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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 3

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$31000bOÔurs Sl For Conmunity TelePhone 'in a rport in the Toronto Tele-, g~mfinancial page it bas been nedthat Corninunity Telephone ~O.Ltd. of Dumnville lias success- fuU rased$8i00,000 througai a de- btuesale. Comm.untty Tee ptoeCo. Ltd. operates and bas ýn- -ro1Ug interestlx te oal t~eloesystemn. 'The report bi. the Tely goes on. pthÈ pointut that the new inoney I Lie used to finance plant ad- I otosand conversion of thie vo - ~li~'s mnualexehngesto dial S,«e 30C,o0Q debenturic ssýue was ~.ri~1 swloeduip on the open band market. Or, _al 'goflandi ~ fil undrwrierSreportLecian ovýe-suscGijipto1totaling $700,000 i.ad tree institUitiOnialbUYers iie neested in buiying the 15-1 yr debentures witih a 6 - per Te debentures aIso carried wratconverItible into con- nnshajres at $S3 a share iii Nov-, ene,1964t, $4i a share li 1966 an-d ~5asha3re lïn 1.969. ,,,Ienty thje co'mpany's stock, ~whih trdeson the over-the- ixxt er marIbet, 15 priced ,,IL $44$5 Lntyeai, the stock tradeà laa gýi 8043, range and earlief tits yes~r$3-$.75 an1ge. SicejlsincorpoDration in 19551 as ili~ .omlpany, Comimun- îtyTe]eohone has, seen a stendy 'C4ýYase 111 assets, profits an vat ear it showed anl $83,00 -itpoe il, cm rdWth $79,000 n191and S46.000 in 1958. .Assets Jat ear totaled $,8500aiaint ~81 00 l 196 and$914,000 lin Net Eamngs latefirst si;x nionflis of this y~arnetearnngstotaled $51,000 adnet assets $2,258,000. Wc ecctthe 1963 ntpoi ID, be etteýr than last year andi othe o'tlook for nexýt year i good, ~ rmmeted te companYý'S gen-_ ~ maagerKervn L.milner. -We e collriluing our conver- ~into dialing progrnil and n3ext ,yarepet ohaeat least 10,000 sebcr3bes, le add.ed. ý,t prescrit, 77 per cent of fithe co,,,npaily's lines have been con- vterted to diallng. By the end of 1 N64 r ., Miller anticipates a fu)he Ilpe cent will hàve been Seven Firmet Th e ompanY operates sevèn ~oepanesthe' latest being New IJlnTelephorie Co., which was *ngtin Auguast and operates 905 hms bough two -)excilanes in ~Datnand Moorefield, Ont. Tne company i.s not li Str ïanger of being taken over ite]f IJcs resldnt, ale S. Coug-hiin,J. oPennsylvana, who is also pres. ,den o!WesernCounties Tele- poeCorp., Dundee,N.< n tredirectors lhold the majority of tie cùrnp3,ny's 218,173 oustaflkilg ",îrez Trhere are currently 229 ilnde- enettelephone companies Èu Ont'ýanio operating 175,000 lines oonwTrL companies have onfly haif a 'ýu7zen oustomers). Duri-ng 1964-, 25 independents mie niodernzatkon wave, accoxid- uxill be swept out of business by ngto a Bell Telephone officiai. Commnunity Telebpone is thle seodlargest lxi Ontarîo. District Electionis DARIJNGTON TOWNSHIP Incumibents are indicated by Beeve 1Deputy-Reeve H. C. Muix,(oe. CowMei1 (TIITOQ Ssflti) * Olr1 DONVUi 1 *Ricýhard Gib~bs *Mrs. Mary Budia Mrs. Eileen Coutts Village of Newcastle Reeve Douglas Oumiingha,4m (acci.) Robet . W., Wl.t" iHarvejy C.. Bjv-than H. Pgss D4cekins()n i:. LUUUI, £YIMVV. * akE. Ne,ýbitt 756 636 Cavait Towns~hip 117 North Area Sch. Bd. (3 *Harley Cathcart Anson Morton ýMrs. Gobrdon auth 127 Seats) 1851 16a0 WaAter Seward MnesTownship Reeve Lwis McGqlI 44C Harvey .Nialcolni 287 Depulty-Reeve Rýod Porter (ic. P.E.l. No. 1 Grade Fresh and Tender - No. 1 Br)ccoli bch. 29c Belle Green - Sweet - No. 1 Peppers 4 for 25c R. A.,3tcbremaoL Reeve Albert Gibson(ci. fleputy-Eeeýfve MNerrill Var Camip<ac. councli Willian R. Fergusoni (ae.) John R. Hamilton (acct.) Ernest R. Swain (accl.) * 39lb ,bloc LOINO' ORK OASRib LOI' 01 ORK ,OAT Portion For Frying - Lean Meaty - Well Trimmed c Just Rlght for Stufflng - Lean Meatyc LOIN POIRK CHOPS,,, 65b PORK -SPARERIBS 41b Fresh Milnced - Extra Lean With the Sweet Smoked Tastel Well streaked lb GROUND BEEF CHUCK 55b Trend Rindless 'BACON 9b BONUS BUY! You Save 4c! - Green Giant Regular 15 oz. Tin FANCY PEAS 3R55C BtONUS BUY!ý You Save 2e!- Hamburg - Hot Dog 12 oz. Jars HEINZ RELISHES 27C BONUS BUY! You Save 4c! -York Homogenized 16 oz. e Box Jar 30NUS BUV! You Save 6c!- Aluminum F011 Wraip 25 Foot Roll BONU -UY! Voit Savc e u! -Alln's Vitaminized 4'8-02. Tins -S~r C~' BONUS pBUrY! Vn 3ec! -7f Off Pack 32-oz. Size, FLEECY Laundry Rulse 33âýC. Pkgs. o!t 10 ÇAlç Çrn.mv ,n d2aC 1r SAVE 10e - Assorted E. P. Smith" JAMS 9-oz. Jar3 Ro 89c SAVE, 5c! ZO-oz. Tins Del Monte Fruit 69 COCKTAIL 2 Z 9 SAVE 6c! - FANCY COHOE Paramount SALMON 1/"S tin43 SAVE 12c!- Loose Pack STUFFED MANZANILLA Club House OLIES12-oz. jar FE ATUR.E! 48-oz. TFip Bright's Fancy, SAVE 6c! 15-GR. 'TIns CatellWs Cooked 3 SAVE 6c! 1-lb. Tin Fry's 'Pure'Cocoa SV 1c Red & White Instatt COFFEE 8-oz. jar9 eu$ Delielous Fancy grade qt. box Anjou Peurs 43c Lusejous Californila Fresh DATES lb. cel. bag 39c FROZEN ,FOODS Save 9-c! - Eiirds Eye 12-oz., pkg. COD FILLETS, 29c 2-lb. EonomY ag SUPREME PEAS 53c EkdFrcsh! - Weston or Sunibeami Cinnmon Re-glar 45e! - Pkg. O! 6 BUTTER HORNS 41c li~ou~i~:nucdSupreme Brand D00 fl doz. 29<ý RED AND WHITE BONUS BUY RED AND WHITE BONUS BUV FAMOUS CHIQUITA CLEAN, RIPEFRUIT> BANAAS arge c.ýsize1 ATTENTION FREEZER OWNERS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - VALUJE CHECKED RED BRAND BEEF The price incudes cutting and wrapping HINDQUARTER lb 590 FRONT QUAATER, lb -43c LAST WEEK'S LUCKY WINNERSl - 0f thef Turkey Draw Mrs,' .Ilutton, drawln by 3fYs. Amy Vau deun Heuvel, Orono. TRIS WEEKWS LUCICV WINNER - O1 the Turkey Draw, Mxs. Ainy 5Vau den ffeuvel, dmrni by Mr. Dlckson. lotuumulau voua A6 ýR M940% 4kw

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