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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Nov 1963, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURS DAY, NOVEMBER 7thi, 196â ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE OvleC ter n! Dr. A. HstonCook Eleetrical Contracting DENTIST !.Electric Heating For Appointments and Service' Phon 199PHONE 245 OFFICE HOURS mon. 10 Fr1. 9-12 13-:0 Orono, Ontario Sat. Moruilng: 9-12 DR. R. J. TAGGART YETERINARtY SURGEON F2.one 10616 Orono, On11. W.KAY LYL"tI' , 3.à. C.Barrister - Soicter, Q in the Offices of C R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST«. ORONO r Telephone 138 Orono r ~ IRRLLD. BROWN r B.S.A. B.A.Sc. O.L.S.C PROFESSIO NAL ENGINEERK (Civil)c QOntario 1Land Surveyor 1121 Que en St Box t659û [1 Bowmaflvjlle,Onai Telephofle 623-7251 LJ. SKAIFE Chartered Ac~ tn By Appointmeflt Only Main St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box 2m WHITBY Phone 668-8197 'Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co.. CIA RTERED A CCO fNilN fS 135 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728-7152 Wlutby 66W-4131 Ajax1 942-08901 General 8 E OFFICE- MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Res. 20216 JACK REID Qrono's ]Licensed ,Aucfioneer and Valuatut Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 Oronû TED JACKSON A uctioneer and Valuatoi and at reasonable xr:to communinate wth hlm ai1port PeTry, Ontarlo J PH ONE 129 CONTRA'CTORS FOR FARM and 1HOUSE WIRING Free Estimnates APPLIANCE'SALES Prompt ani Guaranteed Repairs to ail kinds of Electrical Equlpment and Appliances Such at Metors- Water Heaters T.V. -Radios -Stoves - Irons Hil ntons. Q SInsurance Service glnsurance in ail its Brance eS QAuto, Package and Compst. oPolicies, Fire, Farm, Life.k UÔ OBU-rglary, Liabillty, Mlarine,> fAccident 'and Sckness, Wlnd O Boiler, Fideiity Bond, Etc -Sadie Hamilton~ Q Phone Orono I1R16 1 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Box 133 MO. 8-3552 IStafford B ýroIhers L Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby. Ont. Manufacturera of Cernetery Memorials Dealers in Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbles -inscriptions Cul monuments and Family i Mýlemorials Our quality and service leaves nothlng to be desired, Ask the person who bouglitf rom ns, a neighbonr, friend or relative The RUTTEftGRANITI COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE' "LretDlspiay in Southern Ontario" tJ FORo 1PAINTING -DECORATING REUIING CUPBIOARDS 0 Q FURNITURE 1 DONG SIMPSON SEIRCITiIENS MEET in ill ehldt 0,,Turdy at thleOon Od'eow alA raned Evrynewelcomne. ac ATHLErýTIÇ BANQUETI TLo Orono, Athietie Bânquet is being heki on Wecdnesday, Novem- ber 13th xl 6:30 p.m. in the Orono Oddifeliow's Hall. Tickets are a- iAable f îom lMrs. Ruth Taggart. Fis only lhroughi the purchase ol banquet ti:ekets tîalt season's tick- el3 for th r.nk wvill be availýable ch.*s year. Plan to atte nd truciî ban- que,. on Wednesd #,,. Cet your tick- et now. ac Bad!mnw'. n in O:o)no wlil open in îhe Orionio Mun*c'ual Builring this eoming Wednesdav evening, NXo- einuber l3t'h. AIl tcuu intereisted in 'piayng a--îin nitobe ppre- sent 10 atarIt 'le se a-on off., CO0MI1N G EYE1ïNT Heather ScilCluib BazaZna, $aturday, December 7'11., iniie COIGEVJNT FLORIIA Tour, 22 dayscha-'terid air' conditioned bus, pea'souaally eonduced. No a'ig4t dxiving, cx- :elient accommodations, January 11 to February 1. For information telephonie 72.' 1927 or Baw-manvllle 623-3265 or write Colmer Travel jService, PO Box 631, Bowmanville. f FOR SALE La,,i'es blue Winter Cýat and Grey Suit; both size 12. Phono 10&16j., a-p MILLER FREEZER SERVICE Beet a, Lamb or Pork, (Venison). eut and -wrapped. Prompt xpert ervice. b-e F04, SALE Mallohand ýSpy Apples - $1.11 and ïip per bushel. Brussel Sprouts for freezers. Caulifloywer and 'Spanish Onions. Will be delivered. Phone 22316, R. E. Fteinstra, Orono. a-p TOWNS. 'ý,P OF CLARKE Rowe Travel Agency c-e Clerk's Notice of CHARTERED BUS ANIE AR SERVICE First Posting of -A-nyone wishing to, spend week- - L. end of Nov. 15,to 17th inclusive ini Leskard Church Anmiversary '4>0irs' List, 1963 Buffalo. Hôtel Réservations. Service,, Sunday,,Novenaber 17th, at Township of Clarke Phone Port Hope 885-2527. [7:30 p.mn. Rev. A. ri,. tarlke of hi thei County of Durham Rowve Travel Agency b-c Oshawa will bring the message. Notice is hereby given that I _________________Special musi~c by the Orono choir. have con-plied with Section 9 of b The Voters' List Act and, that 1 NOTICE have posted, Up aI my office at Dr. A. F. McKenzie wil-l not beAC'INS E Orono on the thirtieth- day of Oc- ' the office November 2-9 in-J lober, 1963, thé list of ail persons clusive. b-c 5 Head Registered and Grade enititled to vote in the said Muni- -HoIstein Cattle, 2 Tractors, Milk cipality at Municipal ElectIons- MAN WANTED tank, tractor m'achinery, furniture and that sueh lisI remains Ithevel For general Hydro Utiltlywok for inspection. Shý1o, (d becCapable linemuan and l The probperty of Gerritt Harute- And I hereby caîl upon ail or' -iý tave a fair background of el- prinki, lo-ts 27 - 28, Concession 7 voters 10 lake immedate proceèd- I ecIrnalexperience.,' Must have Clarkle Township, 3 miles north of ings 10 have any omissions or er- chauffers- liceitse. _Will bce expct- Orono, selling without réserve on rors correieted aeeording tu law,',ed to recide in comnmunity.1 Stal'e j $atirday, November 9. the tast day for appeal bein'g the wages expeeted. Furniture Sale at 10 a.m. th,!teenith day of Noventber, 1963. Apply iby letter 10: Orono Hyduo, Nearly new large size Eleectrie Dated th's thirtieth day, of Oct- Box 113, Orono, Antarlo. a-c Stove. Ncarly new refrigerator ober, 1963. ________________washinfg machine,' upright piano jH. E. MýILILSON, excellent condition; sewing mach- Clerk(if the APLIAIOS a. Bedroomi and Living roomn Townsip o Clake IApplications will be received by rntr the uadersîgned in writing, unil Safle 10 comtmence promptîy at 5:00 pan., November .151h, for the110 a.nyi. WAYNE'S MAINTEN ýANCE weekly pick-up ahrd remnoval of Tcrmis cash. No reserve. SERVICE residential and' ommruial gar-I Cheserfie.lds and Chairs sham-j bage in the Police Village of Or- Jc ed uloer pooed. Ahl types 0f Broadloom and ono. carpets cleaned. Phone Orono 255. G. E. Sinmipson, EN MEMORIAM _______________________________Secretary, C~\TT -.-- RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS' Will do rart lime Radio ad T.Vý. repairs. All work guaranteed. HAR1ÉY WIERSMA, COUNTY ( ^rn,7a r --rir a dear wufc and mother Elizabeth Cornisb Who passed away Novem- VV Wewîo loved you sadly miss 2'jione Urono 1649, -'-19M ou I Tle Unted ointco bld n i _'s it dawns anoîber year; (ý:>o=o=>0=O<=Oý:=c=<=o Cboug illbeorn ahiv f 1 u our Ion ely houi-s of thnklng vo uJ wllheoe hv 0 Ihughts of yen are ever near, 0 0 ac,.I\'ty the owpolýof ovi nuboï 1 Sa'y issed by husband Henry SElectric Motors v ,n. £mýe on-ury ett via ti, Sd Faily.a-p Û nbefore Mný Justice C. D. Ste- Owart. Scheduled for heaîîng a,_ýre aî E WETJIS [j sevcn petiton-c for div orce and oWndiags, Swtches, BearingsO one action resulling froioan au mto- OC? LOCAL HORllSE OWNERS, g3and Brnshes, Electrie ToolsIj mobile accident., A nun-ber of weeks ago Mr. R Oand Smiall Appliance Motors ' etbcieteonro om Work Guarantee The next day the Unî>'d Coun - etbc% heonrfTom Work Guaranteed olies counel will open its faîl meet- Diet-n Iisjoins w2t hehs n g w h iep ctd t tfi of equestriari o-,n i - n the Vil- AL le rd ~ expctd 1 Ict oilage.,u ojily has mr. We'st -he- lame an owî r -but also an owner Ai 1 A 0lio liii ur n h. o horse cos_,oant_ lyWn tteMontrent track. The B IN OR ELIG horse in the past few weeks has taken two firsts a second and a Ihird place. The horse is being Or A I E'CTAT H Erineýd and driven by MacFlae. QBarn(,s aad Byain ý' PLUMBNG and HEATINGQ U24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE' Q B-A FINANCING ~f 0 Low Interest Rates 0QPhonea: -28 Tyrone CO. 3-2650, Q PUMPJ'NG OUT S EPTIC TANKS WITE WASHING STABLES Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonville 4721 .11 I1LML LU I A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BOE Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawa 728-4285 Building a buse? or remodelling your présent one, therr cotact Floyd Niclsou., PRONE 2.191 ORONO Virgiias Boy owned by Mr. A. lenney cf Ne-xv'asrtle 100k a ýýeeond place in Buffalo on Tues- day evening in a race ihat went la 2:07. A nurniber' of ol'her local trorse- -ea now have their herses slabi- ed aI home. Advertise in the Classiîfied f-41-c RASPBERRY CANES Newbourgh Raspberry ~canes CHAREPIE BUSfor sale 5 ets. eaeb; 100 for $4.50. CHARTEED BU Phone 22316 Orono, R. E. Rein- Chiartered bus going to Toronto stra. a-p and Santa Claus Parade Saturday, November l6tli. Phione PortEHope 885-2527. HOCKEY NOTICE RoiiAe Travel Agency b-c BEoys who have not already reg- CHARTERÈD BUS istered t 1 ply hockey this coming sea-son and intend té do se are CatedBus going to Winterase to register this' weekend aiToronto, StrcaNovemi- thM.Jak of-OnMdy bhne Pot op285-52. ail applications foi, insurance.will hhnoor oe 8-52 esent in. a-0 1 e

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