___________________OltONO WEEKLY MILES, THURSDAY, NOVrEMIBERf 28, 1963 Fish& ]l-' OR SALE I OST Hunt Club Prfesoua vretry jWe have several used coai and -lady's!;Wr st WaVtch betîween Mx wood furnaces, ohl burners, ;.floor fàin1ey's stre ânç the 1 -t OfficeD UrLOeI-ate-o furniace, presure pumnps, a 4lectie rdyjN e n,î6 eognztca~ei oftONO~~~ MEIACNR lot Water- tank, space î4eater, Fider, e "3k Orono. ~ lctia Cnrctn lectric motors at bargain ,pices. Cia-c and Dr. R.A. Heston Cook 1Sec Harvey î lcinoOfcer DETST j Electrie Heating, P ar-we Plumbing and eafg eio DE TI 1 hn 7201 One yearling H reford h ifer, on Poe188 PHONE 245 FOR SALE 'kindiy notify -ýinB row, ointy- rn rior »195 Dodige. Licence u'qmb OFFI-CE HOURS __no Onai 186-958. Seraýl Numiber 390220 Mou. t. rni -12 :3 0 to b,ýs forý storage.-J DRESSED CIKEThurs. r)ec. 5 ed7~~EsoSri ne Ieady for oven or frezr. Pack-'16 :0pm roo 1 e in plastic bagsý B eter than ]D 1. R. J. TAGGART~ quant1ty. CI.FOR SALE Y ..Stapieon, N.on3il 1 3Al ~ETERNA14VSURGEN '-rofIo Elecçric, One Brownie >fuiiyýat4.omat1c 1, __________ J M,\ovl*e Camera w1th electtic eye. Plase res rve cember 2&ti Pha 01 rono, Onit. PHONE 129 Used one ycar. FOR SALE for the CIl.rle Hi Formai. ________________________FOR Appiy Jane Keast, phone 12r 2 ne w Beatty Dryers, r uced, 1~A~E-~ flT~~on. -WaerSoftnJ r, Pumrps; Wateri FAft1Y andLU S -no.ia Bowls and P itn.COMiNý 'PVE IVIRING Se; Harvey T~e, ronlo Oodcfell s Service Free, ssiae F0 AI4E" Partner Plui bing :fd Heatin~ Clbae1ii h dance and KSpYCT, -Aace Hae, met'm szPhn 1782 ilOronoidraw on Dcc Vbe 6th in the APPLIANCE 'SALES Heatd mdi. $si.ze PhonewiFl mm ihe' Drstr-solicitOo proinpt and Guaranteed Rcepairs Warren Lowes c'l- bH,'i1. Mfter Orowoýtr owl Ha my iher'uic to ail kinds 01 Electricai a-*7 ARTICLES WANTED O0res wii supl thve music Roll-Top Desk. Please dsrb in the Offices of o Equiplueut and Appii=eces condition and price dcsired. iucky wlnniers. .R.adelQC]IosSueh at Metors .Water Heaters FOR S , Box No. 300, Orono Wec'kiy R. . Wddii .~. g T.. -Raios- Sovs -r pi e uit rs, !Times. a-c DUPLEX IN MILLBROOK MAINST. ORNO 1 w an wo 9' teebet's.14 miles te Orono, 17 to Peterboro, Telephonie 138S rn Phon 195, Orolno. aNOTICE 34 to Oshawa, 70 to Toronto n f Th Cark Tonsi Pogrs-$1,200 cash, $8,500,fuli price. One = ~C~O~O >DO.~~>Thsie Clarerv.v AoýIsiiiPo An- Mortgage at 7%Y, repayabie $60. te ienuai Meeting and Potj ck Supper meti o e r(r n 91 pair Ba-uer figure ske i b ec n dflo' bathroom in. io'wer, 4 rms and wil be Red Hall Odeýlo la~ ~ ~ Frid evw in Novemberý; bathr-oom in Vpper. Ex nsive new IERIL LBROWN ~ lmin 0 ~e -Guest speaker,, the Honourabie selt h^~arn _____________________ wrig, tin and de rhating Ex- B..e in.iranc Seric 'Tnevotul>eiess Tires, sizýe 6 0-15; j1,iathewv DiVOnd, lMimi of s tem La4. t'cl Winýi U Cvi vroems erayt l eea 8ftos / celpEOFE7sSIONAIL NGINEEhR Ô 9 AE8new (Dunloal) reath Corn nrbigautdsh ibwni sta a 'ceings,, EVloIý MflS Phon 264J a-pýe (nCioLadveil 9lnsurance 261J ai t racUcown to cat at 7 p.rn. - frame garage. One block frem ifo Ba1ll's store. One wokna ivirn, Box 189 CARPENT NTC ERIN(X / _--1- on property. 1 q e St ~ Auto, pak-ead Comoi e par alterati.ý 1 FTCER W. James, Reaitor, 29 bons,- 4D BoC)nie Ontri kitchen cupboards, fil or tiles. Oixb and $cout Ladis Auxiiiar-Y d'aie Rd., 'Toronto, 924-5241. a-p O Bowmunviiie, pe oftUi caru Ftei1 . will meet ýfthe Ar ouies at 2 ______________ r Policios, Pire, For- ail type fcretn p.m. Wednésday, Dcember 4th. Toiehoil flu9w r otc:This will be te C îFstmas meet- mNA e E Bu ~~Liabilty, Mar.e M.ToMO ing and coff 'and 'ookýies will bel Mr. and Mrs. JamsEBrc Uqlgay J. M.,~ oewsTle P Sn836 served. a- wish to announce the engagement Accident and Sickness, Wind. Pû -p6 of their onily daughtcr Lois Mar- T HOM garet to Mr. àVtro Shewchuk AT H031E(Mac), son of Mis. Victor Shew- L;J. SKAIFE' Bole, FidelUty Bond, Etc. 9 ANEMXT ACE M'and l ýr.T tlýýsey~ Caw hukne l JVAYNE'S chuk aridt ltýM-. Shewchuvk )f wil bl at hoet ]ed 1Ooo h arAlage to take'ae Lharteredld Aandtal C h airs sham- and rclativé on thý occasiono JSaturday, ]~me14 -at 4'- By Appoitmeat ~ ~ . carpes cieaed-. PÎ onArn 5.SnaDcrbrst, 3 te 5 p.m. Church, Bowm-anville.a- Man t. OonTehn e 13 ><UUUlIUILl and 7 te 10 p.m. .41-p ____________ POBo 26 H1BY 9 hoo roo r 2 RADIO - T.V. REPAIRS AU NSLDIED P.O.Box208WIW£Y 0 phoe orlioIRI Wiil do rnart timne Radio anxd T.V. Tracter, machinery, breeding HUTTON, Herbent Thomas - After phone M0-SU7n repairs. Ail work guaranteed. ewes, balcd hay and raw, grain, a ,%gh ins a h saw __________________________ U HRRV WIERSMA, antique fiprniiturc, d' es, Pontiac joeneral Hespital on Monday, No- 0IS CITAE ON Phone Orono 1640. car, the ýroper-ty o r eîn-vember 18, 1963, Herbert Thornas Mr~~t~t Mntit U____________________ton Farre*, Lot 2M Concess>o;n ~,Hutton, age 63 yeurs, )ýeloved Motih Cl'rk T4ishp,1 il east of husban of Janet B. McDêrmid of kiehi & CO. 0 Newcastle, sellinW without reserve, Courtice, na~o dear father, 11 )on Saturd y, N ember 30 at 1 af Mris.'E. Blak,Ï (Violet) Osh- awa, Harry of Ciqurtice, George ef IRERD9~ Eletrc, M t s oerGulhadCukfk 0ý.iid CHARTRRED ox 1MaC Red, _t brother of Geoîge ar,1 Reg. of? Auuiùii n& f Crthr 19Uô' NITRlar Guelph, Frank ~of o Freda. Stuaford Br/otaers NURSING IH E of Toronto. Ser ie*'were helid 135 Sinieoe St. North, Osiuia Llmited 1oWindingsp Swltches, B Lyntonhur Ma r Nursin., the Gerrow Fukepi Chapel, Kinig 1~ ~ and Brnshes, Ele trie TooWsU Homne has 1, ense accommoda- St. W., Oshawa, on Thursday, No- Te1eprrne~72~-7Z7 38 Dunas St E. hitbv. Ont- and Small Appiiaêice Motors tion fori bedî ri up atients. Regis- ebr2.i .n ihitr Whlty An~zManfaeures o Wok Ganteed tered nur-se in a endanceatai 068411 L.66 imes. Reasorv ah rates. Phone. eteryiviemorils à 1 rono 1308. 47-p DE 0 GRADY, Mary L. -At Osia, _____________________Deaiers inl d COM EVE G en eral Hospital on To~y Domlesie & Foreign G;ranites Al éa Plan now t attend t e Duh November 21, 196 , Mary L. Arrn-- ;and Marbies - Inscriptions CUI phfflm y,&~ Oroo County Feder t,,ion of Agricultur strong, Oi-ono, 0 t., belo\-cd wif e c~ Omtety Keqffle We* Annual Mtigand rnorgasbord cif the laite J. E. raýdy. etdat an~~~~~ au da N em e 3. Dr. Hel te Oron FRED LYC'E[T h Reer a BAZA CeAtre, the Bou u ra l~~ie unrS OFFICE~~~ -e McI a nSrie 1 ___________________ Askray the(rfb erowh ugtfm14HUr:30. r. fore Sthrd moricnd en ressione 13s' Major phon 12:3ro0Ms fily - C)~~ice. Hamptonp CO. 3-2288 Codnor ___________ Autiner ndVauauî7orw nt an Tyone& Ba Dep 1-6 Watsý A cuhone4. a-c ____________ Burnitur Sae o" BUYINGd ORAIN SETf V 1'%L LNG Ae $1inse i th pnkn ai&lowran etseni citize s th CensuitL me forJ terni ou qua Golden anug Servgc ws approv ~~~t nd ec I fles :E c i Cute Coucî, wt e Oro NG 'q'.TIG' !fgons the moty in. Mrits. isher RE. REA lieilitATEr BROKER oas teetiv much butZ becaus it wassny rer ÂKtone and Va1aters- temks V"a bot entugh. A i tIo "4ie à, l n aPonos Mrn r4 J7 uh ard af Wh2teand U IUU~ ~ffiiJl 0Phone Netnvle 71O~i 7o-48 vtei 0f te ecn $0 nrese O ronat with se Halto CO. Port Godo Wals ehn 146d agaecinteaie andy Tyon CO 3-60 GOLDEN 206,G RÉSIDEaie ro 7 o$8amNTS PORT HOP