czeltship an tnrninity y r- ""Education SD'ould Be Used vice as a prime achýeeneûn. oýi- rse lletw spoke of IDr. SchWeiber (Cn IJcd -'nqmý pag 1) who the age oif 30 bad éery- The Water Resoui-C'e, he said, is For f3etterm ent o f O th tÎn- ,k-iW,4f ~kiion, xetn torel isutos M n L G Ç dl e w B A , rS - rf îd 'e c t nt p ~ el al a'lt e t V~ i t a l p Iot é 1 i e ri b et- to p roc eed w ith a d v eri sin g t e Mr. aL. GForesiHli Junio rln-erorr HhCaneHghShol. s% at lleker ngn ûnçtons in F tenîoh Eq4ua-Irates tnd charges for the new -mpal, orese -1111runior nghca." ûe fuioocil hee meuaieus stema. After tiis qis earnicd out ( - us sekr ite Clarkçe first congratuliated. tllç.ruaIl his talents to iteip otherls. Dr. theMuipa Board will provide ~igt aholfirst Annual Comi- stuidents on successfiilly neachng he e lo~e fen.- t heir tpp.-ovai or, disapproval. No rînenceiment, iallenged the gradu- IbLis particul-ar plateau in tlher ~1 ieetn UIh rje.difficully was expected. atng class and those in the au.-. education. He a sked them itow ýthe%,dhmef bte 1 es 1 ohn . The sccretary was al3o lnstruc- eike té tiink of their growng veiwed their f uture . . . through 10 t write lte OWRC Commis- skls and knowledgs as a mea.s !rose coloured glasses, through heseae sion sccrctary advising that te cf bettering Iheir cêommunity and à-reen glasses of envy or with glas. l(,seae adtace.;adTrustees were contemplatng, tak- Society. "We have faled as teacit- ies wîth.blind spots. principals sec classc" of studenits, mg full advantage of lte Winter's ense if you do not feel a sense f:1 witit different caatrsis Hel wonk pnogram and that they make $ervce nd btaI0f ctzeshp The speaker' stalcd titat wc can sad eha group tiat showedte application for te Police Vil-, cornes firs." e oeltohmste oe e -,iegites' concern and loyah lge Mr.~~iclew asinto~ce~asone sitould contan optimismi but fo n nîe.Ts e saZd(, LSi A letter wa-, rece'ver from the at the same Cme should have 1ht a pain f..aiYBlilding Inspector asking for con- ~n~stspake b M. S B Rth ther feet on the ground. He stres- 1 es fcbznii n sideiaton of an apph-cation by a coacern so stron'g tUaI it placed 'utna aaea h ako i sed dcvelopment of chaacterstcs one in the positi on of anotier. Mn. Lloydgaylor atthe buidofan'ils- aid said tUaI if one lived thre r LodTyo obida n tiens a life liime- hat this time 'propcnty.' Permission was given wo--uld fot be enough 10 devlop.'Mr. Citeilew askcd lte graduat- by the Trustees as it was not con- .~i'I)()*,poential in onescîf. "The po- ng class 'if lhey were concerned traven:xeg any bylaw.t UNIED tential"o! huaa esnlt about te students who Uad stant-i Five applications weencidI un:qe ad ulmle," e sd. d ith t'em in Grade nine but, for te removal of garbage lunte - Orno a~traIwho bad beccome fnustnated and Village of Onono. Titose applying Charge A lotl0fsuics sec only their , cto."idyuhi tem were Mn. Hckr:, T'-wnshîp of futrelu e n o f money. "If you tooenme d face UP to Carke, Mn. Robent Black, Orono, Miise ae conltinun3 yo :ur edc tonbis frustration? Are you content, Mr. Harold Hooey, Orono, Mn. A. Rcv S. E. Long sly for te puriipo-,ze0f iees and aslisfied 10 know th4t from nPos, Onono and Mn. W. 'Yau lei n o wl einc reaîn 30 ta 40 per cent of lte grade Ncw -astle P~i 24 shed,"lite sad. "Greaten educa-i oners who star-led school titis year H.M fMe s1, dta h a S DANOVEIMIBER oni agQdin24mn", anc dooned to falure? 'We cci- had some requests for street ligitt- Chnrch,.Services statpd, "but it sbould mean mucit,%:nly have a long way 10 go." ing additions. R.C. Forresten said more tian that alone. Edo,ýat on. that a full review of the ligitting Onono - il1:00 a.rn. pr'ovides thte opportunity for dis- Again thte speaker asked if con- program should Enst be madc and Legkard - 1:4 pm. cplining lte mmnd, 10 recognlize cern w1as felt for the Indians i ht a map of the present l:ghting KftýbY - 3:00 p.rn. your bas 9and 10 b' an'lytical," he Canada. "How long", he said, be com'xled, and a positive pro. t atd. It wll open the d'onr for you "rnust they exisl before being gram of lighling be set-up. Sunday SPh<>O1 Io do grealer thin'gs for oters. free?" Tite Trustes were awareltai many sections in lte Village arc Orono - 10:00 a.m. 9tudent should ask "Witat will .'No man can enjoy education not adequately lighted a2nd that Leskard - 1-45 p.m. mé ducation permit mne 10 do f-i and at the same lime break his some form, of, yearly pnogrami Kirby - 2:00o p.m. olhers?" Hene agaip he placed contract with socey." sXould ho started. "Export sales? We work through our local bank" Helping 10 move the goods that mean so much 10 network of branches across Canada and their foreign so many Canadians is an eveny-day service of the branches, agents and nepresentatives, 10 pro,,ide a- chartered banks. Manufactunens, producers and ship- ers and travellens with the facilities of one of the pers increasingly use the local bank-not only to help world's largest international banking systems. This, finance bhe movement of goods in and out of the world of service is available to customers of anv branch cctiybut for assistance in ovrcoming problems in any town or city. It provides- quick businiess corn- II It rî . currency and reguintion. munications, speeds delivery of goods. helpr C7-nadlian ' chartered banks are able, through thein companies 10 compete in 'markets everý,Ylhere. TE CHARTEREDBAK SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY through fui/-range banking responsive to growing, changing needs Righb tool kwsràs For- Proficiency in Grade 12ý Com~mercilal, The Newcastle u i Club A4.rd, preseflteà by M RIarold Gibson to Gail AllUn. For Proificiency in Grade, -,- Geography, The Newcastle L!rpiis Club Award, presented by Mr,' Harold Gibson to Leslie Hopper. For Prof îciency ini Grade 12ý Latin, The Storks Award, present- ed by Mrs. W., J. Storks to Mary Lynn Bailey. For Proficiency in LowerSc1 Englsh, The Canadian Legîon Award, presented by Mr. Geo,-gýe Dunlop to Bruce Allun. For Proificiency in Grade 12 French, The Prof. John Squa r Ajward, presented by Mr. Y. Lan- iel to Teresa De Jong. For Proficiency in Lower Scbffli Elistory (Canadian), The Goode'i Hardware Award , presenteà -l>y Mr. R. Goods to Douglas Hamin For Proficiency in Mathemat.c3 Grade 12, The Orono Masonic A- ward, presented by Mr. H. Duva~LI to, Mary Lynn Bailey. For Proificiency in Mathematics, and Science and enrolment in Canadian University, The Curvpiy Wood Products Ltd Award, pres- ented by Mr. E. Samuel to Geoirge Hendry. For High S tanding iin Nina Grade 13 Papers and enrolment lar Canadian Uniiversity (flot'havLmgr won any other Bursary or Scholar- ship) The F. E. Lycett Scholarship' preserïted by Mr. F. E. Lycett La Tom I-endersbn. For High Stanidirig lun nlle Gradle 13 Papers and enrolment in Clei r- adian University (flot having w1- any other Bursary or Scholars', . The Roipli Scholarship, preser , by Mr. Wm. Carman 10 tor l-yrrei.1 For Academic Achieyement Over-Ail contribution - to Hi 'Sehool Life, The Tomý and S. ua Ltd. Award of Merit, presented , jr Mr. M. Paterson to Robert Brov;trn For Proficiency in Grade 13 English, The Orono Times Awardl, presented by,,Mr. R. Forrester tc Marilyn Falls. For Proficiency in Grade 12 Art, The Dr. A. F.,MeKenzie Award tO Teresa De Jong. For Proficiency in Grade 13 ai ology, The Johnson's Drug Store Award, presented to Marilyn FaIts. For contrLbuting most 10to th Music Programme, Tbxe R. B.E_ 1Rickard Award presenteci',o Ln Brown. FWor Pro1ficiency in Grade 13 French, The Prof. John Squair Award presented to, Marilyn Falls. For the Student Showing 'the Most 'Promise in Industrial Arts, T.',eVickery Electric Ajward pre- sented t0 Glenn Grant., ?rhe United Counties Bureary S,cholarship,, presented by Mr. _ari Walkey 10 Robert Robinson. For rProficiency in Grade 13, to nud-I entering a Profession in SHip- 'al Field, The, Jîk tbutt ?,vi- Sandra Mercer and Su- ;inMtjor. For Proficiency in HomeEc- ura:cýs, Grade 12, The Armstrong '-ore Award, presented by Mrs. E, E.ArmsnŽ'rorig to Carmte Kent. The Federation of Women Teach ers' Associationl of Ontario Bur- sary Schola rship, presented by Mrs. James Bruton, to Marilyn Falls. Clarke, High Schocl Feild _A- wards: Senior Boys, Arthur Rein- ttra; Senior Boy Runner-up, Chas. Murphy; Intermediate Boy, Terry G raham, Runner-up Gordon Stmp- son; Junior Boy, Domenic Galicho Ruinnepr-up Ban9ry Watt; Senior