mrechi -ut 10 oz. pkýgs. Becans 2 for 49îc Golden f)ew Margarine EXTRA TOTA IN BONUS TAPES i2d1 b 47c $34.b RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 BONUS TAPE WITH FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER 64oz. Size SURF DETERGENT - 20e off Giant Size ÇOLGATE.,ToolrHPASTE - Special Giant Size RECEIVE* AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE TENDERLEAF TEA BAGS BRIGHT'S APPLE SAUCE - Fancy 2 WITH Pkg. of 60 iS-oz. Tins KJECEIVE AN EXTKRA $2.00 BONUS TAE WITH PHILADJELPHIA CREAM CHEESE -Krait 8 oz. Plg. COMBINATION VEGETABLES - Birdseye frozen pkg. SLICED COOKED HAM - Tablerite vacuum sealed 6 oz. PlX.POTATO FAS - No. 1i Grade 10 lb. bag do zen 4N-c Size ~~ 10 fo 9c 10oz. bag 2 f or 29e' )45C lb 29c lb 1 9c lb 55c Burns Pure Pork cI S mal Link 'Sausage lb 49c A RMTR'S ORONO, ,ONT. PHONE' 165 -~ ~ ~ ~ T!MES, A"' ni Micc Pie Bh.ïeberry Pie Apple Rolis Mocha Squares Bayy DOIlS Bick's Pickles, each 45c each 49c pkg 35c pkg 49c 16 oz 31Ic Fancy Mixed Nuts lb 59c 2 lb $1.09 Ladiy Beth Choclates- lb 87c 2 lb,$ 1.69 Chrlstinss 6 fer 25c 12 lor 49c ,w- "Easy ta Pool" Nave . .t Six LCucilr, a Reeve andci eputy Reeve were elected e obi4e in Bom'an ville Mond*ay. Syclney L'ittie was retuirned t coffice oî reeve witb alag m- jority over Lloyd Preston. For the Deputy Reeve position it was Ross Stevens whoi- carne out ovýer 400 vtsalead a.-f formneî councillor Mrs. Aiinie Oke w ýho wa,-s -inopposition. Threc newý counicillars were et- ected ta off"ice: Paul Chani-t, 0CarI Leslie and George Stephen. TIresc thiree along with inubents KenCi Hooper, Glen HHughes andc Wesley Fiee vwil malSe up the 1964-65 BowmavilleTownCoucil. Top s coring councillor, was8 George Steplien Who polled 113 votes, 85 better than Paul Chant. Carl .Leslie was next with' 872 votes. Ken Hooper followed Mrn Leslie with 862 votes, and in turn was followed by Glen Hughies with 82l.. 'ne sixth and iast position Was won by Wesley FiceeWho managed to beat ]lkWard Rundie by a mere 30 votes. Mr. FViee polled 767 votes. In the race for Reelve, Sydney Little hadlittle trouble in be-qting Lloyd Preston as Mr. Little pnllecl 1,028 votes 'to Mr. Preston's 811. In the Deputy Reeves race, Mrs. Annie Olce ran a poor sec.- oral polling only 696 votes ta VIn- ner Ross Steven's 1,143. Mayor Ivan Hohbs was returnedl ta office iby acclamation at tLhe, tow's nomination imeeting. Close ta 75 per cent of the town',3 eligi(ble voters turned out -for the elec'tion and cast their ballots. F-LMES SHOOT 100 FEET AS VARSOL STILLS EXPLODE In Port Hope s most spectacular blaze in recent years, a fire fash. ed through the Arbo Leather Cctm- 1pany plant on Queen street in the second major fire within four days., Discovered, wbon flames burst tbrough east 'windows on the sec- ond floor about 1:20 a.m. the fire spread at a Itghtning pace throulgh oabout three-quarters cof the bilding before the combined effoarts of tle Port. Hope and, Ca- boýurg Fire departments halted ite advanoe. As t'he fiamnes reacheci hUige cliemical storage tanks, spectato>rs I were awed by searing colu.n-Uns jE * flame and balls of brilliant firi lnifirng lign into the black sky. Yoirk ChoGice 20 oz. Tints Green Beans 2 for 37c ILibby's 20 oz. Tins .Spaghetti 2 for 4]c Irish Stew 24 oz, tin 39c clark's 10 z. i5 Tomato Soiup 2 for 21c Spaghetfi Plan 1 z Bravo Sauce 2 for 41c Bomi Spagllew~ or Elbow Mact roni 2l 3 OeR ANGES Fif)ridat M1ars11Seedless Grapef ruit U.S. No. 1 Grade Fresh Spinach. Blirdseye lFrozen Green CHOICE NEW~ ZEALAND LAM1B SALE! Shoart ýut, Who1le or Haif VLEGO'i LAMB', Loin O' Larnb Lamb M a Basket - Roast -. Cbops - Stew Front O' Lamb Alpne oýr IPrinrose Chopped Beef Steakettes, . ................ ttmmlqlKw W Mw»I m 1 0<0," LIendal News Oiee again an electin Iras be"a held. Your ,cribewent to the pLI just before tweive to find that I1 was the tirst to, vote. Several' were surp)rised to find that their ~naine wns flot on the voters liet. The funieral of Mr,. Pemry Burleyý was held in the Northc,,nutt & Smithý Funreral Chanel on Sunday at 2 P.pi., Deceinher the first. Friends and neighbouars were therp, front Kendal and Newton Ville. Ne vwss born at Newtonvifle but bas live4 ~ Kvla &n~ehis- retnrn froin Ithe tirst mmrYl war in 1918. Symn- pathy is extended tobs wife Eva ind to bis daugbte*r Mrs. Jaek Bird and to bis son Earl of Ken- dal., I-ewa laid in the famnilv plot, at Newtonville. The many flowe'-'s shio%,wed tbe esteem in whicb he was held. Mrs. Arguis Curtis bias re- trrneýd f rom Bowmanville Hospit- ai ,ifter an ooeratý*on. iifttle John Cav son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Ross c'-"isi5 homoe after a few days lui Bowmvnanville Hospital. He is well again. IVr.Keiki., ho used ta Ii-e five miles niortb of Ken dal, wa 2ald ta rest in the Orono CemeeII on NoVeMWbex the 2.ird. SophVa., 1I'farv and Pker Keihi, hier fam. ý,v r(eeived the ir education at M- Lean's Scbool. Mr. Peck of Toronto hn.s builît new cottage of B.C. c4edar on the- southern part of Iand forrnerly owned by Mr, Henry Hill. It c* on rïsing land ovèrlooking w ponds on the, elglhth Unme. IKeida7i Christmas Concert wiýl' behld in the Orange Hall Mon- day, Deceinber 1. The Scho)ol and4 ~the Boys of the om-tL> Training SchoGI wîil supplye pr~grnimeunder the auspices 0fd te %und ay S ch ool. BOWMAINVIILLE GETS 3 NEW -CONEC1LLOff