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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TJ3IES. 'THURSOAY, NOS' J3 th t6 LOCAL. NEWS PflPItir ii mPower o eoai f POPPIES hng bs mother, Mrs. Cecil >.wrtlÉs week. or'ýU faiyWorh"m 0 f Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billngs and cze o u éj' e prc L ss ayJewell of Bw~nil - ti cn You et over 104 fl ' a couple (X days this week C~(anadan . 414. They gave 0 r n r.R .MLo ther ive fr o ur h .11 fi raan d FaIs.R.A eod your f amny -wIU ye -ý.grFls inmember tii'ul by wearing Mr. Douglas Lycett will be a lxppy? irard sngng hi.s new recor-d on weekendbegnnin Thrs-~ uaturday,,November 9th at 3:30 on Poppes wll eý sld tie 2, Buiffalo. The prograni, tL ay evening. called Hit or Miss. 'lrs yaeGbs anld Miss Shar- fPlease give generously. f on Gibbs, Duablarton visited on 0Sunday with the formers, sister Mes. Ed Graham and Terry. csRobert RuolMnson, Queen's &n~sy, Kngst'0, spent the wkndwlih Mrs. and Mis. V Rabinson. Icangi-atuiaion3 to Mrs. Frances rsn ave ~oe v u formerly a resident.of Orono, who, s celeblating her i9th bit2iday aj Tiu.rsda9y, Novemnber 7th. UNýIT 1, U.&.W. .UuJý.t No 4 nu, at the home of Mrs. W. E Red on Tue-sda,-y even- ng, Novemiaber ZVth. Quiet mnusle .Vis played before cornmeneiflg he meetng-.- Mrs. ,Aima Mitchell o-oened xv th a, medtatýon on "H-1arvest of the Yels" and MVrs. Reid followed xv2th a veî y interýes*ng Devot*.rnai rclaUng to a cî-,ter in the Sudy Bu0k "The Wo -d and the Way", whichi was la oÈr deait with by XKathy Airmsiýtýoog on 'God and FEvIl". ÀAer Mrs. Reid's remarks a i nu oe f songi by Beverley Shay were phiyecý on the record player and. thls part,0f the meet-I ;ng- cloed w th prayer. Katliy Arnlsioiig thea, reviewed Lie chapter for our seudy dealung wv;th the negatveand poslitive ap- Qrjoacll oi. ,.ttitud~es toward su!- ferag and roW Minutes of nie previous meeting weî-e retîd and offer«,ng receîved. A repiort on nie Caihnlatuan Educa-1 ti n(o21ernce Nw'ih wa.s held1 at Five Oaks3 last weekepd was rLven by Mrs. Mcbearen and Mms. ORN)Sct te 1 STORE Mej's Gloves, Leather-Like Luxury, warmn fleece lining. Colours blacli or bro-wn. Si ze small, mnedium or large. This number was a seli out last year.,Shop early. Something New, Dupont invisible thread, use one thread for ail colours. Special Spool 300 feet for.. ................ 29e Candy Wafer Roils Reg. 5c. This week 3 for 10e Pop Up Toaster'Silent Thermostat control Fully Guaranteed. ........ ....... $10.98 Speciai! Broken 2 pound Chocolate 25c. Bars Briskettes Pound------..49c. Xmas Gift Wrap, 3 rolis total length 270 mns. 26 is. wide. Regul ar 98e. Special ........ 66e New! Beautiful Poinsettas, Red, Silver and Golà.. Priced per stem---------..25e and 29eci Childrens Stretch Tiglits, seamless 100% ny- lon, made in Canada. Sizes 1 to 10 Pr. .. 99e Lady Beth Leotard Tghts, Non-run, seam- less.-Sizes 1 to 14 Kexlusively Stedmans Priced per pair.......1. o$L.98 Lady, Beth Young Miss Tights, Seamless Sun- day Best. Sizes 12 to 16. Pair ........ $1.98 Hose?, Nyloný Run Stop, 400 Needies 15,Den- ier, colors, Sunglarnour, Hiaze, Rosedust and Brown. Sîzes 9 to il. Pr. 69e 2 pr. $1.35 H îA t eNews deer season openied AT SKI HILL 'wrT..ýouilH-C nmembers Ounat-nModa idcosd Altliough we have been enjoying tenadd te eveining aniveirsary 'oWntesdaon evnia nd Ar e i1.ay Octoiber weather this baa sevie t roo )Lllnited Chunch g. net thwarted preparations for the as, the Durhani Fb-rest in the nor- rnin of owWrkhsbe on Suniday Noverafber 3. TFoI.ow1ng thern section of Clarke was a p o mipo-20. okbsbe the service a short meh2was ilar rendezvous for local and ar- progressing at the Oshawa Ski held in the Suinday Scbool Atudi. at ltisHili durirrg weekends i n providîng torium. Trhe main purpose of the -a 'ni threedyn a -sfo j tiuther seirvices for tiiose m-ho gather ng wa-ts to aepan-11 e he a hn a frSo v~ ol the ski trails tbi b-us oly nddogs were flot ai. a proposed H.-C tndp., Suggestions I e o e sd ,-meaea fwinter. including taking a bus to Toronto the twro Counties were closed for The elub ba-s irstalled two new to- see a hockey game, the Ice hunting due to local townishp re- big ski tows to add to the previuis Capades, "-Cleopatra" or a live1 thetr podctin t hestrictons. five whiých were overtaxed 1-at Chentre, the Crest or the RîKef Local hunters report seelng year due to a record membership. ACenelte r letr teRoa. many deer ian te area w1th sofie Trails in some cases havýe been Alea ne lorheatre dt marksmen beîng successful. Re* widened andý a new warmning Tain futheiorm aetio bu ports have Mrs. M. Keast of Orono building bas been constructed on tach futhesear t inform n ieo as successful along with Messrs. the easit hill, A new office and out. 0ah f the eundts bfore the boe Lou'is -'d e Graham of ý,uiIdIngs ilasob aaiae rrUp o h euisbfr h Newcastle and a late report bas th:_s skiing seuson. end of the week. Ni-. Jake Van Daml bagging a Anoher important business mat- 301 pounder. Mernbership this year is expect- ~ewa prearatEve fary. la nie Conservation Officer Doug Pow- ed again te jumap above that of ý-kwY er's ve arty . n te e reports a good local hunt for lIast year as hun'dreds of n-ew -near future the correspond ,ng sec- the three days with deer, shot in names are on the waiting list te e ary w.1b xedn niv the area comparing with that of join the c~.Peetyfre tation to most HI-C groups in the last year. Few infractions of the mnembers have been given the op- vcinty ncld ng Bowanvlle aw have been observed and the portunity to join before any new i'Jewcashle, CDIUlmbus, Tyrone, hunt in general has been ordenly. mernbers are accepted. Hampton and Kedron. Volunteers were recruited for such cornmt- tees as church service decora- -;o Q=o=co=c>co=o=co=ýc>=>=c' tiens,, public: y refA~shmen'ts,- ,rogram andi enerta. ment. f Mrs. Gilbart told us of a Teen Conferen ce to be ;ild at FIve f Oaks, Par s, ,0Ot. during, the G R I ' Christmas Hol.days. Only -one f ooy and one g.ci f r.m each churchO -nay attend. Tlaey must be 17- 19 School. The Orono I-C plas te - IAIRSTYLING isend two teenagers te this con-0 ference. 65 KingSt W. Mter hot chocolate and dough- 4St nuts were served, Rev. Long clos- f Bowmanvlle ed the meeting wth prayer. Porter. ~SIfpOUdC............$1.75 Business was deai-t with and i h mooadSt .... was decided that this Unit ,Aould l 1 Shampoo and Set------------- $2.00 fieet -wth the Genlesma meeting o tîlieir Cbristinas meeting. Jilifr Cuts ..$....... ... Reports for- the yeac f romnie 0* Treasurer and Secretary were as- f 5 Week Rins................ Èed for - these to be hinded in tVo rinting............................... nieGenral~ietîn moetie li ~...... .........................O Arrangement$s were me.de for - the Januaryf meeting. This Wo be $14.40U A TtPA biel< at the home of Mrs. Porter., ERLJ MNENII' $12.54 Elathy Armiistrong t clair seule$1.0 Alima Mitchell ~t t ke the Devo: f ALL PERMANENTS GUARANT EE D Book andi Mrs. BlukIey' to tak-e VSTORfiE« ALNT-A quested te attend a meeting att Evenlnguil Mrs. Alma Mitchell's on Tu1.esday evening, November l2th. BAROeýGAIN IN REISSESoÉ SWe have eleven Dresses that MUST BE SOLD. Sizes1i to 14. Differ- ent styles and colours. Regularvalue $21.95 ON SALE ...... $5.95 Clearing 0f Tuie Flooring Specktone Inlaid Vinyl Tile Stan- dard weight. Regular 15c. ea. SPECIAL ........ 3 for 29e W ORK SHIRTS Mens Heavy Work Shirts, ful size, large ecut, size 15-171/2. SPECIAL PRICE .... $2.95 LINED SMOCKS Made by Haugh 88 in green anid blue, ail sizes 38 to 46. PRICED AT .......... $7.50 LINED WORK PANTS In green Sanforized cloth, al sizes. Priced at------.. $5.95 Inlaid Linoleum Tile, lst quality in solid color. Regular 10c. No returns.....3 for 22ce LADIES' SWEATEgg AND IPULLO VERS We have a few Pullovçrs that are slightly soiled. Reg. $6.95 ON SALE FOR ....... $1.25 SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS A dozen or more Sweaters and Sweater Coats. Regular $8.95 to $11.95 FOR . $3.95 BABY PANTS Ph*ytex Baby Pants. ON SALE FOR.. 3 pairs 25e ARMSTRONGS J. a ql lut" IlLi-alik ma" -DI ýC

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