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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 4

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- ~--~--- ~ -~ YIthî ofuG;jg'-lTe h&Ve TlLa4'stPdYit neve se" rree. h "h.< I 4 i~ s Godudei1Met n1 4t me,-an that U y t <«0p é fci~r ours elves, we mui t re-11us free I r,(b R. a oglei ovityand an eyil place." riet tor us to 3qýlUdê'0V cUr ii,_5t et. Luie 5 Butat alimost th~esaine time Or- in a useless and haphazard way, Often when talking with peoaple oýno, Church burned down. There !fi but where there' la spirîtual parai. wbbo have gose tfrrougQh soine ex- ao jDne present titis mornLflg, 1 ysis lui oùr ives Cod is saying ( *teine elcperiemce I arn oonfronted arn sure, who feit that Orono through JeSUS Crs,"Have., what it was ln my ite that would was evil, but how easy it is to say, then you can grow etrong sud l -have brougt tiLis upon mne? 1 "God does this and God daes, that well. " Th e first thIng that Jesus ( wionder why God is punishing me? 1because He is feeling displeasure jde o everyone is to say, "kGod )t mus ~c ~ted ot tha titta ~c> us."is flot algry with you. Cone hm.( is n xidatonof a wrolig con- Ho ten people go threug-h liteD'e arraid."h ~eption0f God.cri_-ppied spiritually b-cause -,,i i e * Cosdrte~yo t h- le c 1~bel~V iev tewrong tl4ngis silÔutMany lve cripped ives bacaiS~e pled mian who was lowered thtxrouli1 i2,od To try and~ exp pin tie sniidethey feel condiemned of, God fo the roof into the very presence o f g pleanLire -and case as well as their weakness, biut it is cwhen we( Jesus, %whoo hear4. t!he woxf, the frown of tragey in tewso eoecnscious of our uurwo)rlti-C LL CT ON 1 Mathiy sins Lre folgrgn and bad pecople, is to ek>ose ness that we are oter, closest toi thee."W codcnJde roe'es eyes to iite as it 15 lived God, It was , tthis, point that the Wei ta sulin isth e ide every day arourid us. Good people prodigal son saw hiniself for wtt(~ '(~ O~1 tký atsuf eri s liegeoude"4gofresand eiGro deeme t ethnfetaniehhas gAiI9.Ji~~'.JI~ J JN . cfud soin. tt io leasrlyip ctes y W o ltsgg;uf Pmu micm o x~ is~t~ frj( c~ldg «aywththsf4t ree NahndgCIdhave sai tViILoLAGaEn O rJsu cmmnm" andt way, ie"That la bhackeBg erond inysou e ake i the sr t in f wom - an for ber ot f U bag % n NiO ý rays ud fart oe thee theyawerthl uW- ewerplcen b-UorevelieMveryjfronte Vhdso ora o!tJe scpu rsmel. ay.Ianft ynghate'fsloe"heYoriayutyu,(n of maxi ard Hv esi-yw jst e olot cusged st n, bu be,ý r amwe toknwreinp refor- akSre ot n neeyTedyfo Bout get us remennbsrthistat r ta lkiof ailaut thee ton gienfr sh e oed muc h Butro o fiii ody Dtme hteCr an u y Jeaus't is a hd Bible sin that e hve !hGdveautse f hon laittI esuorg en daeoPakSreiouhirh ilaeo-rn werc a nfierd f0 e drty ese tPg. Ofeie w o g ovtt ltts" I tee I n o- th rd ofitiss ltihecmos e - ad tragedie saiong us an bhe i s less reo ned sy in 1 tour ie, O Teewl en ikus of~o hepoi.Thyags drectlarelD ated O sin , bu i r i w hic we oe Cist ae or ask ouret (j Weadon e Tesday , as I tBt itu mar sufterdi, h at Iratlkn.-sabout ~ te 0f hepo avn ite loed muxi.erBut the aa havJes tied. iLndg b er e'is' pursiwe hveo iufers the tagsedy.we re late io'irseve wththe snedy (jtee oit nth ilaeo Oo weay Jobsidr4ed t se d th e sae l es t cng .b fe n the w r on - o! ve ry genera" If tionr e i n toe, aruent wThis-,sthye omnt to e-!itrad b'e ase 0 thesicn sc knesgeof nourin great »eed, RN OIET TE ob Ui rs wu aguny W ito", t rWelcn a y thati od's are ss e ! odl o ve e Crt are <wilb o eieda iku si denx ifanddmla s"vere ied'lotne les foKsn n hlie olighin surund witb His oiness Uas ingme oMen t" ewi a bSeeÈto sctre d ewn eothe sins ofxe and ageat-oef orgresus la, Jb in hisilulagiuy .Ie an estime o( ire su f I'ý ovwe-r had a sayrng, -Threis11 SO maihaed o« bis sickness UnJil alf b is sina have beenfrgvx hlm ." So to the Jews, a, sicit man was a, maMI wth whomi God was axigry. But on another' occasion - when jesus heale d thei axi blind1 fflom birth, his disciples asked HlTm,1 "Whuo did sin, this man or hiïs parents, that he was barn blin'd?" Jesus answered, "Neiber did titis maxi nor his parents." xIn other words, "That is not Whly3 be is bind." Thexi He wext on tof Say -But that the works of God should be manifest li him. 1 must worjî the works 'of Hlm that sentt me while it is day. The night cemeth vhen no maxi cxx work." &0 we, know titat lu the plan and the scheme of God, God wants Us Wt« relieve the suffering of the World wherever we, can, as best. wee cani, but. we should neyer sayt thajt people are suf!ering because Ged js angry abo ut their sin. On yet anlother occasion the disciples as,-ked about the GalilepinaWho were murdeved by Pilate whilet irIing a sacrifice and Jesius s'aid tatý Lhemr, "Do you <suppose thhat these Galileans3 were sinnszw a- bove al Gallians because they eue-èrped' these tbhgs? I tell you, neo. But exce'pt yei repent, ye ehasU ~e1 likewiee perish. Or tho>se eiliht- eexi upon wlio the tower of Sdoamj - ~ fél, do- au*lb&inlk that t»ey we.re 2inxiefls above ail nmen that dNvet In Jerusalemn? I teIl Uyou, Yno." 1 mcntione'd a moment ago tsat thIs kind of thlnking is qulte prev- «Ient among usF. Ir1 aî the words ,! an idery ad ite. .Jme of one o! the tornadoes %vasI * xmpressedl by thle destruction of-j buiildinigs ilalher cormmulnity ali i, -vlth the fact that the church re- -rnaixied u d .Shei idcated this very sanme th.ing wlicn she -saj, "Tkri' C~i woli ot 1(i. hie ChilxJch be harmied. APparent- ly site feit that the ciurchi was spared because il was a holy place and the others were iiot I a certainplace the people wereý distressed about the activity li the' town bal on Sundays. Whien the hall burned down they said, UNITED GêtURCH Orono Pastoral 'Mi nister Rev B. E. Long SIINDAY, DOECEMBER 8 Cbutreh Services reo-11:00 a.m. -4~tr- 1:45 rn KIrby - 8:00 p.ux., SnaySehool Orono - 10:'00 a.m. Leakaird - 1:45 p.m., Kicr¶byý - 2:00i p.m. 9ststed t1l'at forgiven esa of Sins Swas a prior condition of cure. It is psil that the consciousxiess of sin actually procluced the par- alys3is i the crippled maxi. The power of the subcoxscious mïnd -ver the body ig an amazing thing. Over and over again I gel little insights ito the truth of that say- ing of Jesus, "Ye shaîl know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Few people are really free. Psychologists quote the case of a girl w'ho played the piano mn thte days of silent films. Normally sbe Was well. When- the lights went eut and cigarette amoke f lii- ed the theatre, she began to be paralysed. Gradually it became permanent. Examlnation revealed ne phyrsical cause. Under hypuosis they discovered the truc cause. When abs was young lying li her lace triimed cet lber mother bent over ber smoking a, cigarette. The drapery caug'ht fire, was cx- tlngulshed and no itarm was donc but ber subeonscieus mind was re- m em!berng tbe terror of that night. The dark theatre and cig- arette snmoIc actcd upoer hr sub- congieous mxndu and paralysed her but site Id t kon IiWly, The cr1i'ple main mnay have been para .eýd ê b ae, ur»coflt 'ZCiously or Dümnsclousl, frs eo&» pç4ience ag-rceed that he was a sin- ner. rnethzmight cf berig a sin- Iîer .rought tithe ilness wfl>liobe belicved waz th e eVitable cn séquence of sin. Wben Jesus said, Here la the danger of coisclous goodxiess. We feel if we do enul good thixigs, God wifl ac-c~u as righite .oiuS, then Phariseeism takes over. We feel we have doxie well and we becgixi to bargan ith God. This is what happened i Jesus' parable of the "Labourers in te Vnyr SQme went in early tb wiork for a certain Wage. Others wernt iii very late. Whitew lte day was over and laUI receivcdý -the gaine wage, the first begaxi to complain. The Master said,i 1113d you net get Wblat you were promnised?" They had, to admit they had. Se easilythis can be oUrý expression in re4ïgion. We fec-1 we have groWn in goodness to a place where we have a right. 1 bargain with God. But lte know God in Uic fulness o! HLs love, la to realize tiat ail along tbe %way i life we have a great need., No mai or won b as become sol good that lie or She lias ansy, daim J on God or riglit to bargaihi. No, maxior womnlis 80 far removed, f rom Gad that he or ehe s laflt precieus in Giod's sliit. But many a Licité crjpp!ed gpirituzily i- cause of titat ftes!'thait Gdod only loves and 5miles on the good. CG<d wanti us to hasve the cour-1 age sud fil W oJlay itod upo. i H promises sud te î -i;" £e jus cdst Wenwc find Lite lu *b$ch* G-cd 13 vitally reiated te' ouir whole response lilite we baLve fund ,the "Truti ýh cbsesusI -e -e of action to take to keep Ineured HfuSPIT AL INSURANCE 6 If you change jobs, follow carefuly- the instructions ontlec back of ihe CCrtîfi- caite of Payment, Forni 104, whîch your group iS required to give yoli, *When you reaclh your 1ith hi$bday -'Ou arcna longer COyCred by your parctti aiab1c ui hospita e, nkandCm ffWh*nbu maU. arn prernwn if YQ plàydhu" e ï. 8,. YUUB S. -T*iSts i mut-lu -Itou ~ '4' w -~ UDF ywm N*TAL J~4~iA~I SIITIFfÇATI WV E'ATO0N'8 IN SO j HAVE. YOUR HEARING AID CHECKEm ADLAN ED BY /AN EXPERI. Hearing Aid Repair'Servi¶ce and DanotcCIipîc on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, December 6th and 7th 9:30 amr. tili 6 p.rn. ,Mr. Carol Anton, H-earing Aid expert, will be in Eaton's flearing Centre for two days, W ci-eck your hearing aid at no charge to you. If re'airs should prove necessary M-Nr. Anton will give. an estintate wlthout obllgatiou,.If ,your, istrii ment is not in the best condition, now is the tim'-e to have it ëheeked - and; make-sure you enjoy Christmas. Eaton's Hearing and 0Optical. Centre, Upper Level

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