OBONO WEEKIY TIMES JUM&Y OEER lb 93 Fraservale Fancy <~y<>ie<Ihoice Ï5 oz. Tins FROZIEN CU AX BEANS2 for 29c P E AS Maple Leaf Hams Il lb $ 1.39 J 2Off Cbhim 15 oz. Tins 2 l poy 3c gDOG FOOD 8 for 69c :,2bpeJ- 9 Off Domestic SHORTENING 1 lb pkg 31c ~MapJe Leaf Lard 2 lb pkgs 39c D C=::>- 0- =>O<f U.S. No. I'Grade (JaMIornla's Finest Empe*ror GRAPES. Julcy Valenclas, ORA NGES 1-76&a B.C. Extra Faâncy ANJOU PEARS No. 1 Grade BRUSSELL SPROUTS oLaMIld Cured - $weet Pickled or Peameae LCOTTAGE RO L g whole or haif lb 39gc g 9 e May Fresh SPORK SIDE RIBS lb 55cg 0 Maple Leaf gindlessg SLICED SIDE BACON lb 65c J 0 Maple Leaf WEINERS lb 45Cg Q=>=>c o = =1=<C O ><= C 0 0= = = EXTRA A TOTAL OF IN BONUS TAPES RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH FELS LIQUID RECE ME 1$6.-00I BONUS TAPES WITH N1ESTLEs QUIK - Uhoclate Drink FAB SUPER - 20e off XJEEIE $4.00 BONUS TAPE WjTR KELLOGGS CORN FIA RES AvOlJable Thune., Fr1., Sat. HOSPITALITY RAI.4 RASPBERRY SPON( Demipsters EXHIBITION ROLL! Moiarch Assorted CAKE MIXES LiqÛid Shampoo LL>ST1ER ,REME IGA POTATO CHIPS Angelus Marahmnallows ~l25C dozen 59c, Size I110 5 for 35c qt 25c ,SIN PIE *a39 [GE CAKE ea 35e .S pkg of 6 21c 9 2oz. pkgs. 2 for 33c large special 58c 14 oz 55c 16 oz 39C $34. 2 1ù-oz. Cont. 2 l»; Tla Gient Slze U os. rk. R<EIE$e.oO) BONUS TAPE WITH MA1GARINE - É~lue Bonnet <oloured r00?)! FROZEN nFIS)!STICKS TABLEMRlT BOLOGNA - Slîeéd spisAcH - No. !~' 21-lb. Pkgs. 8-oe. Pkgs. 12-z. Pkg. le e -.-Pkig. 1! . 1 KENDAL, Mr. Paul McMaclein has spent the las>t three weeks ln OshaÂ,ra Genetal Hospital. He expeets t» be at home in Orono wiïth hIs baek in a cast soon. Paul is anxious 1» get back to teaching mathematics inClarke Hig'h School. Mr. Reg Elliott, Mr. W-. Wihn and Mr. Grant Therteil have gone north to Powassin to hunt the cleer. Same deer have been) secur- ed by the htinters in Clarke ýTown- shIp. Mr. John White's cottage was broken into Saturday afternoon and a lot of things SmIaslied in- cluding the windows. Mr. White is a Toronto school teacher who nj)y3 eomng- to his cottage on ',-e b:g creek north west of Mr3. Cecil Glass's home. Why d people destroy the property Of oth ers ? The teachers of this inspectar- ate held the'ir Teacher's ntitute h3year in Toronýo on Tuesday. rvi-3s C, W. Stewart is vi5iting Mrs. Watt in St. Catharines for a couple of days this week. On Thursday night, H'aflowe'en, a number of cars were stuck deep in the mui, on the seventh line. There is a sign te warn drivers ai Mr. Allen Foster's corner, that the ýroad is under construction but a lot of cars travel west Up Kený- day street, tuarn north past thie church and we.st up the seventh tili they are in the mud so deep that only a tow truck can pull them out. Surely a sign should be erected wegt of the churcli. to Warn thera. The MI1 east ofSem aconsbe's hîl is as high as t2le hy4ro poles and'asyet ungravell- ed. Two teachers f rom the Teacher's College' are teach'ing ln Kendal school this week ,a nd boarding with Mrs. W. H. Foster. Mrs. M. Luxon is visitin'g in Poirt Hope for a few days thâo week Mrs. G. Carpenter of Gananoque was visiting ber cousin Mr. G. Cathcart last weekend. Large corn pickers and' driers are busy in the neighbourhood harvesting the oorn crop. Christ-, mas tree dýuttng has begun. Mr. and Mrs. Ke-ith Wood and family have moved into their niew home on the sixth line. Mr. Johrn deWitt has purchased the 'formner Carson homes'tead. DURHAM COUNTY AGiRICULTURAL CALENDAn fNov. Il 12, 13 - Annual Meeting Oigtario FPederafton of Agriculture,, Royal York Hotel, Toronto - Titk- e available from directors or Dept ocf Agric., Bowmanville. ~November 15-23 - Royal Witer Fair, Toronto.. Wednesday, Nov. 20 District Agric. Rep. Meeting- Lindsay 10:00 a.=. Friday, Nov. 22 - Queen's Guîn- eas Oiass, Royal Winter Fair. .Saturday, Nov. 23 - 8:.00 p,.n. Township Hall Orono- Durhamx County Junior Award Nîght.' November 28 - 29 - Zone Confer.- ence, Extension Branch, Ont. Dep. ef Agric., Lindsay. Saturday, Nov. 30 Durhara County Fed. ef Agric. Annual Guest speaker, Dr. Helen Abeli, Meeting and banquet. Blackstock. Extension, O.A.C. Thursclay , Nov. 28 - Duilhani County Holstein Club' Annual Meeting Dejvt. Agri*c., Bowman- ville. Monday ýDec. 2 - Bowmanville Lions Club - Rural Urban Nigbit. Wednesday, Dec. 4 - Nestieton W.I., Subject, "Tihe lsarmi Wife as 1a Bookkeeper" Mrs. Harry Me-. Laughlin, 1:30 p.m. Durham Shorthorn Club Annual Meeting, J3owman.. ville Ontario Department of Agri- Y