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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 2

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QUONO w~r*i~Y ~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Emtabliahc4 in U«3 by R. A. Forrester PLoy C. Forrester -- Editor and Manager The Need Exists The ajacent "Leftter to the Editor" bears out discon- tenfi,-Ment that can arise f rom the lack of comnlunity plan- ning. The wýriter deploee the existance 0f industrial build- ings witbin veiwe 0f his home. Presently in this area there are no controls to hegulate the use et land for any specitic purpose. 'Planning bas, been irnmdced only te the point 0f setting up a planning area ýaj2i planning board, w1ho at this time have very little local legisiation under -vAÊrh ta operate or regulate. To bring eertain lands under control fer specifia uses will require tbe passtaâg ce zening by-laws i wiicb areas will be set out as resdetia, orim-ercial, park-lànds or industrial etc. To foeatany period for tii te corne into existence is im-ý ponsL;ible at tii time because the aima 0f the nmunicipality in planning bave not been spelled out te; aniy degree other thngeneraJifies. Mr. Ariel, in chairing tneMunicipal Board hiearlng in Oreýno in 1962, pointed t . the need of further planning aria reeocmmrended zoning. The fime for more contrelable plan- nigis long overdue net only f romn the iewpo>int of keeping areasýj separated but aise frem the view of control rate of d1e've1eopment and thus financial aspect'et the coiMÙmnity. T4e -i-ajo)rity of cemmunities in this coiuntrry are spending, $ýL000P's te at.traict industry te fler localities by creatling, ~lndareas for, thein and by creating conditions' in wlicl ümhey cai operate. Tiie cowtry -as a wbe i usI prov de jobS fkirr l ii hddren()et today Iani certain-ly we -must have a mul- titudes cfcopportunitLies fer th'em. Industry canài live wýithin ficonifineýs 4etý a nuicfepality and net as an eyesoire asý posbythil letter intimiates. Curhply have mnade great imn- pij-,-eeents in thei'r Present plaii on C(ýeIik Street and àaLecnet yet finiahed with their plan. Lindustries ini other town, are iseopIeratinig next door te resîdentini, areas and we ssvery f ew b ardslilps existing. The area under atack at tIns im fini l certtailYa iuholcie piece of property and would la,ýve been suitabie fer' nryforr of developmnent. No malter Wlere industry wduhl1, lie pîaced in or around ths community sorneone would bave feIt they were being affected. Industry ia net geing te build orý inv'est jnionjey on a swamip area which ne one else would develarp. Ini tiase plans do show that the deveioipnmnt iste libe on a higb standard and possibly the f ears of the wrfrwill subyside when tue prejecîta ompleted. Aain, planning is certainly a need in this cornunitY. OPEN IT! (if's a new kind of billfold) PUL-L THE TAB (for an indexed view) AND FLIP! (to show 6 more cards) The Organizer by Lord Buxton Here's a new kind of billfold for you: it keeps 12 credit aind memnbership cards dispLayed in ordcrly, fumble-free view. Great'! (1t's a great gift, tao!) In several leathers and colors, $0.00 to $0.00. Prices plus fax, LORD BUXTON STT'wffT S 1 HitARM CA CY To the Editor: I would like ta draw your at- tention to the construction of a Veneer Mill, on lie east side of HigihWay 35-115 at ftheirth ,ini- tersection te Orono. Earlier ýthis year I haci beard of a landi transfer but, I was told that the swanipy land to the soith of W - sarne field was te lie purchased fer this purpose. Suddenly onie mornhx'g I awake to find directly across f rorn one of our new bouses, a bull dozer was at work. Jt seemis ta me. that ypu don'tf have to look fwi ce fao know that if is a resdlential area and why, m'ay I aak do you wanfte make this an industrial site. that would lelp to make this en- RAN YS Cofcin y trance to Oronro desiÊrabýle. ,"Wy, again may I ask, do you eEHITA fwant, te clutter Up tibia intersection INVITED I withl a veneer il etc, and yeur Icemetery is riglit bere. V CJhristmas Cards, Personal, li ar not against industriai ex-I pansiei but why net keep these IAIso by the Bo-x factoflies in one are s. and there- Ne45sous Box Cokcû1ates fore net surround the village % if!i them. Teway this land was p urcbased IE ACE O was fhrougb a very undercover MNADWAE deal and looks to ne like the Or- ono Chamber, of Commerce was used to puirchase this parcel of land under faise pretences and GIT TO. then turned it over te Cýurvply Wood Products, thie min ireason eigthat if the namneotfacer oner that wanted Ir) ex;jpand was 7 exposed, this benýiuitýiul parcel of residential 1ànd would noiýt have " y been soki to hbm. Regarding brhi-iing fluas land CIAS CIGARETTES AND TOBACCO info Orone, if might lie a good-idea A1LSOALRE SOR NT0 PIS to find out the cost 0of provýidin'g 4 AG 8OYETO IE water and electric power services, NEJLSONS ICE CREAM as I understand these have been FOPULAR L.P. RECORDS aise (JHILDRENS 45 R.P. pr<ymsed to Curvply Wood Pro-- RECORDS dujcts for tin veneer gUl.f 1 asked a Police Truistee last we ek about flua lactory deal and1 le just shrugged his shoulders and said" Don',t blame 'me, I don't knowVÇ anything about tuIs." One ce the council was asked about this and lie replied, you bad better see your Planning Board. Weil this is one of the best.buc-,k passing deals I have ever seen and ,vhcre tihe real blamne lies is njot uvhh the New Clarke Planning 13oalrd as týhey wtre f orrnied o Wblat protection bas a resi'&en- tial builder or liorie wner got as lie, may wake Up oe iornin., wlth f a factory beside hi-. 1 arn quite sure filaIthtle qle f vw wo were involvecl in this deal, did se, flot altogeflier'for the gooOrone, but for their individ- ual1 pocket books. Iý Would like lso to say, that lnDst -of these inldîviduais wiil not lave to live aIc face this veneer Iril]. ItI, s said that the proyposed yen- eer miiii is going to have -£ beauti- fui 1 tonie front. 8a wliat! It is StUR a fautory and factories and resi- dentiai buildings are flot placed: teether In a weil planned area.t My only hope is tînt our new. planning Board can stop this kind Wyns Mai nt en anICer SER1VICE WindowsWahd Storms put on Eavýestrough Iicieatned out fChesterfield-; & Chairs Cleanledl -Rugs Machine Sham)pooed in your oýwn home AiU Types of Venetian Blinds Cleaned and Repaired Hlardwood and Tilé Fl>oors Refinlislied Basemnents andi Garages ceed-remnoval oï' unwaatned itemis Literijr Painting Contact.: WAYNE KENINEDY J Plionre Oronio 255 J. E. (Jack) GARDEN ut. 60c ioe PER l'B. FOR YOUR OLD WOOLENS as Trade-in on Beaiutifuil NEW BLANKETS AT iFUAIRFIELD'S Get lowest Discount Prices as well. Write today for coioured folder giving full particulars te: R. G. FAIRFIELD 39 Main 'St., E., Grimsby, Ont. The Blanket Discoutie Huse BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE A.J. McGILL REAL ESTATE BEROKER Phones: Orono 1407 Oshawai 728-4285 S ALE 0F DEBENTURE BONDS The Oronc lHydre Electrie Systeni axe inviting effers-tf-- purcliase ef a 15,000 dollar debentize Issue seeured by thue Village ef Orono in the Townshlp of CLarke. Theýy are È -g$s tï-rEncaiw t nly. The bonds Wi1j bl-e >e v¶r eg deniomilnatioij4lu ternns of eIie to '11ttèè, yeursi. Offers wlill lie henoured hi eirder ef dates reeeived aàccordig tl e 4euuinlatio)ns and ternis erdered, Interest' Nwill lie 5'/z2 perecent per annuni and Interest Coupons wlU- be rdembeat thle (Jnadiam Imperlal Bank ef Cer- nilrce, Oronio, on and after due dates. In1formation avalabe ai apL1cations accepted at thie Orono lydu "ic p Ie Deembner 31, 1968. Isslle Win hoavaiiable early ini194. 77 û»Nq, ONTARýi& MONTE 16si

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