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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1963, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, 'TiiURS DAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1963 THE LITTLE -CHARITABLE Found ation 8et.atement of Purpsie ngl Policy (Continuled frm pag~e 1) Mr. Little had, hiowc&ver, iii the other. provisions of bis WillI pre- Vided 'beque.sts to these other ex- istïng Charitaoble Organizations in the community and in t he situa- tion the Exe<wtors feit that they had been bestowed a greater and mýore exactin-. responsi'bilty. Theyj f eit that firstiy, whatever' waâ I rlone, in view of the vervlae- ter was gra-iited byr thé' Honour- ,sÉble, Provincial Secretary and- 'Minister of Citizenship of Ontario, cneating as a corporation ln this province, The Lit,'Ie Charitable Fdutndlation 0f, Oronio with these. oibiects 'To receive and maintain a f uad orý fund's, and to apply fromx time to tine ail or part thereof and- the income therefromm for charitable purposes la -the said Police Rillage 0fOrono;'~ mount 0f money involved,' soms hsCare uterpo-d momento of the Little Fam-ily and declares,"that the corporation ehould e'voive to. remitid us and shall be carried, on without the those who foliow us in the future purpose to gain for its. memnbers of this last final humaane, and and any profits or other &ecre- graclous intent of Mr. Little tIons to the Corporaton shalilbe ased in promoting it§ objectts;" serve the com'muni.ty at large. that the Directors shall serve w'th- They also feit that what was done ojut compensation, and no Dîrector ,houli bc a living ýthing to extend shahl, directly or indirec'tly, re- into 'the future without end, il celve any profit from hs position this couid bc accom'piished. They as suiih; reasonable expenses in- felt that a mnere gif t to an organ- curred by any Director ln the per- ization ln existence for -hich a ilormance of his duty- may be paid; receipt would be received for fil- i that upon the dissolution of the .ing 'away, would not achieve the corporation and after the- payment Orono personal toucli that Mr. of all debts and liabilities, its re- Littie's Wiil seemed to, indicate. mnaining propeilty shall be distri- With these thin'gs in mind, the ex-j buted or dîaposed of to charitsffble àstence of other personal chanit- organization which carry on their able ventures, such as the Lang work solely in Ontario." Meniorial Chapel, some imagina- tion was -kindled ln these Execu- tors and they set about in ýthought The necessity for such a Charter te carry out their ideas. Their wa's related to the attempt by the ininds turneci to the needed im- Executors upon legal advisemeiit provement of facilities to attract te,'bring the charitable venture for a dental and more adéquate med- Orono within the provisions for ex-, ïcal service to this commiunity. emption f rom inheritance tax, 0é5 'cal physician and by aIl others withwho th mater as l~-provided by, the Provincial and S1 Federal- Tax Acts 'ia thi s field., 'This need was endorsed by the 10- These provisions in sho)rt,» state' 'cuss ed. Local, organizations 'had that anygift made by a deceased been oryars 'ndeaouring to en- person to any existing and -recog- iist the servie(.%,, of a Deatist in nized Charitable, organization i' Uhis area withouc success. Dr. Mc- Ontario shall be exemipt froni' sUch Kenzie indcatedç- the inabiliity of. tax. The termn organization is de- .'ist onie Physician in our Village fined, to mciean - chartered Ôitgan- 'a cope with tire- increasing medi- iza tien or otherwise constituted cal needs of the. arpa. The Exe- with definite objeets stated anXd ,zutors, thereforQa, believed that pontrolled and in this case solelY possibly their c'ar ,table repsoas-- charitable. Having surxmounlted' ibility couIà. be directed ançi ,par- this hurdie and having- our chart- ried out hi. this area undr, 4h 1e ered fouqtioim, 4he.iiext diffi- ,fourth heading of Charitafie-, ob- culty wvastheit'the, Vufid(lôin' vhs jects, the advancemieat of- pur- not in e:ýtisteace , a the time 0f -poses beneficial to the 'cornrijnity. Mr. Lttie's -death,.thec:date on This was their decisibn rýightly oi, Vfhich thé gift' wà "deemmed to 'wrongly, inade but certainly wli have beenl made. Here, there was a profound desire to fulfil their a 'differené in the ýDdmInion and duty. Todlay in Orono, we have a Provincial iaws governing. In the eiîne, attractive Orono Médical Provincial Act, the, Treasurer of 'Centre, housing three doictors' of- this Province coud and. wag able to. exerctse certain discretion la fices and a dental surgeon's' of- the' circumstance. After several fice with al the most Up to date attendances at various Govera- -andmodm cnvenencs, lthment offices, considerable corres- tunther accommodations for ex- pondence, interviews and persil- -pisien in.the medical and dental asIon on behaif of our cause, the 'fieldis in thé future. This édifiice necessary discreétion was given belongs, la fact, to the Orono Coin- and the gift to Orono was exempt- munity. Ail of its benefits of every ed from payment of Succession niature. including financial, belong Duties la an estimated amount of lo the- citizens of Orono to be ad- between thiÈteen and eighteen1 zministered by wIfiat is known as thousand dollars, much to the sat- 'The Little 'Charitable 'Foundation isaction of those who have wonk-ý ,nf Orono. ed so relentlessly toward this and and miuch to the benefit of the This Foundation is the legal ve- eopeo hs omn.y -hiche hy which this undertaking pol fti onuiy 'vas launchedî and carried oi. (To be eontinued next week) the 10th day of May 1962,aChr f * Reminders about your ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCEI KEEFm INSUREDI Sep.... arate premiums are requfred for M.U your insurance from now on. 'Obtain ..... application form at a bank, a hos- ~~ pital or the Commiîssion.I IAlways keep your Hospital Insuiance Cormflato h4andy. KEEP INSUREDI The FamiIy premium must be paid to cover husband and wife. Tell ybur group OR, if you pay your premiums direct, notifythe Commission., KEEP INSURED! Follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Form 104, which your employer is required te give you. ONTARIPO HOSPITAL SERIES COM MISSION 2tou YonrSESTUT, TORONTO 7 cONTAR1O GOSWYSAA'ETER-Regulations Uphold. (Continued from page 3) their own comnion existence. BuldngB -Law foýr many if they could see, their The Orono Pouýce Trustees on ment of the by-iaw more difficult.. companions and nedghibours through Monday evening upheld the con, If this changeover was pernitted the'eyes 0f Christian love. Jeal- ditions 0f- the building by-law then ail garages, and buildings oe ousy, 4itterness and anger would when they cons-idered a letter sub- insufficient arela shou ' d, they felt, depant and peace, joy and undýer- mitted by the building inspector, recelve the same consideration. standing would. take their places. Mr. H. Best. Two cases were put The buý'.lding inspector's, letter ian Sewardsi.p wsold mean !t-hat Trste nTrusteestheir e'crte 1osmoed yM.H.Kn~.y To se lfe a terrns of trma Chit efr.tes the rutes n hi sc .the- aise referred te a garage being the sordidl struggle for gain wouid 1-ary to write the inspecItor stat- Thw etrsae htcnstructio yM.Fi'K ny change, to ani ho-nest- effort te ,ing that the conditions of the by- hed bete tatred taitotu n- render value for value in the bus- iaw le. uphield. tainiag a building permit along iness, and industriai world. Em- Mr. A. DeGroot, Main Street S., m h fudto bigol ployer would pay a fair wage and Oromo was seeking permission to feet below grade dnsitead of 3'6". employee would retura an hoaest change oveýr a barn-garage' to a Other infractions were also noted. am:ount of labour.. Big business living quarlters for bis parenits. ebulig nsetr.thoh concemas wbo deceive and prey Mr. DeGroot spoke to the Trustee,-ris e blding se t the re'og upon the masses, la orden that on-this matter. The mcwaîuremrn iÈs lterakd'h Tutes'~ they rnay pile up grea;t weaitb, 0f the present barn was 30' x 15' mon in bringing the building1 up would see ýmca as God's own cre- and this area the Trustees noted to standard. ation, fellow burnans to lie loved was less than rcquircd for a lv- Here ag-ain the Trustees asked and helped and not as creatures ing quarters. The Trustee- itrcng that the eond'tiecs of the by-law toble used Und exploited. The busy Iy felt that giving perm "s'cn to hý upheld. The garage, it w-as housewlfe could ra;ise ber ftmily change over the building would j itid, has already been frarned and and go about ber many duties open to many inroads into - -e has rogressed to a considenalile witb a ncw sense of direction and by-law and make future enfonce- degrec. rneaningfulness. Uabappy bornes would beicome real homes he famýilles hive tgte arespet anddýevotion for-one anothen. 1 Our eye level can onhy lie lifted when we take time to kaow God Pnd bis ways. It must be iifted if we are to see that God's ways are highen 'than rnan's ways. The PsaimIst knew thc value of this for he ýsaid, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hilîs from whence comcth rny helmp. My belp corneth frcor the Lord, whîcb imade heav- and earth." We must'lift up our eyes unto Christ wbo said "lAidi I, When 1 arn lfted up fr&m the earth,,will draw ýail men to myseif." Jýesus also spoke of the two ways,j the broad and the nanrow -,te,, býroaidiand eaoy Way, leads to, life,ý and f ew,-there be that findi t A Perhaps this is so 'because man is, inclinedi to take the easy way ti1rPugh ,life. .The _*wmijority, - of1 people drift wtth the ýcrowd., It takes, courage -and. determination to -breali'free from the ways of man aa,4 ift up our eyes1 to God, so that -througb-l God's power we. enter Iinto the fulness of oun if e. Today ca.n osly, lie. li, best 'If we fake tinie te seek God. Ralpih SPaulding: ,Cuahimanhas .written: I met Godj in the morning When my day was at' its best, And His preseace came like sun- ise, Like a glory la my b6reast. Al 'day long the ýPresence lingered Ail day long He stayed with me, And we saiied la perfect calmaness O'er a very troubled sea. Other ships were blown and bat- tered, Other ships were sore distressied. But the wlnds that see'med to drive theni, Brought to us peace and rest. Thea I thougbt 0f other momnings, Wtb a keen nernorse 0f mind, When I too bad loosed the moor- ings, With the Presence left behind. So 1 think I know the secret, Lcarned frorn aany a troubhed *way; You must seek Hlm la the morniag if you want Hlm through thc day! ONTARIO Notice of Initial -. PUBLIC HEARINOS on briefs ýconcerning INSURANCE Prelimiinary public hearings Wil -be held as follows: Windsor-Council. Chamhber, 'City Hal;- , .10:00 am. December 3 ù..Y-- Toronto - Galbraith Bldg., U niversity ofËToronto . > .5 Sti. George ýSt, Room 202-202A., À, 10:00 amn. December il and 12 - . - . 10:00 arn. January 7 and 8 .I0:OOlaff. January14 andl5 10:00 amA. anuary 21 aAçl22 10:00 am. Janru a ty28 and29- Thlese, are initial, nDt final, hearings. Briefs will be pre- sented by a. responsil - officer of the- organization con- cerned or the individual wishin - -make the suhpmission,. on their legal counsel. Participants may have expert wit- nesses appear for thei.. Participants \ ill be asked to present only the summaries and conclusions of briefs as well as their recommendations. They are free to claborate c rally and offer arguments. Persons appeaing befc the Enquiry may be exarnined directly by the'imembers of the Enquiry. Persons submitting briefs are per: iitted ',- introduce at the hearings supplcmentary informatic-i and material in -written form. These, te - known as exhibits, will be filed with the Commission and numbered in order of presentation. REMINDER-Briefs (25 copies) on the proposed Medical Services Insurance programme must be submitted by November I Sth to the Secretary. DR. J. GERÂT.D HÂGEY Chairman T. C. CLARKE, Secietary Room 418, 67 College St. Toronto 1 Telephone 365-4024 * 4 - -m k) o 0 ~A SERVICE 0F0 10REMELMBut$R AN C-E 0 Wrn be h'eld at ORONO CENOT P g :~ d o ~ ax~4lrtm oh ntducSunday, Novem erlOth ilimilm 1 1 Il .fflýl'fffl ' 'il4ffl ýy ým , 1 -!- - - 1

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