OIOtfloWZEKLýY MFS, TRURS»AY, NêVEM?ýBER~2,U REPORT FROM OTTAWAI 20 Novemiber 1"<3 nusseli Mn. , M.P. - DuwhmniII-mE Mt-nmbers of P:rY-ent bav-e-,n~o ]Lteided4for Lstweek diifflculty keerr'ng ccu-tp1ed in theý On Wednesday, Novembýer 13th, xaJds.Wô :cýa bsy sess'lonsuch as [28 Orono Hi-C Memibers enjioyýed aý Cue 4errît ne, buit tlhey do have wonderfu1 evening wheri the Liifîcilly ini keepIng contact with famned Harlemi Globe Trottr the grass Lot.1' a the pres- played the Atlantic Seaguils at ent Primue Milister who, ini 1 ý5S, Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. 845tn(ounshed meinibers of the -j Despite the ex:citement most o! us era Party, to ensure tha--t the comipleted our homework in the ',bras,, keeps in touch with the L school 'lîbrar-y before the bus ar- grass". At that t'ime Mr. Pe'airson v ived at 4:45. We had dinner a had in mid the defeat of the Lib- Andrews Restaurant, near Toron- eËal government in 1957 when- it fo and arrived at the Gardens i was alieged to have lost con tact record time. with the peçople of thle country and 1htd îsolated itself in the ivory Besides laughing till our sides ()en -of Parlarilnnt Il. 1aclied at 'the "Trotters", betwee n quarter entertainment lncluded a At ths stage in the session a]]l beathtaking fii'e baton twirling ex- ýntandng Comnmittees are in active hibition, a cycling act, a family 0ooeratlon. Tie throne spe!ach s nd lo0f trampolinists, the -famous Peg, ùother rjoutine cdeb-tes h-ave been iLeg B3ates." The CKEY' disc- iiiliete ad he House is deal- jockeys, the "Good Guys" played ing~eaaesy wfhnecssay lg-an exhibition gamiewt the Trot- laainwith a v.ew to claarig 1it[ers at bal! time. ln tbme for prorogatt'on shortly be- fore Christmas. jIUnder threat, most of the mem- 'bers were at school the following The da.1y activity of a Memberlday d espite the miinimyumi amount off Parliament cent.res aroundi 0f Ë e Farîtanient H-111. Most Mernibers ba-ve breakfast in the restaurant1 Arrlving at HIC Sunday evenxng cafeterla about 8:30 and are ready iNovember l7th, 1 feit for a mois- ba spend somne t ime in the Office1 ent thiat 1 was at the wrong meet- lakgwith rui n 'e malie1s be- ýbg. Not only were our regular fore the Commntteesw start to meet members present but 7 more had ut 10:00 or 10:30. joined bringing the membership to In m paticlar asethead!an overwvhelming forty-two! Our Iii my darties r ase Che.rman. Kirby members are no longera ~-iinstratve nnority. It was wonduîfiul to *! thse Standing Committee on Ag-;- il.culture take an extra hour orhv omn ewfcsi u tjwo each mor-in.ing. White the Co-1mdt We hope they enjoyed themn- rute a ispemneta ;iselves and-will be wijth us again istrative staff whichi handles the ,his S unday, November 24th. day' to day routine there does arise each. day matters whch the acerk of the Committee refers to teChairman for final decis!Ion. Tepermanent staff of the O!om- r-,ttceè includes a Olerk, interpret- erreportters and steno)graphic After Comittee mepetings there b-ý time for lunch before the H4ouse .conrvenies at 2:30. The House ad- 3(fuurns at 6,00 f'or dlinner. On Mon- days and Tuesdays the House re- co-nvenies for the eveing session trom 8:00 to 10:00. On Thursday mA.n Friday the evening session lestýs from 7:00 to 10 :k. Wednes- cy is the only evening on which ~e House does xnot imeet. With this regular vigorous schedule it is diffizcult to xuanittami lIason with the electorate. It is éàasy to mraintain onesefin mthe ivoýry tower and 1becomie comiplete- ly out of toucli with the thtining ef' the people in the country. Yn o'ler words, wile we 'are busEY m-aking decisions anid enacting kgislation are ýwe doing the thingsl t&uat are meeting with the approv- ai jof th~e eleetorate? One way in whïch Menibers can Le-ep touch is tbxough Jetters re- c4vdfrom -constitnuents and these 4ilNe always welcome. Another icý-th<yd is f rom constituency vis- itors who, drop in while visiirng Oýttawa. Such vst.s are always a' v-freshing part of the day. These v-sits atfford an apportunity toi get reports from- the Rlding and Wu examine the visitors to obtainý tlheir opinion on the legisiation be- ing enacted and the conduet of the buiness of .Pavllament generally. UInfotunately these visits -are too ihrqetto afford a, contnuous bierg as to public opi1nion in the Aoerpleasant mniuner of re- w~wig aquantacesand at the sametimeobtaninginiormjation 'ni hegas ot is the oppor- tunty o avevistsfuom Dur-' hamies nw lihîg n Otawa. t oashen a ea lasrefojr me tc, havenmany ci, -ese orerDur- ham resiýdents visit me for d7inner in te liame ary PRestaurant, spend the %eeni,.g ini the gallery oi the Huise of CoYmmons ând. lat- er: give me their impression o! the buies f -the House tLhat eveni- ln.Readers will know mý iany of rr Y. guests nowý, living in Ottaw-,a: Borness (Canleton), WillimRob esJr. (Carleton), Nancýy Perrin (Royal Trutst)ý; Peter agan (Car- le~), ivin Mitchell) Camp-, U -uaMKy Sceayto the Deýputy onse f Ctiýzenshi;p and limigrtio),John and Marjorle (Departmnento!ExeralAfais Fr ank Mivnn(loaoJim Egan (Eastern Ontarico Tech.). Frienlds îrlul urham o-ïften lSay to timin ttw"?otroiOee Because of the Christmas exams on December rd il was decided to Imove ouf meeting ahead one week rather than m ss a meeting, so Hi- C will be this Sunday, November 2th, s ame place,. same time, same Books for our Hi-C 11brarly werc on dsplay and meraibers are ai- rea dy 'borrowing these for study at home. The counsellors again spoke of the Five Oaks Teen Conference and Toc Alpha, during the Christ- mas holîdays. A, few have givenr their namesý but there is stili time to add your name to the list! Grant Yeo chaired the business meeting and discussed the New Y(çars Holiday Hop. New members wer'e recruited for the various comimittees and letters are being sent tonegorg Hi-C gop to join us for the party, cbuirclb servie and buffet supper. This is to bc lheld !n the 1ew Christian I Educatior, building an3d a registra tion fee ()t $100 will oeapes es. John Siater rýeporited need foX more toys for the riirsery and more Arrowroot biscui;ts, Tht Hf-C SeE thc e, s ail is4ý inOttaa?" I ought tlis Report, if you have ad it thi-s far, would answer s.e queries. Unit Newsj UNIT 3 U.C.W. The November mieeting of Unit7 $3 was held, at the,3IpTi5m <etof Mpij Chas. Taylor on November, 5th. The leader Mrs. Tyrreli was in J thse chair and opened the mneeting- with a call to wor;ýsip and also read a poem. A hymfn was sung "Corne let us sîng ot a Won,*ieii!ul Love" which was miost fitting to, the Worship Service and StudOy whieth ollo'Wed. They were, given ýby Mrs. Drum- mnond and the theme was "Loive". Her message was very interesting and inspiring and very much atp- precated. In the absence of the secîetary, Mvis. Armstrong read the minutes ,0f the October meeting. The ti-eas- urer, Mis. Woody.ard, gave thse treasurer's report. The roll cal ýhüwed 14 miemibers pesent and 42 visits were reported. Mrs. Slierwin ga;,ve the mission study!, her topic "Ird'ia". It proved most -inter-esting and in structive. The mieeting closed- with the Mvizpaht 3eniedictioni. Mrs." Taylor served a decliciious lunceh and a social half houir wa s enjoyed. Mrs. Tyr rell liîankedMrs. Tay - lor and also the other lades taking part in the meeting. memnbers are each to bring a, toy to the next meeting and it was decided to buy moire biscuits,. Rîcenex etc. 3usan Gibart is 'li charge oi rursery schedule for members, ùnlDecember 29th. Fatti Partner has been in charge of this sInce Oct. 6th and if yui haven's been )n nursery duty to date you, wil]. get youî- tuî-l soonIî Diane Gýi1bart then spoke on prejudice, not of race or religion but prejudice in general when we thiilk0f' oher people more as 'things" thain felloýw men and ne- giect to "put uif3.slves in their position." *Excerýpts -were r ead(I frorni igslo Royal" by Sin- clair Lewis and " Is Cod athoe by J. B. Phillips. The closing hymn and prayer! brought another wonderful Hi-C meeting tuo a close. OROMO 5c to $1 STORE THE XMAS STORE WITH MORE Sl'acks, Ladies? Stretch, foot strap, assorted colors, size 10 to 18.- Each for........ $6.98 Hooded Sweat Shirts, fleece lined, boysor; girls, assor-ted colors. Sizes 2 to.GX. Ea $1.79 Baby Blank-ets, Viscose-Nylon Blend, size 36 in. x 50 in., sanitized, 5 inch printed Satin Binding. Colors pink, blue or white. Each $3.49 Sparkle Paints, Paint pidture's that sparkle like jewels with ready mixed. Just brush it on. Box with 6 n-ew pictures ......... $1.29 Jax, the panty with patented flex seat. Size small, medium or large. Band or elastie leg band. Priced at...... .............. ý59c. See the large Xmasý Magazines in the mail. Ladies' Slippers, stretchy brocaded, assorted colors, size&"small, medium or large. Pr. 97c. Lady Beth Seamiless Nylons,' Banlon stretchy tops, lovelier to wear colors sunglamour, rosedust or haze. Size 9 to il Pr 77e 2 pr $1.50 Special Chri'stmas Cards, Alike, box of 25, 98e 1Christmas Cards, beautiful'designs, sparkle trim, box of 25'for............. 43c. Special Will-O-Bud's , pure ,chocolate, lb. ..- 59e- ~MEN'S 'WINTER COATS 9 only, Ileavy Winter Overcoats, brown and grey mi colour. Regular price $5(Y.00. for oetly $15.00> MEN'S SUBURBAN COATS Long Ctordurey Coats, .grey and gold, wool lined, real heavy. Regula~r $27.50 for only .. $19.50 BOY'S, COAT SETS 9 onjy Boy~s 3-p-ece Suedine Coat Sets, blue. S Me - 2 and 3 years. Regular $12.95 for....$9,95 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS 6 only, White LeatX er Jikt ihblack. knitted c ollar and sleeves. Sizes 410 to 44. Reg- ular $30.00 for onîy........................ $9.95 GIRL'S C0AT SETS 2 only - Girl's 3-piece Suedine Coat Sets, light green with white, fur coîlar.' Sizes 18 and 24 xnonths. Regular $14.95 'Sale Price............ .. $10-95 1 only, Girls.3- piece Wool Co9at Set, agua. Size 3X. Regular $18.00 Sale price ......1$10.95 1 only 2-piece Snowsuit, red with hood lined with white wool pile, size 4- yrs., Reg $9.95 for $7.50 1I only, Turquoise Jacket with quilted lining, 'size 6X. Regular Price $6.95 on Sale For .. $4.95 i 3$' B'URNER ~ERV!CE ARDý4w5.TRONGS.