT FREE For IGA Cash Register Tapes 45ew each 39c 27c~ 49c 39ic 8 oz. ]Pkgs. 2 for 49c Fiorida MI% rsh Seedless' Size 96's U.S. Ne. 1 Grade Crisp Lettuce 2â for 29C Bn.C. Fancy Grade Dliejcous Apples 5 for 29e Long Green Sliers Cucumbers 2 for 1 9c 'tfotiiden fruits are always beýt- 'ter." -- m 1 I KENDAL We were sorry to hear tlrnt Mr. Perc Burley had such 4iffieWuty in breathing they took Mlm to Bow- =lnvifle Hosptal and put hini in an oxygen tent on Monday. We understand he is improving. Our turkey supper was flot ai well attended as usual due le the number oft urkey suppers'at oGner points lsuch as Wesleyville, 1iamp- ton, Newcastle etc. Tniose u_ .aine were Aigh in their praije oï a good supper. The org amî- le of Mr. M. McCoy was much en-' joyed. A greait deal of, effort goes into prepàring- for it. One ladyhappened to mention the fact that she had brou.-ht seven pies and cooked'a turkey. Most off the wells in Kendal are dry se water iad to be b xiught a distrqce. Seven ladues from Kendal U.C. W. attended the Regional Meet- ngs off the Oshawa Presb3terial United Church Women at Newton- ville on Triesday. Mr. Chas. Cooper visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cathcart and wfdth Mrs. Wm. Greenwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes, Port Hope, ýVisited woith Mrs.' M. LUXqU on Suriday last. Miss C. W. Stewart enterýtaned Rev. and Mrs. J. Porter cf Osh- awa and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LoftI- house onSunday ,evening. Miss Selena Thertell almost lost tier _hus on Sunday morming Wýhen,,a grass ire reached it. Only qu.,ck acLÀon by the neýghbours Mv. uid~ r. T. SLeVens are traellng to Yarr.îouth, Nova Scotia to) visit their daugÉer 1Canadiaý;n s -Snioke More This Year Canadlans Ike to, amoke, cancer' scare or no cancer sca,î,. IBased on consumpion off c!gar- ettes and ciigars as indicated by the sale 0f excse revenue s.amps, Canadians ths year wil amoke aibouit 41,2MI565d6,000 ci.-rettes and about 3Z5624,000 cigai.i more than in any other year. Whle the cigarette industry îa optimistic Ibat the increased sales will mean better profits this year, it also is worried about the possible harmful effeets of smok.ng and its alleged ecnnerctl'on to lur.g cancer. The indcustry will nieet with Health Minister Judy LaMarsh in Ottawa for Ibree days next month, Nov. 25 to 27. Also present at the meeting will be representatives of ,Lie Canadilan MedýcaJl Association, the Canadian Cancer Society and ohâer health organizations. A spokesman forR.thman's of Pali Maiýl Canada Ltd. said "the whole cancer problem will be dis- cussed in depth and detail and in wh'aI way the industry can help."l He said the meeting wilU also conaider an educational prograja "to restrain Young people from ac- quiring the smoking habit." One firm--Canadian Tobaco-fina bLd.hbas moved its advertising on litelevision to after 9 p.m. so ohild- ren won't be inf1uenced. The company say's one has tioho an aduit before deciding whether or flot to smoke. "It is not a c'hilren',s garne." Elowever, maost companies siay they are not doing anything apecial about the cancer problem nor changing their advertising methods until after the November meeting when this whole thing has been t