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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1963, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THTJRS DAY, NOVEMBIER 7th, 1963 OÊRON(} WEEKLY TIMý1ES CcreH Estabhlied ln 1938 by R. A. Forrester H oyC. Forrester -3Edtor and Manageýr SPEEDY DRIVEh On Wednesa,1 _ý.O tober 30, we I eld our regilarias, 2erly in thxe Speedng on the streets of O'-ino srers cO be fa cor auditorium. tinual compta' nt by locial resiîdenJts and in ths we must agree The Mo'. for the urgrzlm was that excessive speed is ail too often in evIdence. Karen Lee. Krnvr capably -trod ced tue fsperformer who The offense, is generally committed by y3ung drver- was T-na Kazohb. Tina ,payed iu are wheeling their firsil car and seem to want to Pr"xv three siongs on the accordian and tihe factAtirt they are a Sterling Moss or some otier ne .ed was received very well by the stu. epeedster. The faci is, tlrey are net provlng anything, other dents. A solo by ShIýela Siater and than they lack tire senise to drive at a safe and reagonable !a trumipc'.solo by Lynn Brownl speed. No one is intereslýted in how fast they can 'urn î wsre also enjoyed very mucli. We corner or race Up the Main Street. Eýxcessive speeds only nope to see more of the students' notes a disregard of life and pnoperty. talents 'hs term. Every 50oJlten we have a new turnýover of sriee i ý-er In lace w oui a emyti on our streets. As one group matures to sane drving anetYhe'ý brance Day Servic-e F-iclay morn, group entiers the arenta of the 'speedster and tears up and ing in the adtru.Tbe Glee down the Village roads. Club wll be mrak ngý their firsi This is a proablem thiat most centres face but xith appearanc ai; 1R--, Woodiand Qirono havin'g no police proteiction th~e speedster gesý un- 1w11li e the s 'euter. cortroiied andi the condition at times is beyond comment. W rt e vroeott Clarke's f'r3,t ommencement on Of course we cannot condemn ail yo ung drivers as lFrIiy November 15' Awards will speedsters, and tirose who are lot and who use cornmon be given to the s.uden,s who earný sense onf our streets are ceetainy to be commended -and have ed th' - last tr and the Glee gained more respect froin the generai public, Thre speedster Club ;will Peterin. Thre speakeY * cannoit but help lose the respect from thre same public. Wll1 be -Mc.r L. G. (Celicw, Princi- pal of Forest H ii Jn-or High (treater enfoncement Of btter drivinrg practices can Schooi. certainiy stast at home and here more cOntroÜl and restraint There was ai very good turnout 'Liould ho exercised with those deeming it necessary to use for our Hleee Dance. We Zour streeits as raceways. were g'al ýo iplay host to studefltS of Bowmanvilç and Courtice H gh School. Tan eStudents' Counci] have extended invitations to the NO QUARERS GIVN l'unschools and hope they enjoy - -our dances as mucih as we enijOy' It lias become ey',idont that the en'folpiÎeiiet of tire aocept'ng their invitations to their building. by-law of tire..Towvniip lins run into a 'fewsn"s shol arc * thi1s sumainer and.dîreci ation in:enforceienit wouid appetar ITire maýiorty arr'véd in gay cos-ý lece'mary to, bringil bae into line. tumes. These costumes were - jud",ed and the winners were: Sonie infiringements of thre, regulations aiong wî(th Funniest - EHowar'l Stanleton, ,onistrýuctioni without perxhilts have opened a1 door for oom- CtvXi n M" vnBie pla)int and has given reastin to open thre aoor Wider for fur- and Jim W,lon. TbVs quar'et was irrinfractions of tiee code. dressed as the chian gang. The ondtion ofthe y-lw nust e uheldor lse Most or!,gnal - Danne Dunsefth Tireconiltons0f he y-ia mut b upeldor lse wiro wore an allmost real looking _t ýanno)t serve the purpose for Wiich it was passed. gornilla costume., If oine party gets away with an, infraction anotirer party, Boy - Rcky Pearce. Ricky was wilattempt the Same and taire a furtirer inch; Soon'the con- dressed as a girl. * ýlwoid be negligible and tlie purpose of the by-law nil. Girl - Lynda Harrs wlio dressed i1asan ]-î farinr., The biidfing by-iaw has certaialy played an import- 1 These costumes xyere' chosen by ant partirii improving standards tlirougliout thre ommunlty Mr. and Mrs. Lwery. and -wiil no coubt continue to do So, providiag enforcement Flor etranet the Clark doos not falter. There are, we are informeol, some improve- ettessngfor u is - Catiy Scot milents to lie made intire by-b1awv but tins can be easily ac- played the pianio andl sang mwith complished througlr amendimenjts and is possibly one of tire Candy Stnrks. This due' has enter- first jobs for tire new Planning Board. tained for thre school before and One of tire infractions of tihe by-law we are told, was Pveryone enioys them verymci committed this year when at tire Orono'Park an addiýion Turnng to srorts, thre girls bave was construcfed without cobtaining a builcding permit. Tis beený busy piaylng their inter- tends, like dthers, to open thre door an.d give argument for mural volley b ail. Each class is others to continue on tlie same lîne. Tire tssuing of the permit d, * vided into teains and these teameF. IS actuaily only a forInality but, ilt is tihe condtions of tihe play eamh other. Theunper sciool by-law in construction and other areas that'are important to î ham-'onsý dcpenti on, who wns maintain a reasoable standard of buildings in Clarke. the, game between lIA tea.m No. 1 Ther isno mdwa in irefor nd grade, 12 team No. i. TYs Teeisn' iwypath inenforcing teby-law, fr game wlbe -plqvel et k tire easiest course rests in full enfomcement for everyone. dh lweec,>l hap swill. uc, d6termined. by the winners 0f *IQlA and 9A team No. 1. UNIT 5, U.C.W. Treaty>Mean? ' whidh emphaszed 'tRemnembrance Day"- was tihe the feeling that f a;ti in God anditure meetings.'z themne 0f the Unt 5 meeting, held in our felowman wiil do more at tire home ef Mrc. 0OlIve Mllso'i for Peace than sikned treaties. -Audrey Rrthlerford read an ar- on Tuesday evening, November 5. We enjoyed our two you,-ng so'-l tieon "Fndoienessad econ Unit leader, Etta Irwin welcom- )ists of thre venirrg: Marie Yeo, clain n fee ryr ed the members and guests, aine- repne ntepaob .- During tire evenfing all joined in teer in number, and calUed on Fl'-- Yosoi.heenmbrs bsng "apy irha"tou Frnke arabllwh lwdin ,in teosagIhe nmer.hostess who was celebrating lier Franhe Baorbala htheeGardon", "ti oSc birtliday 1that day. pi er or C -rei' and "Bluebird on my Windew Thre lymn "Stand up for Jesus" Hyrira "Onward Christian Sold- S1"; and Elien Ml'Elson, playin5 a ugaî uebndcinpo igcs" was Sung and Mrs. Ray iwo pIano instrumentais, 'Ballad" wno udrinnd tre eetýiongpto-a liîckson read the cli ptire and 'Mohers of Salem". close,bmýgtemeigt M.Ree Gbson read a papor Reua business ceas deait with 5- cdai hour ýwas spont wlren on fowMuc Dos te T B p0 c2)ùf'~?nOÂc, aad 0fX0Olive served a deliious lunch. Etfia Ircein thanikedthe liostess l'arke, High School FIRST ANNUAIJ COMMENCEMENT CLARKE 1-IGI-1SCIIOOL 8400.p.un. Presentation of Awards and Certiflates Musical, Selections by thé CGIee Cluib A'ddress byMr L. G. Chiellew, M.Aý, Principa1; Forest HUI Junior 11gb Scho6l and aIl who liad lielped witli the progÉrm. Wayne's Maintenance SER-VICE Windows Washed, Storms put on Eavostrough cleaned out Chesterflelds & Chairs Cleaned Rugs Machine Shampoocd in your own home Ail Types of Venetian Bllnds Cleanod and Repaired Hardwood and Tule Floors Rtefinished Basements and d Garages cleaned - removal uf unwanted 1 temks Intorior Paintln.- ; Contact: WAYNE RENNEDY - Plione Oýorm 255 - g airy Customcersg 0 fiWe wish ta introduce ta you at this 0 tie our new deliveryman, Mr. Met Hlartwig who ha~s joined the staff at Ce- dardale Dairy. gThose desiring Cream-Top MiIk are asked ta use app rrate tickets or leave fi a message with your money sa alternate 1 0 deliverymen can serve* you with satis- faction., g CEDAR DALIE DAIRY g g 3J. C. TA1MLYN, PROP. g0 Q = c o = c ><-o = c o = c oz o => o 0cO= < O = < O = < O > = . =O = C . > =:> ,: fi TO SAFEGUAR») IT- Welxe" part of a. HIealth Team" headed by your doctor. Our part j L 0 to comipound lus prescriptions prompt. 1 ly and accuraifely. He depends on us. [ 0' So ca you 0c 0' 0ibb 0 ôSTUTT'S HAKRMACY ýr oô ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 168J 0 - CALI FORNIA" TOUR [3î g FEBRUA1tY 5th t0 FEBRUARY 29th [ fiTravel DeLuxe Air-Conditloned Motor Coach. No night driv- 1 0ilg. 13I"eludes Chcldago, St. Louis, Grand Canyon, La8 Vegas, Losg Ar 'k ,San, Francisco and many other tours., 1 Reservations arranged. 1 g PHONE PORT HOPE 885-2527 ýe:,-C = O = O<: OC = 0 0<= O = OC-Z>o = o=-=>O = C = OC OC= OC = 1f 10r 'lAg n y 1 O' TINSHOP O Sheet Metal Work FURNACES and REPAIRS VENTILATING FANS and, HOODS EAVESTROUGH and FLASHINGS J. .'JackGARDEN, ORONOC-1PH-N e,14Z t"

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