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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Dec 1963, p. 3

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QiL~NO WLEKLV TIMES, TIIURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1963 development reglions as part of bimiîted. now have this adcitIonal impatus Hete e tig T bdandi reduicing inipoilits 0f gootis Your Association ils very pleasedtht inéesed 7prospemty for ý. eregular meeting of the Eicicnb n ei hs oty lh hs niib-ý omnte einwl eut l lrReeahLotige was held E P I .il Other projcects Iriclude a-ic on uescday, -December lGh with r uKnng Oppoxtunty shows anid the, ___________________________ Lse avernie Barilaball, Noble Janiuary. 15th i as been teltaittij,-v- idely pubiieized. "Buy Canadlun" C dpres« 2ng anti Sister Bet ely set as the date f or an Exetcmari.T' !ANDY FAMKlY RDY LY D!UIISNM l'ývan VCe Grand, assisting. Clni nteLîk nal e Ion ltial and lMunicipal. officiais willf WLY(XLT 50.V>MAE... RolI l ct l oe four officersi The Olinie wvill be jointly s<o-. 1t i xeteita any indus- A VOP6L R AC 8E absent. ~~~Sored by the Lake Ontaic Devel-Itake part with rOrsnaie f PV.wBIfN NIJWl4 VorBet Nemnrepor7tetiopet sooiation andi the De. government anrd business to e iive 'fI4E5E Wfl4 A tIL NCrî voCu EN> CLOTI4SLINE I ~4~5CLG~- F- tW &4 OLT BAI;ýMfe TCEILIN6 JOIST for the Iing OoeMmlttee. 5e-v- partment of ion;mce, andi Devel- the maxilmumn benefit f rom tis RfDVl- __________ anl'Thanýk You' notes were readd ment., PotnechOtr ;,Is Expoirt Cinrjic. Detaits and invita- IUTO4 byIte sýcretnryv, Sister Mac Allen 1onference will be anotiier in theetions Will be mnailerd in duie course. raon wth severai l itia saisbeing coniudted thrroughlout NWJNUTR z0 Crein ardie. tee Povine. ThJe Lake Ontaro Develiloprment Z ~iter Hâar epWlon, enrvenorh Th1 otCiiesaeaoie ssociation extentis its congliatu- CLN,~0TDFMEP o v, p*e asar repo te inal iephrase 0f the program Vto im-prove r lateons o the munrt cipalilies 0f j ATEAC NOe s Il pindcajstiiof efia t he ecnomy f Onirfo ati ,Lndsay, Pateirborough andi Poet IN tr _5W46 U -" ountry -enlerl-IY, ina ltuteti by H<Orr on the locationlof the folIow- AM "Y Do1'~ en daposed 0f. former Minister cof Econmc and gewidtis: NO6TES 5 SiatrGatsyrepo)rtet on tle IDIeOlelopet, 11eD1on.Roýbert Mc- ~tis~ns atytebehit Tes au ey, Q.C. Tiiey have alroady Lited. Dmno ubrC.~ ~FRAMRVIZRK TAY' UP VM~EN Dece-ibr 17th.SWUNG UP TOC5IUNb. ~ yDeceber 7tl. Eihty-xvoben held in v'anious ecoricmcIPerbouh- cnStrs vu in eibeen sent out. debrog % onStusL It was decidet iath eeHogr- -7, ceîs Banquet could be cater-et VOon Janiuary 23,41aL noon. Sister verneBarrai, taVbe [lhe cvenor. al i t 13Iirt ay gýý, pree ings were extcnd- td -eSiter jean Woodi, SistLer 2< rairtGlraha"ntanti Sister lZdg load ati sc4alhour spet, ~ta L asty lunch+ r vdby tli(e Comnmite i charige. U.C.WV. Newsi UNIT 2, Uj.C.W. i U2nit 2 met Tuesday, Dec. 3r'd ati * ti~ om f Mrs. M. J. Tamblyni 1, or bmb1 SsLand 1iUv - Urde Ifrs. Tamblyn openecl hemeet- urg wth the ca1 tI worship, r rlPcre-. Jesus sai i where two or .,iiree are gatitered togetLher in my 7ra-me, there an.i1 in their miidst. Umnm 285 'Peace Perfect PenUce' 'îIras read foilcNwed with prayer andi teeord a iTCyarrepeï-ued inluiu- ~o.Minutes were reaC Lntiap - .rvdand itee roll eau answered wiha verse cf arripture, Visita to sicl ý antiselu w e e30. The gen, i j-metýing xiibe Deýemiber 1-2 atweare aiedto cater for a oihsulDccenliber l.9th. Thu sec- xed'gaveIrIe report or te au- 01,itleuorlee uit for-19)63. Tiie treasiiei, gaive 'lhe fiinanciai re- ~oVati te coriresponding secr- ry repo)rtecI sending 20 cu.r'ds ýo inkanti bereavLýetI. Thaseiptrereading rrom St, Ê.ke. ver-ses 1-20 M'as reati by Ir.Jean DuVaîl olo iwtb 0ie ChtIstýmas stOry by Mrs. M. J. ssbn.A duet by Mils. L. Cob- .blecic an Ma.H. WOod "Silent ,l71'ght,, was enjoyed by il. Mrs. Thlby poebriefly -on deut l SPresidlent Kenned1y'and Lie greati lxý,es te ail tee worid. Mrs. Merlje Gilbart gave VIte -tud perioci frors "The Word andi The Wy. Are you saveti"TIi wvaasmost heipful as tee memners I ok partl, i questions anti ans- er.Meeing closed wi hthue Mifzpah Benediction. A vote ot i.saksws extended to s.Tm bl1.The next meeting wili Ite at MJrs., Merle Gilbarýt'9. ~efrshmntswere serveti by itise hostess anti a social lralf .eur enjoyeti. UNIT I 5, U. C. W. Unit 5, U.C.W., heidt ter mneet- _ng wa.thVe heure cf MrIls. Jennie iewis ns u uestiay evening-, Dec- - nr 3witlr fifteeen 1,isprs n t. - Uit eadrEtta Irwi,n wei- omei ee mbers anti aljoin- ilu inging tee teird verse of OL4ttle To\vu 0 f Bethlehem" a!- eýr whlch Etta Irw,ýin offereti pray- Itz was anneuincedt tat the Gen- ,-ai meeting will be helti on Decý- ~ntb.er 12 whvlen reports vUl be zpresenteti. Mýrs. Irwln*j suggested several pro- jeets teat o ur Lui:t couiti use foir jiee yeajr 194. After some discus- -sieon if was tiecided to try tee littie m eybag projec wwhere ea.ch onit mIeniberI was to place ten -ents ,a week lu this ittie bagi. Màrs. Iwinthankedth ie memn- b-ers for, thir help durii-ý-g tee past "cr ,n!. oshed everyjna a JOy- ous is Qhrthtms. Mrs Doote Bairch ri ýa.- ïn uVlce onNe'w Yýars resehlions. Mca. MarjrieDickýson daalt wite teeible tud.y On reicar- nto.Site was .aýýsisetI byJeui-J _ie Boins andi Isabelle Chlaiice.1 Alively discussion followed. Is-1 abelle closeties -part of thte eet- (Citsudon page i61 Your Christmas Turkey Now!, Specially Selected - Value Cbeck'd Short Cnt Branded StndngRib ROAST Y I7 lb You save twice with trim'and price - Weil trimmed - Branded ur* lb Chootes Schneiders Pure PorkFesChpd ChickenSread Bacon &Liver ej9 1-1b. Plastic Pack Braunsweiger, lb CschnedersZfcr Save2e! oloued 1lb pgs. onus Day! -Save 4e! -Plain, Pimieâto, OId English Sv 2'Yr îhpr LKRP.AFT 8-0z. Pkg. BEA0 MR G ARI1NE Q1&fpr s. 15-oz. tins ~fr$ à& c SaveIle! -Lunc."hoon meat Feature! - Rose 9-o7. jars Bonus Buy! Save 9c! Aylmer À&oz kA m - or - 12-oz. tn Sweet Onions w7 iegetable 0 2R<*7C Save 26e!. - 15c off packSae1c- i15o tn Nescafe Instant Bnus Buy! Save 12cR Twln Pack- 24-oz.. D OG F00OD C FF u MIR Liquid Detergent 79C 1 o ______________jar_____ab_____dm__ Supreme Assorted Biscuits SavlO'm18-oz. pkC. Bonus Day! -Save Go! 64-oz. size IC A AFR JIFFY35 pie Cwust J AV0EX Lqu Beach 43ci 35 DISCOUNT PRICES Bonus Buy! - Save 6c! - BALLET ROUS Rglr6e!rglrsze ~.Bromo Seltzer ..... 59C BlED EYEToilt *~au ~ 1r R . Regular 73e antiseptic 7-oz. FROZE FOD4 AR41 L ~isterine .......63c lS-0z. pkgs. sliced __________________________ Regular $1.25! l'/2-oz. size Strawberries...39c ' IBY 5-z.Tis lan Deodorant .... 99c Dellious 1~-o. pk. ~jegular 49e Raspberries ......39C DSE T ~ ~ ~ core hair dressing 39c 10-os. pkg. - French style J £ eueri79c bottie of 36 Suipremne Christmas Cakeî-M. 69c 2-1b. $.35 Fresh baked!, Weston or Sunbeam 30 to Pkg. Cookies Peanut Butter 35C Supreme Domits 2'9c Fresh baked! -Ap>ple Gor raisin Supreme Pe CRISP, RED JUICY FANCY GRADE Mlu m(Ap s 69c OaIItornia% Suow al N. Àoo i Iported FPlorida No. 1 poly bag Califlowerea 33c Celery Hearts 25c Faumous Bradford,, No. 1 lb. bag Refreshm-r-g,' Flavourful, Sankt MrliCarrots 2-29cLEMONS 6 for 29c LaM Wee' lueky Turkay W:er'î Urs Mri Lyceir', Ooo M - 1@11 FM IM ime 1 1 Milo

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