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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1963, p. 5

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4 A ~,wr editrbuton tlelabs e nth Var'ýan and o&3yrec&ded in itent. 'This lias 1een st>be&atse l , ëubers have exhbited propriet-I e1'y inteýre.,sts in tlïeir owin co-nstitu- encies. Thieie -1a%ýe een maneUv- ers in whiich oneý Party has tripdl to hurt tiie othel', und ir. which viarious injustices were done tck inttvidual Mernbers of Parliaxunentl ~vosaw their Rîdlng jryad -r~ arupýIv-iitht.les 'tverninentl -il '1de 1,ar e by onem'ans o ~,i.theî UntNews UNIT '7 u£.iV. TiieNDveinher mWeting Cf JTmgit 7 was helti at the hoime oÈ Mrs. C. Billing-s on~ De<cenber 3. Afrs. Porter, auLr leader openeti the meeting with a Christxuas mes- sage. A Christmnas Carol "The First Noel- a sung. The Worship Service was con- ducted by Mrs. Porter assisteti by Mxrs Bowen. Tnie theme was r-eaçiness for Chiristmas, streesixng tlhe necessity of keeping Chirist in 'tiie centre aif our thoughts at this aMrs. 1Ma-rlo'(ri lpatiý,k bas been ~ la atierft ¶ inithe k>wmTnalileI Mlemorlal HeYsp*tûÀ!.2 Mr. andi Mrs. G.2 Wiggins and faniy of Don M.Ils s, 1s .2ut'h ýMcLelland oai oronto mwer-e wë" en~d visitcrs wlth Mrs. MU. H. Staples andMr.ai r.Dnl S taiesandfmily. Mr. andi Mrs. Grant Molffait and femuly Oakville Visiàed o n the weekend withi Mr. arnd Mrs. Wm. "Moffait. P Mr. and Mrs. Buti Barnett ot Kingston visited 'with Mr. aInti ývcs L-,l. Grahiam' and Terry onj ný1 ,,ec,7end. ! tî me. 1-ecanldn constitutiOni pro-.1 r. Cecil Robinson is a patient i ~s thlat ie 1-ndi-e of thej In the absence of the secrýetary, : h ow&.lie Mmxa f. .. ~ i i sii~~ur co.ussrtLenc- j tirs. Biliings reati the m.inutes o p~l 4.saeto be .eee atrechi'tle Noveiber mneetinig. The roil i Mss oni Tyrrei aniiJfl'iendj <c ànîlCC u.Teia, icens uscl lowd 4mmesprsn isSanldra Rohýei'tson of Kinig- 'as aken in 1961 ani is owth 1th 41 visits. -31)sellt the eekend Wivth the of 0fParY mnt a kesoe our.treasurer, NMrs. Hoar', gave :re' mte rs hre no ýsaY providsio to rýadjust most graifying reprt ai theTyrreli. constltuency boundares to efi~eI rs' givings with .i substantijal Ms maLn ssedn t( -icvroth and shif t in popuflation i nrease overttat .1 îast yea3r, ,alCouple aif wecks ,w th her sister ib the teri year$s Snce the last re- Mrs. Staplýes favoureti us with aa Coe H;1i. 1 dsbuoncarrieti oui aiter the îovely piano solo , 4"Cath-2dral Miss D-'1Yoro >1iRhdes has b)een'l 1961 census. Chlumes" which was mnuch enJoye&2 a patient* in the Bowmvinlle IoI- .nm Ms> Biflings read a 'Vey pita!l. radu'ýIlcing- the Resoluton t Chistms \ r. anti Mrs. Ken Nixon)i andi ~et p te mohnry or -istî4- ter sintging soixie xxre fiil,- faiiy have taken tUp residence in ttinSecretary of Staý,te, J. W. larOjristmas Carols the mee&,ng the apartmnents o, Mis Aima Wat-, P cergill atie i1 tlar hatthe' closeti wtlt the Mizpih benediction s0 n Main S-i eet. goraome uetwd falot oleniow the r whieh lunch was served. CMr. and Mrs. John Forr ester prctceustib a gveamnt MrS. Porter thanketi ail viiose whoal7l] Mr. andi Mrs. Bob FHa 7eld en zinice Cofteaio hrh ha taken part, in the pr'ogrýaýin andspn the weekend i yaue taitwa prfrmd y Pria-Mrs. Best expresseti thaniks 1thin yNause vinayCommnttee owic h lsess. Mr. aniMrsý. WalterGer, ~oermet itie ay~iiinm--bondon, Ont., visiteti Mr. anti lMrýs. jOflyn themebr Mr Pický- * Milton Tamblyn over the w,ýeek- 1rgllsi,"h0GvrmeîtC.... E enti anti attèndeti the Golden Wed- 011 ineto iîrn frio esatt our meeting with a ding Anniver,-ary of Mr. andiMs wfiiant has nddeîre prayer r-1eati by Darlene West. We~lyCweBwinil 1 want to emph.aizeta. a r". I'enLynda Barraball rend a on Sundaiy. comitei o heprncp ) f a aimlo teBil.Ja,-net Sciioenmaker, yugs lndeelt-,i4ent,, lpi-i-1Wuwere hpyto welcomie imataaeisrb-hpydaughter cf Mr. andi Mrs. K toni to be performnetiotsd thia nlew, memiber, Lynda Barraibaîl. flchoenmaker hati a tonsi oper1-, Itus."We took up the collecetion andt'oîn ai the Menmoral HDspi'ai on dliscussed our annuai ChristiiiaST esaaitswe. Reitibutionwil e carieti supper. It, is to ho on December Mrs. Newman sutfering an in- eu yintiependentC ommissions ýit ý 1ltti. jury ai Curvply recently is a a cTahishe 0eah Poine ,s oen odsevt tient ini the Bowmanviiie Hospital Tes ComissonsWJI l rie under. appetizing lunch anti we would Mr. osTnby pn h tre eerl ueriso a Com-_ iike to thânk her for haVilag C. G. \veek-end with bhis parents, Mr.' tii1sson1erw wili r11 e apone1 . T. We lst our meeting With at r.J .Tmln isM byagemet fai Prie iith-, as. amblyn of Toronto also spent 1-buse. T1heresem o to bc Darlene West. ~na nOoo generai aeeMnt ctat lyils oii±ce Mr. John Ingraltam ai Trenton coutibemot apbl f'ledbysîlituencies. If an electioni is helt has accepte da po-siton with the Mlr. Nelson Castonguay, the pres- b1oeno 95i ilOrn yr nicmete ent Ohi.pf Electoi-ai Gificeir for have t bc(ciLuteti on lte basis wvork witfh the lca,l system on Cuayna. Mrn sug keiM. o f. the constituencies as they exist Wdesa.Mr- Ingrahamni as gua'snam M. Pckrsgiisai, o-dlay. WitIi the existing idie var- htd previouls experience with the Ol ~ ~ ~ a donà mdsyn i ne W yi ations ninconstituency bouncaries O nltarjo HYdo as La, ineaman. Fis Ifeel the (Mi,. Ca;Loniguay) wuld eisting to-day it would appear to weanti t'wo chilidren will inove be acceptable. We have hati four 1be ,ini the iaiterest of falirfess to al lOon iter. eiectîons since 1957j 10 a period ot>îCanaians to see -the redistxiibu- a.~ ~ ~~et" liti ve txyaîs Atough t ion cornpieteti before lte next ________________ ,ýOrne of those celtions were quie 1 election. This seemis to bc a very ttryf oughJt ardnti anly hadJw<impelling a.rgument, andi one1I% igihBt )hnswere saîi, I hav~e liQihear.d illl nu oubbe cons;ideret ~ anyquarer ailite}~use no y ail political parties toyig wthi Picd t. . . . . nttrwho )was in office oi WýhO the idea of an leotion. 'Was in opposition, axiy sxgeetii tha.t they w renot icOnduted i wthiIL seeims ltaIr prog'nosticatlofl5 Orlon Twenty-One, the utmost ?roprliety.. 1 tinktha are the order of the day. Will you Priced f1?r,>m....... a1l ()f us Craadans can be pr.1d of Verxit me to joi inlu- - - my pre> tbat~~~~" phesy (oonsidcltinîg Many factors htndadM a and the redistribtiois fla ny onean ndM h aPY i he ure is' 5 s.' uoireW lS< r- » ý 1 imorta, t xesis it ans, eQiors green, Win( re'Presenteti by Mernbers, of pari- srigo al u É r f1 lament,1 A t u e e trnie s u a r li c12- - -10 % Pure w ool F ho 479) anti York-Scarbroigiui (pop- ulation 267,252).,fi 'ngt teCardigans, black, light g of te coraisions Mrwalnut, wifllw Xnd mwhi i e 0f theio m mi sion , M rw h ite , p ric e d a t . . . . . . . tret al te eopie ai this couintry Pickrsgîi ait, "t i au tily o IPAI ED UCkMatching Double Knil Wual,' .of r a ' e cnî, anti 'i V~e eail men wht w proess100% Pure wool V.- ly eoriai hemshloulti have a eqle v o n tris H Ousf h IVNeband and cu1%ýF as1 th e ri )ep nsi lîy_, f o v r e - T f A S N O t'eg v r m n f n r C u tr . f i I ( S I U / L A D I E S ' W O O L S L IM Ju nZgeneralL tfe~dsrl~~ï ii 1be carietioto abss<i e M nDw r 1// Plaid, colors bla.ck, brov 1-reentaion y pouinton. here /IEA INGand red, ize 11-12, 9 2 fil ibe depaUrturs 019rs,-21E S A IS'SR TCI cIlile. For xapl tiee ixh ontlie raion givnt u atr O PE and plaids, size il - 20 Ridfi ith RiinG iosiyCOaMAND Rîdeig it Os mri a ier forÉa)LADIES' CAR COATS Il em b r i Pa li m nt s e i eI ets in flo ra l or p lain , col( e.its thallla tecase f url RI(iin, th10 boudaries aren, reWbgld prch niay extýen,1 [two or thr1ee nuijdreti -More sas Vte ase0f omein 0iGIRL'S LAMEINATED1 Coaisitieraitioniin o durt e aso Iwith contrasting trint, 9oe stsl oultt1po ce..front. rayon quilted linil ve n tit e ra pni f cto sO MiE i8 to 12 , p ri e d . . . .. . . i fc e s st b iii y 0 f r g o n l ol H M nfPklintiprocessslte le,-H A elui4on quicly ~~tJ nigtt E V work dt once, i sevsgt Ia térepcrts will be aVailabile in ~96 anaI1 tby trie atu o f E 1965 anl electiocn coulti re helti o -.ne t)atsi fthne rdsriuecon- GROOSe c b$1 STORE; THlE XMAS STORE, WITH MORE Vinyl Gloves for Boys, Youths, Men in colors bonor black, ail at -one lew nie .. tii 99e Spai-kie Dust, ail purpose adhesive tube and 4 tubes Sparkie Dust, complete kit ...... 59e Pencil Set,, Pencil, Ink Pencil and ýLighter, Complete for only......... .......... 98C. Minueuet Chocolates by Smiles 'N Chuekies, an excellent suggestion for that special gift for Christmas, 21 2 pound box, Spec'ial $1,88 Attractive Step) Tables and Coffee Tables, walnut finish, round legs, selfedged, ea $8,88i Chiildren's Cor-dur-oy Slippers, feit lined, jvulcanized rubber: soles, sizes 6 to3,. pair $1,89 Children' Rubber Overshoes, fleece Iined, shearling cuff, feit insoleý, first qualit, Made in Canada, sizes 6 to 3, pair fori- . $2,99 BootraIy, plastic f or thiose wet rubbers ..7à'c Plastic Storm Windows, size 36" x 72", ..23e 4 for.. 8C Twin pack, 36"x144" . 37e Extension Corçis, white or brown, complete 6 f oot . 49C 9 foot . 63e 15 foot 85e tXmas Cards, our two leaders, box 51 family pack f or 69e, Box- 25 beautiful cards 43e Pu're Milk, Chocolate, Will-O-Buds. Special pound for . ,...... ,by Wîlliards ... . .59e -- J ny Cardigans and4 Pul1uvers ......>$7,95 to $9,98 CaýrdÎgan and PuUlovers, .... ...$6,98 to $,98 air Putllovers and Gardi- L, beige, brown, çpink-, blue s Cardigapts ..$12,98 oral Jacqûard gr ey, white, ite, ebrowu and ... ...$13,98 it Skirts $15,98 Neck Pullover stripe on the priced $13,98 [S in plain or VII, gold, grey, 20 $11,95-$16.98 SLIMS in plain $8,95 - $12,95 and Ski Jack- ýrs of red, d S14,95-$31,50 COATS button ng, size .$9,50 GIRLS' BLOUSES long s, broadcloth, colors red, and sizes 8 to 1-1, priced ceeve ['white,. ISTRONGSl 'i:

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